Lifespan Development – Final

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Most drug use begins _____.

as social use

Tessa is in her bedroom with her mother. Tessa’s mother exclaims, "You need to get these clothes off the floor right now!" Tessa replies, "It’s my room and I will leave things where I want." Tessa’s mother responds, "I am your mother and you will do what I say." This is an example of _____.


An individual who commits crimes during adolescence but stops by the age of 21 is considered a(n) _____.

adolescence-limited offender

When a person adopts the roles and values of parents or society without questioning and exploring a personal identity, it is referred to as identity _____.


The two most common drugs are _____.

tobacco and alcohol

Almost all social networking engaged in by adolescents is between adolescents _____.

who are friends

Barbara called her friend Cindi on Saturday and asked if she wanted to go to the movies. Cindi replied that she was staying home to study for their upcoming history test and gave several reasons that Barbara should do the same. After the call, Barbara decided to study instead of going to the movies. Barbara was experiencing _____.

peer pressure

Seventeen-year-old Nicholas failed several classes, lost his job, and spends most of his time sleeping on the couch. When his parents voice their disapproval, he replies, "Whatever." Nicholas’ response indicates _____.

role confusion

_____ adolescents totally reject the religion in which they’ve grown up.


According to the text, what sexual content rarely appears in TV shows?

None of these often appear in TV shows: the development of an STI, an unwanted pregnancy, using a condom

Inhalants, which are used more by the youngest adolescents to get high, include _____.


According to Erikson, the goal of adolescence is to _____.

find one’s own identity

In one detailed study, the teens MOST at risk for sexual violence and STIs had _____.

both same-sex and opposite-sex partners

Psychosocial development during adolescence involves the search for a(n) _____.

understanding of oneself

Dexter Dunphy Sequence of male-female relationships during childhood and adolescence:

1. Groups of friends, exclusively one sex of the other. 2. A loose association of girls and boys, with public interactions within a crowd. 3. Small mixed-sex groups of the advanced members of the crowd. 4. Formation of couples, with private intimacies.

Following Erikson’s lead, _____ distinguished four specific ways young people cope with the identity crisis.


James Marcia’s four specific ways young people cope with the identity crisis:

1. Role confusion (Lack of commitment to any goals or values) 2. Foreclosure (Accepts traditional roles and values) 3. Moratorium (Time-out that includes exploration) 4.Identity achievement

Erikson’s four aspects of identity:

1. Religious 2. Political 3. Vocational 4. Sexual

According to Erikson, adolescents are in the stage of _____.

identity versus role confusion

Shortly after Louisa turned 18, she developed a newfound appreciation of her parents. What contributed to her change in attitude?

her parents have adjusted to her independence

Abstinence-only sex-education programs _____ the adolescents’ engagement in sexual activity.

have no impact on

An adolescence-limited offender refers to someone who _____.

stops committing crimes by age 21

Bickering between parents and adolescents is most likely to _____.

concern personal habits and dress

The term for a pause in identity formation, when alternatives are explored before final choices are made, is known as _____.


Identify the accurate statement about adolescent crime.

Most adolescents have broken a law by the age of 20.

Several of Jamel’s friends invite him to join them Thursday evening to study for their physics exam. Jamel’s friends are _____.

facilitating constructive behaviors

According to Dunphy, the third step in the sequence of male-female relationships during childhood and adolescence is the development of _____.

small mixed-sex groups of the advanced members of the crowd

Healthy communication and support from parents make _____ peer relationships more likely.


Of the college students below, who is most likely to hook up?

Sam, who just started college and is lonely because he hasn’t yet made many good friends

The six-year graduation rate at public colleges is _____ percent.


Personality traits present at age 18 _____.

rarely disappear by age 25

Intimacy is the desire for _____.

social connection

Using a drug in a quantity or a manner that harms physical, cognitive, or psychosocial well-being is called drug _____.


Shanice spends her weekends engaged in freestyle motocross. Shanice is participating in a(n) _____ sport.


Statistically, which statement regarding self-esteem during emerging adulthood is TRUE?

Despite the new challenges and stressors they face, emerging adults have higher self-esteem than earlier, and their self-esteem continues to rise throughout emerging adulthood.

Generally, when is physical touch most likely to occur between two male friends?

when their favorite team wins a football game

Ami thinks that she may be negatively compared to another group. According to the theory of stereotype threat, her thinking is MOST apt to _____.

cause her to under-perform

Makayla was a sophomore thriving in college when her father was laid off from his job. Even with financial aid, the family could no longer afford to send her to school, so she left to get a full-time job at a restaurant near the family home. This situation illustrates that family members have _____.

linked lives

Friends _____ mental health and _____ physical health.

strengthen; strengthen

Which task would be easier for a 21-year-old than a 51-year-old?

walk up 4 flights of stairs

Forms of recreation that include apparent risk of injury or death and that are attractive and thrilling as a result are referred to as _____ sports.

(what is) extreme

The adjustment of all the body’s systems to keep physiological functions in a state of equilibrium, moment by moment is called _____.


An arrangement in which a couple lives together in a committed romantic relationship but is not formally married is referred to as _____.


According to Erikson, once an emerging adult has established a sense of identity, he or she needs to resolve which crisis?

intimacy versus isolation (after identity)

Which of the following statements are true about emerging adulthood?

-It is a time between full body growth and full adult roles. -This developmental stage has not always existed. -Universal trends, including longer educational tracks and later first-time parenthood, have "created" this stage.

Cameron is a freshman in college and is at the very beginning of Perry’s scheme of cognitive development. He believes that _____.

authorities know what is right

The following is true about the sexual-reproductive system of emerging adults:

-Miscarriage is less common. -Fertility is optimal. -Orgasms are frequent. -Serious birth complications are unusual.

The term massification means that _____.

college could benefit everyone

All members of a family have _____, as the experiences and needs of individuals at one stage of life are affected by all those at other stages.

(what is) linked lives

Merlin is 23 years old and works in an entry-level sales position at a local company. If he is typical, in the next few years, he will _____.

change jobs, perhaps several times

Sunny watched a video of her professor’s lecture on genes and environment the night before class. In class the next day, her professor facilitated a discussion about the role of nature and nurture with respect to development. Sunny was experiencing _____.

a flipped class

In researching cross-sex friendships, Dr. Danek has found that they are _____.


Malcolm has just taken a position as an emergency room nurse. He is likely to notice _____.

emerging adults with a variety of injuries

Cognitively, what helps counter stereotypes?


From a developmental perspective, _____ and culture are pivotal in couple formation and bonding.

cohort (developmental perspective)

Today, which of the following is generally difficult to achieve during emerging adulthood?

vocational identity

Dr. Richman is conducting research on whether women perform worse on a math test when
they are asked to indicate their gender prior to taking the text. Dr. Richman is exploring the
concept of _____.

(what is a) stereotype threat

Reviewing his course syllabi for the term, Mark realizes that, in three weeks, he has three
assignments due on the same day. He decides to do one assignment a week for the next
three weeks so that all will be done by their due dates. Ron is demonstrating _____ thinking.


Biologically, emerging adulthood has traditionally been the optimal time for hard physical
work and _____.

safe reproduction

A term for parents who hover over their emerging adults, ready to swoop down if any
problem arises, is _____ parents.


Perry found that over the four years of their college careers, students typically _____.

move through nine levels of complexity in their thinking

Shaunquelle has recently finished high school and is now attending college. After earning
her undergraduate degree she plans to continue on to graduate school. In addition, she is
not seriously dating anyone and thinks marriage and parenthood are years away.
Shaunquelle is at which developmental stage?

emerging adulthood stage

Emerging adults are in a high-risk category for _____.

serious injury and violent death

If Ephriam is like a typical college student, he would indicate that he is in college primarily for
all of the following reasons EXCEPT _____.
a-to get a better job
b-to gain a general education
c-to be well off financially
d-to make more money

b-to gain a general education

For most people, social networking has _____ social isolation in emerging adulthood.


All of the following beliefs reflect cognitive flexibility EXCEPT _____.
a-a person’s perspective is only one of many
b-a problem has many potential solutions
c-life plans are static
d-knowledge is dynamic

c-life plans are static

Ami thinks that she may be negatively compared to another group. According to the theory
of stereotype threat, her thinking is MOST apt to _____.

(It will cause her)cause her to underperform

Research has found that cohabitation prior to marriage _____.

increases the likelihood of divorce

The CARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Adulthood) study began with thousands
of healthy 18- to 30-year-olds; many were reexamined 7 to 20 years later. The study found
that _____.

those who were the least fit at the first assessment were four times more likely to have diabetes and high blood pressure in middle age.

Exercise does all of the following EXCEPT _____.
a-reduce blood pressure
b-strengthen the heart and lungs
c-make depression less likely
d-make serious illness more likely

d-make serious illness more likely

The McClendon family is having a reunion, with four generations attending. Applying the Flynn effect to this family, we would expect that _____.

the fourth generation of McClendons would score the highest on a standard IQ test

Who is more likely to have the greatest number of strategies?

Alan, who has been playing chess for 25 years

According to the text, who might be the BEST employee at a workplace?
– A 20-year-old who has worked for the company for 1 year and is motivated to do his best.
– A 35-year-old who has worked for the company for 10 years, but is not well motivated.
– A 45-year-old who has worked for the company for 2 years and is motivated to do his best.
– A 50-year-old who has worked for the company for 15 years and is motivated to do his best.

A 50-year-old who has worked for the company for 15 years and is motivated to do his best.

Women experience menopause; men experience _____.


Raven’s daughter asks her to help make a list of all U.S. presidents for a school project. For Raven to help her daughter she will need to rely on _____.

crystallized intelligence

Research on taxi drivers in London indicates that drivers with more experience _____.

had a brain that adjusted to the need for a particular kind of knowledge

Ike, who is in good health, scores lower on an intelligence test than his grandson Cade. This could be for all of the following reasons EXCEPT _____.
a- Ike and Cade having different educational experiences
b-Ike and Cade having different health issues
c-Ike and Cade having different health care experiences
d-Ike is losing intellectual power as he ages

According to Sternberg, intelligence used in everyday problem solving is considered to be _____.

practical intelligence

Ivis is 60 years old and realizes that his reading speed and eyesight are not as robust as they were when he was younger. He still enjoys participating in a book club, which requires a new book to be read every week. So Ivis now listens to the books on tape. Ivis is using _____ in order to participate in the book club.

selective optimization with compensation

Earl Hunt, a psychologist who studies intelligence, has proposed that nations with the most advanced economies and greatest national wealth are those that make best use of cognitive _____, that is, ways to amplify and extend general cognitive ability.


What is one crucial factor for success at the implementation stage of breaking a habit?

(Getting) social support

In the Seattle Longitudinal Study, the cognitive complexity of the occupations of more than 500 workers was measured, including the complexities involved in the workers’ interactions with other people, with things, and with data. Older workers maintained _____.

their intellectual prowess in interactions with other people, with things, and with data

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a disease that impairs fertility by _____.

creating scar tissue that can block the fallopian tubes

Most adults are not aware of senescence until middle adulthood or so because of organ reserve and _____.


According to Sternberg, creative intelligence requires _____ thinking.


Betty is a retired registered nurse who fills in at the local hospital when the staff is in need of nurses. She is frequently called in without advance notice and must take over without any time to get oriented. To quickly grasp the expectations and needs of the situation, Betty must rely on what Sternberg calls _____ intelligence.


Bill wants to be more physically active. Research on what helps adults be more active suggests that Bill_____.

move to a neighborhood with walking paths and sidewalks

When students take multiple-choice exams, they are using the form of intelligence that Sternberg calls _____.

analytic intelligence

The average age of menopause is about _____ years.

51 (Ages 42-58)

Who is more likely to have the greatest number of strategies?
a-Bobby, who has been playing chess for 1 year
b-Cal, who has been playing chess for 5 years
c-Alan, who has been playing chess for 25 years
d-Robert, who is new to the game of chess but is great at math

c-Alan, who has been playing chess for 25 years

Which psychologist proposed the existence of g?


An experience, circumstance, or condition that affects a person is called _____.

a stressor

A study of adults aged 34 to 83 found that people high in fluid intelligence were exposed to _____ stress and were _____ likely to suffer from it.

more; less

The process of changing a habit is long and multi-stepped. What is the first step in this process?


The Five Stages of Change

1. Denial 2. Awareness 3. Planning 4. Implementation 5. Maintenance (The most difficult step)

The expert artist, musician, or scientist is creative and curious, deliberately experimenting and enjoying the challenge when things do not go according to plan. This suggests that their thinking is more _____.


At a recent doctor’s visit, Russell’s doctor informed him that he is at an age when he is likely to experience lower testosterone levels. Russell was informed that, due to lower testosterone levels, he could experience a reduction in all of the following EXCEPT _____.
a-sexual desire
b-muscle mass
d-hair loss

d- hair loss

All of the following contribute to the development of expertise EXCEPT _____.
c-accumulated knowledge

a- gender

A group of friends, all about 60 years of age, are playing dominos. What characteristic of senescence do they MOST likely have in common?
a- They are unable to drive.
b- Their faces have wrinkles.
c- They wear hearing aids.
d- They are nearsighted.

b- Their faces have wrinkles.

Davetta is very organized and self-disciplined. She conforms easily to standards set for her performance at work. She is high on which of the Big Five traits?


Adults who can’t find work are _____ percent more likely to be depressed than other people their age.


Within the workplace, there are small things that go unnoticed by one person that seem aggressive to another. These have been referred to as _____.


An acquaintance who is not a friend but still has an impact on an adult’s life is called a _____.

consequential stranger

Of U.S. residents born before 1940, what percentage married?


The personal gratifications, such as pleasure in a job well done or friendship with coworkers, that accompany employment are known as _____ rewards.


When a factory closed, Benito lost his job of 20 years. He is 39 years old. Finding a new job will be stressful because _____.

the new job may not offer equal pay or the respect and expertise he once had

What is Erikson’s first stage of adulthood?

intimacy versus isolation

The group of people that moves through life with an individual while providing both protection and encouragement is called a _____.

social convoy

_____ percent of adults (age 25 to 65) are providing PARTIAL financial support for their grown children.


With increasing age, the trait of neuroticism tends to _____.

be modified

At least initially, remarriage brings which conditions?

better health

What might an older adult in the workplace perceive as a micro-aggression?

"You must be having a senior moment."

Individuals who are accepted into a family that is not their legal or genetic family are called _____.

fictive kin

According to Erikson, when individuals are productive in an unselfish and caring way, they are demonstrating _____.


Research indicates that remarried people initially restore all of the following EXCEPT _____.
a- intimacy
b- health
c- previous friendships
d- financial security

c- previous friendships

According to Erikson, an adult’s failure to achieve generativity results in _____.

stagnation and personal impoverishment

What percentage of the workplace is made up of immigrant workers?


After the children are grown, most married couples _____.

have adequate time for their relationship

Which statement about employees who are required to work overtime is TRUE?
a- Working overtime always decreases job satisfaction.
b- Workers paid extra for overtime are usually satisfied with their jobs.
c- Workers who are required to work overtime feel less job satisfaction.
d- Overtime work is part of a traditional work schedule.

c- Workers who are required to work overtime feel less job satisfaction.

Secure bonds can develop between a child and an adoptive parent when the children are older, especially if the mother had a(n) _____ attachment to her own mother.


After children have grown, MOST couples find that _____.

their relationships improve

Gay and lesbian romantic relationships differ from heterosexual relationships in what way?

they do not differ

Those faced with caring for their children and parents are ____ happy as those who are not.

just as

Although Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development are sequential, the search for identity that begins in the stage of identity versus role confusion _____.

can linger long past the teenage years

A long-term committed partnership correlates with health and happiness throughout adulthood and late adulthood. For most people, then, _____ is the crucial aspect of love in a partnership.


Emily is her family’s kinkeeper. This means that she assumes responsibility for _____.

gathering the family for holidays and disseminating information

Among the actions and attitudes linked to the Big Five are all of the following EXCEPT _____.
a- education
b- marriage
c- divorce
d- employment

d- employment

As people age, their friendships tend to _____.


Jeremy was reared in several foster homes and never knew his parents. When he started working with Kent, he became close to Kent’s family to the point where they fondly referred to him as "our newfound son." The family has "adopted" Jeremy as _____.

d) fictive kin

What is one of Erikson’s stages of adulthood?

generativity versus stagnation

Remarriage is more common _____.

as SES rises

In a typical family, the kinkeeper is MOST apt to be _____.

a middle-aged mother

The youngest of Zach and Tuila’s three children has just started kindergarten. They have had to change their morning and bedtime routines, child care arrangements, and discipline practices. The family’s income has suffered as a result of this shift, yet Zach and Tuila are happy to make these changes for their children. These changes reflect the fact that _____.

Zach and Tuila are demonstrating generativity

The tangible benefits, usually in salary, insurance, pension, and status, that come with employment are known as _____ rewards.


An open woman born in 1960 and high in conscientiousness was likely to have _____ kids.

one or no

_____ is the oldest possible age that members of a species can attain, whereas _____ is the number of years the average newborn in a particular population group is likely to live.

Maximum life span; average life expectancy

At age 75, Julie is typical of people her age. She believes that when compared to others of the same age _____.

she is doing well but they have more problems and are self-absorbed

One function of working memory is _____.

temporary storage of information for conscious use

Which of the following is the most important nongenetic factor in preventing the onset of cognitive impairment?

physical exercise

Juan, age 59, has developed heart disease from a lifetime of smoking cigarettes. His heart disease is an example of _____.

secondary aging

The consequences of particular health habits are features of _____.

secondary aging

A main symptom in Lewy body disease is loss of _____.


Which of the following attributes is associated with wisdom?

practical life experience

Loss of working memory is particularly likely to affect the ability to _____.

repeat a series of numbers just heard

Now that Todd is 75, he uses selective optimization with compensation while driving. For example, he _____.

drives more slowly

The primary reason older people receive less neural input is that _____.

their senses decline, reducing the sensory input

Greater hearing loss correlates with _____.

more impaired cognition

Which of the following strategies is crucial when older people have sensory loss?
a- acceptance
b- isolation
c- compensation
d- retirement

c- compensation

A major neurocognitive disorder is _____.

the pathological loss of brain functioning

Exercise, nutrition, and normal blood pressure _____.

both promote brain health and predict intelligence

The view that elderly people need to remain active in a variety of social spheres is called _____.

activity theory

According to Erikson, integrity versus despair is the focus of _____.

late adulthood

Noah has added a room to his house in anticipation of his elderly parents moving in with him. As their oldest son, he feels obligated to provide care for them out of a sense of _____.

filial responsibility

The difference between ADLs and IADLs is that _____.

IADLs require some intellectual competence

Xander and Josephina have been married for 60 years. When asked to share their secret to a long marriage, Xander replied _____.

"We have learned how to disagree"

Less than 3 percent of elders are estimated to have been victims of _____.

elder abuse

All of the following workers are quite likely to remain in the paid labor force after age 60 EXCEPT _____.

a unionized mechanic at a local factory

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of typical elder volunteers?

poor health

Compared with single older adults, married older adults tend to be _____.

happier and wealthier

Lora lives next door to her childhood home and has become the caregiver for her mother, a frail elderly woman with major neurocognitive disorder and several physical weaknesses. Which of the following is NOT likely true of this case?
a- Lora’s siblings appreciate what she is doing.
b- Public agencies will not be available to assist Lora
unless there is an extreme issue.
c- Lora will need support and breaks if she is to do her
role well.
d- Lora is most likely the caregiver because she has the training and personality to do the job better than others in the family.

d- Lora is most likely the caregiver because she has the training and personality to do the job better than others in the family.

In parent and adult child relationships, _____ feel stronger affection toward their parents.


Which of the following conditions increases the likelihood of elder abuse?

a demanding care receiver

The fact that Maine, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia follow Florida as the states with the highest proportion of residents over age 65 illustrates that _____.

most people prefer to age where they have always lived

Older adults who work bridge jobs tend to be _____ than those who work full time or quit completely.

tend to be happier

Pablo had strong social connections and community ties throughout his adult life and mentored many individuals while in his career as a business manager. He was also an active volunteer in his community. Now that he is retired, Pablo will most likely _____.

become an active volunteer or find other ways to remain socially engaged

Vivica, an adolescent, believes that government should pay for all citizens’ health care. From this premise, she reasons about the particulars of how and why government-funded health care would work. This is an example of _____.

deductive reasoning

With respect to intelligence testing in adulthood, scores on items measuring fluid intelligence _____ with age and scores on items measuring crystallized intelligence _____ with age.

decrease; increase

According to Erikson, the ultimate adolescent psychosocial goal is identity _____.


Mila told a friend that she doesn’t like the way her legs look in her new volleyball uniform. She said she hates her figure and expressed a desire to lose a lot of weight. From this discussion, you might think that Mila has a _____.

poor body image

Religious faith is associated with improved psychological health in old age because of _____.

beliefs that give meaning to life and death

Which of the following individuals is most likely going to take dramatic risks in order to gain peer approval?
5-year-old Evan
10-year-old Alvin
15-year-old Kevin
20-year-old Bruce

15-year-old Kevin

From a developmental perspective, _____ and culture are pivotal in couple formation and bonding.


Companionate grandparents are _____.

happy to be independent of the daily demands of child rearing

Research has found that between the ages of 20 and 60 _____.

metabolism slows down by about one-third

Which type of parenting can "boomerang," resulting in adolescents who learn to deceive their parents?


Which factor is a good predictor of health for people around the world?

completing secondary education

Jennifer was just diagnosed with cancer. She has started drinking heavily and keeps rescheduling doctors’ appointments to later and later dates. Jennifer is engaging in _____ coping.


Who are considered to be digital natives?


Taylor spends one hour getting ready for school. She insists on wearing only brand-name clothes. Taylor also wears specific sunglasses to demonstrate that she is a member of the popular crowd, and she participates in verbal bullying of students in the loner crowd. Taylor is most likely to be at what level of the education system?

middle school

A method of dealing with a problem by ignoring, forgetting, or hiding it is referred to as _____ coping.

avoidant coping

During emerging adulthood, self-esteem and happiness _____ for most people.

they increase for most people

Remarriage is more common _____.

as SES rises

Juan does not feel as though he is a male and is upset that his body does not match how he feels. He is experiencing _____.

gender dysphoria

Which personality trait tends to increase with age?


According to Erikson’s stage of _____, every adult seeks close relationships with other people in order to live a happy and healthy life.

intimacy versus isolation (seeks relationships)

Which neurocognitive disorder is most likely to occur prior to age 70?

frontotemporal NCD

Dr. Fine was interested in assessing the g, or general intelligence, of college students, so he assessed abilities in all of the following areas EXCEPT_____.


Joss thinks he is more unique and admired than other adolescents his age and is certain that everyone is paying attention to his every action. It appears that he has started to experience adolescent _____.


One of the first signs of the growth spurt is _____.

growth of fingers and toes

Eric readily adopted his parents’ political beliefs without question. Happy and secure, he enjoys participating in political events with his parents. His identity status reflects _____.

reflects foreclosure

The most controversial version of social stratification theory is _____, in part because it can be used to justify ageism and social isolation.


A school schedule that begins at _____ and ends at _____ would be the best fit for adolescent sleep patterns.
8:00 A.M.; 3:10 P.M.
6:00 A.M.; 1:10 P.M.
7:00 A.M.; 2:10 P.M.
9:00 A.M.; 4:10 P.M.

9:00 A.M.; 4:10 P.M.

The ability to recall a string of digits backward tends to _____ with age, while memory for vocabulary tends to _____ with age.

decrease; stay the same

Committed partners who maintain separate homes but function as a committed couple are said to be _____.

living apart together

Changes in primary sex characteristics include _____.

growth of the uterus or the testes

The term imaginary audience refers to adolescents’ _____.

belief that everyone is watching their behavior and appearance

Shanice experienced menarche when she was 7 years old. She experienced _____.

precocious puberty

Baltes and Baltes found that adults use their intellectual strengths to offset their age-related declining abilities through the process of _____.

selective optimization with compensation

_____ percent of adults over the age of 65 volunteer.


Since he entered puberty, Damian has been staying awake late at night and craving sleep in the mornings. His parents should realize that this _____.

is due to hormonal shifts

Osteoporosis results not only from primary aging but also from too _____.

little exercise

What proportion of all first marriages end in divorce?


The part of the information-processing system that regulates the analysis and flow of information is called _____.

control processes

The difference between ADLs and IADLs is that _____.

IADLs require some intellectual competence

Statistically, which person is MOST likely to have the greatest health problems as a result of iron deficiency?

16-year-old Marilyn, who is menstruating

As he holds the door open for an elderly woman, a middle-aged man says, "After you, Young Lady." This interaction is an example of _____.


During the past 50 years, advances in medicine have solved about half of all

fertility problems

In the twenty-first century, early puberty positively correlates with _____.

aggression and antisocial behavior in boys

For stepparents, a possible consequence of establishing a good relationship with the child may be that _____.

they lose a source of intimacy and generativity if the marriage ends

Which country has the highest rate of individuals diagnosed with diabetes?

the United States

Renee is aware of where her son is whenever he goes out, and she requires him to call if there is any change in plans. This is an example of _____.

parental monitoring

Ian just learned his final grade in history. He was upset because he thought he was going to do better and called his mother to tell her about it. His mother then contacted the professor (without Ian’s permission or knowledge) to ask that Ian’s grade be changed because he had worked really hard in the class, or at least that he be given a chance to retake the final test. In this example, Ian’s mother is a _____ parent.

mother is a helicopter parent

Compared to novices, experts typically _____.

are more intuitive

Mel is a retired stockbroker who enjoys tutoring children at the local YMCA after school. He is demonstrating the psychosocial stage of _____.

He is at the stage: generativity versus stagnation

A new pedagogical technique in which students are required to watch videos of a lecture on their computers before class and then participate in discussions in class facilitated by the professor is called _____.

a flipped class

Janyce, a 50-year-old woman, has several stressors in her life, so she turns to her friends to help her deal with the pressure. Which statement BEST explains the physiological phenomenon associated with her method of coping?

Her body is producing oxytocin, a hormone that encourages caring interactions.

The part of the information-processing system that regulates the analysis and flow of information is called _____.

control processes

The term g refers to _____ intelligence.


Recently, Ruth has difficulty lifting her feet to climb steps. Sometimes her hands tremble when she’s drinking her afternoon cup of tea. Which neurocognitive disorder is she likely suffering from?

Parkinson’s disease

All of the following are true about learning late in life EXCEPT _____.
a- learning new knowledge is possible, but gaining new
skills is not
b- people younger than 80 can learn almost anything if
c- the training is targeted to their ability and motivation
regular practice is key to learning anything new
d- developmentalists do not discourage older adults from
trying to learn new things

a- learning new knowledge is possible, but gaining new skills is not

Generally, emerging adulthood is characterized by _____ health.

good to excellent

The brain of an Alzheimer’s victim displays plaques, which are _____, and tangles, which are _____.

clumps of a protein called beta-amyloid; twisted threads made of a protein called tau

The most common form of frontotemporal lobar degeneration is _____

Pick disease

Which of the following is likely to be a possible reaction to stereotype threat?

the high school drop-out rate for African American males should increase ??????

When 18-year-old high school graduates of similar backgrounds and abilities are compared, those who begin jobs rather than going to college after high school are more likely to eventually _____ than those who earned a college degree.

achieve less and be less satisfied by middle age

The military has increased in diversity, including _____ percent female and _____ percent minorities on active duty in 2011.

15; 37

Schaie’s cross-sequential research on intellectual development studied _____.

verbal meaning, spatial orientation, inductive reasoning, number ability, and word fluency

ADLs are _____.

activities of daily life

Experts tend to be intuitive, automatic, _____, and _____ in their thinking.

flexible; analytical

The sex hormones secreted in greater amounts by males than by females are the _____.


The Hayflick limit is a natural limit to the _____.

number of times cells can divide

Dr. Richman is conducting research on whether women perform worse on a math test when they are asked to indicate their gender prior to taking the text. Dr. Richman is exploring the concept of _____.

stereotype threat

Which of the following symptoms is NOT associated with anorexia nervosa?
secret overeating
voluntary starvation
feeling out of control
distorted body image


A vector is _____.

a person who spreads a disease

Carolina is 14 years old. Her parents are frequently annoyed because she tends to ask critical questions such as, "Why can’t I have wine with dinner? You do," or "I don’t understand why I’ll be able to vote when I’m 18, but I have to wait until I’m 21 to buy alcohol!" This demonstrates Carolina’s _____.

hypothetical thinking

The most common reversible condition that is mistaken for neurological disorder is _____.


Approximately _____ percent of people over age 65 can see well without glasses.


The basic intelligence that makes learning quick and thorough is referred to as _____ intelligence.


Bottom-up reasoning is also referred to as _____ reasoning.


According to the DSM-5, the appropriate term for brain diseases that affect a person’s ability to remember, analyze, plan, or interact with others is _____.

neurocognitive disorder

Which statement about sexuality is true for both sexes as people age?
a- Sexual responses come quicker.
b- Sex hormone levels increase.
c- Reproduction becomes less likely.
d- Fertility is increased.

c- Reproduction becomes less likely.

Parents’ awareness of where their adolescents are, what they are doing, and with whom they are doing it is referred to as _____.

as parental monitoring

Implementation is quitting a habit according to a plan. Implementation is most successful when a person _____.

reflects the person’s values, circumstances, and support

Which of the following is NOT a reason that older adults continue driving even though they probably should not?
a- They don’t want to give up their independence.
b- They don’t realize the extent to which their driving-
related skills have diminished.
c- They don’t care whether they have an accident because
they’ve got good insurance.
d- They believe that their critics are ageist.

c- They don’t care whether they have an accident because they’ve got good insurance.

When the thought required for an action has become routine, and it appears that most aspects of the task are performed instinctively, the performance of the task is _____.


_____ percent of adults (age 25 to 65) are providing PRIMARY financial support for their grown children.


Expert thought is _____.

intuitive, automatic, strategic, and flexible

Jamal and his classmates are taking a test today that will determine if they graduate from high school. Jamal and his classmates are taking a(n) _____ test.


Who is most likely to be the healthiest and happiest at age 70?

Diana, who lives with her husband of 40 years

An analysis of stressful events found that _____ had the greatest effect on adult happiness.

losing a job

Friendships reach their peak of functional significance during _____.

emerging adulthood

The gradual accumulation of stressors over a long period of time, wearing down the resilience and resistance of a person, is referred to as _____.


K. Warner Schaie developed the first _____ study of adult intelligence.


Rose has made some mistakes throughout her life, but overall she looks back on her life with pride. Rose is in Erikson’s stage of _____.

stage of integrity versus despair

Erikson’s fifth stage of development is _____.

5th Stage: identity versus role confusion

Which of the following is NOT true of most front-line nursing home employees?
a- They are most likely to be family members of the residents.
b- Training on even very simple tasks is very important.
c- Many staff members have many patients.
d- Pay is often very low.

a- They are most likely to be family members of the residents.

During emerging adulthood, all body systems _____.

function optimally

Gus and Derek persuaded Trent to cut school and steal alcohol from a store. Gus and Derek were providing _____.

deviancy training

The recent effort by countries around the world to increase the number of young people attending college is prompted by national governments’ belief in _____.


Some parent-child bickering during the adolescent years may indicate _____.

a healthy family

Fifteen-year-old Spencer wants to be allowed to drive the family car, even though he does not yet have a driver’s license. When his parents ask him why he thinks he should have driving privileges, he answers, "I know other kids who do it, and it’s just stupid that I have to wait another three months until I turn 16." This is an example of what kind of thinking?

(Spencer is using) intuitive thinking

A thought that arises through a "feeling" that the thought is right is referred to as a(n) _____ thought.

an intuitive thought

Without any thoughtful consideration, Britton took on an identity that is the opposite of what his parents want for him. Britton has adopted a(n) _____.

negative identity

The notion that two networks exist within the human brain, one for emotional and one for analytical processing of stimuli, is called the _____.

dual-process model

A longitudinal study that traced the development of sensation seeking from early adolescence to the mid-20s found that increases in sensation seeking were notable from ages _____.

12 to 14

When many adults who moved into a neighborhood decades earlier never leave the area, the result is _____.

a naturally occurring retirement community

Grandparents who are active in the daily lives of their grandchildren are said to be _____ grandparents.

involved grandparents

(sometimes called "fun-loving" grandparents)
entertain and "spoil" their grandchildren—especially in ways that the parents would not.

Companionate grandparents

raise their grandchildren, usually because the parents
are unable or unwilling to do so.

Surrogate parents

Body chemicals that regulate sleep, moods, hunger, and stress are called _____.


Adolescents who periodically and compulsively overeat, quickly consuming large amounts of food, and feel out of control are said to be suffering from _____.

binge eating disorder

A family of many generations but with only a few members of each generation is called a _____ family.


Assisted living can be thought of as a combination of _____.

nursing home care and independent living

In older adults, a positive world view _____.

correlates with believing that life is meaningful

_____ theories claim that social forces limit individual choice and direct life, especially in late adulthood.


In vitro fertilization (IVF), an assisted reproductive technology (ART), has resulted in an estimated _____ million births.


Which of the following statements about older people and religion is TRUE?

Religious institutions promote caring relationships.

Malcolm’s parents wanted him to be part of the family business—and Malcolm planned to do so. Then, at age 17, he decided to leave the business to study to be a lawyer. Malcolm resisted _____.

Resisted identity foreclosure

Idina is 10 years old and well into puberty. She will probably experience _____.

teasing from boys her age

A challenge faced by researchers who want to know if wisdom increases with age is that _____.

the definition of wisdom varies by culture

As he ages, a professional musician begins to limit his repertoire, to practice more before concerts, and to change the way he sits when he plays. He is _____.

using selective optimization with compensation

The most common form of frontotemporal lobar degeneration is _____.

Pick disease

Elyse broke up with her boyfriend after a fight. She has spent the last week repeatedly going over the fight in her mind, which has caused her to sink into depression. Her continual reliving of the fight is known as _____.


Patricia and Raul live together as a romantic couple but they are not married. Their living arrangement is called _____.


Reasoning that includes propositions
and possibilities that do not reflect

hypothetical thought

Reasoning from a general statement,
premise, or principle, through logical
steps, to figure out (deduce) specifics.
(Also called top-down reasoning.)

deductive reasoning

Reasoning from specific experiences or facts to reach (induce) a general conclusion. (Also called bottom-up

inductive reasoning

Recall of learned material

explicit memory

forgetting the origin of a fact, idea,
or snippet of conversation.

source amnesia

Recognition and habits

implicit memory

A dynamic body adjustment to long-term biological
conditions of a person’s life.


The adjustment of all the body’s systems to keep
physiological functions in equilibrium, moment by moment.


Those aspects of intellectual ability that reflect accumulated learning. Vocabulary and general information are examples.

crystallized intelligence

Those aspects of basic intelligence that make learning quick and thorough. Short-term memory, abstract thought, and speed of thinking are usually considered part of fluid intelligence.

fluid intelligence

Erikson’s Stages of Adulthood

Intimacy versus Isolation Adults seek intimacy—a close, reciprocal connection with another human being. Intimacy is mutual, not self-absorbed, which means that adults need to devote time and energy to one another. This process begins in emerging adulthood and continues lifelong. Isolation is especially likely when divorce or death disrupts established intimate relationships. Generativity versus Stagnation Adults need to care for the next generation, either by raising their own children or by mentoring, teaching, and helping others. Adults extend the legacy of their culture and their generation with ongoing care, creativity, and sacrifice. Integrity versus Despair Integrity, with the goal of combating prejudice and helping all humanity, was too important to be left to the elderly. He also thought that each person’s entire life connects his or her personal journey with human society. The ultimate integrity occurs when the specifics of a person’s life, within a particular history and culture, is in harmony with the universal human destiny.

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