medical terminology test 3

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-oid means faulty or false material. (Lip/oid; Lymph/oid)

False – resembling

-orrhaphy means to suture or sew. (Dermat/orrhaphy; My/orrhaphy)


Re- means again. (Re/production; Re/generation)


Mal- means bad. (Mal/ignant; Mal/adjustment)


Ceru-, Cera- and Cerumeno- mean fat. (Ceru/men; Cerumeno/lysis)

False – wax

Aneurysm means vein. (Aneurysm)

False – dilation or ballooning

-cytosis means a decrease (in cells). (Leuco/cyt/osis; Thrombo/cyt/osis)

False – increase in cells

Utero-, Metro-, Hystero- mean cervix. (Uter/al; Endo/metr/itis; Hyster/ectomy)

False – uterus, womb

Lacero- means to tear or accidental cut. (Lacer/ation; Lacer/ate)


Estro- means menstruation. (Estro/gen; Estro/genic)

False – female

Part/o- and Toci- mean pregnancy.

False – labor, birth

Tricho-, Trichino-, and Pilo- mean hair. (Trich/oma; Trichin/osis; Pil/oma)


Dolo- means swelling. (Dolor; Dolori/meter)

False – pain

-penia means increase. (Erythro/penia; Leuco/penia)

False – decrease in number

Pyreto- and Pyre- means cold. (Pyret/ic; Pyre/therapy)

False – fever

Gravido- means pregnant or heavy. (Multi/gravida; Gravid/a)


Sebo- means sweat. (Seb/aceous; Seb/orrhea)

False – oil

-gnosis means knowledge. (Dia/gnosis; Pro/gnosis)


Nephro- and Reno- mean kidney. (Nephr/itis; Ren/al)


Helminth/o- and Vermi- mean worm. (Helminth/ic; Vermi/form)


Myelo- means spinal cord or bone marrow. (Myelo/gram; Multiple Myel/oma)


Docho- and Ducto- mean duct or canal. (Doch/oma; Duct/us)


-poiesis means to make or produce. (Hemato/poiesis; Erythro/poiesis)


Iatro- means to treat or cure. (Iatro/genic; Ped/iatrics)


Rub-, Rubello-, and Rubero- means rusty. (Rub/or; Rub/ella; Rub/eola)

False – red

Presbyo- means new. (Presby/opia; Presby/acuria)

False – old

-crine means to secrete. (Endo/crine; Holo/crine; Exo/crine)


-asthenia means strength. (My/asthenia; Neur/asthenia)

False – weakness

Cranio- means head. (Crani/al; Crani/oplasty)

False – skull

-metr/y means the process or procedure of measuring. (Opto/metr/y; Feto/metr/y)


Colpo- means penis. (Colp/itis; Colpo/scopy)

False – vagina

Splanchno- means vertebrae. (Splanchn/ology; Splanchno/lith)

False – organ

Pep- and Peps/o- mean digestion. (Pep/tic; Peps/in)


-centesis means a surgical puncture to drain fluid. (Abdomeno/centesis; Thoraco/centesis)


Retino- means eye or eyeball. (Retin/itis; Retino/scop/y)

False – net or net-like

Etio- means eating. (Etio/logy; Etio/tropic)

False – cause

-physis means growth. (Sym/physis; Epi/physis)


-gen- means to develop or begin. (Carcino/gen; Leucocyto/gen/esis)


-oma means swelling or tumor. (Glauc/oma; Carcin/oma)


Naso- and Rhino- mean horn. (Nas/al; Rhino/plasty)

False – nose

Brady- means short. (Brady/cardia; Brady/kinesia)

False – slow

Peri- means through or across. (Peri/carditis; Peri/dontal)

False – around

Procto- means to probe. (Proct/ology; Procto/scope)

False – rectum or anus

Herpet/o- means to creep. (Herpes; Herpet/ic; Herpet/iform)


Pneumo- and Pulmono- mean lung. (Pneumon/ia; Pulmon/ary)


Cryo- means hidden. (Cryo/surgery; Cryo/genic)

False – cold

Rhytido- means wrinkles. (Rhytid/ec/tom/y; Rhytid/therapy)


Myco- and Tinea mean fungus. (Myco/statin; Tinea Corporis)


Edema- means bad or harmful. (Edemat/ous; Lymph/edema)

False – swelling

Tachy- means fast or rapid. (Tachy/cardia; Tachy/pnea)


Steato-, Lipo-, and Adipo- mean fat. (Steat/oma; Lip/oma; Adip/oma)


Pyelo- means pelvis (of kidney or organ). (Pyelo/nephritis; Pyelo/gram)


Sinistro- means right. (Sinistro/cardia; Sinistr/ocular)

False – left

Pharmac/o- means drug. (Pharmac/ology; Pharmaco/mania)


Myx/o- and Blenno- mean to mucus. (Myx/oma; Blenn/oma)


Embryo- means young. (Embryon/ic; Embry/opathic)

False – early

Sphygmo- means pulse. (Sphygmo/gram; Sphygmo/meter)


Lieno- and Spleno- mean spleen. (Lien/oma; Spleno/megaly)


Dipso- means to thirst. (A/dips/ia; Poly/dipsia)


Bronch/i- means pipe. (Bronchi/al; Bronch/itis)


Dromo- means to run. (Dromo/mania; Syn/drome)


Osm/o- and Olfact/o- mean nose. (Osm/ia; Olfact/ory)

False – smell

Gero- and Geronto- mean old. (Ger/iatrics; Geront/olog/y)


Cholecysto- means gall bladder. (Chole/cyst/itis; Chole/cyst/opexy)


Candidi- means glowing white. (Candidi/asis; Candida)


Pyo- means to itch. (Py/o/rrhea; Pyo/genic)

False – pus

Cheilo- means lips. (Cheil/itis; Cheilo/rrhaphy)


Somo- and Corpo- mean total. (Som/atic; Corp/us)

False – body

-cicatrix- means scar or normal scar. (Cicatr/ization; Dermo/cicatrix)


Thoraco-, Pecto-, and Stetho- mean rib. (Thor/ax; Pector/al; Stetho/scope)

False – chest

Carbuncul/o- means glowing ember. (Carbuncle; Carbuncul/osis)


Oculo- and Opthalmo- mean to see. (Ocul/ar; Opthalm/ology)

False – eye or eyeball

Xero- means dry. (Xero/derma; Xero/graphy)


Lat- and Latero- mean side. (Lat/eral; Latero/flexion)


Menisco- means crescent or semi-lunar shaped. (Menisc/ectomy; Menisc/otomy)


Salpingo- means tube or canal. (Salping/itis; Salping/oplasty)


-lapse and -ptosis means fall, slip, or droop. (Pro/lapse; Utero/ptosis)


Palpebro- mean ear. (Palpebr/itis; Palpebro/ptosis)

False – eyelid

Ortho- means large or huge. (Ortho/pnea; Ortho/dontic)

False – straight, normal, correct

Feto- means early. (Fet/us; Fet/o/metry)

False – young

The diagnostic term that means "tumor made up of nerve cells" is:
a. cerebral thrombosis
b. neuroma
c. polyneuritis
d. encephalomalacia

b. neuroma

The medical term that means after childbirth is:
a. antepartum
b. amniorrhexis
c. postpartum
d. pseudocyesis

c. postpartum

The diagnostic term orchid/epi/didym/itis is defined as:
a. inflammation of the testes
b. inflammation of the testes and the coiled vessel on top
c. inflammation of the epididymis
d. inflammation of the prostate gland

b. inflammation of the testes and the coiled vessel on top

The medical term that means one who is skilled in and specializes in the study of hearing is:
a. otologist
b. otorhinolaryngologist
c. audiology
d. audiologist

d. audiologist

The medical term for a condition characterized by a yellow tinge to the skin is:
a. jaundice
b. erythema
c. cyanoid
d. luteal

a. jaundice

The medical term that means containing both mucus and pus is:
a. macule
b. papule
c. mucopurulent
d. vesicle

c. mucopurulent

A physician that uses techniques and treatments similar to Orthopedists and Chiropractors is a(n):
a. Cardiologist
b. Opthalmologist
c. Osteopath
d. Urologist

c. Osteopath

The diagnostic term that means varicose vein in the rectal area (internal or external) is:
a. embolus
b. hemophilia
c. leukemia
d. hemorrhoid

d. hemorrhoid

The suffixes -icle, -iole,-ellum, and -ule mean _______ in the terms: Oss/icle, Bronch/iole, Cereb/ellum, and Macule
a. long
b. large
c. small or tiny
d. solid

c. small or tiny

The urine-producing functional unit within the kidney is called the:
a. urethra
b. nephron
c. ureter
d. neuron

b. nephron

The diagnostic term for a chronic respiratory disease characterized by paroxysms of coughing, wheezing, panting with shortness of breath is:
a. croup
b. asthma
c. pertussis
d. influenza

b. asthma

The diagnostic term for an increase amount of spinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain is:
a. multiple sclerosis
b. Parkinson’s disease
c. cerebral palsy
d. hydrocephalus

d. hydrocephalus

The surgical term that means surgical excision of the thickened interior (plaque) of an artery is:
a. peri/cardi/ostomy
b. end/art/ectomy
c. pleb/ectomy
d. angio/plasty

b. end/art/ectomy

The diagnostic term that means skin or tissue bruise is:
a. laceration
b. furuncle
c. contusion
d. eczema

c. contusion

The disease of Crypto/cocc/o/sis is a ________ that can infect the lungs, skin, brain (CNS), bones, and urinary tract causing death.
a. yeast-like budding fungus "no spores"
b. bacterial
c. viral
d. rickettsial

a. yeast-like budding fungus "no spores"

The term "hyperplasia" means:
a. increase in development
b. to begin development
c. decrease in development
d. to stop development

a. increase in development

The jellylike liquid located in the posterior chamber of the eye is:
a. vitreous fluid
b. conjunctiva fluid
c. aqueous fluid
d. lacrimal fluid

a. vitreous fluid

Anterior Poliomyelitis is a viral condition that destroys which part of the spinal cord:
a. frontal gray horn
b. posterior horn
c. posterior gray horn
d. spinal ganglia

a. frontal gray horn

The oval or almond shaped male sex organs are the:
a. testes
b. semen
c. sperm
d. ovary

a. testes

The medical term that means discharge of amniotic fluid from the uterus during pregnancy is:
a. amniorrhexis
b. hysterorrhexis
c. amniochorial
d. amniorrhea

d. amniorrhea

The medical term Stomato/gastric means:
a. pertaining to the stomach and its contents
b. pertaining to the nose and stomach
c. pertaining to the mouth and stomach
d. pertaining to the abdomen

c. pertaining to the mouth and stomach

The diagnostic term Bunion (turnip sac) actually means:
a. inflamed heal bursa
b. bursa hypotrophy
c. inflamed foot wart
d. inflamed burst of the big toes, meta/tarso/phalange/al joint

d. inflamed burst of the big toes, meta/tarso/phalange/al joint

The diagnostic term for a congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis is:
a. epispadias
b. hypospadias
c. poly/cystic kidney
d. urinary retention

a. epispadias

A procedure of making a record of muscle activity is called:
a. electro/myo/graph/y
b. electro/myo/lith/o/tom/y
c. electro/myo/graph
d. electro/myo/gram

a. electro/myo/graph/y

White Blood Cells (WBCs) are called:
a. plate/lets
b. leuko/cytes or leuco/cytes
c. erythro/cytes
d. thrombo/cytes

b. leuko/cytes or leuco/cytes

The muscle term fascia means:
a. tunnel
b. band that separates
c. membrane
d. covering

b. band that separates

The first seven bones of the vertebral column (forming the neck) are the:
a. cervical
b. sacrum
c. thoracic
d. lumbar

a. cervical

The term Di/gest/ion literally means:
a. three parts
b. to move forward
c. the process of/two/separations
d. double compression

c. the process of/two/separations

The term that means finger-like end of the fallopian tube is the:
a. fossae
b. fundus
c. fimbria
d. fascia

c. fimbria

A diagnostic term for a nosebleed is usually:
a. epistaxis
b. rhinoplasia
c. nasofusion
d. corpulmonale

a. epistaxis

The Endocrine and Nervous Systems are referred to as:
a. physiological systems
b. chemical systems
c. structural systems
d. master body systems

d. master body systems

The medical term Glossa/pathy means:
a. inability to swallow
b. without digestion
c. disease of the tongue
d. pertaining to the mouth

c. disease of the tongue

The term Sym/physis Pubis literally means:
a. pain in the joint
b. late difficult movement
c. early growing together at private parts
d. bone cell growth : at birth

c. early growing together at private parts

The diagnostic term Hirsut/ism literally means:
a. huge limbs
b. the state of being hairy
c. condition of warts
d. resembling fish skin

b. the state of being hairy

A patient that has blood in the chest has:
a. hemo/thorax
b. hemato/cardia
c. pyreto/thorax
d. pyo/thorax

a. hemo/thorax

The diagnostic term Ar/rhythmia means:
a. heart ab/normality present at birth
b. any variation from a normal heart rhythm or contraction
c. obstruction of an artery in the heart
d. vascular inflammatory disorder

b. any variation from a normal heart rhythm or contraction

The surgical procedure for female sterilization is called:
a. tubal ligation
b. laparoscopy
c. dilation and curettage
d. tuborrhagia

a. tubal ligation

An instrument that examines the interior of the eye is called a(n):
a. opthalmo/scop/e
b. pupillo/scop/e
c. tono/metr/y
d. opto/myo/metr/y

a. opthalmo/scop/e

The term for abnormal collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity is:
a. gavage
b. vomit
c. feces
d. ascites

d. ascites

The small organs that produce and drain tears from the eye are the:
a. meibomian glands and ducts
b. lacrimal glands and ducts
c. sebaceous glands and ducts
d. optic gland and ducts

b. lacrimal glands and ducts

Aneurysm means _______ in the medical term: Aneurysm/ec/tom/y
a. soft
b. ballooning and widening
c. vein
d. narrowed

b. ballooning and widening

The diagnostic term that means inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply tissues and organs is:
a. congenital heart disease
b. congestive heart failure
c. coronary occlusion
d. hypertensive heart disease

b. congestive heart failure

A combining vowel is used to:
a. make defining a word easier
b. modify the meaning of a word
c. make analyzing a words easier
d. ease word pronunciation

d. ease word pronunciation

The medical term that means discharging or flowing from the nose is:
a. rhinoplasty
b. rhinorrhea
c. mucoid
d. nasodynia

b. rhinorrhea

The term medical Dys/phasia actually means
a. difficult or faulty speech usually caused by brain damage
b. faulty swallowing
c. painful digestion
d. xeroderma caused by dehydration

a. difficult or faulty speech usually caused by brain damage

Parturition in which the feet, buttock, or arm emerge first is called:
a. congenital anomaly
b. puerperium
c. breech birth
d. lochia

c. breech birth

The medical term that means able to breath only in a straight position is:
a. hypercapnia
b. acapnia
c. orthopnea
d. hypoxemia

c. orthopnea

The diagnostic term that means a growth of endometrium material into a portion of the abdomen is:
a. endometriosis
b. endometritis
c. myometritis
d. endometrorrhea

a. endometriosis

The medical term micturate is defined as:
a. to urinate or void
b. laboratory examination of urine
c. receptacle for urine
d. agent that increases the amount of urine

a. to urinate or void

The medical terms Shingles and Chicken pox refer to skin conditions caused by the virus:
a. Herpes Zoster
b. Ebola Zoster
c. Herpes Simplex
d. Human Immuno Virus (HIV)

a. Herpes Zoster

-y, -ation, and -ing mean procedure of or process of. (Psych/iatry; Lact/ation; Massag/ing)


Ulvea- and Staphylo- mean grape. (Uve/oma; Staphylo/coccus)


Ergo- and Dynamo- mean work. (Erg/ometer; Dynam/ic)


Masto- and Mammo- mean chest. (Mast/itis; Mammo/gram)

False – breast

Adeno- means gland. (Aden/itis; Aden/oma)


Phyto- and Lichen mean plant. (Phyto/dermitis; Lichen/itification)


Scolio- means swayback. (Scoli/osis; Scolio/meter)

False – crooked or twisted

-e means instrument. (Stetho/scop/e; Oto/scop/e)


My- and Myos- mean ligaments and tendons. (My/oma; Myos/itis)

False – muscle

Onco- means cancer. (Onc/ology; Onc/ologist)

False – tumor

Ile/o- means flank. (Ile/um; Ile/itis)

False – twisted

Carcin/o- means crab or crab-like. (Carcin/oma; Carcin/ogenic)


Bi- and Bin- means two. (Bi/lateral; Bin/ocular)


-desis and Liga- mean to loosen. (Arthro/desis; Liga/ment; Liga/ture)

False – to bind

– stalsis and spasm mean to contract. (Peri/stalsis; Laryngo/spasm)


-esis and -osis mean condition or disease. (Hematopoi/e/sis; Hidr/osis)


Avuls/i- means to tear or tear away. (Avuls/ion; Avulsi/oplasty)


Lingu- and Glosso- mean tongue. (Lingu/al; Gloss/itis)


Sagitto- mean arrow or arrow-like. (Sagitt/al Plane; Sagittal/is)


Dermato-, Corio-, Cutio- mean skin. (Dermat/itis; Cori/um; Cut/icle)


Onycho- and Unguino- mean skin. (Onych/itis; Unguin/al)

False – nail

Eso- means toward. (Eso/phagus, Eso/gastritis)


Kelo- means raised red hard scar. (Kel/oid; Keloid/ectomy)


Coni- means dust. (Coni/osis; Pneumono/conio/sis)


Meningo- and Meningio- mean membrane. (Mening/itis; Mening/ioma)


Fistulo- means pipe stem. (Fistul/oplast/y; Fistul/ectom/y)


Oligo- means scanty, slight, or few. (Oligo/spermia; Oligo/menorrhea)


Spiro- means breathe or breathing. (Spiro/meter; Spiro/metry)


Surg/i- and Surg/o- mean working by hand. (Surgi/cal; Surg/eon)


Dys- means faulty, difficult, or painful. (Dys/men/orrhea; Dys/urea)


Cataracto- means waterfall or cloudy. (Cataract/ectomy; Cataracto/genic)


Lymph/o- means node or swelling. (Lymph/edema; Lymph/adenitis)

False – watery

Ech/o- and Son/o- mean to X-ray. (Ech/ogram; Son/ogram)

False – sound

E- means out or outward. (E/vicerate; E/version)


Cata- means down or to break down. (Cata/bolism; Cata/lepsy)


Volvo- and Volvul/o- means to twist or roll. (Volvul/us; Volvul/osis)


Ceco- means blind pouch. (Ceco/ptosis; Cec/ostomy)


Omo- mean shoulder. (Omo/brachial; Om/ectomy)


Melano- and Nigra mean gray. (Melan/oma; Nigra Bodies)

False – black

Pod- and Podo- mean child. (Pod/iatry; and Podo/dynia)

False – foot

Oophoro- means ovary. (Oophor/itis; Oophor/oma)


Asthma – means puffed up. (Asthma; Asthmat/ic)

False – panting

Photo- means green. (Photo/dermitis; Photo/phobia)

False – light

Pruri- and Psori- mean wheat. (Pruri/tus; Psori/asis)

False – itch

Athero- means porridge or yellow fat. (Athero/sclerosis; Athero/oma)


Culdo- means blind pouch or sac. (Culdo/centesis; Culdo/scope)


Theo- means God. (Theo/therapy; Theo/phobia)


Di-, Dipl/o-, and Co- mean two or both. (Di/gest/ion; Dipl/opia; Co/adaptive)


os- means mouth or mouth-like opening. (-os/tomy; Os Uteri)


Kypho- means laterally crooked. (Kyph/osis; Kypho/scloiosis)

False – hunchback

OTC means: Over the Counter


CVA means: Cerebrovascular Accident


COPD means: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


BID means: Bilateral Iliac Disease

False – two times per day

X & D means: Exam and Diagnosis


TIA means: Transient Ischemic Attack


VO means: Verbal Order


DD means: Differential Diagnosis


Polio- means white. (Polio/myel/itis; Polio/myel/opathy)

False – gray

Crypto- means cold. (Crypt/orchidism; Crypto/mnesia)

False – hidden

Balano- means glans clitoris or glans penis. (Balan/itis; Balan/orrhea)


Bruxi- means to grind. (Brix/ism; Dura/brux/ism)


Litho- and Petro- mean hard. (Litho/tripsy; Osteo/petr/osis)

False – stone

Post- means after or behind. (Post/partum; Postero/anterior)


Lacrimo- and Dacryo- mean fluid. (Lacrimo/orrhea; Dacry/aden/itis)

False – Tearing or tear

Amphi- literally means across. (Amphi/centric; Amphi/arthrosis)

False – both

Bacillo- means rod or rod-shaped. (Bacill/us; Bacill/emia)


Lord/o- means hunchback. (Lord/osis; Lordo/scolio/sis)

False – swayback or to bend

Sino- and Sinus means cavity or hollow. (Sin/us; Sinus/itis)


Sacro- means fleshy. (Sac/oma; Sarc/oid)


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