CS202 Test 2

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E-commerce model where businesses provide goods and services to individuals


E-commerce sites sell this to generate income


Occurs when you click a pop-up or banner advertisement on a Web site and go to the advertiser’s Web site

e-mail forwarding

C2C Web sites typically use this to connect buyers with sellers and still protect everybody’s privacy


A standard protocol for securing credit card transactions over the Internet


refers to being free from intrusion; it is the right to be left alone, to by free from surveillance, and to have control over the information collected and stores about yourself

internet of things

___ has been likened to a "global electronic nervous system, with trillions of individual sensors monitoring the status of everything of interest to humans"

U.S. privacy-protective laws

___refer to legislation designed to protect the private information of U.S. citizens

U.S. privacy-invasive laws

__ refer to legislation that is invasive to individual privacy for perceived greater good of the country


__ is the close monitoring of behavior through electronic technologies such as wiretapping, data mining, remote video and audio monitoring, GPS, and RFID

Behavioral targeting

uses information about a person’s behavior to inform businesses and marketers so that they can offer products that are likely to be of interest to that person


when a person, business, organization, or government keeps little or nothing secret from the world – an approach that is supported by technologies such as lifestreaming, geolocation, and microblogging


information security often comes at the cost of some level of convenience and privacy true or false

false- consumers to individuals

the free flow of digital information has created the need for a number of laws to protect the private information of consumers true or false


wiretapping involves secretly listening in on conversations taking place over telecommunications networks, including telephone, email, instant messaging, VoIP, and other internet communications true or false


privacy refers to being free from


U.S. __ laws refer to legislation that is invasive to individual privacy for a perceived greater good of the country


traditional marketing uses a technique known as market ___, where ads target customers based on their race, gender, income, education, age, and other general characteristics

full access

Some experts in the area of privacy believe that there are three scenarios regarding the relationship of technology, privacy, and society, excluding

information security

refers to the protection of computers, information systems, data, and information against unauthorized access, use, manipulation, or destruction

machine-level security

refers to actions taken to protect information on a computer that may or may not be connected to a computer network or the internet


a security process in which the identity of a person is verified


a security technique that uses high-level mathematical functions and computer algorithms to encode data so that it is unintelligible to all but the sender and recipient

data backup

a process in which copies of important computer files are stored in a safe place to guard against data loss

network security

concerned with addressing vulnerabilities and threats in computer networks that may or may not be connected to the internet

permissions or file system permissions

refers to the specific access privileges afforded to each network user and each system resource in terms of which files, folders, and drives each user can read, write, and execute

multiuser system

a computer system, such as a computer network, where multiple users share access to resources

interior threats

network security threats that originate from within a network, typically from registered users

network usage policy

a document, agreement, or contract that defines acceptable and unacceptable uses of computer and network resources for a business or organization

wireless security

refers to the unique threats and defenses associated with wireless computer networks

internet security

refers to the unique threats and defenses associated with computers connected to the internet


an individual who subverts computer security without authorization


network hardware or software that examines data packets flowing in and sometimes out of a network or computer in order to filter out packets that are potentially dangerous

software patch

sometimes called a security patch, fixes software bugs and flaws and is typically disturbed to software users through online software updates


short for "malicious software" and includes any software designed to damage, corrupt, or illegally manipulate computer resources. Common forms include viruses, worms, and spyware

antivirus software

also known as virus scan software, uses several techniques to find viruses, worms, and spyware on a computer system; remove them if possible; and keep additional viruses, worms, and spyware from infecting the system

botnet or botnet army

refers to a collection of computers autonomously or automatically working together toward some goal; these are often zombie computers that are synchronized to perform illegal activities on the internet

cyber warfare

extends traditional forms of warfare to the internet and the web, including espionage, psychological warfare, and attacks

identity theft

the criminal act of stealing information about a person to assume that person’s identity in order to commit fraud or other crimes

internet fraud

the crime of deliberately deceiving a person over the internet in order to damage them or to obtain property or services unlawfully

digital certificate aka SSL certificate

a type of electronic business card that is attached to internet transaction data to verify the sender of the data

phishing scam

combines fraudulent email with faked websites in order to trick a person into providing private information that can be used for identity theft

information security laws

seek to protect the civil rights of populations from abuses of information systems and the internet

digital media

refers to the digital technologies of all kinds that serve and support digital publishing and broadcasting, and digital audio, video, and graphics

digital publications

include ebooks, electronic magazines, online newspapers, blogs, and other forms of traditional publishing that have moved online


the term __ is closely associated with communication, and one of the most powerful forms of communication is the written word.


are published in a digital format and viewed online or with special ebook software on a dedicated reading device-an ereader, smartphone, tablet, or PC

online newspapers and magazines

include electronic versions of print newspapers and magazines as well as online-only publications that provide news and information in an increasingly multimedia format

digital audio

is any type of sound, including voice, music, and sound effects, recorded and stores digitally as a series of 1s and 0s


the process of capturing the value of a sound wave at regular intervals, typically thousands of times per second, to store sound and music digitally


___ is digitized through the process of sampling

digital audio production

refers to methods of capturing, creating, editing, and enhancing digital audio


is an audio file that contains a recorded broadcast distributed over the internet

digital music player

is a portable or home electronics device that plays digital music that is stores on the device or streamed from a computer or the internet

digital music software

used to acquire, manage, and listen to digital music and encode music in various audio formats

media player software

___ such as itunes, android music player, amazon cloud player, windows media player, xbox music, and realplayer allows users to organize and play digital music on PCs and mobile devices

digital music distribution

takes many forms to address many listening environments, including CD, online music services, cell phone music services, podcasts, internet radio, satellite radio, and HD radio

digital graphics

refers to computer based media applications that support creating, editing, and viewing 2D and 3D images and animation

vector graphics

use bytes to store geometric descriptions that define all the shapes in the image

RGB color

refers to a method of specifying color digitally, using values for the intensity levels of red, green, and blue (RGB) as combined to create all colors

vector graphics software

sometimes called drawing software, provides tools to create, arrange, and layer graphical objects on the screen

Microsoft Powerpoint

is an example of a very basic vector graphics software application

3D modeling

also called ray tracing, utilizes sophisticated software graphics tools to create realistic 3D models that can be rotated and viewed from any angle in a virtual environment.


general term that refers to the use of imagery to communicate an idea. However, in the area of digital graphics, it typically refers to using imagery to experience information in a manner difficult to experience through any other medium

scientific visualization

uses digital graphics to provide representation that improve our understanding of some phenomenon


involves displaying digital images in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion

digital photography

is a form of photography that captures, stores, and manipulates photographs digitally as a series of 1s and 0s.

digital imaging

digital photography and digital photo editing are sometimes referred to collectively as ___

digital camera

a camera that captures photographs, and sometimes video, and stores them digitally rather than on film


digital cameras are ranked by the amount of ____ they can capture and the features they include

1 million

1 megapixel = ____ pixels

photo editing

is the process of altering digital photographs using software tools

photo-editing software

such as adobe photoshop, photoshop elements, apple iphoto, and google picasa includes special tools and effects that you can use to improve or manipulate bitmapped images.

photo printing

refers to the methods and resources available for transforming digital images into printed images

online photo album

typically hosted by a service that allows members to upload photos to web servers to share with individuals or the entire web population

digital video

stores a progression of digital photographs and displays them at 24 to 30 photos, or frames, per second (fps) to give the illusion of a smoothly flowing scene

forensic graphics

is used to create animation and exhibits to use in courts of law to explain theories and present evidence

digital video camera

captures and stores video digitally rather than on film

video editing

makes use of special software that allows professionals and amateurs to edit video footage by deleting scenes, combining scenes, and adding transitions and other effects to create a professional-style video production

interactive media

refers to digital media that involve user interaction for education, training, or entertainment

video game

uses 2D or 3D interactive digital media to provide gaming entertainment for individuals or groups using handheld devices, game consoles, computers, and the internet

virtual reality

a computer-stimulated, three-dimensional environment that can be explored and manipulated by a user

immersive virtual reality

refers to a stimulation in which the user becomes fully immersed in an artificial, three-dimensional world that is completely generated by a computer.

augmented reality

displays computer-generated information over objects viewed in real time and space

intellectual property rights

concern the legal ownership and use of intellectual property such as software, music, movies, data, and information

intellectual property

refers to a product of the mind or intellect over which the owner holds legal entitlement


In early 2012, an intellectual property battle erupted over two pieces of U.S. legislation" ___ was a bill floated in the Senate and ___ was in the House.

protection of intellectual property

can take many forms, including copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and patents


involves the illegal copying, use, and distribution of digital intellectual property, such as software, music, and movies


___ are making it known that piracy is not okay.


involves taking credit for someone else’s intellectual property, typically a written idea, by claiming it as your own.

digital rights management or DRM

is technology that protects digital forms of intellectual property by restricting the number of devices and applications on which a file can be opened and the number of times that the file can be copied and burned to disk

digital millennium copyright act (DMCA)

is a U.S. copyright law designed to reduce illegal digital media copying by criminalizing the production, distribution, and use of technologies designed to circumvent DRM technologies

electronic mail or email

is a form of communication in which electronic messages are created and transferred between two or more devices connected to a network

mail server

When you send an email message, the message is sent to a


Email messages are sent and received using ___ on networks

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

determines which paths an email message takes on the Internet

POP (Post Office Protocol)

handles incoming messages

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

retrieves mail messages from a remote server or messages stored on a large local network

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

specifies how to encode nontext data, such as graphics and sound, so it can travel over the Internet

mail client software, or an email program

The software that requests mail delivery from the mail server to an Internet device is known as

email address

An ________ uniquely identifies an individual or organization that is connected to the Internet

user name

• To route an email message to an individual, you must identify that person by his or her account name, or _____, and also by the name of the mail server that manages email sent to the domain

message header, message body

The ____ contains information about the message, and the ______ contains the actual message content


A ______ might appear at the bottom of an email message and contain standard information about the sender, which the recipient can use to contact the sender in a variety of ways

Information Security

refers to the protection of computers, information systems, data, and information against unauthorized access, use, manipulation, or destruction

Machine-level Security

refers to actions taken to protect information on a computer that may or may not be connected to a computer network or the Internet.

Network Security

is concerned with addressing vulnerabilities and threats in computer networks that may or may not be connected to the Internet.

Internet Security

refers to the unique threats and defenses associated with computers connected to the Internet.

U. S. privacy-protective laws

refer to legislation designed to protect the private information of U.S. citizens.

U.S. privacy-invasive laws

refer to legislation that is invasive to individual privacy for a perceived greater good of the country. [Patriot Act]


is the close monitoring of behavior through electronic technologies such as wiretapping, data mining, remote video and audio monitoring, GPS, and RFID.


is when a person, business, organization, or government keeps little or nothing secret from the world—an approach that is supported by technologies such as lifestreaming, geolocation, and microblogging.

U.S. Constitution

the ____ itself contains no express right to privacy!

the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the Constitution)

refers to privacy issues. The First Amendment protects the privacy of belief; the Third Amendment protects the privacy of the home against demands that it be used to house soldiers; the Fourth Amendment protects the privacy of the person and possessions against unreasonable searches; and the Fifth Amendment protects a person from self-incrimination.


A later amendment has also been important for privacy issues. Over the years, the Supreme Court has interpreted the word _____ in the Fourteenth Amendment to include issues of privacy—particularly in terms of issues such as marriage, procreation, childrearing, and termination of medical treatment. Polls indicate that most Americans support this interpretation of the word "liberty."

mark-up language

a ___ is a general term that indicates the separation of the formatting of a document and the content of a document

Standard Generalized Markup Language
(SGML)—a meta-language

before HTML, _______, that is used to create other languages—was the standard for formatting documents that were not dependent on the operating system or environment in which the documents were created or viewed

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

establishes specifications, or sets of standards, that identify how a browser interprets HTML code

nested tags

Tags that are included within other tags are called


some tags include _____ that specify additional information about the content to be formatted by the tag

Web-safe color palette

is a collection of 216 colors that all computers render in the same way


the ___ of your web page will go between the open body tag, <body>, and the close body tag, </body>.


Any act or object that endangers an asset is known as a

Secrecy threat

occurs when data is disclosed to an unauthorized party

Integrity threat

results in unauthorized data modification

Necessity threat

causes data delays or denials

secrecy threat, necessity threat, and integrity threat

Logical security threats are generally classified in three categories:


is a physical or logical procedure that recognizes, reduces, or eliminates a threat

Machine-level security

refers to actions taken to protect information on a computer that may or may not be connected to a computer network or the Internet.


is a security process in which the identity of a person is verified.

Two-step verification

requires a combination of a password with a verification code sent to the user’s phone. Typically, the 2-step verification is only required if the account is accessed from an unrecognized computer.


is a security technique that uses high-level mathematical functions and computer algorithms to encode data so that it is unintelligible to all but the sender and recipient.

Data backup

is a process in which copies of important computer files are stored in a safe place to guard against data loss.


Data may be lost due to hardware failure, human error, software corruption, hackers, _____ or natural disasters

Network security

is concerned with addressing vulnerabilities and threats in computer networks that may or may not be connected to the Internet.

Permissions, or file system permissions,

refers to the specific access privileges afforded to each network user and each system resource in terms of which files, folders, and drives each user can read, write, and execute.

Interior threats

are network security threats that originate from within a network, typically from registered users.

Data-entry errors

A military commander might enter into the computer the wrong GPS position for enemy troops. This data-entry error might cause friendly troops to be killed.

network usage policy

is a document, agreement, or contract that defines acceptable and unacceptable uses of computer and network resources for a business or organization.

Wireless security

refers to the unique threats and defenses associated with wireless computer networks.

over-the-shoulder attacks

Wireless devices are subject to _____ in which an unauthorized person uses his or her physical proximity to your device to attempt to get your login information, passwords, or other sensitive data while you’re working

evil twin attack or café latte attack

is when a hacker gathers information about an access point and then uses that information to set up his own computer to impersonate the access point

sniffer programs

When you use a free public hotspot, the data you send is not usually encrypted or secure and so it is subject to hackers using

man-in-the-middle attack (MITM attack)

occurs when transmissions that are being sent between two devices are intercepted by a third party


_____ is a malicious activity that involves driving through a neighborhood with a wireless-enabled notebook computer with the goal of locating homes and businesses that have wireless networks in order to gain access to them.

undiscoverable mode

To protect a Bluetooth device from an attack, you can disable the device’s Bluetooth feature so that its signal is invisible or in

Internet security

refers to the unique threats and defenses associated with computers connected to the Internet.


is an individual who subverts computer security without authorization.


is network hardware or software that examines data packets flowing in and sometimes out of a network or computer in order to filter out packets that are potentially dangerous.

software patch

sometimes called a security patch, fixes software bugs and flaws and is typically distributed to software users through online software updates.


is short for "malicious software" and includes any software designed to damage, corrupt, or illegally manipulate computer resources. Common forms include viruses, worms, and spyware.

Antivirus software

also known as virus scan software, uses several techniques to find viruses, worms, and spyware on a computer system; remove them if possible; and keep additional viruses, worms, and spyware from infecting the system.

botnet, or botnet army

refers to a collection of computers autonomously or automatically working together toward some goal; these are often zombie computers that are synchronized to perform illegal activities on the Internet.

Cyber warfare

extends traditional forms of warfare to the Internet and the web, including espionage, psychological warfare, and attacks.

Identity theft

is the criminal act of stealing information about a person to assume that person’s identity in order to commit fraud or other crimes.

Internet fraud

is the crime of deliberately deceiving a person over the Internet in order to damage them or to obtain property or services unlawfully.

digital certificate, also called an SSL certificate

is a type of electronic business card that is attached to Internet transaction data to verify the sender of the data

phishing scam

combines fraudulent email with faked websites in order to trick a person into providing private information that can be used for identity theft.

Information security laws

seek to protect the civil rights of populations from abuses of information systems and the Internet

markup language

is a general term that indicates the separation of the formatting of a document and the content of a document

Intellectual property rights

concern the legal ownership and use of intellectual property, such as software, music, movies, data, and information

Intellectual property

refers to a product of the mind or intellect over which the owner holds legal entitlement. Intellectual property includes ideas and intangible objects such as poetry, stories, music, and new ways of doing things or making things. Like tangible objects, intellectual property has value and is owned by an individual or organization.


Protects the words, music, and other expressions for the life of the copyright holder plus 70 years. The fair use doctrine describes when and how copyrighted material can be legally used. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act provides global copyright protection.


Protects a unique symbol or word used by a business to identify a product or service.

Trade secret

Protects secrets or proprietary information of individuals and organizations as long as the trade secret is adequately guarded by those individuals and organizations


Protects an invention by giving the patent holder a monopoly on the use of the invention for 20 years after the patent application is submitted.


involves the illegal copying, use, and distribution of digital intellectual property, such as software, music, and movies.

Recording Industry Association of
America (RIAA), the Motion Picture Association of America
(MPAA), and the Software &amp; Information Industry Association

Organizations such as the ___ are making it known that piracy is not okay. The RIAA has sued thousands of individuals involved in illegal MP3 file sharing for significant financial settlements.


involves taking credit for someone else’s intellectual property, typically a written idea, by claiming it as your own.

Academic misconduct

includes all acts of dishonesty in any academic or related matter and any knowing or intentional help, attempt to help, or conspiracy to help, another student commit an act of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following acts, when performed in any type of academic or academically related matter, exercise, or activity:


using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids, or computer-related information


representing the words, data, works, ideas, computer programs or output, or anything not generated in an authorized fashion, as one’s own


presenting as genuine any invented or falsified citation or material


falsifying, altering, or misstating the contents of documents or other materials related to academic matters, including schedules, prerequisites, and transcripts

Digital rights management, or DRM

is technology that protects digital forms of intellectual property by restricting the number of devices and applications on which a file can be opened and the number of times that the file can be copied and burned to disk.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

is a U.S. copyright law designed to reduce illegal digital media copying by criminalizing the production, distribution, and use of technologies designed to circumvent DRM technologies.

October 12, 1998

on _____ the U.S. Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and two weeks later President Clinton signed it into law. Since then, the DMCA has been used as a basis to shut down P2P filesharing technologies, threaten thousands of people who have posted other people’s intellectual property on the web, impose serious fines on those caught sharing music and movies over the Internet, and even threaten to take down web-giant YouTube.


By learning how to protect stand-alone PCs, you also learn about the first line of defense for the networks to which those PCs may be connected.


A password is a combination of characters known only to the user that is used for authentication when gaining access to systems.


Decryption is the process of decoding encrypted data so it can be comprehended.


Rather than creating an archive, some users prefer to create an exact copy of their data files, using a technique called mirroring.


Information security is implemented at multiple levels: the individual machine level, the computer network level, and the _____ level.


____ is a security process in which the identity of a person is verified.

Bitlocker drive

Microsoft Windows uses _______ Encryption, which is machine-level data encryption that can secure the entire hard drive and protect the data even if the PC is stolen.


Typical backup software collects the files you wish to back up into a compressed file called a(n) ____.


The primary challenge in securing a computer network is keeping user data private and accessible only by authorized persons.


By default, the personal files and folders on Windows and Mac OS X computers are available to others on a network.


Employers are legally responsible for notifying employees of network usage policies.

network security

_________ is concerned with addressing vulnerabilities and threats in computer networks that may or may not be connected to the Internet.

Errors in computer programming

If a payroll program multiplies a person’s pay rate by 1.5 for overtime instead of 2, resulting in a smaller paycheck than the employee should receive for overtime work, then this is a result of _____________.


Wi-Fi networks are centered on a telecommunications device called a(n) _____ point.


A firewall is installed at the point that the network connects to the Internet to protect the entire network from infection and attacks.


A worm attaches itself to other programs, emailing those programs numerous times in an effort to overwhelm systems.

false —is antivirus software

The number-one tool against viruses, worms, and spyware is using the correct browser.


The Internet has become a primary tool for terrorism and international attacks.


The second most common type of fraud is non-delivery of merchandise, which accounts for around 25% of Internet fraud.

computer security

A hacker is an individual who subverts ____ without authorization.

installing packet sniffers

The four pillars of information security include all of the following EXCEPT ____.


A computer under the control of an outside party working in a botnet is referred to as a _____ computer.

change your Social Security number at least once a year

People can protect themselves from identity theft by being cautious with their personal information, and by following all of the following tips EXCEPT ____.


A digital certificate, also called a(n) ____ certificate, is a type of electronic business card attached to Internet transaction data to verify the sender of the data.


The digitization of print is forcing the publishing industry into a new arena where it must compete against other forms of media and carve out a niche for itself.


Industries involved in print publications are scrambling to adjust to a public that is reading more online than on paper.


eBooks provide many advantages to readers.


Backlit displays like those used on tablets are easy to view outdoors in sunlight.


Every minor newspaper and most major newspapers have an online version of their publications.


Digital ____ include eBooks, electronic magazines, online newspapers, blogs, and other forms of traditional publishing that have moved online.


Top textbook publishers provide versions of their titles for the _____ and other eBook formats.


Online newspapers are delivered through the paper’s Web site, through ____ to news readers, and to mobile devices including phones, eBook readers, and tablets like the iPad.


Digital sound cannot be easily duplicated and transmitted without any degeneration.


One of the simplest ways to digitize audio is using a digital voice recorder.


An additional benefit to cloud music is that it provides an effortless method of synchronizing and backing up a music collection.


Sampling is the process of capturing the value of a sound wave at regular intervals, typically ____ of times per second, to store sound and music digitally.


____ software uses RSS to allow you to subscribe to your favorite podcasts from one application.


Digital music software is used to acquire, manage, and ____ to digital music and to encode music to various audio formats.


Digital music distribution takes many forms to address many listening environments, including CD, online music services, cell phone music services, podcasts, and ____ radio.


______ is an example of a freemium service that allows listeners to create their own playlists.


JPEG graphics are ideal for representing photo-realistic images as they can capture minute details in an image.


Vector graphics use bytes to store geometric descriptions that define all the shapes in the image.


Vector graphics software uses an object-oriented approach that recognizes pictures as being made up of multiple layers of objects—some in the foreground, some in the background, and some in between.


Visualization is a general term that refers to the use of scenery to communicate an idea.


RGB color refers to a method of specifying color digitally using values for the intensity levels of red, green, and ____ as combined to create all colors.


____ modeling is a digital graphics technique used in product design and art that utilizes sophisticated software graphics tools to create models in virtual environments that reflect virtual light in a realistic manner, and can be rotated and viewed from any angle.


_______ involves displaying digital images in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion.


Like drawing software, digital photography creates digital graphics by defining them as a collection of shapes.


Digital photography has become less popular as the technology has become more expensive and has been integrated into mobile phones.


Photo printers use photo-quality paper and toner to get professional-looking prints.


Most free online photo-album services take full responsibility for photos uploaded to their servers.


Digital photography is a form of photography that captures, stores, and ____ photographs digitally as a series of 1s and 0s.


Digital cameras range from inexpensive compact cameras to professional-grade SLR (single-lens ____) cameras.


Photo ____ is the process of altering digital photographs using software tools.


An online photo ____ is typically hosted by a service that allows members to upload photos to Web servers to share with individuals or the entire web population.


Digital video is becoming increasingly accessible for personal enjoyment as well as professional use.


Camcorders use similar types of sensors to capture the image.


Many of today’s camcorders include the ability to edit video directly on the camera.


Video-editing software uses a storybook on which to build a video production.

24 to 30

Digital video stores a progression of digital photographs and displays them at ____ photos per second, or frames per second (fps), to give the illusion of a smoothly flowing scene.

320 x 240 or 640 x 480

Most digital cameras can capture short video clips at resolutions up to ____.


Video ____ makes use of special software that allows videographers to delete scenes, combine scenes, and add transitions and other effects to a video production.


The most popular use of interactive media is for entertainment.


Video games employ nearly every aspect of digital media, including audio, music, and 3D graphics.


When interactive media incorporate 2D graphical animation, the result is virtual reality.


Yelp and Layar are two apps available for smart phones that make use of augmented reality.


Interactive media typically combine digital audio, digital 3D graphics, and ____.


The _________ is specially designed to handle the high demands of live-action 3D rendering.


_______ virtual reality refers to a simulation in which the user becomes fully immersed in an artificial, three-dimensional world that is completely generated by a computer.


Augmented reality displays computer-generated information over ____ viewed in real time and space.


A copyright protects words, music, and other expressions for the life of the copyright holder plus 70 years.


The RIAA has been successful in shutting down or helping to shut down most P2P services.


Plagiarism has been an issue of legal and social concern for as long as people have produced intellectual property.


Because DRM has become extremely unpopular with consumers, most recording companies and music distributors have begun selling music without embedded DRM technology.


The digitization of intellectual property and widespread ____ use have made it very difficult to protect intellectual property from illegal distribution.


____ involves the illegal copying, use, and distribution of digital intellectual property such as software, music, and movies.


Stealing others’ ideas and thoughts and presenting them as your own is a serious breach of _____ matched by serious penalties if you are caught.


DRM is typically associated with digital _____ files but is also used with other forms of online intellectual property.


In ____, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act was made law.

Big Data

the concept ___ emerged from the vast and exponentially-growing amount of data generated by social media, mobile devices, apps, and all the other digital tools wielded by the global population every day.

data mining

techniques were to be applied to the database developed by the TIA system in order to "connect the dots" and detect potential terrorist activity.


Computer-controlled surveillance technologies, combined with ubiquitous _____ networks and powerful information processing systems, have made it possible to gather huge quantities of video, audio, and telecommunications signals and process them to reveal personal information.


involves secretly listening in on conversations taking place over telecommunications networks, including telephone, email, instant messaging, VoIP, and other Internet communications.

data mining

refers to the process of extracting information from large databases

Onsite behavioral targeting

involves a company tracking a user’s activities on its own site. The information the company collects allows the company to custom-design a website that caters to the individual’s interests

network behavioral targeting

in __ user behavior is tracked over multiple websites.

super cookies

Recently, Verizon and AT&T were found utilizing a technology called _____ to track users’ online activities through mobile web browsers.

full privacy

Citizens should be assured of 100% privacy. They should have absolute control over what personal information is maintained in public and private databases, and there should be no surveillance of any kind for any purpose

full trust

Citizens should trust governments to provide surveillance in a safe and secure manner that respects privacy rights.

Full transparency

All surveillance and information should be accessible to every law-abiding citizen. Governments and law enforcement should not maintain exclusive control over surveillance. Citizens should have the ability to turn the cameras onto authority to ensure that power is not being abused.

personal, business, and government.

Cyberattacks of one kind or another are occurring continuously on the Internet, causing concern over information at every level:


is the science and technology of authentication by scanning and measuring a person’s unique physical features ("something about you").

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

is the most common encryption protocol.

system recovery disk, sometimes called a rescue disk

is used to regain access to a computer that has lost its ability to boot normally

system administrator

may be a person or persons hired by a corporation to manage a large computer network, or it could be a person like you, managing a home network.

Administrator, Standard, and Guest

Windows uses three classifications for user accounts:


is a program that attaches itself to a file, spreads to other files, and delivers a destructive action called a payload


One form of malware called _____ uses encryption to hold the user’s data captive until a ransom is paid.

distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS)

many computers simultaneously access a web server, making it impossible for the server to respond to legitimate requests.


Impersonating legitimate businesses on the web or in email is referred to as

spear phishing

In an attack called _____, private or personal information is used to target a specific individual


In the criminal act of ______, hackers hijack a Domain Name System (DNS) server to automatically redirect users from legitimate websites to spoofed websites in an effort to steal personal information

Internet radio

______ is similar to local AM and FM radio except that it is digitally delivered to your computer over the Internet, and there are a lot more choices of stations.

bit depth

The number of bits used to store color is called the ____


_____ is the process of calculating the light interaction with the virtual 3D models in the scene and then presenting the final drawing in two dimensions to be viewed on the screen or printed.

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