PhysioEx 1 Quiz

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Which of the following is NOT a passive process?

vesicular transport
facilitated diffusion

Vesicular Transport

When the solutes are evenly distributed throughout a solution, we say the solution has reached _______.



Which of the following does NOT describe the plasma membrane?

differentially permeable
selectively permeable


Which of the following requires a membrane-bound carrier for transport?

facilitated diffusion
simple diffusion

Facilitated Diffusion

Which of the following solutes would move the fastest?

sodium chloride

Sodium Chloride

For solutes that move by simple diffusion, which of the following does NOT affect the rate of simple diffusion across a membrane?
Choose all that apply.

the potential energy of the solute
the concentration of the solute
the size of the solute
the membrane pore size

The Kinetic energy of the Solute

In this activity, the solutes were transported through the dialysis membrane by _______.

active transport
simple diffusion
facilitated diffusion

Simple Diffusion

Through which membrane(s) would sodium chloride diffuse?

100 MWCO and 200 MWCO
200 MWCO only
50 MWCO, 100 MWCO, and 200 MWCO
20 MWCO, 50 MWCO, 100 MWCO, and 200 MWCO

50 MWCO, 100MWCO, and 200 MWCO

Which of the following statements about carrier proteins is FALSE?

They might have to change shape slightly to accommodate a solute.
They assist in simple diffusion.
They are found integrated into the plasma membrane.
They can become saturated if the maximum transport rate is exceeded.

They Assist In Simple Diffusion.

Which of the following statements about facilitated diffusion is FALSE?

The movement of the solute is with its concentration gradient.
The movement requires a carrier protein.
The movement of the solute is passive.
The movement of a given solute usually occurs in both directions (into and out of the cell).

The Movement Of A Given Solute Usually Occurs In Both Directions (Into And Out Of The Cell).

Which of the following is NOT a reason why a solute would require facilitated diffusion?

The solute directly requires ATP for its transport.
The solute is hydrophilic.
The solute is too large to pass on its own.
The solute is lipid insoluble.

The Solute Directly Requires ATP For Its Transport.

Which of the following would increase the rate of facilitated diffusion?

decreasing the concentration of solutes
increasing the amount of ATP available
increasing the steepness of the concentration gradient
decreasing the number of carrier proteins

Increasing The Steepness Of The Concentration Gradient

Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion both _______.

move solutes with their concentration gradient
utilize a membrane-embedded carrier protein
move solutes against their concentration gradient
require ATP

Move Solutes With Their Concentration Gradient

Which of the following would decrease the rate of facilitated diffusion?

decreasing the amount of ATP available
increasing the number of carrier proteins
decreasing the number of carrier proteins
increasing the amount of ATP available

Decreasing The Number Of Carrier Proteins

What happens to facilitated diffusion when the protein carriers become saturated?

ATP will be utilized for transport
The maximum rate of transport will occur.
The transport rate will increase
The protein carriers fall apart.

The Maximum Rate Of Transport Will Occur

What happened when sodium chloride was added as a solute in the left beaker?

The transport rate of glucose decreased.
The transport rate of glucose increased.
Sodium was cotransported with the glucose.
There was no change in the transport rate of glucose.

There Was No Change In The Transport Rate Of Glucose.

Which of the following statements about osmosis is FALSE?

It is specific for the movement of water.
It is a type of diffusion.
Water moves toward the solution with the lowest concentration of solutes.
It is passive.

Water moves toward the solution with the lowest concentration of solutes.

A Hypertonic solution:_______.

will induce cell shrinkage
will induce no net movement of water
will induce cell swelling
will induce cell bursting

will induce cell shrinkage

If a membrane is impermeable to solutes, which of the following is true?

Osmosis will not occur.
Water and solutes will move until equilibrium is reached.
Water will move away from the concentrated solutes.
Water will move toward the more concentrated solutes.

Water will move toward the more concentrated solutes.

Osmotic pressure is measured in units of _______.

mm Hg

mm Hg

Which of the following generated osmotic pressure?

sodium chloride
sodium chloride, glucose and albumin generated osmotic pressure.

sodium chloride, glucose and albumin generated osmotic pressure.

Which of the following would result in NO change in osmotic pressure across a membrane?

The solutes can diffuse through the pores and the concentration of solutes is the same on both sides of the membrane.
The solutes can diffuse through the pores.
Water is moving with its concentration gradient.
The concentration of solutes is the same on both sides of the membrane.

The solutes can diffuse through the pores and the concentration of solutes is the same on both sides of the membrane.

With the experimental conditions set at 10 mM glucose and 9 mM albumin, and the 200 MWCO membrane in place, which of the following is true?

The net movement of water is toward the glucose.
The net movement of water is away from the albumin.
The net movement of water is toward the albumin.
Albumin and glucose diffuse through the membrane.

The Net Movement Of Water Is Toward The Albumin

A cell is immersed in a beaker of solution. The cell membrane is permeable to water but impermeable to solutes. If the intracellular concentration is 10 mM and the solution is 20 mM, which of the following is true?

The cell will shrink.
There is no net change in the movement of water into the cell.
The solution is hypotonic.
The net movement of water is into the cell.

The Cell Will Shrink

Which of the following is required for filtration?

Both a membrane and a hydrostatic pressure gradient are required.
a membrane-embedded protein carrier
osmotic pressure
a hydrostatic pressure gradient

Both a membrane and a hydrostatic pressure gradient are required

The presence or absence of a solute in the filtrate depends on _______.

the molecular weight of the solute
the size of the solute
the pore size of the membrane
the MWCO of the membrane
The molecular weight and size of the solute as well as the MWCO and pore size of the membrane.

The molecular weight and size of the solute as well as the MWCO and pore size of the membrane

An example of filtration occurs in the kidney and:

White blood cells filter from the kidney tubule into the capillary.
Red blood cells filter from the capillary into the kidney tubule.
Ions and glucose filter from the capillary into the kidney tubule.
This filtration across the capillary is an active process.
Plasma proteins filter from the capillary into the kidney tubule.

Ions and glucose filter from the capillary into the kidney tubule

Which of the following resulted in an increase in the filtration rate?

Both increasing the pore size and increasing the pressure above the beaker are correct.
increasing the pressure above the beaker
Both increasing the pressure above the beaker and increasing the concentration of solutes are correct.
increasing the concentration of the solutes
increasing the pore size

Both increasing the pore size and increasing the pressure above the beaker are correct

Which solute did NOT appear in the filtrate using the 200 MWCO membrane?

Glucose, charcoal, sodium chloride and urea appeared in the filtrate.
sodium chloride


Which of the following was NOT observed during this activity?

Some solutes were too large to pass through the membrane.
The 200 MWCO membrane was the largest pore size used.
Increasing the rate of filtration increased the concentration of solutes in the filtrate.
A residue of solutes remained on the membrane after filtration.

Increasing the rate of filtration increased the concentration of solutes in the filtrate.

Increasing the pressure above the beaker is analogous to _______.

an increase in solutes found in the blood
an increase in blood pressure
an increase in heart rate
a decrease in blood volume

An Increase in blood pressure

Which of the following can be true of both active transport and facilitated diffusion?

Solutes can move against their concentration gradient.
Cellular energy is required for the transport.
A solute pump is required.
Lipid-insoluble solutes are transported across the membrane by a carrier protein.
The cell membrane pinches off to transport materials.

Lipid-Insoluble Solutes Are Transported Across The Membrane By A Carrier Protein.

Coupled transporters that move solutes in the same direction are called _______.



Which of the following describes the concentration of ions when the cell is at rest?

The concentration of sodium is higher inside the cell.
The concentration of potassium and sodium is equal inside and outside the cell.
The concentration of potassium is higher outside the cell.
The concentration of potassium is higher inside the cell.

The Concentration Of Potassium Is Higher Inside The Cell.

Which of the following is the driving force for the sodium-potassium pump?

an electrical gradient
a concentration gradient
ATP hydrolysis
a hydrostatic pressure gradient

ATP Hydrolysis

The sodium-potassium pump can transport _______.

sodium even if potassium is not available and potassium even if sodium is not available
potassium even if sodium is not available
only if sodium and potassium are available
sodium even if potassium is not available

Only if sodium and potassium are available

Which of the following increased the rate of sodium-potassium transport?

increasing the amount of ATP
increasing the number of membrane pumps
decreasing the amount of ATP
adding glucose to the right beaker

Increasing the # of membrane pumps

Which of the following describes the movement of ions by the sodium-potassium pump?

Potassium is moved out of the cell and sodium is moved into the cell.
Potassium is moved into the cell.
Potassium is moved out of the cell.
Sodium is moved into the cell

Potassium is moved into the cell

What is the type of transport supplied by the glucose carriers in the activity?

active transport
coupled transport
facilitated diffusion

Facilitated Diffusion

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