Exam #1 Sociology (Chapters 1-3)

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Participant observation usually falls within _______ sociology, yielding mostly qualitative data and relying on personal judgment.




a combination of all fields of


Both critical sociology and social-conflict theory seek to __________.

identify an objective reality

reduce social inequality

understand how society actually operates

achieve Verstehen, or understanding

reduce social inequality

Which of the following situations is an example of the research problem called "androcentricity?"

A researcher speaks to an all-female public council and uses the women’s statements to form conclusions about the entire community.

A sociology grad student finds that she is treated differently than her male colleges while engaged in field research.

A researcher is studying the link between depression and poverty but fails to take into account the age of the subjects.

A sociologist creates a survey to measure average work hours but does not include "housewife" as an occupational choice.

A sociologist creates a survey to measure average work hours but does not include "housewife" as an occupational choice.

What did Durkheim’s suicide study conclude?
Social forces have an impact on suicide.

Suicide is an entirely personal choice that is not impacted by society.

Suicide is random and few patterns emerge.

Women with a lot of children are more likely to commit suicide.

Social forces have an impact on suicide.

Which of the following statements is an example of sociological research shaping public policy?
Many states have passed laws that increase women’s claims to marital property and enforce fathers’ obligations to provide support for women raising their children.

People, especially when they are young, are likely to marry someone similar in age, race, social background, and physical attractiveness.

In recent years, there has been an increase in electronic technology that transmits pictures, sounds, and written documents around the globe.

Because poor countries provide women with less schooling and fewer economic opportunities, women in poor countries are less likely to use contraception.

Many states have passed laws that increase women’s claims to marital property and enforce fathers’ obligations to provide support for women raising their children.

Which of the following is an example of a latent function of social structure?

trade across national boundaries, creating a global economy

electronic technology’s ability to transmit pictures, sounds, and written documents around the globe in seconds

the numerous social problems faced by African American communities across the United States

college’s function as a "marriage broker," bringing together young people of similar social backgrounds

college’s function as a "marriage broker," bringing together young people of similar social backgrounds

Many sociologists use the ________ theoretical approach not just to understand society but also to try to bring about societal change that would reduce inequality.

social exchange





Which of the following changes was important in encouraging the development of the discipline of sociology?

the advent of the scientific age

the development of an agricultural economy

the move away from personal liberty and individual rights

the rise of a factory-based industrial economy

the rise of a factory-based industrial economy

Having read illustrations of four research methods in Chapter 1, read the following statement and then identify which of the four researchers made it.

William Foote Whyte

Philip Zimbardo

Lois Benjamin

E. Digby Baltzell

Philip Zimbardo

________ is an example of a high-income country.






Siobhan is a sociologist who believes that the only true research should entail objective and systematic observation of social behavior. In her observation, she hopes to come closer to understanding the objective reality that exists "out there." In short, Siobhan espouses ________ sociology.






Which is a real-life example of a variable?



social class


social class

Following which theoretical approach would we understand sports not as a societal system but as an ongoing process of face-to-face interaction?

structural-functional approach

social-conflict approach

social exchange approach

symbolic-interaction approach

symbolic-interaction approach

Imagine you are planning to interview people in a cultural minority concerning the effects of gentrification on their neighborhood. Which of the following advice will help you better connect with your interview subjects?

Use academic terminology.

Don’t reveal any discomfort.

Be yourself, no matter what your cultural customs are.

Be careful with the terms you use.

Be careful with the terms you use.

Which of sociology’s theoretical approaches has the most in common with an analysis of the human body that identifies parts of the body and seeks to understand what each one does to keep the body operating?

symbolic-interaction approach

gender-conflict or feminist approach

social-conflict approach

structural-functional approach

structural-functional approach

A sociologist following the _____ theoretical approach would be likely to ask the following questions: What are the major parts of society? How are these parts linked? What does each part do to help society work?






The first step in a sociological research project is _______.

choosing a topic

evaluating available time and money

determining a method

conducting background research

choosing a topic

E. Digby Baltzell studied the effects of ______ and _______ in shaping the different cultures of two U.S. cities.

Catholicism; Calvinism

Puritanism; Quakerism

Catholicism; Quakerism

Puritanism; Catholicism

Puritanism; Quakerism

Taking a ________ perspective involves studying the larger world and our society’s place in it.






Who coined the term sociology to describe a new way of looking at society?

A. Karl Marx

B. Auguste Comte

C. Thomas Hobbes

D. John Locke

Auguste Comte

Which of the following lists of historical events and trends correctly identifies three factors that led to the initial development of the discipline of sociology in Europe and the United States?

A. World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, the 1960s

B. the Black Death, the discovery of the Americas, the Protestant Reformation

C. the Civil War, the end of slavery, World War I

D. the new industrial economy; the growth of cities; political change

the new industrial economy; the growth of cities; political change

The positivist orientation in research is linked to the structural-functional approach because both ________________.

A. seek to reduce social inequality

B. try to bring about positive change

C. focus on the meanings people attach to their social world

D. are concerned with understanding society as it is

are concerned with understanding society as it is

The text presents the formal definition of the discipline of sociology as __________.

A. seeing the general in the particular

B. seeing the strange in the familiar

C. using categories of people as a basis for analysis

D. the systematic study of human society

the systematic study of human society

People with the fewest privileges are the most likely to see individuals as responsible for their own lives.



According to Max Weber, the key to interpretive sociology lies in ________.

a. understand the meaning people see in behavior

b. pursuing social change

c. determining cause and effect

d. maintaining objectivity in research

understanding the meaning people see in behavior

Shanna wants to study the effects of playground bullying on elementary school children. She begins her research knowing little about this topic. Which of the following research methods is best suited to her study?
participant observation

a survey questionnaire

an experiment

using available data

participant observation

Which of the following statements correctly identifies a factor that explain some of the difference in birthrates between the United States and a low-income nation such as Niger?
Women in poorer countries tend to live longer.

Women in poorer countries place greater value on children.

Women in poorer countries are less likely to use contraception.

Women in poorer countries simply choose to have fewer children.

Women in poorer countries are less likely to use contraception.

To check whether the correlation between two variables is spurious, a sociologist keeps all the variables the same except one in order to see clearly the effect of that variable. The sociologist uses the technique called __________.





Kareem writes an essay in which he quotes Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, and Herbert Spencer. Kareem is most likely writing about the ________ theoretical approach.





According to a positivist approach to research, only by controlling ________ can researchers study the world as it is rather than tell us how they think it should be.

peer response to their work

all dependent variables

all independent variables

personal feelings and opinions

personal feelings and opinions

Applying the sociological perspective can help people __________.
in the United States see our way of life as better than those of other nations

assess the truth of "common sense"

turn pubic issues into private concerns

explain how we all are unaffected by society

assess the truth of "common sense"

According to the guidelines set forth by the American Sociological Association, researchers must get the informed consent of participants. This means that ____________.
to minimize bias, subjects cannot be paid to participate in a study

people cannot participate in sociological research until they are twenty-one

subjects must understand the responsibilities and risks involved in the study and agree to take part

after the study is completed, researchers must ask participants for the right to publish their data

subjects must understand the responsibilities and risks involved in the study and agree to take part

Because Aaban wants to study the effects of discrimination against Muslims in post-9/11 America, he feels that he needs to establish a rapport with his subjects before asking them questions about their experiences. The best research method for Aaban to use would be __________.


closed-ended questionnaire

using existing data


________ is defined as any relatively stable pattern of social behavior.

Social structure


Social function

Social conflict

social structure

Which of the following questions would best be answered by studying available data rather than collecting new data?
Why do more women than men decide to go to college?

How do women and men see modern romantic relationships differently?

Did any particular region in colonial America produce more leaders than other regions?

How does "stacking" affect the emotional well-being of today’s professional athletes?

Did any particular region in colonial America produce more leaders than other regions?

Which of the following traits best categorizes low-income nations?
advanced technology and high level of development

a low standard of living so that most people are poor

high levels of immigration from rich countries

collective ownership and production of goods

a low standard of living so that most people are poor

When Marcus presents his senior thesis to his college’s sociology department faculty, he is told that his findings seem biased because his subjects do not seem to have acted naturally during the study. Which type of research method did Marcus most likely use?

participant observation


field study


According to Auguste Comte, the writings of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Adam Smith shifted focus from moral obligation to God and king (theological stage) to _________ (metaphysical stage).
the pursuit of self-interest

analysis of societal structures

attack on tradition


the pursuit of self-interest

Androcentricity refers to _______________.

approaching an issue from a male perspective, assuming only men’s activities are important

approaching an issue from a perspective that takes account of both women and men

approaching an issue from a female perspective, assuming only women’s activities are important

approaching an issue without any concern for gender

approaching an issue from a male perspective, assuming only men’s activities are important

The United States, Canada, and the nations of Western Europe fall within which of the following categories?
third-world countries

middle-income countries

high-income nations

low-income countries

high-income nations

Taking a global perspective involves __________.
focusing on how the United States is "exceptional."

analyzing society with a micro-level orientation

focusing on what makes everyone the same

studying our society’s place in the larger world

studying our society’s place in the larger world

How would social-exchange analysis lead you to view courtship?
People are forced into seeking a certain type of mate by societal pressures.

People fall in love because of purely physical "chemistry."

People seek mates from different social groups, which serves to tie society together.

People seek mates who can offer them at least as much as they offer in return.

People seek mates who can offer them at least as much as they offer in return.

Which of the following is an example of a social pattern that is part of the globalization of the economy?
gender inequality in the U.S. workplace

a high birthrate in many low-income nations

more trade that involves goods and services crossing national borders

political turmoil in the Middle East

more trade that involves goods and services crossing national borders

Which of the following was one result of the European enclosure movement?
People sought out work in cities.

Small-scale manufacturing increased.

The rural population increased.

More and more land was available for farming.

People sought out work in cities.

The results of Zimbardo’s "Stanford County Prison" experiment confirmed the hypothesis that _______________.
prison violence is rooted in the character of the prison setting itself

prisons effectively reduce violence in our society

prison violence is caused by the personal traits of the prison guards

prison violence is caused by personal traits of prisoners

prison violence is rooted in the character of the prison setting itself

Seeing the general in the particular is one way to define __________.
the global perspective

how people look at their marriage partner

the sociological perspective


the sociological perspective

Consistent with Durkheim’s findings, which of the following categories of the U.S. population has the lowest rate of suicide?
African American men

white women

African American women

white men

African American women

The final step in sociological research is to ________.
prepare a report stating one’s conclusions

determine what other researchers on the topic have found, identifying any problems in their research

address all ethical concerns

share one’s findings with others and allow others to respond to your work

share one’s findings with others and allow others to respond to your work

During Auguste Comte’s metaphysical stage, people described patterns of human behavior in terms of __________.
the result of "laws of society"

supernatural forces

a reflection of selfish human nature

the perfection of God

a reflection of selfish human nature

Investigators use _______ because having someone else repeat the research is one way to limit distortion caused by personal values.







According to sociologist Robin Williams Jr., people in the United States believe in equality—not equality of condition but rather equality of __________.
individual intelligence

material comfort




In the animal kingdom, only humans rely on __________ to ensure their survival.
physical size and strength

biological programming




Which of the following musical styles was the first to be clearly linked to the emergence of a youth culture in the United States?


Hip hop



One in __________ people in the United States speaks a language other than English at home.





The family, funeral rites, and jokes are all examples of __________.
material culture

cultural universals

cultural lag

cultural relativism

cultural universals

The number of languages spoken around the world is declining.


Which of the following technological innovations of recent decades has had the greatest effect in helping spread the English language around the globe in the last twenty years?


Cell phone



Because culture is largely a matter of habit, we repeat many negative patterns of behavior in each new generation.


Which of the following is an example of nonmaterial culture?
the houses and apartment buildings that can be found in your neighborhood

the set of beliefs held by followers of a particular religion in the United States

the series of Harry Potter books written by J.K. Rowling

the desktop and laptop computers used by students at a community college

the set of beliefs held by followers of a particular religion in the United States

Mores differ from folkways in that mores __________, whereas folkways __________.
particular rules of behavior that differ from culture to culture; particular rules of behavior that are followed by all cultures around the world

have great moral significance; are less important norms that apply to routine or casual interaction

are ignored by most people; are followed by everyone

are standards that people use to decide what is desirable, good, and beautiful; are specific ideas that people hold to be true

have great moral significance; are less important norms that apply to routine or casual interaction

One example of __________ is the South Florida "beach crowd."



high culture


Why did anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon experience culture shock when he first encountered the Yąnomamö of South America?
Chagnon was shaken by the fact that their culture was so different from what he expected.

Chagnon was shocked to learn that most aspects of their culture were familiar to him.

Chagnon was surprised to find that they were friendly and welcomed him warmly.

Chagnon was nervous about visiting one of the most technologically advanced societies on Earth.

Chagnon was shaken by the fact that their culture was so different from what he expected.

One reason that people in the United States enjoy fictional "superheroes" is that heroes represent cultural themes that differ from those in our dominant culture. Heroes, then, give people the opportunity to experience different cultures.


Which of the following is an example of an emerging value in the United States?
Most people in the United States ignore factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, and social class when judging others.

Increasing numbers of people in the United States believe it is more important to accept one’s fate rather than take control of events.

Most people in the United States now believe that cooperation in daily life is more important than competition.

More people in the United States think it is important to have time off from work to engage in activities such as reading, travel, or community service.

More people in the United States think it is important to have time off from work to engage in activities such as reading, travel, or community service.

Which of the following statements is an example of a folkway in our society?
An adult should refrain from having sex with a child.

Businessmen should wear ties to work.

Women should not go "topless" in public.

Humans should not have sexual relations with domestic animals.

Businessmen should wear ties to work.

According to William Ogburn’s analysis, why might there be vocal opposition to the use of stem cells in medical practice?
High culture and popular culture nearly always tend to clash.

All elements of a cultural system tend to change at the same rate.

Subcultures are slower than countercultures to accept change.

New elements of material culture develop faster than new elements of nonmaterial culture.

New elements of material culture develop faster than new elements of nonmaterial culture.

Which theoretical approach would most likely lead us to learn that there are fewer women than men in top corporate positions?
Feminist theory


Symbolic-interaction theory

Structural-functional theory

Feminist theory

Which of the following is the best way to identify a distinctive culture?
people choose their own clothing and dress

it has its own language

people create art

it has a political system

it has its own language

Which of the following people is likely to experience the most severe culture shock?
Martin and his friends take a road trip to Southern California where they visit Hollywood and Beverly Hills.

Lashandra grew up in New York but moves to Florida to attend college.

Raj’s company transfers him from their main office in Washington, D.C., to a satellite office in Lima, Peru.

Kristen and her boyfriend visit their city’s Chinatown for the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Raj’s company transfers him from their main office in Washington, D.C., to a satellite office in Lima, Peru.

Generally speaking, U.S. culture favors men over women, whites over minorities, and rich people over poor people. Which key value of U.S. culture identified by Robin Williams Jr. does this pattern of inequality contradict?
group superiority

material comfort


equal opportunity

equal opportunity

Which of the following is the best example of a counterculture?
Chinatown residents

Rich people who ride motorcycles on weekends

The "hippies" of the 1960s

Pittsburgh Steelers fans

The "hippies" of the 1960s

Computers, iPods, cell phones, and DVD players are considered to be cultural universals because surveys taken in every known culture around the world indicate that these are the products that people would most like to own.


The meanings attached to what we hold as symbols __________.
can vary among individuals or groups of people within a single society

can vary according to which species is under consideration

are almost exactly the same among humans everywhere in the world

are part of every society’s material culture

can vary among individuals or groups of people within a single society

Which of the following statements is most closely tied to the social-conflict approach?
Any culture is a way of life that benefits some people and disadvantages others.

Members of a society cooperate to meet their needs, resulting in a system of behaviors that make up a stable and complex culture.

Cultural patterns have been shaped by humanity’s biological evolution.

Cultural patterns are rooted in society’s basic beliefs and values.

Any culture is a way of life that benefits some people and disadvantages others.

Joking can be considered to be a cultural universal.
Correct answer True

The civil war in Yugoslavia during the 1990s was fueled by __________.
differences between high culture and popular culture

countercultures within the country

ethnic differences within the country

social class differences within the country

ethnic differences within the country

Although almost everyone in the United States generally agrees on the importance of sexual faithfulness in marriage, a small percentage of respondents in a recent study reported that they had cheated on their spouses. This finding illustrates the need to distinguish between __________ and __________.
high culture; popular culture

mores; taboos

ideal culture; real culture

norms; sanctions

ideal culture; real culture

Which of the following sets of adjectives can best be used to describe the relationship between culture and society?
interdependent, enduring, essential

instinctual, optional, trivial

short-lived, voluntary, hostile

mutually exclusive, fragile, inborn

interdependent, enduring, essential

Which of the following is an example of recently created modern symbols?
text-message abbreviations

national flags

American Sign Language

religious icons

text-message abbreviations

One of the key values of United States culture as defined by sociologist Robin Williams Jr. is the belief in progress. The concept of progress means that ___________.
people in the United States believe that the present is better than the past and the future will be better still

U.S. society favors action over inaction

people in the United States believe that everyone should have equal opportunities

the U.S. culture is built heavily on material comforts

people in the United States believe that the present is better than the past and the future will be better still

Which of the following is the foundation of the process of cultural transmission?





Many people who live in Miami’s "Little Havana," shop at markets where only Spanish is spoken, wear traditional Cuban clothing, dance to the lively beat of salsa music, and drink tiny cups of very strong espresso. These facts would most likely lead us to conclude that the people of "Little Havana" make up a __________.


popular culture



Which of the following categories of people provides the best example of a counterculture?

Polo players

"Soccer moms"



Which of the following can most accurately be used to support the claim that culture is constantly changing?
The use of symbols such as "j4f," "w/e," and "brb" by older generations encouraged their use by younger generations.

Symbols such as "j4f," "w/e," and "brb" were recently adapted from cave art dating from around 40,000 years ago.

Symbols such as "j4f," "w/e," and "brb" now form a language listed by the U.S. Census Bureau as one of the languages spoken in various societies across the globe.

Symbols such as "j4f," "w/e," and "brb" came into existence following the creation of new methods of communication.

Symbols such as "j4f," "w/e," and "brb" came into existence following the creation of new methods of communication.

A Eurocentric outlook means that people value all cultural traditions to more or less the same degree.


Which of the following technological innovations of recent decades has had the greatest effect in helping spread the English language around the globe in the last twenty years?
Cell phone





In the 1950s, the popularity of various musical styles tended to differ according to factors such as race and social class. The first musical style to break down this type of segregation was __________.
country and western





Justin and his parents are driving from Atlanta, Georgia, to Pennsylvania to settle Justin into his new college dorm. Shortly after they pass into Pennsylvania, the family is surprised to find that they are passing horse-drawn buggies traveling on the road. Glancing back, they notice that the women in the buggies are wearing bonnets and long dresses and that the men have beards but no mustaches. Confused, Justin taps his mother on the shoulder and asks, "Are we in the middle of an episode of Fringe?" In sociological terms, Justin is experiencing a mild case of __________.
social conflict



culture shock

culture shock

The most widely spoken languages in the world are ___________.
English, Chinese dialects, and Spanish

French, Spanish, and Chinese dialects

English, French, and Spanish

Hindi, French, and English

English, Chinese dialects, and Spanish

Which of the following is an example of a value conflict in the United States?
The United States has extended political rights to more categories of the population over time.

Researchers and scientists receive a large amount of grant money, yet they value rationality over social interests.

People believe in equality of opportunity yet sometimes discriminate based on race or gender.

Society favors both practicality and efficiency.

People believe in equality of opportunity yet sometimes discriminate based on race or gender.

Mariah is happy with the life she lives now but feels that she would be even happier if she had more money at her job. This is an example of U.S. culture’s key value of __________.
material comfort

activity and work


democracy and free enterprise

material comfort

Which theoretical approach assumes that cultural patterns are shaped by humanity’s biological evolution?





The development of hip-hop music in the inner cities during the 1970s demonstrates
the power of women to change our way of life.

that not all cultural developments catch on and remain part of our way of life.

how this musical style was popular among both urban and rural people.

that low-income people also create cultural patterns that can shape the whole society.

that low-income people also create cultural patterns that can shape the whole society.

Which of the following is an example of cultural integration in the United States?
Many of the food items we consider "American," such as pizza and hamburgers, originated in other nations.

Women can be fertilized through artificial insemination, removing the need for a male partner.

Women are beginning to marry later in life in order to gain more schooling and to establish a career.

Some scientific discoveries, such as Marie Curie’s discovery of radium, happen by chance.

Women are beginning to marry later in life in order to gain more schooling and to establish a career.

In the past, U.S. society tended to downplay multiculturalism and to define itself in terms of its European immigrants, especially those from __________.





A European who refers to China as "the Far East" is displaying some degree of __________.
cultural relativism



cultural transmission


__________ is the most multicultural of all high-income countries in the world.
The United States




The United States

Mandy believes that people who share culture generally work together to meet common needs, and that a society’s cultural patterns reflect these needs. Which of the following statements would Mandy also agree with?
Our culture is largely shaped by our shared human biology.

Culture may benefit some people, but it greatly disadvantages others.

Cultural patterns stem from a society’s system of economy.

Cultural patterns are rooted in a society’s core values and beliefs.

Cultural patterns are rooted in a society’s core values and beliefs.

When Jillian first moved to Spain, she was surprised by how late at night dinner was eaten, and how long the meal lasted. At first, she perceived this as laziness and gluttony, but as time passed, Jillian began to see that people enjoyed relaxing with their friends in the evenings, and the leisurely pace of dinner allowed them to socialize after a long day. In this example, Jillian was able to develop a greater sense of __________.


cultural relativism


cultural relativism

What question would a sociologist studying culture using the sociobiology approach most likely ask?
How do our cultural patterns reflect the biological evolution of our species?

How do social patterns help societies operate?

What social patterns support inequality?

What cultural patterns are universal?

How do our cultural patterns reflect the biological evolution of our species?

One example of a __________ in U.S. culture is the prohibition against marriage between a father and a daughter.

manifest function






How does health among today’s elderly people differ from that found in the past?
Today’s elderly are more susceptible to diseases.

Today’s elderly have more psychological issues.

Today’s elderly are healthier than previous generations.

Today’s elderly are more likely to end up in nursing care facilities at a younger age.

Today’s elderly are healthier than previous generations.

In general, what do political liberals view as their responsibility in a free society?
to take advantage of others’ missteps in order to get ahead

to minimize the importance of peer culture

to make the most of themselves in society

to lessen class differences in order to equalize opportunities

to lessen class differences in order to equalize opportunities

Human behavior is primarily __________.
determined by biology

the same everywhere

based on nurture or societal influences

driven by instinct

based on nurture or societal influences

What role does socialization play in early childhood?
It creates biological instincts

It encourages ethical criticism of society

It reinforces mutual interdependence

It develops human personality

It develops human personality

Why do many people in the United States feel that they lose some of their social identities as they enter old age?
Older individuals tend to have poorer health and have a harder time contributing to society.

Older individuals struggle to fit in with others their age but at the same time wish to develop a unique identity.

According to Erikson, older adults struggle with the challenge of autonomy vs. doubt and shame.

As people enter old age they retire from roles that have given them identity, pleasure, and prestige.

As people enter old age they retire from roles that have given them identity, pleasure, and prestige.

Which of the following factors is probably the most important reason that it is difficult to determine the exact onset of adulthood?
Not everyone grows at the same rate.

Gender inequality keeps women from reaching adulthood at the same time as men.

Mass media place a premium on youth.

Class matters a lot because for wealthy people childhood and adolescence last much longer than for poor people.

Class matters a lot because for wealthy people childhood and adolescence last much longer than for poor people.

Which of the following probably has the greatest influence in the process of producing a well-adjusted child?



the mass media


__________ nations generally have the highest share of children working for income.
Highly educated



Very modern


Piano lessons for children are one example of what sociologists call _____________________.
looking-glass self

hidden curriculum

building superego

cultural capital

cultural capital

How might socially isolated children, such as Anna, respond when presented with a toy such as a doll house?
They would create a family that resembles their own.

They would treat the dolls as brothers and sisters.

They would engage in play to work through their isolation.

They would be uninterested in playing with it.

They would be uninterested in playing with it.

What is one of the downsides of using the Internet for education?
Students come to expect instantaneous feedback.

There is a lack of useful online material for students.

Students can plagiarize without consequences.

Information on the Internet is generally all the same.

Students come to expect instantaneous feedback.

Of the following, which individual is likely to spend the most time watching television?
a high-income, but currently unemployed mother of four

a second grade girl from a working-class family

a male toddler who lives in a well-off, two-parent household

an adult white man from an upper- middle-class background

a second grade girl from a working-class family

In a gerontocracy, __________ have the most wealth, power, and prestige.
military warriors

child-bearing women

the elderly

the strong and healthy youth

the elderly

The study of aging and the elderly is referred to as


elder biology.



The mass media are entirely harmful to socialization.


Which of the factors noted below contribute to "hurried child" syndrome?
too many extracurricular activities in schools

too little alone time for single-parent children

considerable sex and violence on television and in other mass media

too few social outlets for preteens

considerable sex and violence on television and in other mass media

Why does adulthood tend to start earlier for people with lower incomes?
People with lower incomes watch more television, which advances their expectations.

People with lower incomes tend to marry at a later age.

People with lower incomes have less chance to attend college and so they tend to start work and families earlier.

People with lower incomes have higher vocational skills.

People with lower incomes have less chance to attend college and so they tend to start work and families earlier.

Which of the following describes trends in the average age of the population of the United States?
It is increasing.

It is staying the same.

It is decreasing.

It has gone up and down in recent decades.

It is increasing.

What can we learn from the Harlows’ rhesus monkey studies?
Social isolation early in life can cause irreversible damage.

Behavioral damage can be corrected with a "firm hand."

Long-term and short-term isolation have similar effects.

Emotional damage can be healed with subsequent nurturing and socialization.

Social isolation early in life can cause irreversible damage.

At which stage of the process of dying would a person pretend that nothing has changed?





Which of the following traits are lower-income parents, compared to high-income parents, more likely to desire in their children?
using imagination





Which of the following has the strongest overall influence on the socialization of children?

peer groups

mass media



What is the main cause of the pattern we describe as "teenage rebellion" in the United States?
peer pressure from other teens

lack of supervision of teens

cultural inconsistencies in how our society defines this stage of life


cultural inconsistencies in how our society defines this stage of life

Most sociologists would agree that television has a positive impact on young people by encouraging ____________.

physical activity

global awareness

teenage initiative

global awareness

Socialization takes place almost entirely within childhood.
True False


Jonathon believes that people living in societies that use simple technology are less biologically evolved. He views the native peoples of Africa and the Americas as "primitive" and sees no moral objections to harvesting their resources. Jonathon most likely lives in _____________.
Europe in the 1800s

South America today

the United States in the 1990s

East Asia today

Europe in the 1800s

Children learn gender differences informally at school. For example, sociologists point out that, in general, _______ are more likely to help a teacher clean the classroom.
poorly performing students



well performing students


How does a country’s standard of living affect the importance of television in the socialization process?
In lower-income countries, television has no importance in socialization.

In higher- income countries, television has greater importance in socialization.

In lower-income countries, most families use television every day to babysit their children.

In higher-income countries, television has little importance in socialization.

In higher- income countries, television has greater importance in socialization.

What of the following statements is most correct?
"Nature is the foundation of socialization."

"As human beings, our nature is to nurture."

"Nature has nothing whatever to do with human socialization."

"You cannot fool biology."

"As human beings, our nature is to nurture."

How does childhood differ in the United States compared to less economically developed nations?
Underdeveloped nations place a greater emphasis on the sanctity of childhood.

Underdeveloped nations place a greater emphasis on personal development.

Underdeveloped nations place a greater emphasis on socialization.

Underdeveloped nations place a greater emphasis on a child’s value as a member of the workforce.

Underdeveloped nations place a greater emphasis on a child’s value as a member of the workforce.

During which stage of dying would a person offer to dedicate time to charity in exchange for living a few extra months?





What has happened to the share of the U.S. population that has reached the age of sixty-five?
The share has increased.

The share is higher among women and lower among men.

The share has stayed the same.

The share is decreasing.

The share has increased.

What is the first step of resocialization in a total institution such as prison?
a system of rewards and punishments

the removal of an inmate’s existing identity

becoming institutionalized

drug rehabilitation

the removal of an inmate’s existing identity

How does industrialization affect the social standing of elderly members of society relate to younger people?
Industrialized nations revere their elderly more than preindustrial societies.

Industrialized nations provide the highest social standing to the oldest people.

Non-industrialized nations view elderly people as a drain on scarce resources.

Traditional nations revere the elderly as sources of wisdom; industrialized nations have a more negative view of elderly people.

Traditional nations revere the elderly as sources of wisdom; industrialized nations have a more negative view of elderly people.

In a society that sociologists would describe as a __________, seventy-eight-year-old Sebastian is often consulted about family problems and is accorded respect from others in the society because of his wisdom and leadership in community matters.





How might childhood in a low-income nation such as Angola differ from childhood in the United States?
A child in the United States is less likely to have leisure time.

A U.S. child is more likely to live in poverty.

A child in Angola is more likely to have to work for income.

A child in Angola is more likely to have an education.

A child in Angola is more likely to have to work for income.

Why is the television rating system controversial?
We might well wonder if watching violent or sexual content is a harmful as some critics say it is.

In keeps young children from watching inappropriate material.

It limits the number of shows available.

It focuses primarily on Western standards of decency.

We might well wonder if watching violent or sexual content is a harmful as some critics say it is.

In our society, social identity includes the importance of ________________________.

thought processes




Why might women find growing old more difficult than men do?
Because women are more likely than men to experience retirement from the labor force.

Because women do not live as long as men do.

Because they assess themselves more in terms of career performance.

Because our culture defines physical attractiveness as more important to women than to men.

Because our culture defines physical attractiveness as more important to women than to men.

Political conservatives claim that society ___________________________.
gives everyone exactly the same opportunities.

stands in the way of people realizing their dreams.

holds all of us more or less in the same place throughout our lives.

can never completely limit people from realizing their dreams.

can never completely limit people from realizing their dreams.

As you would expect a __________ to do, Jairdin investigates how people change as they grow old as well as the different ways in which societies around the world define old age.





Industrial societies often allow older people only marginal participation in the economy because
older people may lack the knowledge and training demanded in a fast-changing marketplace.

the elderly can make no significant economic contribution to the economy.

younger people are intimidated by older individuals’ cutting-edge skills.

they already have a great deal of money.

older people may lack the knowledge and training demanded in a fast-changing marketplace.

Who conducted research with rhesus monkeys and concluded that social isolation produced irreversible damage?
George Herbert Mead

Harry and Margaret Harlow

Jean Piaget

Kingsley Davis

Harry and Margaret Harlow

Why might a teenager looking for a new social group start listening to a new type of music?
She is beginning to develop antisocial behavior.

She is engaging in anticipatory socialization.

She is experiencing generational separation.

She is seeking approval from her current friends.

She is engaging in anticipatory socialization.

Deborah has recently become frustrated with her life. Her husband often works late hours at the office, and the two have begun fighting over financial issues. In addition, Deborah has started to worry about her health and schedules monthly checkups with her doctor to make sure she is in good physical shape. From this information, you can infer that Deborah is most likely in ______.
early adulthood


middle adulthood

old age

middle adulthood

The Pledge of Allegiance teaches children to pledge themselves to the United States and its ideals. Reciting this pledge in class is one example of what sociologists call _____________.
the significant other


a school’s hidden curriculum

anticipatory socialization

a school’s hidden curriculum

When Joe enters the Army, he is assigned a number, given a uniform, and told to forget about his past life and to shave his facial hair. If you consider the Army a total institution, what process is Joe experiencing?





Which of the following is a distinctive contribution of school to the socialization process?
School allows students to interact with people of different social backgrounds.

School helps invert gender roles.

School develops a rigid social hierarchy that lasts through adulthood.

School allows for the formation of peer groups with people of similar social standing.

School allows students to interact with people of different social backgrounds.

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