Health Unit 3- Family and Social Health- Family and Peer Relationships

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Any group of individuals, usually consisting of an adult or adults who care for children

domestic violence

Any abuse, violence, or threatening act inflicted by one family member on another


The individual who is affected in a negative way from the abuse


T/F: Men always do the abusing in a relationship.


Victims can report abuse by __________. A. calling 9-1-1 B. telling a teacher C. reporting it to trained school personnel D. all of the above


T/F: Giving space and respecting privacy are two ways to build a healthy family relationship.

The honeymoon phase is the phase when the abuser apologizes and promises that it will never happen again. The apology can be accompanied by excuses for behavior or gifts from the abuser. The tension phase is the stage where tensions are building and emotions peak. The violence phase is when physical abuse, such as hitting or choking, occurs or when verbal abuse peaks.

Describe the differences between the honeymoon phase, tension phase, and violence phase of domestic abuse.


The honeymoon phase in abuse is __________. A. the reason most couples stay together B. when the couple starts fighting C. when the abuser physically attacks the victim D. the time when couples decide to split up

Families develop strong foundations by respecting one another, being committed to one another, loving one another, and communicating.

How do families develop strong foundations?

It is important to talk about your problems with friends, family members, or school counselors. It is also beneficial to help out others. Being supportive and lending an extra hand can show family members that you care. It is also important to learn to cope with change by being resilient and bouncing back.

What are three ways family members positively cope with change?


T/F: Depriving children of food and water is considered neglect.

Anyone can be a victim of abuse. The best way to resist abuse is to remember the three Rs: recognize, resist, report. One step to stop abuse is to recognize what abuse is. It is important to stay away from the abuser. Finally, report it to local authorities or authorized school personnel.

Explain who can be a victim of abuse and how to prevent it.

Any group of individuals can be a family. Generally, a family consists of an adult or adults that care for children. Different types of families include single parents, two-parent, extended, adoptive, foster, and blended.

Define the term family and describe two different types of families.


T/F: Children learn to resolve conflicts from surrounding adults.


T/F: An extended family consists of aunts and uncles, grandparents, parents, and children.


T/F: The lack of proper communication between caregivers and doctors helps to reduce family stress.


If you are resilient, then you have the ability to __________. A. recognize change B. spring back from difficult experiences C. prevent bad things from happening D. silence the distractions around you


T/F: Helping others with their problems shows your family that you care.


T/F: Only women and children can be victims of domestic violence.


All of the following are attributes of building healthy family relationships EXCEPT: A. being involved in each other’s lives B. loving and trusting one another C. holding in anger and not expressing feelings D. respecting differences within the family


T/F: Resiliency is a part of a person’s personality; it can not be learned


Which statement is most accurate about abuse? A. Abuse is never the victim’s fault. B. Physical abuse only harms the abused. C. Saying "No" to your child is a form of neglect. D. Children do not suffer in a home where spousal abuse takes place.


Activities that can help reduce the stress level in a family include __________. A. exercising B. reading C. going for a walk D. all of the above


the connection that exists between groups or people who interact


a person you have things in common with, viewed as equal


someone you have a close relationship with and interact socially and/or whom you know and like


close group of friends, usually with similar backgrounds or tastes; exclude people seen as outsiders

It helps to develop and strengthen common goals. Working together strengthens the bonds among friends and provides a sense of support. When people share the same interests, it also promotes a sense of belonging.

How does working together strengthen a friendship?


All of the following are steps to resolving a conflict EXCEPT: A. listening to how the other person feels B. taking a few minutes to cool off C. figuring out what is really bothering you D. keeping the issue to yourself


A relationship __________. A. consists of a connection between individuals or groups that rarely causes personal stress B. consists of a connection between individuals or groups that interact C. consists of a connection among strangers D. consists of a connection that does not exist within families


T/F: A peer is someone that is considered your superior and knows more than you.

Individuals often join gangs in order to feel supported or included by peers, often believing it may be a good place to find friends. However, a healthy friendship is one in which a friend would not ask you to do something that you do not want to do. Gangs are often involved in severe forms of bullying and illegal behavior and often attempt to solve conflicts through violent methods. Those involved in gangs often feel pressured to take part in the violence. A healthy friendship is unlikely to form within this atmosphere.

Why is a gang considered an unlikely place to develop healthy friendships?


Offering guidance, using good judgment, and knowing when to get help are all aspects of __________. A. a bossy friend B. an insecure person C. a leader D. a shy person

A casual friendship is one that may come and go. They benefit each individual because they explore different points of view, learn to respect differences, and determine whether or not to be a leader or follower. A close friendship may have started as a casual friendship but transitioned when a deeper bond was formed. A friend is a person that you go to when expressing your emotions. Friends help reduce stressors, increase happiness, and provide support when it’s needed.

Compare and contrast a casual friendship with a close friendship.

The healthy way of reacting would be to attempt to feel pride for your friend, congratulate your friend, and ask your friend to work with you on your skills so that next time you can make the team. The jealous reaction would be to get angry at your friend and not talk to him or her, start rumors about him or her having cheated, etc.

Your friend gets chosen to play on the school soccer team, but you do not. As a result, you begin to feel jealous. What might a jealous reaction be towards your friend if it is not controlled? What is a healthier way of reacting?


Supporting one another in friendship means that you __________. A. do whatever the other person wants to do and put your wishes aside B. share trust with your friend and stand by one another in good and challenging times C. give up some of the interests you have to be able to spend time with him or her D. spend time only with that person and nurture the relationship

Although it is normal to have conflicts with friends, it is not healthy to get angry over a simple disagreement. Anger can cause damage to a friendship, can have counterproductive results, can break up the relationship, can hurt feelings, etc.

Why is confronting a friend in anger not always a good way to react?


T/F: Friends always get along and shouldn’t have disagreements.


Why are friends important? A. Friends are fun to have around and provide stability. B. Friends provide companionship and advice. C. Friends teach loyalty and conflict resolution. D. all of the above


Friends can __________. A. help you learn about yourself and how to get along with others B. show you a different aspect of the world C. give you a sense of belonging and a safe place to talk D. all of the above


T/F: Peer relationships are more important early on in a person’s life than at the end.


T/F: It is acceptable for friends to have arguments.


T/F: Making friends can take time and be difficult, but the benefits are many.


T/F: A true friend would never put you in danger or ask you to do something with which you are not comfortable.


T/F: Friendships between a male and a female are completely healthy and normal.


T/F: You should never get upset at friends because it isn’t normal to get mad at them.


T/F: Showing leadership with friends is telling your friends what to do.

peer pressure

The influence that people your age may have on you; the feeling that you should do or like something because others do.

active peer pressure

When someone tries to directly persuade you to do something

passive peer pressure

When someone is swayed to do something simply because others are doing it

refusal skills

A strategy of communication that helps individuals avoid participating in unsafe or risky behavior.

They often blame someone else for something they did. They can also give a reason for why they can or cannot do something. They also make excuses.

How do people commonly divert the pressure from themselves?


T/F: It is best to say "no" apologetically than to say it in a firm tone.

When others use stars or famous people to change their attire or look, it is an example of passive peer pressure.

Your friend gets to school wearing an outfit straight from the pages of a recent fashion magazine. He says he is dressing like the famous actors in the magazine. His pants are stark-white, he has an open-collared shirt, and preppy shoes. This is an example of what type of peer pressure?

When put in a position that is against your core values, it is best to leave, change the subject, or ignore the suggestion.

If you are in a situation and asked to do something that goes against your values and beliefs, what should you do to avoid the pressure?

People often give in to negative peer pressure because they want to be accepted and feel more "grown-up." Oftentimes, they are feeling awkward and fear being ridiculed. They do not want to offend their friends so they do things they might not normally do. They may not know how to say "no" or might be feeling ambiguous about the situation.

Why do people give in to negative peer pressure?


Situations, where negative peer pressure is commonly felt, include all of the following EXCEPT: A. drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use B. truancy and academic dishonesty C. sexual activity D. studying in a group for a test


The BEST way to refuse an offer to smoke or do drugs is to __________. A. firmly say "no" B. yell "NO" and run away as fast as you can C. have your friends tell the person that is offering "no" D. say you will do it the next time you are all together


The BEST way to avoid negative peer pressure is to __________. A. hang out with people that have bad reputations B. scream "NO" and run away whenever you feel pressure C. hang out with friends that share your values and support you D. be aggressive with others so that they leave you alone


T/F: The only disadvantage of negative peer pressure is having questionable friendships.

Active peer pressure is when others try to persuade you to do something you do not want to do. This includes persuading, teasing, bribing, putting others down, and threats. Passive peer pressure is similar to active because you are being swayed to do something you do not want to do; however, it does not involve manipulating or persuading. It is more subtle.

Compare and contrast the differences between active peer pressure and passive peer pressure.


T/F: Refusal skills should protect your dignity, self-esteem, and values.


T/F: Being pressured to do something harmful or against your will is a form of negative peer pressure.


Why is walking away a refusal skill that doesn’t always work? A. Peers may force a person to do drugs. B. You may not be able to run away in some situations. C. It’s embarrassing. D. It’s not a valid way of asserting yourself.


T/F: Teens often give in to negative peer pressure because they want to be accepted and may feel awkward.


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of positive peer pressure? A. honest feedback from friends B. encouragement to try new things C. added stress and pressure D. exposure to new and fun things


Poor decisions can lead to trouble with __________. A. parents B. school C. law enforcement D. all of the above


Which is an example of peer pressure? A. a teammate wanting you to play even though your doctor advised you to wait B. saying "no" to your brother when he asks you to borrow the car C. assertively saying "no" when someone asks you to smoke D. leaving a party when someone brings alcohol


Passive peer pressure includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. TV and radio advertisements B. threats C. popular people at school D. role models


Active peer pressure involves all of the following EXCEPT: A. bribery B. teasing C. put-downs D. famous people


T/F: It is acceptable to compromise your values when pressured by peers.


The activity of going out regularly with somebody as a social or romantic partner


Which statement is NOT true about sexual activity and new relationships? A. Pressure to have sexual relations increases if friends are having sex. B. Having a new boyfriend or girlfriend may increase the pressure to be sexually active. C. Pressure to have sexual relations increases if one of the partners is older. D. Sexual activity poses no emotional or physical risk as long as the partners use protection.


Which statement is NOT true concerning the emotional effects influenced by early sexual activity? A. A teen may be afraid of contracting STIs. B. A teen may start lying to family and friends because of shame or embarrassment. C. A teen will never regret engaging in sexual activity. D. A teen may feel emotional pain if his or her partner is not as committed to the relationship.

There are several strategies one can use to help abstain from early sexual activity. Some of the strategies include dating someone who shares the same values, going on group dates, and being honest with your partner about your feelings. It is also important to remember that you always have the option to say "No" and that you shouldn’t feel obligated to have sex.

Explain some steps you can take to help abstain from early sexual activity.


T/F: You are in a healthy dating relationship if you isolate yourself from other people to be with your newfound partner.


The pressure of a new relationship may include all of the following EXCEPT: A. pressure to change B. hormone therapy C. time management issues D. pressure to become sexually active

The warning signs of an unhealthy and abusive relationship include being mean, disrespectful, violent, possessive, and angry.

What are the warning signs of an abusive relationship?

A healthy relationship is based on trust and honesty. In a healthy relationship, partners practice mutual respect, make decisions together, and share their thoughts and emotions. In an unhealthy relationship, a partner may be controlling and possessive. The relationship may feel burdensome and/or be too much to handle. An unhealthy relationship can also lower a person’s self-esteem and make a person feel bad about him or herself.

Compare and contrast characteristics of healthy versus unhealthy relationships.


T/F: It is acceptable to change your personality if you want the relationship to last.

Having sex with someone under the legal age is against the law. It can lead to rape charges and can cause the individual to be labeled as a sex offender. The age of consent is different in each state and parents cannot override the law.

Describe what the legal ramifications are for having sexual relations with minors.

Sexual intercourse can have many negative social implications for a teen. For starters, it can harm a teenager’s relationship with his or her parents because the boundary of trust has been breached. It can damage a teen’s reputation and can also complicate future romantic relationships.

What negative social implications result from early sexual intercourse?


T/F: Abstinence is the practice of abstaining from sexual activity.


T/F: Over 4 million teens contract sexually transmitted infections every year.


T/F: It is vital to spend all of your free time with your new dating partner.


Teenage sexual activity may have __________. A. legal ramifications if a minor is involved B. negative emotional effects C. negative social effects D. all of the above


T/F: You may feel pressured to become sexually active if your friends are sexually active.


Unhealthy behaviors while dating include all of the following EXCEPT: A. spending time with friends and family still B. controlling one’s partner C. someone stopping you from doing the things you love D. verbal, physical, and sexual abuse


T/F: Studies show that over 2 million teenagers become pregnant every year.


Which of the following is NOT an aspect of respect? A. listening to one another B. respecting each other’s boundaries C. valuing each other D. making decisions for your partner


T/F: Parents can grant consent to a minor to have sex with someone of legal age.


Which sentence is TRUE about having sexual intercourse with a minor? A. Sex with a minor can lead to rape charges. B. Sex with a minor will not lead to sex offender status if the female is of legal age. C. Once labeled as a sex offender, it is easy to have that label removed. D. Legal ramifications for having sex with a minor are not valid if parents give the minor permission.


T/F: Being a member of a gang is necessary if you want to feel safe.


T/F: People often date to find companionship and support and to develop new friendships.


T/F: Talking to friends, counselors, and parents is a way to cope with stress and change.


T/F: Peer pressure is the influence of people much older or much younger.


In general, which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of a healthy relationship? A. genuine affection and mutual respect B. infatuation and possessiveness C. open communication and trust D. mutual respect and compromise


In general, which of the following is NOT a common source of conflict between friends? A. gangs and cliques B. envy and jealousy C. developing common interests D. anger


Which of the following statements about peer pressure is NOT accurate? A. Peer pressure is influence from people within the same age group. B. Peer pressure can only be negative. C. Peer pressure can be active. D. Peer pressure can be passive.


In general, which of the following is NOT effective in preventing abuse? A. trusting the abuser to stop when asked B. learning to prevent abuse C. distancing yourself from abuse D. reporting the abuse to local authorities


A clique is a group of __________. A. close friends that do not let others into their circle easily B. close friends that think they are superior to others C. close friends who hang out after school together D. close friends who readily accept others into their group


Individuals benefit from __________ about their problems. A. keeping silent B. yelling C. talking D. obsessing


T/F: Peers are anyone around your same age range.


Which of the following is NOT an aspect of a family with a strong foundation? A. similar interests B. mutual respect C. commitment to one another D. effective communication


Which of the following is NOT a way to refuse with confidence? A. be wishy-washy and yell B. say it with respect C. practice using role-playing D. be assertive


T/F: You should never get upset at friends because it isn’t normal to get mad at them.

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