Psych Chapter 5

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Changes controlled by a genetic blueprint, such as an increase in height or the size of the brain, are examples of ___________________.


Pavlov placed food in the mouths of dogs, and they began to salivate. The food acted as a(n) ____________.

unconditioned stimulus

What was the conditioned stimulus (CS) in the case of Little Albert?

a white rat

Thorndike was known for his work with ______.

a puzzle box

Under what circumstances will a reinforcer make the target response more likely to occur again?

regardless of whether it is a positive or negative reinforcer, a reinforcer makes a response more likely to occur.

What has occurred when there is a decrease in the likelihood or rate of a target response?


For every 5 times that you go to the gym each week, you reward yourself with a treat. This best illustrates which of the following schedules of reinforcement?

fixed ratio

Learning that occurs but is not immediately reflected in a behavior change is called ______.

latent learning

The "aha!" experience is known as ________________.

insight learning

Cheryl is trying to teach her son to do the laundry by having him watch her. According to observational learning theory, to be effective what must occur?

Her son must be motivated to learn how to do the laundry

Learning to make a reflex response to a stimulus other than to the original, natural stimulus is called ________________.

classical conditioning

The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus is called _____________.

stimulus generalization

Rescorla’s modern conceptualization of classical conditioning is based on the idea that ______________.

the CS has to provide information about the coming of the UCS

A Skinner box is most likely to be used in research on ______.

operant conditioning

An example of a discriminative stimulus might be ________________.

a stop sign

Al must build 25 radios before he receives $20. What schedule of reinforcement is being used?

a fixed-ratio schedule

Neurofeedback, a newer type of biofeedback, involves trying to change ____________.

brain wave activity

College students faced with unsolvable problems eventually give up and make only half hearted attempts to solve new problems, even when the new problems can be solved easily. This behavior is probably due to ______.

learned helplessness

Observational learning theory’s foremost proponent is ______.


Learning that takes place without actual performance (a kind of latent learning) is called _____________.

the learning/performance distinction

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