Persuasive Messages

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Persuasive in today’s businesses focuses on

influencing others

How has persuasion changed in the digital age (characteristics of persuasion)

volume and reach of persuasive messages have exploded persuasive messages spread at warp speed organization of all types are in the persuasion business persuasive techniques are more subtle and misleading persuasion is more complex and impersonal

What are effective persuasion techniques

establish credibility make a reasonable make specific request recognize the power of loss link facts to benefits expect and overcome resistance share solutions and compromise

What do claim/complaint messages typically involve, and how should they be created?

persuasive claim and complaint messages typically involve damaged products, mistaken billing, inaccurate shipments, warranty problems, limited return policies, insurance snafus and so on. An effective claim message makes a reasonable and valid request presents a logical case with clear facts and has a moderate tone. anger and emotion are not effective persuaders

How can you ensure that your claim/complaint message is developed logically?

open with sincere praise, an objective statement of the problem, a point of agreement, or a quick review of what you have done to resolve the problem. Explain precisely what happened or why claim is legitimate Don’t provide a blow-by-blow chronology just hit highlights enclose copies of relevant invoices, warranties close with clear statement of what you want done, a refund, replacement, credit

How have shifts in authority in digital-age organizations affected the strategies for creating goodwill and the tone of workplace persuasive messages?

Technology has empowered employees who don’t need their managers to be information providers.

When might persuasion be necessary in messages flowing upward?

Subordinates might find it necessary to use persuasion in convincing management to adopt a procedure, invest in a product, purchase new equipment or make any other work-related requests that might be refused.

Persuasive is necessary when your audience is ________ about your idea.


which statement about persuasion in today’s society is MOST accurate?

Todays persuasion is different from persuasion used in previous times.

Persuasion in today’s businesses focuses on
a. distorting the facts to bolster sales.
b. generating and sending messages using only electronic media.
c. influencing others
d. writing direct messages.

c. influencing others

As businesses change their hierarchies, persuasive skills are becoming ever more important at work as teams and managers abandon the traditional command structure and focus instead on influencing others. T/F


Which statement about persuasion in today’s society is most accurate?

a. The number of persuasive messages Americans receive per day has declined.

b. Individuals need not be concerned about persuasive practices and their influence on human behavior.
c. Persuasive messages sent via social media have not impacted individuals or American culture.
d. Today’s persuasion is different from persuasion used in previous times.

d. Today’s persuasion is different from persuasion used in previous times.

Which of the following statement is MOST accurate
a. Only large corporations use persuasion when selling their products.
b. Today’s persuasion is obvious and blatant.

c. Persuasive messages are sent faster and reach greater audiences today.
d. Today’s successful marketers have learned to standardize their persuasive efforts to reach their audiences.

c. Persuasive messages are sent faster and reach greater audiences today

As a persuasive writer, you should practice all of the following EXCEPT:

offering a bribe or kickback to ensure that you win over your audience.`

Persuasive requests, on the other hand, are generally more effective when they are ____


Most persuasive request should be organized _____?


Which of the following messages would MOST likely require the indirect strategy to persuade an audience?

Requesting favors and action from co-workers

How do you write the opening of a persuasive requests?

Capture the reader’s attention and interest. Describe a problem, make an unexpected statement, suggest reader benefits, offer praise or compliments, ask a stimulating question.

When writing a persuasive request what goes in the body?

build interest explain purpose prove its merit use facts, statistics, expert opinion, examples, details focus on direct and indirect benefits anticipate objections, offer counterarguments

In a persuasive request what is in the closing

motivate action ask for a specific action make the action easy to take show courtesy respect gratitude

contrasting, opposing or refuting argument

counter arguments

When using the indirect strategy in a persuasive message, WHERE you should place the reason and explanations?

Before the main idea

Sammie is planning a persuasive request. What advice should the following for the OPENING of her request?

capture the readers attention and intrest.

Which is the MOST effected opening for a persuasive request that invites a state representative to speak.

your patriotism and leadership in the House of Rep. have improved the quality

On behalf of your civic orqanization, you are inviting a motivational speaker to your semiannual meeting. In your request you guarantee the speaker an enthusiastic audience and a postitive impace ont he community, both of which emphasize ______________ benefits to the reader.


The closing of a persuasive request should _______
a. establish your credibility and demonstrate your competence.
b. meet governmental regulations.
c. describe the problem.
d. motivate action.

motivate action

Choose the best closing for a message requesting the receiver support for a proposed change in a benefit plan.

Contacting me by December 1 about your support of his new benefits plan will allow me to present this proposal at the next strategic planning session.

network based on TCP/IP protocols belonging to an organization usually a corporation


Managers no longer serve as primary information providers.


Many supervisors view themselves as collaborators and mentors


Executives increasingly rely on persuasion to achieve buy-in from subordinates


Shift in authority is affecting the strategies and tone of workplace persuasive messages T/F


Persuasive requests may include
participating in volunteer projects


Persuasive requests may include joining programs to stop smoking or start exercising T/F


Instructions or directives moving downward from supervisors usually require little persuasion but paying attention to tone is necessary


When persuading the boss (messages flowing upward) what should you do

focus on evidence such as facts and figures quantify the benefits of your idea in dollar terms be confident and appear competent when pitching your idea be sensitive to tone use words such as suggest and recommend not you must or we should

exaggerated or false praise


In business, honesty is not just the best policy—it’s the only policy. People see right through puffery and misrepresentation. T/F


Writing plan for sales messages should have what in the opening

gain attention offer something valuable or promise a benefit ask a question provide a quotation, fact, or product feature start with a testimonial or startling statement

How do you build interest in a sales message

describe central selling points make rational and emotional appeals elicit desire reduce resistance consider money-back guarantees, free samples, performance tests

How do you close sales messages

motivate action offer a gift promise an incentive limit the offer, set deadline guarantee satisfaction

What is the AIDA strategy for sales messages

Attention (opening) Interest (body) Desire (body) Action (closing)

How do you get attention

ask personalize question

How do you write a successful email sales message

craft catchy subject line keep main info above the fold makes short, conversational and focused convey urgency sprinkle testimonials provide a means for opting out

What are types of persuasive posts and tweets

updates of events, experiences, and exploits promotional offers such as invitation to participate in games announcements of interesting events, publications

Although not as flashy as social media campaigns, direct mail still works as long as it is what?

personalized and relevant

Despite ever-increasing spending on digital and mobile advertising, more money still goes to traditional direct-mail marketing T/F


One of the most critical elements of a sales message is its _____________

opening paragraph

______ is the primary channel that consumers use to interact with brands today. It is the most used channel for written, personal communication (45 percent), and 77 percent of consumers prefer permission-based marketing through ______


What is the goal of persuasive messages?

to convert the receiver to your ideas and motivate action

persuasive claim messages are also called _____ messages?


What is the first rule of e-marketing

is to communicate only with those who have given permission.

Persuasive claim or complaints messages are often written when?

wrong shipments are delivered, products are damaged, mistakes in billing occur.

As a persuasive writer, you should practice all of the following except
a. showing that you are truthful, experienced, and knowledgeable.
b. offering a bribe or kickback to ensure that you win over your audience.
c. anticipating opposition from conflicting beliefs, values, and attitudes and being prepared to counter with well-reasoned arguments and facts.
d. incorporating statistics, reasons, and analogies and then converting these facts into specific audience benefits.

b. offering a bribe or kickback to ensure that you win over your audience.

Which of the following messages would most likely require the indirect strategy to persuade an audience?
a. Informing employees of an upcoming all-staff meeting
b. Announcing the hiring of a new sales director
c. Asking an employer for agreed-upon benefits such as vacation time
d. Requesting favors and action from coworkers

d. Requesting favors and action from coworkers

When using the indirect strategy in a persuasive message, you should place the reasons and explanations
a. in the closing of the message.
b. after the main idea.
c. before the main idea.
d. in an attachment to the message.

c. before the main idea.

Graciellea is making a persuasive complaint at work. Which of theses sentences will be most effective in achieving goals?

a.If you can’t be bothered with maintaining our equipment in good working order, how can I be confident that you care about your employees? I can’t be bothered filing repeated re-pair requests either.
b.I have put up with a broken fax in Workroom 223 for three weeks, and I am just fed up with this waste of my time. Repair the fax or else!
c.Did you realize that Bill has still not fixed the fax in Workroom 223 despite the work re-quest I completed two weeks ago? Make Bill fix it soon.
d.For the past two weeks, fax machine No. 223- 51 has been unavailable to complete essen-tial business for 25 of our employees due to incomplete service. Please ensure our equip-ment is repaired by Friday

d.For the past two weeks, fax machine 223-51 has been unavailable to complete essential business for 25 of our employees due to income service. Please ensure our equipment is repaired by Friday.

Which of the following situations would MOST likely require persuasion within an organization?

a.Outlining company policy on personal use of e-mail

b.Explaining a new procedure that will go into effect next month

c.Asking employees to accept a pay cut to avoid layoffs or plant closings

d.Informing employees about optional overtime opportunities during the following month

c.Asking employees to accept a pay cut to avoid layoffs or plant closing.

All of the following messages to subordinates would use the indirect strategy EXCEPT

a. instructions to operate the new phone system installed in all offices.

b. suggestions to begin an exercise program in conjunction with the new health insurance plan.

c. requests to contribute to the organization’s United Way campaign goal.

d. discussion of their opportunities to participate in a company-sponsored charity event.

a. Instruction to operate the new phone system installed in all offices

Which of the following is MOST accurate about the use of persuasion in business?

Honesty is not just the best policy; its the only policy.

Sammie is planning a persuasive request. What advice should she follow for the opening of her request?
a. Provide her telephone number.
b. Capture the reader’s attention and interest.
c. Cite facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples, and specific details to support her request.
d. Identify herself and her company.

b. Capture the reader’s attention and interest

Select the most effective opening for a persuasive request that invites a state representative to speak at your organization’s Flag Day celebration.
a. If you have June 14 open, would you be interested in speaking at our Flag Day ceremony?
a. If you have June 14 open, would you be interested in speaking at our Flag Day ceremony?
c. Your patriotism and leadership in the House of Representatives have improved the quality of life across our state.
d. The Patriotic Council promotes respect for the flag and our country, just as you do, which is why we are asking you to be our guest speaker for our Flag Day ceremony on June 14.

c. Your patriotism and leadership in the House of Representatives have improved the quality of life across our state.

In the body of a persuasive request, you can reduce resistance by
a. focusing exclusively on benefits to the writer of the request.
b. shifting reader attention through praise and compliments.
c. avoiding any potential reasons for resistance.
d. anticipating objections and offering counterarguments.

d. anticipating objections and offering counterarguments.

Which statement about direct-mail messages is MOST accurate?

A) Direct mail is an effective channel for personalized, tangible, three-dimensional messages that are less invasive than telephone solicitations.
B) Today’s companies no longer send direct-mail messages to market their products or services; they rely exclusively on electronic media instead.
C) Direct-mail marketing is less effective than online marketing.
D) All answer choices are accurate statements about direct-mail messages.

Direct mail is an effective channel for personalized, tangible, three-dimensional messaged that are less invasive then telephone solicitations

Choose the BEST advice to craft an effective direct-email sales letter

Present information completely, using a personalized tone

Learning to compose effective sales and marketing messages benefits you because ____________.

Technique for sales writing can be applied in any persuasive communication.

Professsional marketing and salespeople follow the AIDA strategy in their sales messages because it is effective. What does AIDA represent?

A- attention, I- intrest, D- desire, A-action

When you sue the AIDA persuasive approach, your first task is to gain the reader’s attention. Which of the following represents your second step, or I task for AIDA

describe the benefits a product or service offers and makes rational or emotional appeals.

Part of a sales or marketing message that tells readers what you want done and that gives them a reason for doing it


stands for attention, interest, desire, action a pattern used by professional marketers and salespeople when persuading customers

AIDA pattern

part of a sales or marketing message that is honest relevant and stimulating in order to attract the reader _______


part of a persuasive message that builds interest, explains the request logically and concisely and reduces resistance


one or two features that are focused on in a sales message

central selling poings

part of a persuasive message that motivates action


message written by a customer to identify or correct a wrong that requires persuasive techniques often called a persuasive claim


all sales letters, packets, brochures, and catalogs sent directly to consumers

direct mail marketing

persuasive technique that uses a combination of emotional and rational strategies

dual appeal

marketing that uses email, web documents, faxes and wireless media


persuasive technique that is related to status, ego, and sensual feelings

emotional appeal

used in email marketing campaigns to attract new customers, keep existing ones, upsell, cross-sell and cut costs

online sales message

those email sales messages that are opened by receivers

open rate

when a customer gives permission to receive sales messages from a company


act of influencing or convincing a reader to think act or feel a certain way necessary when you anticipate resistance or when you must prepare before you can present your ideas effectively


message written by a customer to identify or correct a wrong that requires persuasive techniques often called a complaint

persuasion claim

request for a favor or action that will require the reader to be persuaded

persuasive request

A P.S. included in many sales messages to reveal your strongest motivator, to add a special inducement for a quick response, or to reemphasize a central selling point


persuasive technique that is associated with reason and its intellect

rational appeal

hard copy letter that is generally part of a package that may contain a brochure price list, illustrations, testimonials and other persuasive appeals

sales letter

an audience that is preselected for characteristics that make it a good market for a particular product

target audience

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Successful message