Drug Ed Ch. 11

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The legend of the discovery of coffee relates to …?

Kaldi and his dancing goats

The early history of coffee included a 1674 pamphlet from England titled …?

The Woman’s Petition Against Coffee

In the 18th century, English coffeehouse were referred to as …?

penny universities

In 1970, Americans drank moe coffee than a y other nonalcoholic beverage product. by 2009, …?

Americans drank approximately twice as many gallons of soft drink as compared to coffee

The largest exports of coffee to the U.S. are …?

Colombia, Brazil, and Vietnam

Green, black, and oolong tea are all prepared from leaves of …?

Camellia sinensis

The world’s greatest per-capita consumers of tea are found in …?


… is prescribed to asthma sufferers because it relaxes bronchial passages.


Theobroma, the genus name for the cacao tree, is Latin for, …?

food of the gods

Most regular brewed teas have about how much caffein per cup?

40-60 mg (about half the amount in coffee)

The unique xanthine in chocolate is …?


In 1909, the FDA seized some Coca-Cola syrup and filed charges against the company partly because …?

the syrup contained caffeine

According to the current FDA rules on "cola" drinks, …?

the cannot contain more than 6mg caffeine per ounce.

The main active ingredient in Red Bull and other energy drunks is …?


The maximum CNS effect of caffeine is reached about … after drinking coffee.

2 hours

The most consistent withdrawal symptom after chronic caffeine use is …?


Caffeine works in the brain by…?

blocking adenosine receptors

One important determinant of the behavioral effects of caffein is …?

whether the person is a regular user

Caffeine hs been shown to be an effective treatment for …?

migraine headaches

Often people who drink too much alcohol attempt to "sober up" by drinking coffee. Several studies support the idea that caffeine …?

is likely to lead to increased arousal, but the drinker is still impaired

Drinking 5 or more cups of coffee per day …?

doubles the risk of a heart attack

All of the xanthines have similar effects. But which one has the greatest overall effect?


Caffeine is thought to relieve headaches because it is …?

a vasoconstrictor

Which of the following has the highest amount of caffeine per serving?

Excedrin Migraine

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