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The lymphoid tissues located behind the nasal cavity are called:
A. bronchioles
B. adenoids
C. tonsils "small mass or almond"
D. paranasal sinuses


Both food and air travel through the:
a. mouth and pharynx or throat
b. esophagus
c. trachea
d. larynx – voice box


The double-sac membrane that covers each lung and lines the thoracic cavity is the:
a. pleura
b. peritoneum
c. mediastinum
d. pericardium


The surgical term for the puncture of the chest cavity in order to aspirate fluid is called:
a. pneumonectomy
b. thoracocentesis
c. pleuropexy
d. bronchoplasty


The medical term ‘hypoxemia’ means:
a. deficient oxygen in the blood
b. deficient carbon dioxide in the blood
c. excessive oxygen in the blood
d. excessive carbon dioxide in the blood


The area in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged is called the:
a. pleura
b. alveolus or cavity (alveolar sacs)
c. bronchus
d. bronchioles


Pulmonary Endo/scop/y is best used to _____________ diseases of the Respiratory System.
a. listen to
b. prevent
c. treat or cure
d. view and diagnose


The term Ortho/dont/ist literally means:
a. good/teeth
b. mouth/teeth
c. straight/teeth/specialist
d. long/teeth


The term Eu/pnea actually means:
a. well, easy, true, normal, or good breathing
b. total air
c. good talking
d. normal speech


The term Dys/phasia means difficult or faulty:
a. recording
b. sound or voice
c. breathing
d. speech or utterance


The term Trache/os/tom/y actually means:
a. instrument used for visual examination of throat
b. stretching out, dilatation, or expansion of the lung
c. creation of an artificial mouth-like opening in the throat and neck
d. cut into or incision into neck


The suffix ___________ is added to word part Pneumono-/________ to refer to the surgical procedure of puncturing the lung and aspirating fluids like blood, pus, & lymph. This procedure promotes easy breathing and cell oxygenation.
a. -centesis
b. -ostomy
c. -ectomy
d. -otomy


The diagnostic term for pus in the pleural space in the chest is:
a. pneumoconiosis
b. pneumo/thorax
c. pyo/thorax
d. pleur/itis


The diagnostic term for narrowing or contraction of the larynx or voice box is:
a. broncho/pneumonia
b. atelectasis
c. tracheostenosis
d. laryngospasm or laryngo/stenosis


A patient with diagnosis of blood in the chest has a:
a. pyo/thorax
b. hemo/thorax
c. thorac/algia
d. pneumo/thorax


The condition where the bronchi of the lungs are dilated outward is:
a. bronchi/ect/asis
b. pulmono/spasm
c. bronch/itis
d. broncho/pneumonia


When lung tissue swells as a result of distention and loss of elasticity in the alveoli, the condition is called:
a. croup "to cough A/S"
b. asthma "panting"
c. pertussis "whooping cough"
d. emphysema "puffed up"


The diagnostic abbreviation for an infection of the nose, pharynx, larynx, and trachea is:
a. pulmonary edema "PE"
b. pleural effusion condition "PEC"
c. chronic obstructive lung disease "COLD"
d. upper respiratory infection "URI"


The diagnostic term that is also referred to as whooping cough is:
a. emphysema
b. cystic fibrosis
c. asthma
d. per/tussis "through/cough"


The diagnostic term for a chronic respiratory disease characterized by paroxysms of coughing, wheezing, panting with shortness of breath is:
a. pertussis
b. influenza
c. asthma "to pant"
d. croup


Which birds are pigeon breeder’s lung primarily contracted from?
a. Parakeets and parrots
b. Pigeons and doves
c. Pigeons and parakeets
d. Parakeets and doves


A term that refers to food inhalation that blocks the airway:
a. apnea
b. aspiration "process of/without/breath"
c. paroxysm
d. suffocation


The term that means difficulty in speaking or making a sound is:
a. dia/phragmatic
b. anoxic or hypoxic
c. dys/lexic
d. dys/phasic or dys/phonic


Lobar Pneumonia refers to a lung infection in:
a. swollen air sacs or alveoli
b. excessive blood in the lungs
c. one or more of the 5 lobes in the 2 lungs
d. excessive pus in the lungs


The medical term Hypo/pnea actually means:
a. difficult breathing
b. excessive breathing
c. normal breathing
d. deficient rate and depth of breathing


The medical term that means containing both mucus and pus is:
a. sputum
b. muco/purulent
c. spittle
d. sputum and mucus


The medical term Nebuliz/er is defined as:
a. agent causing narrowing of the bronchi
b. a device "one who" creates a fine spray or mist
c. mechanical device used to keep the air passage unobstructed
d. mechanical device used to assist patient breathing


The medical term Chord/itis or Cord/itis actually means:
a. inflamed throat
b. inflamed trachea
c. inflammation of the vocal cords
d. swollen glottis


The medical term Emphysema literally means:
a. panting
b. puffed up
c. swollen
d. congested


The medical term Asthma literally means:
a. gasping
b. panting
c. puffed up
d. hard to breathe


Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited exocrine gland disorder that causes thick secretions of ________________ to accumulate in the lungs.
a. sweat
b. bile
c. saliva
d. mucus and pus from respiratory infections


The medical term Diphther/ia literally means:
a. mucus/condition
b. covering/state
c. pus/disease
d. membrane/refers


The medical term Pertussis actually refers to:
a. whooping cough and the bacteria Bordetella pertussis
b. polio and the virus that causes anterior polio myelitis
c. tetanus and the bacteria Clostridium tetani
d. asthma or panting


The disease of Histoplasmosis or Darlings Disease is a _______________ infection caused by Histoplasma capsulatum. Bird or cat feces is the source and the disease is characterized by fever, malaise, coughing, respiratory failure, and lymph/adeno/path/y. A major problem for pregnant women and their fetuses.
a. fungus or fungus spore
b. bacterial
c. viral
d. rickettsial


Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and causes bacteria colony swellings (tubers) in the lungs and other body parts. TB infects approximately ___________ people.
a. 4.5 Billion
b. 3 Billion
c. 2 Billion
d. 4 Billion


The Schick Skin Test is used to detect _______________, which is caused by the bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
a. Tetanus
b. TB
c. Polio
d. Diphtheria


The Mantoux Skin Test is used to diagnose:
a. Leprosy
b. Diphtheria
c. Tuberculosis "Mycobacterium tuberculosis rod-shaped bacteria"


Anthrax infections (Bacillus anthracis bacteria) are classified as infecting the:
a. Pulmonary System "lungs"
b. Digestive System "intestines"
c. Cutaneous System "skin"
d. all of the above


Bronchitis often progresses to a more severe lung condition called _____________________, which was the leading world killer around 1900 A.D.
a. Pneumonia
b. Flu
c. Influenza
d. Cold


The Etiologic Agent (E.A.) or causative agent that is responsible for Anthrax is:
a. Bacillus anthracis
b. Viral
c. Fungal, Myxoid, or Blennoid
d. Helminthiasis or Ascariasis


An Upper Respiratory Infection is referred to with the Abbreviation:
a. CRD
b. FLU
c. URI


Spiro/metry means to measure the breath and is used to evaluate:
a. Lung Blood Flow
b. TB Activity
c. Respiratory Efficiency
d. Lung Capacity


The term Dys/lexia literally means difficult or faulty:
a. breathing
b. speech
c. sound or voice
d. words "reading and writing"


The term Dys/phonia actually means difficult or faulty:
a. sound or voice "hoarseness"
b. breathing
c. speech or utterance
d. air or wind


The disease of Crypto/cocc/o/sis is a _______________that can infect the lungs, skin, brain (CNS), bones, and urinary tract causing death.
a. rickettsial
b. bacterial
c. yeast-like budding fungus "no spores"
d. viral


The disease of Aspergill/osis (to sprinkle/condition) is a soil or dust fungus that causes granular lesion on or in any body organ. Prognosis is poor like most systemic fungal infections. It is treated with:
a. ascari/cidal, vermin/cidal, or helminthi/cidal drugs
b. viro/cidal drugs
c. fungi/cidal drugs
d. bacterio/cidal drugs


The condition referred to as ________ is an acute viral infection that is usually seen in infants before 3 years of age (Y/O: years old). It occurs after an URI and causes vocal cord swelling, voice loss, hypoxia, & possible choking:
a. Rhinitis
b. Influenza
c. Croup
d. Pharyngitis


Pneumonia can be caused by:
a. Virus
b. Fungus
c. Bacteria
d. all of the above


Emphysema causes shortness of breath and a(n):
a. Chicken Chest "Middle Stages"
b. Pigeon Chest "Early Stages"
c. Barreled Chest Look "Advanced Stages"
d. Dyschondroplasia Chest "Late Stages"


The incubation period of influenza is from ____ to ____ days.
a. 3 to 7 days
b. 10 to 14 days
c. 1 to 3 days
d. 7 to 10 days


Kerat/o/sis, Leuk/o/plakia, Tartar, Caries, Purpura, Fibr/oma, Ulcers, Hare Lip, Gingiv/itis, Tonsill/itis, Adenoid/itis, Squamous Cell Carcin/oma, Catarrh (Coryza), Cleft Palate, Thrush, and Candid/i/asis are all conditions that are usually diagnosed with a(n) ______ exam by a Dentist or Medical Doctor.
a. pharyngeal
b. nasal
c. oral or oro/pharyngeal
d. dental


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