HEED 300 Chapter 4

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Most young adults have a circadian rhythm that tells them to fall asleep ________ in the evening and to wake up ________ in the morning than older adults.

later; later

Which of the following statements about the association between sleep and health is FALSE?

Good nutrition and exercise are more important to a healthy lifestyle than sleep.

Which of the following is NOT an effect of sleep deprivation?

lowered blood sugar

Light alerts the biological clock to slow down the secretion of which hormone that promotes sleep?


The pituitary gland releases

growth hormone, which helps repair body tissues.

The suprachiasmic nuclei

control falling asleep and awakening.

The human brain cycles into two main states of sleep. They are

NREM sleep and REM sleep.

Stage _____ of NREM sleep represents the beginning of actual sleep.


At which stage of NREM sleep will you feel most groggy if you are suddenly awakened from it?

Stage 4

Which of the following statements about REM sleep is TRUE?

While dreaming, eyes may dart around as if watching a dream unfold.

While dreaming, eyes may dart around as if watching a dream unfold.

REM sleep

Which of the following statements about human sleep cycles is true?

Typically, an individual experiences four to five sleep cycles each night.

Sleep disorders include all of the following EXCEPT

REM behavior disorder.

Dave lies in bed for a full hour each night before falling asleep and then proceeds to wake up multiple times throughout the night. He most likely has what sleep disorder?


All of the following are causes of insomnia in adult women, EXCEPT

bulky soft tissue in the neck and throat.

Molly often awakes snorting and gasping for air in the middle of the night. Molly most likely has what sleep disorder?

sleep apnea

Which of the following statements regarding sleep apnea is FALSE?

Sleep apnea is characterized by continuous snoring.

Which of the following individuals is most likely to suffer from sleep apnea?

Don—smoker, 40 pounds overweight, sleeps on back, age 50

Zach often wakes up in the morning and finds his refrigerator empty and wonders where all of the food went. He may have which sleep disorder?

nocturnal eating disorder

Which of the following statements about sleepwalking disorder is true?

Sleepwalking may be brought on by excessive sleep deprivation, fatigue, stress, illness, or sedatives.

Which of the following statements about the effects of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine on sleep is FALSE?

People who smoke one pack of cigarettes a day have been shown to sleep more deeply than nonsmokers.

Which of the following statements about prescription sleep medication is true?

The National Sleep Foundation considers imidazopyridines the best prescriptive sleeping aid.

Which of the following does NOT help create a sleep-friendly environment?

ensuring variety in bedtime rituals, keeping your mind engaged long enough for sleep to take hold

Usually, a Multiple Sleep Latency Test

is repeated five times during the day in a sleep clinic.

Scientists believe that creative and novel ideas are more likely to flourish during which state of sleep?

REM sleep

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