HEED 300 Exam 1

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Which of the following describes the process in which one adopts patterns of behavior that lead to greater life satisfaction? (pg. 2)


Which of the following is considered a social determinant of health? (pg. 4)

employment status

According to the ecological model of health and wellness, which of the following is a factor in a person’s natural physical environment? (pg. 4)

air quality

Which of the following best demonstrates an ecological model of health and wellness? (pg. 3)

being aware of hereditary risks and avoiding unhealthy environments and behaviors

Which of the following statements about cells and genes is FALSE? (pg. 5)

The sequencing of bases within a gene is of little significance.

Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, includes which of the following? (pg. 5)

four bases

When a change occurs in a gene, it is called (pg. 6)

a mutation

Alternative forms of the same gene are called (pg. 6)


Genetic disorders caused by multiple genes interacting with the environment are called (pg. 6-7)


Heart disease is an example of a multifactorial illness. Which of the following does NOT support this statement? (pg. 7)

Random error in the formation of ovum or sperm causes heart disease

What is the main purpose of creating a family tree? (pg. 8, 10)

to discover your personal health risks and strengths

Which of the following statements is true regarding family health trees? (pg. 8)

Basic information for each relative in the family health tree includes date of birth, major diseases, age, and cause of death

What information found in a family health tree indicates that a disease might have a genetic link? (pg. 10)

a family member with multiple cancers

The Stages of Change Model of health behavior change emphasizes that (pg. 10)

change happens as a process

The aspect of personal health that is most within your control is (pg. 10)


Adam’s sister lectures him daily about the threat his smoking poses to his health. She argues that, if he quits, he would improve both his health and his athletic performance. Adam knows his sister is right, but according to the Stages of Change Model, he will actually quit smoking when he reaches the (pg. 11)

action stage

Mackenzie resolves to start exercising three times a week when her membership at a local gym begins, in two weeks. In which stage of change in the Transtheoretical Model is Mackenzie operating? (pg. 11)


In which stage of change in the Transtheoretical Model does an individual intend to change a specific health behavior within the next six months? (pg. 11)


Which of the following statements best illustrates a sense of self-efficacy? (pg. 11)

I can do it

Which of the following best illustrates a SMART goal? (pg. 12)

I will eat my meals on time and limit myself to one snack daily

Which of the following best illustrates an action step? (pg. 12)

Beginning next week, I will work out three days a week

The basic definition of health literacy refers to one’s ability to (pg. 13)

obtain and successfully use health information

Which of the following statements about health risks is FALSE? (pg. 13)

all health risks can be avoided

The purpose of making a clinical study double-blind is to (pg. 14)

reduce researcher bias

Which of the following statements is true concerning medical research studies? (pg. 13)

Clinical studies attempt to establish cause-and-effect relationships

Of the following, the best type of website on which to research health issues is one that is sponsored by (pg. 14)

an educational institution

One of the hallmarks of community health promotion is its emphasis on improving (pg. 14)

common health-related resources

Which of the following best illustrates a public health measure? (pg. 15)

preventing the spread of disease-carrying insects

What is the major goal of primary disease-prevention efforts? (pg. 15)

Inhibit the development of diseases

Which of the following is NOT a specific national health objective of Healthy People 2020? (pg. 17)

Focus on promoting health for older individuals

Healthy People 2020 places increased emphasis on "health determinants," which (pg. 17)

include both social and environmental determinants

In 2010 approximately ________ percent of the U.S. population were members of racial or ethnic minority groups. (pg. 18)

28 percent

In general, what can American ethnic minority populations expect concerning their health, as compared to the general population? (pg. 19)

higher rates of cancer, infant mortality, and alcoholism

The approach to psychological research that, instead of studying mental illness, studies such things as happiness, character strengths, and healthy emotions is called (pg. 24)

positive psychology

Research on positive psychology has led scientists to identify six virtues that "enable human thriving." One of these is (pg. 24)


The highest level of Maslow’s needs hierarchy is characterized by (pg. 26)

a state of transcendence and well-being

The basic premise of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory is that people will pursue their highest potential when (pg. 26)

their basic needs are met

In the hierarchy of needs pyramid, the order of human needs progresses as follows: (pg. 26)

physiological needs; safety and security; love and belongingness; self-esteem; self-actualization.

Which of the following is most strongly associated with better mental health? (pg. 26)


Which type of intelligence involves self-awareness and sensitivity to others? (pg. 28)


Mentally healthy people tend to have

high self-esteem

Which of the following is a key to reducing stress and leading a mentally healthy life?

social support

You are demonstrating a sense of self-efficacy when you believe you are

in control of your circumstances

The ability to bounce back from an adverse event is known as


Your brain is not fully developed until you reach your

early twenties

A person suffering from depression commonly experiences


Jorge has always been a top student, but for the past couple of months he no longer enjoys school and can’t concentrate, so his grades are far lower than they could be. With which of the following conditions is Jorge most likely to be diagnosed? (pg. 33)

major depressive disorder

Jenna sometimes "shops till she drops," meaning she shops on an exhilarating high until she crashes into a major depressive episode. Jenna’s behavior is most common to which disorder? (pg. 33)


Geoff showers four or five times during the course of a day and washes his hands almost every time he touches something. Geoff’s behavior most closely resembles symptoms of

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is true? (pg. 35)

Brain scanning technologies reveal abnormalities in the brains of people with schizophrenia.

Scott, age 24, has withdrawn from most social contact and stopped dressing appropriately. When you speak with him, his conversation tends to make no sense. Of the following options, Scott is most likely to be diagnosed with (pg. 35)


According to the spring 2012 National College Health Assessment, ________ percent of college students seriously considered suicide in the past year. (pg. 35)

7 percent

Which of the following is a warning sign or event that often precedes a suicide attempt? (pg. 36)

social isolation

When a person with a physiological dependence on a substance needs higher and higher doses to achieve a high, that person is experiencing the characteristic signs of (pg. 34)


Which part of the brain activates the stress response? (pg. 40)

cerebral cortex

The stress response is a series of ________ that occur in the face of a threat. (pg. 40)

physiological changes

Which system controls our involuntary, unconscious actions? (pg. 40)

autonomic nervous system

Of the following bodily changes, which is associated with the stress response? (pg. 40)

increased metabolism

Selye proposed the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) model to explain (pg. 41)

how organisms respond physiologically to stressors

The ________ stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome is characterized by a reduction in immune system functioning that will be temporary if the stress is over quickly. (pg. 41)

alarm stage

The body can no longer keep up with the demands of the stressor in the ________ stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome. (pg. 41)

exhaustion stage

Long-term exposure to stress can damage the cardiovascular system by causing (pg. 42)

chronic high blood pressure

Iraq war veteran Mallory was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder based on the fact that her symptoms were (pg. 42)

not apparent until a year after she returned home

In which of the following would a response to a stressor continue for a longer period than would normally be expected? (pg. 42)

adjustment disorder

An achievement orientation is associated with which personality type? (pg. 42-43)

Type A

Which of the following personality types describes people who are impulsive, need to get things done quickly, and live their lives on a time schedule? (pg. 42-43)

Type A

Among Type A individuals, the trait that appears to be most harmful to health is


Kristi’s friends all describe her as cool and not easily frustrated. Kristi most likely has which type of personality type? (pg. 43)

Type B

Which of the following statements displays "hardiness"? (pg. 43-44)

"My new professor is difficult, but I know that if I work hard enough I’ll learn a lot from her."

________ is a style of coping with stress that features a positive outlook, a sense of commitment, and a sense of control. (pg. 43-44)


Holmes and Rahe created the Social Readjustment Scale to measure a person’s (pg. 42)

risk of developing stress-related illnesses

Daily hassles, such as arguments and car problems, can cause health problems when (pg. 44)

you don’t have a period of recovery

Based on one survey of college students, approximately ________ percent feel that stress has affected their academic performance. (pg. 44)

30 percent

During times of high stress, college students tend to (pg. 47)

overeat or eat unhealthy "comfort" foods

The concept central to ________ is to calm the mind, cleanse the body, and raise awareness through activities involving posture, breathing, and body and mind awareness. (pg. 50)


________ are positive thoughts that one can write down or say to oneself to balance negative thoughts. (pg. 51)


Gathering of information about your heart rate, breathing, and skin temperature in order to recognize stress response symptoms is a technique referred to as (pg. 51)


The concept central to ________ is to promote the flow of life energy throughout the body. (pg. 50)

t’ai chi

According to Kübler-Ross, when a person believes he or she is in the process of dying, he/she passes through five stages. Which of the following is the linear order originally presented by Kübler-Ross? (pg. 30)

denial and isolation; anger;bargaining; depression; acceptance

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of grief? (Pg. 29)


Kathleen’s brother passed away six months ago. Recently, Kathleen has been imagining herself having conversations with her brother as if he were still alive. What phase of bereavement is she most likely experiencing? (pg. 29)


It’s been two years since Frank’s mother passed away but he still finds that he has trouble concentrating on anything for too long and often feels tired. What phase of bereavement is Frank most likely experiencing? (pg. 29)


Which of the following is recommended for someone who has just lost a loved one? (Pg. 30)

eat well, exercise, and get plenty of rest

Bereavement typically involves four phases. Which of the following is NOT one of the four phases? (pg. 29)


Friendship is a(n) ________ relationship. (pg. 55)


According to a recent survey, ________ of Americans report having people in their lives they can trust and turn to for support. (pg. 55)

almost all

We are more likely to be happy if we have a close friend living within a mile, but this requirement may be changing due to which of the following? (pg. 55)

social media forums and smartphones

Which of the following is NOT a difference between friendships and intimate partnerships? (pg. 55-56)

friendships are more exclusive

Which of the following makes it more likely that two people will develop a romantic relationship? (pg. 56)


The theory that people look for someone who fills our emotional needs as well as our need for security, money, and goods is known as ________ theory. (pg. 59)

social exchange theory

Researchers believe that the experience of being "lovesick" involves an increase in levels of which of the following? (pg. 59)


In Sternberg’s Love Triangle, the emotional component of love is called (pg. 59)


Which of the following is NOT one of the dimensions in Sternberg’s Love Triangle? (pg. 59)


Research generally suggests that being ________ is NOT an effective strategy in finding a life partner. (pg. 57)


Which of the following means standing up for yourself without violating the rights of others? (pg. 61)


The meaning behind the message, conveyed by nonverbal behavior and situational factors, is called the (pg. 60)


According to Tannen, men are more likely than women to use communication to (pg. 61)


The use of "I" statements when speaking (pg. 61)

allows you to be clear without blaming or accusing

Which of the following is typically characteristic of men rather than women, according to the gender differences in communication found by Deborah Tannen? (pg. 61)

Men tend to believe the goal is to "fix" the problem being communicated.

Behaviors and characteristics considered appropriate for a male or female in a particular culture is called one’s (pg. 62)


One’s biological status as a male or female, usually established at birth by the appearance of external genitals, is referred to as one’s (pg. 61)


Which of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of transgender individuals? (pg. 62)

experiencing emotional sexual attraction to members of the same sex

A person with female genitals usually has XX chromosomes, and a person with male genitals usually has ________ chromosomes. (pg. 61)

XY chromosomes

"Masculine" and "feminine" traits are (pg. 62)

largely learned via the process of socialization during childhood

Which of the following is NOT among the best predictors of a happy marriage? (pg. 63)

a high value placed on independence

In the United States, who specifies the rights and responsibilities of the partners in a marriage? (pg. 63)

state government

Same-sex couples often have to deal with (pg. 64)


Which of the following statements about cohabitation is true? (pg. 64)

Some studies have shown that cohabitation decreases the likelihood of success in marriage.

Which of the following statements about spirituality is FALSE? (pg. 69)

Spirituality requires participation in organized religion

Studies have shown that spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer (pg. 70)

reduce the secretion of stress hormones.

In comparison with the general public, spiritually connected people (pg. 70)

are likely to receive support from others.

Sandy has euphoric feelings while working with children at the Ronald McDonald House. She is experiencing:

a helper’s high

How does service learning encourage students to take on a positive role in their community?

Service learning teaches students how to get involved in the lives of others.

Most young adults have a circadian rhythm that tells them to fall asleep ________ in the evening and to wake up ________ in the morning than older adults.

later; later

Which of the following statements about the association between sleep and health is FALSE?

Good nutrition and exercise are more important to a healthy lifestyle than sleep.

Which of the following is NOT an effect of sleep deprivation?

lowered blood sugar

Light alerts the biological clock to slow down the secretion of which hormone that promotes sleep?


The pituitary gland releases:

growth hormone, which helps repair body tissues

The suprachiasmic nuclei

control falling asleep and awakening

the human brain cycles into two main states of sleep. They are:

NREM sleep and REM sleep

Stage ________ of NREM sleep represents the beginning of actual sleep.

stage 2

At which stage of NREM sleep will you feel most groggy if you are suddenly awakened from it?

stage 4

Which of the following statements about REM sleep is true?

while dreaming, eyes may dart around as if watching dream unfold

Scientists believe that creative and novel ideas are more likely to flourish during which state of sleep?

REM sleep

Which of the following statements about human sleep cycles is true?

Typically, an individual experiences four to five sleep cycles each night.

Sleep disorders include all of the following EXCEPT

REM behavior disorder

Dave lies in bed for a full hour each night before falling asleep and then proceeds to wake up multiple times throughout the night. He most likely has what sleep disorder?


All of the following are causes of insomnia in adult women, EXCEPT

bulky soft tissue in the neck and throat

Molly often awakes snorting and gasping for air in the middle of the night. Molly most likely has what sleep disorder?

sleep apnea

Which of the following statements regarding sleep apnea is FALSE?

sleep apnea is characterized by continuous snorting

Which of the following individuals is most likely to suffer from sleep apnea?

Don—smoker, 40 pounds overweight, sleeps on back, age 50

Zach often wakes up in the morning and finds his refrigerator empty and wonders where all of the food went. He may have which sleep disorder?

nocturnal sleeping disorder

Which of the following statements about sleepwalking disorder is true?

Sleepwalking may be brought on by excessive sleep deprivation, fatigue, stress, illness, or sedatives.

Which of the following statements about the effects of caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine on sleep is FALSE?

People who smoke one pack of cigarettes a day have been shown to sleep more deeply than nonsmokers.

Which of the following statements about prescription sleep medication is true?

The national sleep foundation considers imidazopyridines the best prescription sleeping aids

Which of the following does NOT help create a sleep-friendly environment?

ensuring variety in bedtime rituals, keeping your mind engaged long enough for sleep to take hold

Usually, a Multiple Sleep Latency Test

is repeated five times during the day in a sleep clinic.

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