psy 101 ch 9

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Which of the following is true of ventromedial hypothalamus?

When this area is destroyed, the animal eats profusely and quickly becomes obese.

Males experience a refractory period during the _____ phase of the human sexual response pattern.


Alyssa just won the lottery. According to the concept of the hedonic treadmill _____.

Alyssa will experience a short-term high from her win but her happiness will eventually return back to its "set point"

Studies demonstrating the facial feedback hypothesis provide support for the _____.

James-Lange theory of emotion

_____ stems from the desire to do something in order to obtain rewards or avoid punishment from the social environment, whereas _____ stems from internal factors such as organismic needs.

Extrinsic motivation/intrinsic motivation

In humans, _____ concentrations have been linked with weight, body fat, and weight loss in response to dieting


Ray played basketball all of his life because he loved the sport. He became so good that he was given the opportunity to play professionally, and eventually he signed a very lucrative contract. After that contract ran out, the team offered him slightly more money, but he decided that it was not enough and that he wanted to quit. Which of the following best explains Ray’s behavior from a motivational perspective?

Extrinsic motivation has replaced Ray’s intrinsic motivation to play basketball.

Which of the following brain structures plays a central role in the experience of fear?

The amygdala

According to self-determination theory, competence motivation involves _____.

self-efficacy and mastery

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs must be met first?

Physiological needs

Don places a great deal of value on money, prestige, and his physical appearance. According to your textbook, compared to someone who values the organismic needs, Don will be more likely to experience _____.

lowered self-actualization and physical illness

higher well-being but less physical illness

higher well-being but less self-esteem

less physical illness and well-being

lowered self-actualization and physical illness

Which of the following statements about gender differences in sexual attitudes and behavior is false?

Men think about sex more often than women do.

Men show more changes in their sexual patterns and desires over their lifetime than women do.

Men view more pornography

Men have more permissive attitudes toward casual premarital sex.

Men show more changes in their sexual patterns and desires over their lifetime than women do.

According to drive reduction theory, the goal of drive reduction is _____.




to elevate the level of arousal


Which of the following chemical substances plays an important role in the state of feeling full?






The concept of _____ pertains to a psychological state, whereas _____ involves a physiological state.






According to research on the human sexual response pattern, orgasm lasts for about _____.

60 seconds

3 to 15 seconds

20 to 30 seconds

40 to 45 seconds

3 to 15 seconds

The broaden-and-build model begins with _____.

the adaptiveness of negative emotion

the influence of positive emotions on cognitive processing

the difference between high and low arousal emotions

the discrepancies between Plutchik’s and Tompkins’ models

the influence of positive emotions on cognitive processing

An individual’s _____ refers to the direction of his or her erotic interests.

genetic factors

gender role

gender identity

sexual orientation

sexual orientation

What is the correct order of the human sexual response pattern?

Plateau, excitement, orgasm, resolution

Excitement, orgasm, resolution, plateau

Orgasm, excitement, plateau, resolution

Excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

According to recent research on sexual patterns of behavior in the United States, _____.

marriage and monogamy rule sexual behavior

promiscuity and infidelity rule sexual behavior

single people have more sex than married people

most married women have been unfaithful at least once

marriage and monogamy rule sexual behavior

A major criticism of drive reduction theory is that _____.

all behavior reduces drives, so it doesn’t really explain anything

people sometimes behave in ways that increase drives

there are no behaviors that actually reduce drives

drives and needs are always related

people sometimes behave in ways that increase drives

If you had to write a research paper on Maslow’s hierarchy of motives, which of the following titles would you choose to capture the essence of Maslow’s theory?

"Keep those reinforcements coming."

"The power of the unconscious."

"Easy come, easy go."

"Be all that you can be."

"Be all that you can be."

The _____ is involved in reducing hunger and restricting eating.

ventromedial hypothalamus

lateral hypothalamus


prefrontal cortex

ventromedial hypothalamus

According to Schachter and Singer’s two-factor theory, emotion is determined by two factors: _____.

internal and external attribution

intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

homeostasis and the Yerkes-Dodson law

physiological arousal and cognitive labelin

physiological arousal and cognitive labeling

Relatedness refers to _____.

the belief that one has the competence to accomplish a given goal or task

the sense that one can gain skills and overcome obstacles

the need to engage in warm relations with other people

the sense that one is in control of one’s own life

the need to engage in warm relations with other people

Tim and Margaret are enjoying a picnic on the edge of a large forest. Suddenly a huge black bear invades their space and heads for the picnic basket. According the James-Lange theory of emotions, the couple will _____.

experience fear and run as a result of feeling the emotion of fear

run and experience the emotion of fear as a result of the physical changes in their bodies

experience fear, run, and as a result experience rapid breathing and increased heart rate

be frozen in fear until the bear begins to grab the basket

run and experience the emotion of fear as a result of the physical changes in their bodies

Thinking about being in love with someone is an example of _____.

physiological arousal

behavioral expression

conscious experience

subconscious reaction

conscious experience

According to self-determination theory, people are most fulfilled when they satisfy which three fundamental needs?

Hunger, thirst, and sex

Hunger, security, and love

Competence, autonomy, and relatedness

Hunger, esteem, and achieveme

Competence, autonomy, and relatedness

Heritability estimates for happiness range from _____ percent.

5 to 20

25 to 50

50 to 80

80 to 90

50 to 80

The term _____ refers to emotions such as anger, guilt, and sadness, whereas the term _____ refers to emotions such as joy, happiness, and interest.

general affect/specific affect

negative affect/positive affect

catharsis/motivational factor

extrinsic motivation/intrinsic motivation

negative affect/positive affect

One technique for engaging in positive self-reflection is to _____.

keep a gratitude journal

explicitly focus on trying to be happier

avoid failure

acquire new possessions

keep a gratitude journal

A(n) _____ is a deprivation that energizes the drive to eliminate or reduce the deprivation.






You just ran a marathon in very hot weather and perspired heavily. According to drive reduction theory, your body will have a(n) _____ for water, which will produce a(n) _____ for water, which will lead to a(n) _____ to get water.

instinct; motivation; need

instinct; motivation; drive

need; motivation; drive

need; drive; motivation

need; drive; motivation

When Cannon and Washburn measured stomach contractions with a balloon, they found that _____.

when subjects report hunger, their stomach is relaxed

when subjects report a full stomach, their stomach is relaxed

when subjects report hunger, their stomach is contracting

when subjects report a full stomach, their stomach is contracting

when subjects report hunger, their stomach is contracting

The hormone _____ helps start the digestion of food, travels to the brain through the bloodstream, and signals us to stop eating.






The _____ calms the body.

sympathetic nervous system

non-adrenergic neurons

parasympathetic nervous system

non-cholinergic neurons

parasympathetic nervous system

Kiefer is taking acting classes. His instructor is using Stanislavski’s "method acting" technique, which encourages actors to imitate the behavior of someone feeling that emotion. When Kiefer is playing a scene where his character is sad, his instructor may suggest that he cry in order to feel sadness. "Method acting" is most consistent with which of the following?

Cannon-Bard theory

James-Lange theory

Yerkes-Dodson law

Self-determination theory

James-Lange theory

Which of the following plays an important role in glucose control?






A(n) _____ is an aroused state that occurs because of a physiological need.






Competence, relatedness, and autonomy are examples of _____.

extrinsic motivation

intrinsic motivation

environmental stimuli

drive reduction

intrinsic motivation

Self-efficacy refers to _____.

the belief that one has the competence to accomplish a given goal or task

the sense that one can gain skills and overcome obstacles

the need to engage in warm relations with other people

the sense that one is in control of one’s own life

the belief that one has the competence to accomplish a given goal or task

According to recent research on sexual patterns of behavior in the United States, _____.

marriage and monogamy rule sexual behavior

promiscuity and infidelity rule sexual behavior

single people have more sex than married people

most married women have been unfaithful at least once

marriage and monogamy rule sexual behavior

Setting goals, planning for the implementation of goals, and monitoring progress are all aspects of _____.

self-determination theory


self-fulfilling prophecy

intrinsic motivation


_____ are the class of sex hormones that are predominate in females. _____ are the class of sex hormones that are predominate in males.






_____ is based on internal needs (e.g., competence or autonomy). _____ is based on external incentives such as rewards and punishments.

Extrinsic motivation/Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation/Extrinsic motivation

Internal attribution/external attribution

Negative affect/Positive affect

Intrinsic motivation/Extrinsic motivation

The chemical substance _____, released by fat cells, decreases food in-take and increases energy expenditure or metabolism.






Resilient individuals are _____ in their approach to life.






The _____ of an emotion refers to whether it feels pleasant or unpleasant. The _____ of an emotion is the degree to which the emotion is reflected in an individual’s being active, engaged, or excited versus more passive, relatively disengaged, or calm.

arousal level/valence

valence/arousal level



valence/arousal level

Which of the following would suggest that you feel happy because you are laughing?

Two-factor theory of emotion

James-Lange theory

Cannon-Bard theory

Yerkes-Dodson law

James-Lange theory

The _____ is involved in stimulating eating.

ventromedial hypothalamus

lateral hypothalamus


prefrontal cortex

lateral hypothalamus

Motivation for sexual behavior is centered in the _____.

adrenal gland



pituitary gland


When you walk out of an air-conditioned room into the heat of a summer day, your body releases excess heat by sweating. This is due to the body’s tendency to maintain _____.

intrinsic motivation





When considering the human sexual response pattern, how does the male refractory period compare to that of the female refractory period?

Males have a shorter refractory period than females.

Males do not have a refractory period.

Females do not have a refractory period.

Unlike males, females can have two refractory periods without delay.

Females do not have a refractory period.

Courtney reads psychology books because these subjects fascinate her. She really enjoys learning about new approaches to psychology. Courtney is being driven by _____.

extrinsic motivation

intrinsic motivation

external attribution

drive-reduction theory

intrinsic motivation

Tom is interested in working for an intelligence branch of the government, and a polygraph test is part of the interview process. Though Tom intends to be honest, he is worried that the polygraph will say he is lying when he isn’t. Tom’s friend Cameron assures Tom that polygraph tests are infallible. Is Cameron right?

Yes; polygraphs pick up certain physiological responses associated with lying, and very few people can hide those responses.

Yes; though much of the research has not been made public, many government agencies rely on polygraphs, and they would not do so if the tests were fallible.

No; heart rate and breathing can increase for reasons other than lying and this effect can make it difficult to interpret the physiological indicators of arousal.

No; polygraph machines are just props and the person watching for cues that the subject is lying may make errors.

No; heart rate and breathing can increase for reasons other than lying and this effect can make it difficult to interpret the physiological indicators of arousal.

Richard Lazarus believed in the primacy of thinking. What does this mean?

Emotions come before thoughts.

Cognitive activity is a necessary precondition for emotion.

Cognitive ability makes intrinsic motivation possible.

Cognitive ability depends on extrinsic motivation.

Cognitive activity is a necessary precondition for emotion.

The highest and most elusive of Maslow’s needs is _____.






According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, performance is best under conditions of _____ arousal.






A professor conducts an experiment in which she asks her students to either hold a pen between their teeth or hold a pen between their lips. Holding the pen between one’s teeth mimicked the facial expression of smiling. After 5 minutes, she finds that the students who held the pen beneath their teeth reported being happier than those who held it between their lips. These results most likely will support the _____.

Schacter-Singer theory

two-factor theory of emotion

Cannon-Bard theory

facial feedback hypothesis

facial feedback hypothesis

Which of the following is true of the sympathetic nervous system?

It promotes relaxation and healing.

It prepares the individual for fighting or running away.

It calms the body.

When it is activated, heart rate and blood pressure drop, stomach activity and food digestion increase, and breathing slows

It prepares the individual for fighting or running away.

Adding external rewards to a situation in which the person is already intrinsically motivated to perform usually results in _____.

neutral intrinsic motivation

maximized extrinsic motivation

reduced intrinsic motivation

reduced extrinsic motivation

reduced intrinsic motivation

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we seek to fulfill our need for love and affiliation _____.

after our basic physiological and safety needs are met

before our basic biological and safety needs are met

after we have found self-actualization

after self-esteem needs have been met

after our basic physiological and safety needs are met

Which of the following statements about instincts is false?

An instinct is a biological pattern of behavior that is assumed to be universal throughout a species.

Instincts are learned behavioral responses.

Instincts are generally set in motion by a "sign stimulus."

Instincts may explain a great deal of nonhuman animal behavior.

Instincts are learned behavioral responses.

According to the James-Lange theory of emotions, crying over spilled milk will result in _____.

sorrow because you are crying

sorrow because the milk has been spilled

increased heart rate because you are sad

several indiscriminant emotions

sorrow because you are crying

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we seek to fulfill our need for love and affiliation _____.

after our basic physiological and safety needs are met

before our basic biological and safety needs are met

after we have found self-actualization

after self-esteem needs have been met

after our basic physiological and safety needs are met

According to _____, the function of positive emotions lies in their effects on an individual’s attention and ability to build resources.

the two-factor theory of emotion

the broaden-and-build model

the Yerkes-Dodson law

the James-Lange theory

the broaden-and-build model

The body’s tendency to maintain an equilibrium, or steady state, is known as _____.






Autonomy refers to _____.

the belief that one has the competence to accomplish a given goal or task

the sense that one can gain skills and overcome obstacles

the need to engage in warm relations with other people

the sense that one is in control of one’s own life

the sense that one is in control of one’s own life

If it is night, we are likely to feel hungry even if we ate a big lunch. This illustrates _____.

the effect of learned associations on eating behavior

the effect of emotional state on eating behavior

the effect of suggestion on eating behavior

the effect of mindlessness on eating behavior

evolutionary perspective

Motivated behavior is _____.

energized, directed, and sustained

excitatory, disoriented, and dynamic

logical, analytical, and unmanageable

reflexive, reflective, and adaptive

energized, directed, and sustained

Monica has had a very emotionally draining day, but she cannot really describe her emotions. After taking a quiet moment to herself, she starts to cry and after observing this bodily reaction, she realizes that she must be sad. This example of emotional recognition is most consistent with the _____.

self-observation theory of emotion

Yerkes-Dodson law

James-Lange theory of emotion

Cannon-Bard theory of emotion

James-Lange theory of emotion

The Cannon-Bard theory predicts that after witnessing a shocking event, a person will

first experience shock and then be motivated to turn away

be motivated to turn away and then will experience shock

experience increased heart rate and rapid breathing as a release of anxiety

experience physical and emotional reactions simultaneously

experience physical and emotional reactions simultaneously

According to the _____, emotion occurs after physiological reactions.

Cannon-Bard theory

two-factor theory of emotion

James-Lange theory

self-determination theory

James-Lange theory

According to the _____, emotion and physiological reactions occur simultaneously.

Cannon-Bard theory

two-factor theory of emotion

James-Lange theory

self-determination theory

Cannon-Bard theory

Soccer players are expected to congratulate and shake hands with the opposing team, even when their team loses the game. This is an example of _____.

a display rule

a set point

the two-factor theory of emotion

the Yerkes-Dodson law

a display rule

Darrin is a good piano player. When he is alone and bored his arousal is low and he often gets distracted and makes mistakes. When he is in a recital with strangers, he sometimes gets too nervous and aroused and also makes mistakes. His best performances are typically at home when family and friends are nearby, and his arousal level is moderate. The variations in Darrin’s performance can be best explained by the _____.

Yerkes-Dodson law

Clark Hull’s theory

James-Lange theory

Cannon-Bard theory

Yerkes-Dodson law

Ethology describes motivation from a(n) _____.

psychoanalytic perspective

behaviorism perspective

evolutionary perspective

humanistic perspective

evolutionary perspective

You are feeling upset when your mother turns toward you and says "turn that frown upside down." You turn your frown into a smile and realize that you now feel happy. This experience can be best described by the _____.

Yerkes-Dodson law

facial feedback hypothesis

Cannon-Bard theory

self-determination theory

facial feedback hypothesis

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