Exam III

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Which of the following was spared memory ability for HM after his brain damage?

Recall of memories for events prior to 1953 HM-anterograde amnesia

Which of the following is true of learning?

Learning involves the modification of the nervous system by experiences

Which of the following is true of learning and memory?

The capacity to learn allows an organism to profit from experience

Your ability to recognize a series of photos that you looked at a month ago is an example of

perceptual learning

The primary function of perceptual learning is to

identify and categorize objects

Your ability to recognize a set of tones, such as the opening notes of "The Star Spangled Banner" is an instance of ____ that likely involves the ____

Perceptual learning; auditory association cortex

Stimulus-response learning involves the ability to

Exhibit a specific behavior in the presence of a specific stimulus

In classical conditioning, an organism

Shows a species-typical behavior in response to a previously unimportant stimulus

Classical conditioning is considered to be a form of

Stimulus-response learning

The ____ states that a weak synapse will be strengthened if its activation occurs at the same time that the postsynaptic neuron fires

Hebb rule

The key function of instrumental conditioning is to allow the organism to

adjust behavior according to its consequences

An instrumental response that produces a favorable consequence

will occur more frequently

Your dog bites your best friend Mark each time Mark tries to pet her. Mark stops petting your dog. This is an example of

instrumental conditioning

Which of the following is true of motor learning

Motor learning involves changes in the motor pathways

Relational learning involves changes in

connections between different regions of sensory association cortex

____ is an example of motor learning

Learning to swing a golf club

An example of relational learning is

Forming a mental map of a room based on your experience in the room

Your ability to recall a series of events you have witnessed is referred to as

episodic learning

Intense electrical stimulation of axons within the hippocampal formation results in

Long-term potentiation of postsynaptic neurons

The primary input to the hippocampus is from the

entorhinal cortex

Associative long-term potentiation requires ______ occur about the same time as ______

Activation of a strong input to a given synapse to; a weak input is activated

Receptors for ____ are involved in long-term potentiation


the NMDA receptor is unusual in that it is ______-dependent and _____-dependent

Voltage; neurotransmitter

The induction of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus would be blocked by

a drug such as AP5 that blocks NMDA receptors

The pyramidal cell of hippocampal field CA1 are unique in that

axon firing results in action potentials along the dendrites

An action potential that occurs in a dendritic branch after an action potential in a pyramidal cell is termed

the dendritic spike

Associative long-term potentiation reflects increased ____ produced by changes in _____

calcium entry; NMDA receptors

The increase in synaptic strength that occurs in long-term potentiation is due to a modification of the cell that includes

more postsynaptic AMPA receptors

Which factor below normally prevents the calcium channel of the NMDA receptor from opening in response to only glutamate

The channel is blocked by Mg2+ ions

Long-term potentiation is associated with the movement of ______ to the ________

AMPA receptors; tip of dendritic spines

Inactivation of type II calcium calmodulin kinase would be expected to

block the formation of long-term potentiation

A key structural change that accompanies long-term potentiation is the

formation of new synaptic contacts

Long term potentiation may involve the formation of _____ within the postsynaptic dendrite, which then acts on the presynaptic element to increase the release of _____

nitric oxide; glutamate

_____ is a strong candidate to act as a retrograde messenger from the dendrite to the terminal button

nitric oxide

Long-lasting, long-term potentiation

requires protein synthesis

Persistence of long-term potentiation for more than an hour requires

increased protein synthesis within the postsynaptic dendrite

The formation of long-term potentiation requires the production of the protein


Which of the following is true of long-term depression (LTD)?

LTD is associated with a decrease in the number of AMPA receptors in the postsynaptic neuron

Long-term potentiation (LTP) can be produced in areas CA1 and CA3 of the hippocampus. Which of the following is strong evidence that non-NMDA mechanisms can mediate LTP?

NMDA receptors are sparse in area CA3

Simple perceptual learning involves

the recognition of particular stimuli or categories of stimuli

The ventral stream of visual association cortex continues into the ____ and carries info relating to _____

inferior temporal cortex; object recognition

Damage to human visual association cortex would be expected to impair the ability to

recognize familiar objects

The MT/MST region of the visual association cortex is key for the

perception of movement

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can disrupt neural circuits in awake humans. The notion that short-term memory (STM) for a visual stimulus involves continued activation of the appropriate visual association cortex is supported by studies in which

TMS applied to the ventral stream disrupted STM for a visual pattern

The _____ plays a key role in short term memory for all sensory systems

Prefrontal cortex

In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus

is paired repeatedly with a stimulus that evokes a reflexive response

A conditioned emotional response (CER) study, a tone is paired with a foot shock for a rat. After several trials, the tone alone is a CS that can elicit fear emotional responses. which of the following is true of the anatomy of this fear response?

The central nucleus of the amygdala integrates the pairing of tone and shock information

In a CER study, a tone is paired with a foot shock for a rate. After several trials, the tone alone is a CS that can elicit fear emotional responses. Which of the following is true of the physiology of this fear response

Damage to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala impairs CER learning

The notion that learning a conditioned emotional response to a tone involves long-term potentiation is supported by studies which

CER learning is blocked when a drug prevents the insertion of AMPA receptors into the dendritic spines

A genetic manipulation of the lateral amygdala that inactivates PKM-zeta protein would be expected to

block the acquisition of a conditioned emotional response

Instrumental conditioning involves strengthening connections between

Circuits that detect a stimulus and motor control circuits that produce a response

Which of the following is important for the acquisition of complex behaviors that become routine

As a person becomes proficient in the behavior, the control of the process is transferred to the basal ganglia

Damage to the ______ would be expected to impair instrumental learning in rats

basal ganglia

The neostriatum is composed of

caudate nucleus and the putamen

Damage to the caudate nucleus/putamen in rats would be expected to

Impair instrumental conditioning

The behavior of an animal is strongly reinforced by electrical stimulation of the

medial forebrain bundle

James Olds and Peter Milner reported that electrical stimulation of rat brain

could have reinforcing effects

The ______ pathway connects the vental tegmental area with the nucleus accumbens


Reinforcing effects of electrical brain stimulation and of drugs such as amphetamine reflect an action on ______ projections of the ______

dopamine; mesolimbic pathway

An example of a natural reinforcer is

food for a hungry rat

Imaging studies indicate that neural activity within the _______ is increased ________

nucleus accumbens; when heterosexual men view pictures of beautiful women

Studies by Schultz and colleagues suggest that release of dopamine within the nucleus accumbens

Does not occur for an expected reinforcing stimulus (fruit juice)

People with anterograde amnesia

Show impairment of complex relational learning

People with retrograde amnesia cannot

recall events that occurred prior to the brain injury

The most profound symptom of Korsakoff’s syndrome is

severe anterograde amnesia

Amnesia for events that occur after some disturbance to the brain is called

anterograde amnesia

Patient HM developed ______ following bilateral damage to his ________

anterograde amnesia; medial temporal lobe

Based on the study of patient HM it has been concluded that

the hippocampus converts immediate memories into long-term memories

Based ont he study of patient HM it has been concluded that the hippocampus is

not required for retrieval of long-term memories

______ is the process by which immediate memories are transformed into long-term memories


Patient HM was able to perform all of the following tasks quite well EXCEPT

Consolidating information from short-term memory to long-term memory using rehearsal

An example of a task that measures perceptual learning would be

recognizing broken drawings

One striking aspect of HM’s memory deficit is that he

could learn some new tasks, but was unaware of having learned them

Memory for events and facts that we can think and talk about is referred to

declarative memory

Which of the following terms are synonymous?

declarative memory; explicit memory

The distinction between implicit and explicit memories is that

We are unable to talk about implicit memories

The most important input of the hippocampus is from the

entorhinal cortex

Patient RB who sustained brain damage while in cardiac arrest, exhibited profound anterograde amnesia. Which region of his brain was injured

field CA1 of the hippocampal formation

Which of the following is an explanation of hippocampal damage produced by anoxia

Activation of NDMA receptors produces an accumulation of calcium ions which is toxic to the neuron

The notion that episodic memories are distinct from semantic memories is supported by studies in which

persons with semantic dementia show loss of the lateral temporal lobe but not the hippocampal formation

The ______ hippocampal formation is activated by _______

right; spatial information

Damage to the hippocampus in rats would be expected to

impair episodic memory

A person with semantic dementia would be expected to show

a difficulty in recalling factual information

During a PET scan, a london cabby is asked to describe the route she would take a fare from the west end theater district to Harrod’s department store. Her description would be associated with

increased activity of the right hippocampal formation

In which of the following would you expect to observe an enlarged hippocampal formation

A london cabby who has 30 years of experience

The Morris water maze can be viewed as a test of ____ when the rats are _____

relational learning; released from a different point of the maze on each trial

Damage to the _____ disrupts ____ in pigeons

hippocampus; spatial navigation

Neurogenesis is stimulated within the ____ for tasks that involve relational learning


_______ involves the modification of the nervous system by experiences


Your ability to recognize a series of photos that you looked at a month ago is an example of _______

perceptual learning

_______ learning involves the ability to exhibit a specific behavior in the presence of a specific stimulus


_______ learning refers to your ability to recall a series of events you have witnessed


The _______ pathway interconnects the entorhinal cortex with the granule cells of the dentate gyrus


Learning to modify your golf swing is an example of _______ learning


Introduction of long-term potentiation involves activation of receptors for_____


The ____ receptor is required to establish long-term potentiation


The chemical _____ blocks NMDA receptors and the formation of LTP


________ are action potentials that occur along the dendrites of a pyramidal cell in the hippocampus

Dendritic spikes

Long-term potentiation is associated with the movement of ____ receptors to the tips to the dendritic spines


_______ is a strong candidate to act as a retrograde messenger from the dendrite to the terminal butto int he LTP process

Nitric oxide

Long-lasting LTP requires the formation of the protein _____


_______ learning involves the recognition of particular stimuli or categories of stimuli


______ cortex neurons play a key role in short-term memory for all sensory systems


_____ memory lasts on the order of seconds


The caudate nucleus and the putamen form the


Food for a hungry rat is an example of a _______ reinforcer


Amnesia for events that occur after some disturbance to the brain is called ________

anterograde amnesia

Than example of neurological symptoms evident in schizophrenia would be

having poor problem solving and problems in learning and memory

The mesolimbic pathway projects from the ______ to the _______

ventral tegmental area; nucleus accumbens

Alzheimers disease involves

A type of anterograde amnesia similar to that of Korkaskoff’s syndrome

Alzheimers disease and Korsakoff’s syndrome each induce a memory disorder known as ___ amnesia


An aura involving the recall of childhood memory would most likely reflect seizure activity within the

temporal lobes

The primary cognitive deficit associated with Alzheimer’s disease involves

a progressive loss of memory

Most of the research on emotions has focused on

anger and fear

the emotional components that compromise fear are integrated by neurons within the


damage to the _____ would be expected to disrupt the integration of fear


Neurons within the amygdala are activated by

detection of emotionally relevant stimuli

the amygdala is

located within the temporal lobes

the _____ amygdaloid nucleus is important for the expression of emotional responses to aversive stimuli


behavioral, autonomic, and hormonal emotinoal responses are elicited by activation of the

central nucleus of the amygdala

Based on the evidence in your text, which brain region would be considered as a key target for pharmacological modification to provide relief for a person suffering from overly intense emotional reactions?

The central nucleus of the amygdala

Infusion of excitatory amino acid glutamate into the central nucleus of the amygdala of a rat would be expected to elicit

behavioral signs of fear

Inactivation of the central amygdaloid nucleus results in

reduced blood levels of stress hormones

Exposures to _____ will automatically produce a fear reaction in most species

loud unexpected noises

Infusion of _____ into the central nucleus of the amygdala would be expected to promote


In experiments by LeDoux and others on classically conditioned emotional responses in rats, the unconditioned emotional response is elicited by

a food shock

In experiments on classically conditioned emotional responses in rats, the conditioned stimulus is

a loud tone

Rats previously exposed to a tone followed by a brief intense electrical shock will show ____ when subsequently exposed to the tone (without a shock)

Behavioral arrest (freezing)

A species typical defensive response for a rat would include

freezing of motor movements

The expression of emotional response is inhibited by inputs from the

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Humans report fear upon electrical stimulation of the


Some careers involve daily exposure to dangerous situations, which can lead to emotional burnout. A person with damage to the amygdala would have a selective advantage for

High-wire artist working on the 4th of july in a rainstorm

Alzheimer’s disease patients who show degeneration of the _____ are more likely to forget emotionally traumatic events such as the Kobe earthquake in 1995


The amygdala is involved in the recognition of _____ communicated via _____

fear; facial expressions

A key function of the right hemisphere is

The recognition of emotions

Which of the following is true of the role of the amygdala for the recognition of emotion

Amygdala damage impairs the ability to use facial expressions for emotion recognition

Because the amygdala receives input from cortical and subcortical sources, a person made blind by cortical damage

can recognize facial emotional expressions

The amygdala is involved in ______ but not in _____

recognition of facial expressions; emotional expression

According to the James-Lange theory, feelings of emotions are

Produced by feedback from the behaviors and physiological responses caused by emotion-producing situations

Which statement best illustrates the James-Lange theory of emotion

laugh and you will be happy

According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, which of the following is most important for the subjective experience of an emotion

Sensory feedback from muscles and internal organs

Which of the following results from studies of people with spinal cord injuries supports the James-Lange theory of emotion

People who could not feel reactions from most of their bodies reported that they no longer felt intense emotions

Studies by Ekman and colleagues suggest that

Stimulated facial expressions changes sympathetic activity

Ekman’s research on the recognition of facial emotion expression

Showed that all cultures are able to recognize six basic emotions

Most studies of emotion have focused on ____ emotions


The ____ nucleus of the amygdala is the most important part of the brain for the expression of emotional responses provoked by aversive stimuli


Outputs from the ______ mediate the increased vigilance noted during fear

Locus coerules

Lesions of the periaqueductal gray matter interfere with the _____ in rats


Damage to the ________ cortex impairs the extinction of a conditioned emotional response

Ventromedial prefrontal

Feelings of fear in humans are produced by electrical stimulation of the _____


The prominent physiologist _____ strongly criticized the James-Lange theory of emotion

Walter Canon

Drugs are reinforcing when

They rapidly activate the reinforcement mechanism

The key properties of addictive drugs relates to

their rapid reinforcing effects

The common aspect of all natural reinforcers relates to

the release of dopamine within the nucleus accumbens

Micro dialysis studies indicate that administration of _______ will enhance extracellular dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens

alcohol, PCP, or amphetamine

Which of the following is true of the neural substrates of reinforcement

Release of dopamine within the accumbens is a necessary condition for reinforcement

Activation of neurons within the _____ appears to play a key role in the early reinforcing actions of drugs

nucleus accumbens

Which of the following illustrates the concept of negative reinforcement

A man ingests an aspirin to rid himself of a strong headache

Which of the following illustrates the concept of punishment

A rat presses a lever that results in delivery of a shock through the floor of the chamber

Addictive drugs have the capacity to increase dopamine levels within the

nucleus accumbens

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