Experiencing and Reliving Vietnam Pretest

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Which structural element do "Ambush" and "Facing It" share?

They include a flashback about an event.

In the story "Ambush," what is revealed to the reader through the frame-story structure?

The narrator continues to feel haunted by the events in Vietnam.

Which best describes the sequencing of "Ambush"?

NOT!! It includes multiple flashbacks about a variety of events (got this wrong)

How do the authors differ in the way they present the war in "Facing It" and "Ambush"?

O’Brien describes it in narrative form, while Komunyakaa describes it with free-flowing thoughts.

Which best describes a theme of both "Ambush" and "Facing It"?

War and violence leave a lasting impact on people, especially soldiers.

He was a short, slender young man of about twenty. I was afraid of him—afraid of something—and as he passed me on the trail I threw a grenade that exploded at his feet and killed him.

The excerpt is an example of

flashback, because the narrator is recalling an event that occurred during the Vietnam war.

Which excerpt from "Ambush" best reflects the story’s central conflict?

Sometime I forgive myself, other times I don’t.

How does the author’s use of free verse allow him to effectively express his feelings about the memorial in the poem "Facing It"?

The use of free verse allows him to use unconventional rhythm.

Which element is used in both "Ambush" and "Facing It" to create tension and conflict?

the conflicted thoughts of the narrators

In "Ambush," which line signals the beginning of the narrative within the frame story?

He was a short, slender young man of about twenty.

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