Hist 120 Ch. 15

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11) In response to Fort Sumter;
A) both North and South witnessed a tremendous outpouring of support.
B) the states of Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri seceded and joined the Confederacy.
C) Northern authorities enlisted black volunteers for military service.
D) President Lincoln asked Congress to initiate plans for military conscription.


12) The material assets of the North during the Civil War
A) immediately placed the South at a disadvantage.
B) became effective only in the long run.
C) offset the greater supply of manpower in the South.
D) allowed the North to wage a defensive war.


13) To secure Maryland for the Union, Lincoln
A) offered a declaration of emancipation.
B) arrested and detained southern sympathizers.
C) issued a writ of habeas corpus.
D) sent federal troops to Baltimore.


14) In February 1861, the original seceding states created a provisional government
A) establishing their capital at Richmond, Virginia.
B) authorizing generous funds for employees and supplies.
C) emphasizing the sovereignty of the states.
D) selecting Robert E. Lee as president.


15) For his cabinet, Lincoln selected
A) only those men who agreed with his views.
B) friends to whom he owed political debts.
C) men of lesser political stature or ability.
D) important Republicans from different factions of the party.


16) Lincoln’s early actions as president indicated that he intended to
A) rely heavily on his cabinet members’ advice.
B) act only with the sanction of Congress.
C) take responsibility for running his own administration.
D) respect the traditions and dogmas of the past.


17) Jefferson Davis was observed by his contemporaries as too
A) preoccupied with details. B) unwilling to experiment. C) insensitive to criticism. D) lazy and easy-going.


18) The use of the new, longer-range rifles during the Civil War
A) contradicted the training offered at West Point.
B) led to more effective use of artillery.
C) produced a ghastly crop of dead men.
D) reduced the emphasis on infantry attack.


19) During the early years of the war in the East
A) General Winfield Scott pushed for action and quick victory.
B) the North inflicted a devastating blow at the Battle of Bull Run.
C) the South followed an exclusively defensive strategy.
D) a stalemate developed as decisive victory eluded both sides.


20) The Battle of Bull Run was a prophetic one in that it convinced northerners of the
A) military genius of General Irwin McDowell.
B) need to confront and resolve logistic problems.
C) certainty of their prospects for quick victory.
D) uselessness of formal military training.


21) Placed in command of the Union armies in 1861, General George McClellan
A) wished to win the war "by maneuvering rather than fighting."
B) gained a reputation for bold, almost reckless tactics.
C) inflicted unnecessary and embittering loss of life and property.
D) captured the city of Richmond during his Peninsula campaign.


22) In the early western theater of the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant
A) displayed a military genius for setting large goals.
B) prematurely invaded forts in Kentucky and Tennessee.
C) surprised a large Confederate force at Shiloh Church.
D) closely coordinated plans with eastern military activities.


23) The casualties from the battle at Shiloh Church were enormous because of the
A) surprise nature of the southern attack.
B) foolish use of headlong infantry attacks.
C) insufficient care of wounds on the battlefield.
D) development of more lethal weapons and ammunition.


24) During the early years of the Civil War, the northern navy concentrated on
A) raiding southern merchant ships.
B) freeing the slaves in southern ports.
C) developing new weapons and ironclad vessels.
D) gaining footholds along the southern coast for a blockade.


25) Southerners thought that European nations would recognize and support the Confederacy because of the Europeans’
A) desire to upset the balance of power. B) dependence upon southern cotton. C) lack of economic ties with the North. D) wish to back the winning side.


26) In contrast to the North, the South relied more heavily on the
A) levy of direct taxes for war finances.
B) issue of government bonds to borrow money.
C) use of conscription to maintain their armed forces.
D) imposition of government measures to control inflation.


27) The largest civil disturbance of the nineteenth century occurred in New York City in early July 1863, as
A) workers opposed to the draft rioted for three days.
B) blacks protested racial discrimination and segregation.
C) peace activists demanded a negotiated end to the war.
D) nativist mobs beat up Irish immigrants and destroyed their homes and businesses.


28) The New York City draft riots of 1863
A) resulted from extreme northern antiwar sentiment.
B) exposed the racial and class antagonisms of northern society.
C) led to the passage of more fair conscription laws.
D) caused little damage and produced only minor disturbances.


29) Political dissension in the South during the Civil War
A) tended to be factional, petty, and often personal in nature.
B) resulted in the establishment of party mechanisms to channel or curb criticism.
C) produced an arbitrary and tyrannical expansion of presidential power.
D) led detractors to offer programs in opposition to Democratic policies.


30) The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln for all of the following reasons EXCEPT the
A) need to prepare northern whites for the eventuality of emancipation.
B) diplomatic concern of favorable foreign impressions of the North.
C) implicit appeal to slaves to subvert the southern war effort.
D) desire to undermine Democratic opposition of the administration.


31) The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in
A) all portions of the United States.
B) unconquered parts of the Confederacy.
C) the border states of the Union.
D) parts of the South already in northern hands.


32) During the Civil War, the northern army
A) was first to use black troops for combat duty.
B) proved the effectiveness of Jomini’s military theories.
C) rejected the use of defensive earthworks and trenches.
D) respected and protected the property of civilians.


33) At the Battle of Gettysburg, General Robert E. Lee
A) captured control of northern territory between Philadelphia and Washington.
B) surrendered his army and supplies to General George Meade.
C) suffered losses so heavy that he could never mount another southern offensive.
D) ordered Pickett’s Charge as a daring escape to save his men.


34) As commander of the Union armies, General Ulysses S. Grant recommended a
A) strategy of naval and land blockades, causing economic deprivation and discontent.
B) tactic of hit-and-run maneuvers, offsetting the defensive advantages of southern armies.
C) policy of evasion and retreat, designed to lessen casualties and wear down the enemy.
D) grim campaign of annihilation, using the North’s superior might to destroy southern armies and resources.


35) During the war years, southern
A) politicians remained devoted to the concept of states’ rights.
B) planters increasingly relied on cash-crop agriculture.
C) industrialists failed to produce military supplies.
D) yeoman farmers suffered an economic decline.


36) Abraham Lincoln extended presidential powers during the Civil War in all of the following ways EXCEPT the
A) arbitrary veto of congressional legislation.
B) suspension of habeas corpus for southern sympathizers.
C) removal of army generals.
D) curtailment of freedom of the press.


37) The Civil War transformed American society as
A) Americans became more parochial in their interests and concerns.
B) women were forced to leave the work force to care for homes and families.
C) wartime jobs and wages provided substantial increases in real income.
D) economic dislocations reduced the standard of living for most civilians.


38) The Civil War transformed race relations in the South as
A) slaves drew closer to their masters in fear of the unknown.
B) blacks proved increasingly unwilling to play a subservient role.
C) white violence toward blacks intensified with growing frustration over a losing war effort.
D) whites gained greater appreciation of blacks with increased dependence upon them.


39) For American women, the Civil War
A) minimized their economic importance.
B) promoted their domestic role.
C) provided opportunities for government service.
D) necessitated their military enlistment.


40) In the election of 1864, Democratic candidate George McClellan
A) recommended vast expansions of executive power for successful prosecution of the war.
B) proclaimed the war a failure and demanded an armistice with the South.
C) supported sweeping measures designed to promote banking, western settlement, and industrial expansion.
D) called for abolition of slavery and the granting of equal rights to blacks.


41) All of the following factors contributed to the victory of the North in the Civil War EXCEPT that
A) General Grant refused to sustain heavy casualties.
B) the South failed to meet production needs.
C) southern political beliefs undermined united efforts.
D) southern transportation systems proved woefully inadequate.


42) In contrast to other wars involving American soldiers, the Civil War
A) involved the greatest number of active participants.
B) resulted in fewer deaths due to disease.
C) provided fewer problems of postwar adjustment.
D) proved most deadly in terms of American lives.


43) During the Civil War, the Republicans passed legislation to
A) lower the tariffs on imported manufactured goods.
B) require state financing of colleges and railroads.
C) provide farmers access to the public domain.
D) dismantle the national banking system.


44) "After Sumter, he swiftly called up the state militias, expanded the navy, and suspended habeas corpus." Habeas corpus refers to the legal procedure to
A) compel a person to appear in court.
B) release a person from unlawful restraint.
C) obtain relief from errors of fact.
D) enforce a court order granted a plaintiff.


45) "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present…." Dogmas are principles
A) dictated by one’s religious beliefs. B) espoused by the founding fathers. C) considered to be absolute truth. D) upheld by the Supreme Court.


46) "Despite the sacrosanct notion of states’ rights, the Confederate Congress passed the first conscription act in American history in March 1862." A sacrosanct notion would be one that is
A) regarded as sacred and inviolable. B) sacrilegious or heretical. C) outdated and inappropriate. D) customary and expected.


47) "His veto of the…Wade-Davis bill, led to cries of ‘usurpation.’" Usurpation is the act of
A) seizing power belonging to another.
B) violating the Constitution.
C) opposing the majority or rightful position.
D) neglecting the duties of one’s office.


48) "Although Lincoln gained the Republican nomination because of his tight control over party machinery and patronage, his party did not unite behind him." Patronage refers to
A) political contributions. B) governmental favors.
C) persuasive skills. D) powerful friends.


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