CIST 1305Final Review

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1. ____ files involves combining two or more files while maintaining the sequential order of the records.

A. Splitting
B. Merging
C. Dividing
D. Sorting


2. The saved version of a master file is the ____ file; the updated version is the child file.

A. Peer
B. Parent
C. Subordinate
D. Child


3. Programmers usually use the word "write" to mean "produce hard copy output."

A. True
B. False


4. You can merge more than two files.

A. True
B. False


5. In most programming languages, before an application can use a data file, it must ____.

A. Prepare the file
B. Open the file
C. Read the file
D. Close the file

Open the file

6. To generate a control break report, your input records must be organized in ____ order based on the field that will cause the breaks
A. Ascending
B. Random
C. Sequential
D. Repeatable


7. A ____ break is a break in the logic of the program that is based on the value of a single variable.

A. Single-level control
B. Simple control
C. Serial control
D. Multi-level control

Single-Level Control

8. ____ is processing that involves performing the same tasks with many records, one after the other.

A. Volume processing
B. Batch processing
C. Standard processing
D. Online Processing

Batch Processing

9. ____ applications require that a record be accessed immediately while a client is waiting.

A. Database
B. Real-time
C. Sort
D. Batch


10. You update the transaction file with data from the master file.

A. True
B. False


11. Pseudocode uses the end-structure statement ____ to clearly show where the structure ends.

A. End
B. Endif
C. Endloop
D. Endstructure


12. With a(n) ____, you perform an action or task, and then you perform the next action, in order.

A. Sequence problem
B. Loop sequence
C. Ordered structure
D. Sequence structure

Sequence Structure

13. Structured programming is sometimes called goto-less programming.

A. True
B. False


14. A structured program includes only combinations of the three basic structures: ____.

A. Sequence, selection, and loop
B. Identification, selection, and loop
C. Sequence, iteration, and loop
D. Iteration, selection, and loop

Sequence, Selection, and Loop

15. A loop must return to the ____ question at some later point in a structure.

A.Start Loop B. Continue loop
C. Loop-controlling
D. Master loop


16. In a selection structure, you perform an action or task, and then you perform the next action in order.

A. True
B. False


17. Structured programs can be easily broken down into routines or ____ that can be assigned to any number of programmers.

A Segments
B. Modules
C. Sequences
D. Units


18. Because you may stack and nest structures while retaining the overall structure, it might be difficult to determine whether a flowchart as a whole is structured.

A. True
B. False


19. The following pseudocode is an example of a ____ structure.
get number
while number is positive
add to sum
get number

A. Decision
B. Loop
C. Sequence
D. Nested


20. In older languages, you could leave a selection or loop before it was complete by using a ____ statement.
A. Next
B. Go to
C. Loop
D. Go next

Go To

21. When you ask multiple questions before an outcome is determined, you create a ____ condition.

A. Dual-alternative
B. Compound
C. Nested
D. Single-alternative


22. Most programming languages allow you to ask two or more questions in a single comparison by using a(n) ____ operator that joins decisions in a single statement.



23. ____ operators require two operands.

A. Binary
B. Tertiary
C. Unary
D. Dual


24. Most languages allow a specialized selection structure called the ____ structure when there are several distinct possible values for a single variable, and each value requires a different subsequent action.

A. Nested If
B. Case
C. Cascading
D. Short-circuit


25. The conditional AND operator in Java, C++, and C# is ____
B. &&
C. &
D. **


26. To avoid confusion, you can use ____statements instead of using AND and OR operators.

A. Trivial
B. Nested if
D. Range check

Nested If

27. You can perform a ____ by making comparisons using either the lowest or highest value in a range of values.

A. Range check
B. Nested if
C. Logic check
D. Trivial Expression

Range Check

28. For maximum efficiency, a good rule of thumb in an OR decision is to ____.

A. First ask the question that is more likely to be false
B. Rewrite it as an AND decision and ask the question more likely to be false
C. Rewrite it as an AND decision and ask the question more likely to be true
D. First ask the question that is more likely to be true

First ask the question that is more likely to be false

29. A short-circuit evaluation is where each part of an expression is evaluated only as far as necessary to determine whether the entire expression is true or false.

A. True
B. False


30. C#, C++, C, and Java use the symbol ____ as the logical OR operator.

A. ^
B. Ll
C. %
D. $


31. A parallel array is an array that stores another array in each element.

A. True
B. False


32. One advantage to using a named constant is that the statement becomes ____.

A. Self-documenting
B. Self-mitigating
C. Self-perpetuating
D. Self-referencing


33. An array is a(n) ____ of values in computer memory.

A. Set
B. Record
C. Accumulation
D. List


34. Every array has a(n) ____ size.

A. Constant B. Variable
C. Finite
D. Infinite


35. Many newer programming languages such as C++, Java, and C# use the square bracket notation for arrays.

A. True
B. False


36. You use subscripts 1 through 10 to access the elements in a ten element array.

A. True
B. False


37. Parallel arrays must contain the same data type.

A. True
B. False


38. If you declare a variable to be Boolean, you can set its value to ____.

A. 1 or -1
B. Any number
C. Any integer
D. True or False

True or False

39. Arrays cannot be used if you need to search for a range of values.

A. True
B. False


40. When a subscript is not within the range of acceptable subscripts, it is said to be ____.

A. Indexed
B. Out of Bounds
C. Superscript
D. Flagged

Out of Bounds

41. An indefinite loop is a loop that never stops.

A. True
B. False


42. When one loop appears inside another, the loop that contains the other loop is called the ____ loop.

A. Outer
B. Inner
C. Definite
D. Indefinite


43. Once your logic enters the body of a structured loop, ____.

A. The loop can be terminated with a break statement
B. The loop will execute indefinitely
C. A decision statement will be evaluated
D. The entire loop must execute

The entire loop must execute

44. ____ is a technique with which you try to prepare for all possible errors before they occur.

A. Nested Loop
B. Stub
C. Incrementing
D. Defensive programming

Defensive Programming

45. In a ____, the loop body might never execute because the question controlling the loop might be false the first time it is asked.

A. Posttest loop
B. Loop control
C. Pretest loop
D. Summary report

Pretest Loop

46. A(n) ____ loop executes a predetermined number of times.

A. Terminal
B. Definite
C. Infinite
D. Indefinite


47. A loop within another loop is known as a(n) ____ loop.

A. Infinite
B. Indefinite
C. Hidden
D. Nested


48. Loops are frequently used to ____; that is, to make sure it is meaningful and useful.

A. Corroborate data
B. Validate data
C. Simulate data
D. Restructure data

Validate Data

49. The first step in a while loop is typically to ____.

A. Increment the loop control variable
B. Compare the loop control variable to a constant value
C. Execute the body of the loop
D. Initialize the loop control variable

Initialize the loop control variable

50. A(n) ____ is any numeric variable you use to count the number of times an event has occurred.

A. Index
B. Accumulator
C. Key
D. Counter


51. Declaring a starting value for a variable is known as ____ the variable.

A. Declaring
B. Identifying
C. Defining
D. Initializing


52. A variable’s unknown value is commonly called ____.

A. Initial
B. Default
C. Random
D. Garbage


53. When the first letter of a variable name is uppercase, as in HourlyWage, the format is known as ____ casing.

A. Camel casing
B. Pascal casing
C. Turing notation
D. Hungarian notation

Pascal Casing

54. Programmers say the statements that are contained in a module have been ____.

A. Embedded
B. Decomposed
C. Encapsulated
D. Modularized


55. When a program has several modules calling other modules, programmers often use a program ____, which operates similarly to an organizational chart, to show the overall picture of how modules are related to one another.

A. Flow Chart
B. Hierarchy Chart
C. Tree Chart
D. Data Diagram

Hierarchy Chart

56. The ____ dictate the order in which operations in the same statement are carried out.

A. Rules of precedence
B. Rules of arithmetic
C. Statement rules
D. Operation rules

Rules of Precedence

57. Fractional numeric variables that contain a decimal point are known as ____ variables.

A. Partial
B. String
C. Floating-point
D. Integer


58. All programming languages support four broad data types.

A. True
B. False


59. A string variable can hold digits such as account numbers and zip codes.

A. True
B. False


60. The process of breaking down a large program into modules is called ____.

A. Modularization
B. Fragmentation
C. Caching
D. Decomposing


61. You represent a decision in a flowchart by drawing a decision symbol, which is shaped like a ____.

A. Circle
B. Diamond
C. Square
D. Parallelogram


62. Professional computer programmers write programs to satisfy their own needs.

A. True
B. False


63. The ____ is the standard terminal symbol for a flowchart.

A. Lozenge
B. Circle
C. Diamond
D. Square


64. Many programming languages use the term ____ to refer to the marker that is used to automatically recognize the end of data in a file.

A. Eof
B. End_data
C. Eod
D. Data_end


65. A(n) ____ is a location on your computer screen where you type text entries to communicate with the computer’s operating system.

B. Communication line
C. Input line
D. Command line

Command Line

66. Alan Turing is often regarded as the first programmer.

A. True
B. False


67. The process of walking through a program’s logic on paper before you actually write the program is called ____.

A. Testing
B. Flowchart
C. Pseudocoding
D. Desk-Checking


68. A(n) ____ is a repeating flow of logic with no end.

A. Decision Symbol
B. Infinite loop
C. Nonterminated condition
D. Variable

Infinite Loop

69. Typically, a programmer develops a program’s logic, writes the code, and ____ the program, receiving a list of syntax errors.

A. Tests
B. Runs
C. Complies
D. Executes


70. A(n) ____ is a program that you use to create simple text files.

B. Text editor

Text Editor

71. A comparison is correct only when the correct ____ and operator are used.

A. Operands
B. Index
C. Statements
D. Expression


72. Forgetting to initialize and alter the loop control variable are common mistakes that programmers sometimes make.

A. True
B. False


73. The ____ loop is particularly useful when processing arrays.

A. Nested
B. Infinite
C. For
D. While


74. Programmers employ the acronym ____ to mean that if your input is incorrect, your output is worthless.



75. A mistake programmer’s often make with loops is that they ____.

A. Enclose the inner loop entirely within the outer loop in a nested loop
B. Validate data to ensure values are the correct data type or that they fall within an acceptable range
C. Increment the loop control variable of the loop body.
D. Neglect to initialize the control loop variable prior to entering the loop body.

Neglect to initialize the control loop variable prior to entering the loop body.

76. The loop control variable is initialized after entering the loop.

A. True
B. False


77. When one loop appears inside another it is called an indented loop.

A. True
B. False


78. The safest action is to assign the value 1 to accumulators before using them.

A. True
B. False


79. The major difference between the two main programming styles in use today is the ____.

A. Programmer’s focus during the earliest planning stages of a project
B. Use of flowcharts verses pseudocode
C. Testing procedure used by the programmer
D. Programming language used

Programmer’s focus during the earliest planning stages of a project

80. A(n) ____ is a software package that provides an editor, a compiler, and other programming tools.



81. The repetition of a series of steps is called a(n) ____.

A. Loop
B. Infinite loop
C. Repeat flow
D. Flow


82. A ____ allows users to interact with a program in a graphical environment.

B. Command Line


83. Files exist on ____ storage devices, such as hard disks, DVDs, USB drives, and reels of magnetic tape.

A. Permanent
B. Optical
C. Transient
D. Scalable


84. When a program uses a ____, it reads all the records in the file from beginning to end, processing them one at a time.

A. Retired file
B. Random access file
C. Sequential file
D. Serial file

Sequential File

85. A database holds related file data in ____

A. Fields
B. Tables
C. Records
D. Control break


86. The keyboard and printer are the default input and output devices.

A. True
B. False


87. When the records in a file are sorted in order from lowest to highest values, the records are in ____ order.

A. Bubble
B. Descending
C. Merged
D. Ascending


88. Images and music are contained in binary files.

A. True
B. False


89. A ____ is a temporary detour in the logic of a program.

A. Control Sequence
B. Break Control
C. Control Break
D. Sequence Break

Control Break

90. To write a program that produces a report of employees by department number, the records must be grouped by department number before you begin processing.

A. True
B. False


91. The action or actions that occur within a loop are known as a(n) ____.

A. Loop internals
B. Loop body
C. Structure body
D. Action body

Loop Body

92. Programs that use _____ code logic are unstructured programs that do not follow the rules of structured logic.

A. Nested
B. Spaghetti
C. Case
D. Loop


93. The case structure is a variation of the ____ structure.

A. Selection
B. While
C. Do
D. Sequence


94. if-else examples can also be called ____ because they contain the action taken when the tested condition is true and the action taken when it is false.

A. Single-alternative selections
B. Dual-alternative selections
C. Repetition
D. Do loops

Dual-Alternative Selections

95. Fill in the blank in the following pseudocode:
if someCondition is true then
do oneProcess
do theOtherProcess


A. While
B. Do
C. Else
D. Then


96. Placing a structure within another structure is called ____ structures.

A. Stacking
B. Selecting
C. Nesting
D. Shelling


97. The do loop is a variation of the ____ loop.

A. While
B. If-then-else
C. Case
D. Sequence


98. The priming read is an example of a(n) ____ task.

A. Selection
B. Housekeeping
C. Exit
D. Declaration


99. The conditional AND operator in Java, C++, and C# is ____.

A. &&
B. **
D. &


100. A series of nested if statements is also called a ____ if statement.

A. Waterfall
B. Cascading
C. Indented
D. Stacked


101. You can use parentheses to override the default order of operations.

A. True
B. False


102. ____ are diagrams used in mathematics and logic to help describe the truth of an entire expression based on the truth of its parts.

A. Decision diagrams
B. Truth diagrams
C. Truth tables
D. Decision metrics

Truth Tables

103. Most programming languages allow you to ask two or more questions in a single comparison.

A. True
B. False


104. In a truth table, the expression ____ is false.
A. False or False
B. False or true
C. True or true
D. True or false

False or False

105. You use the case structure only when a series of decisions is based on a single expression.

A. True
B. False


106. The ____ clause of the decision is the part that executes only when the tested condition in the decision is false.

A. Then
B. If
C. else
D. endif


107. A ____ relates parallel arrays.

A. Subscript
B. Key
C. Superscript
D. Postscript


108. To search an array for a(n) ____ match, you can store either the highest or lowest value
of each range for comparison.

A. Flag
B. Subscript
C. Range
D. Index


109. Parallel arrays are most useful when value pairs have a(n) ____ relationship.

A. Direct
B. Tiered
C. Linked
D. Indirect


110. The number of bytes in an array is always a multiple of the number of ____ in an array.

A. Subscripts
B. Iterators
C. Elements
D. Indexes


111. You can improve the efficiency of a program by leaving a loop as soon as a match is found in the array.

A. True
B. False


112. Programmers generally write programs as one long series of steps.

A. True
B. False


113. ____ variables and constants are known to the entire program.

A. Global
B. Heap
C. Local
D. Transient


114. Most modern programming languages require that program statements be placed in specific columns.

A. True
B. False


115. Program comments are a type of internal documentation.

A. True
B. False


116. A(n) ____ is similar to a variable, except it can be assigned a value only once.

A. Constant
B. Literal
C. Unnamed Constant
D. Named Constant

Named Constant

117. Programmers refer to programs that contain meaningful names as ____.

A. Procedural documented
B. Self-documenting
C. Undocumented
D. Formally Documented


118. The assignment operator has left-to-right-to-left associativity, which means that the value of the expression to the left of the assignment operator is evaluated first and that the result is assigned to the operand on the right.

A. True
B. False


119. Besides the popular, comprehensive programming languages such as Java and C++, many programmers use scripting languages such as Python, Lua, Perl, and PHP.

A. True
B. False


120. After a programmer plans the logic of a program, the next step is ____.

A. Translating the program
B. Understanding the problem
C. Testing the program
D. Coding the program

Coding the Program

121. ____ data items may involve organizing or sorting them, checking them for accuracy, or performing calculations with them.

A. Outputting
B. Converting
C. Processing
D. Inputting


122. The process of finding and correcting program errors is called ____.

A. Error checking
B. Debugging
C. Desk-checking
D. Syntax checking


123. Before a programmer plans the logic of the program, he or she must ____.

A. Test the program
B. Maintain the program
C. Understanding the program
D. Write the program code

Understanding the program

124. Once a program is completely coded, it is ready for a company or organization to use.

A. True
B. False


125. A(n) ____ is very similar to a counter that you use to count loop iterations, except that you usually add a value other than one to this type of variable.

A. Accumulator
B. Total
C. Transaction
D. Validator


126. Both the while loop and the for loop are examples of pretest loops.

A. True
B. False


127. You usually use the for loop with ____ loops.

A. Definite
B. Indefinite
C. Outer
D. Inner


128. The ____ loop is particularly useful when processing arrays.

A. Infinite
B. For
C. Nested
D. While


129. The amount by which a for loop control variable changes is often called a ____ value.

A. Group
B. Step
C. Key
D. Sentinel


130. You can either increment or decrement the loop control variable.

A. True
B. False


131. Depending on the programming language being used, modules are also known as ____ .

A. Tasks, function, or method
B. Procedures, functions, or containers
C. Subroutines, procedures, or methods
D. Subroutines, receptacles, or methods

Subroutines, procedures, or Methods

132. ____ is where a variable’s data type or other information is stored as part of the name.

A. Camel case
B. Pascal case
C. Turing notation
D. Hungarian notation

Hungarian Notation

133. A ____ variable is not used for input or output, but instead is just a working variable that you use during a program’s execution.

A. Programming
B. Calculating
C. Throw away
D. Temporary


134. When you have a five element array and use subscript 6, your subscript is said to be out of bounds.

A. True
B. False


135. An array can be used to replace ____.

A. Methods
B. Loops
C. Records
D. Nested Decisions

Nested Decisions

136. Providing array values is sometimes called ____.

A. Providing the array
B. Accumulating the array
C. Populating the array
D. Creating the array

Populating the Array

137. Declaring a named constant makes code easier to modify and understand.

A. True
B. False


138. In every programming language, when you access data stored in an array, you must use a ____ containing a value that accesses memory occupied by the array.

A. Key
B. Superscript
C. Subscript
D. Condition


139. A(n) ____ decision is a decision in which two conditions must be true for an action to take place.

A. Or
B. Xor
C. And
D. Or-else


140. The NOT operator is a unary operator, meaning it takes only one operand.

A. True
B. False


141. ____ evaluation is when each part of an expression that uses an operator is evaluated only as far as necessary to determine whether the entire expression is true or false.

A. Short-circuit
B. Binary
C. Loop
D. Truth


142. Attaching structures end to end is called ____ structures.

A. Linking
B. Building
C. Stacking
D. Nesting


143. A ____ read is an added statement that gets the first input value in a program.

A. Priming
B. Nested
C. Posttest
D. Stacked


144. Structures can be stacked or connected to one another at their ____.

A. Entry or combination points
B. Entry or exit points
C. Entry points only
D. Exit points only

Entry or Exit Points

145. As a general rule, an eof question should always come immediately after an input statement because the end-of-file condition will be detected at input.

A. True
B. False


146. Structured programs use spaghetti code logic.

A. True
B. False


147. The following pseudocode is an example of a ____ structure.
get firstNumber
get secondNumber
add firstNumber and secondNumber
print result

A. Loop
B. Nested
C. Sequence
D. Decision


148. When you write a program that stores a value in a variable, you are using ____ storage.

A. Resilient
B. Temporary
C. Permanent
D. Resident


149. Characters are made up of smaller elements called ____.

A. Bits
B. Records
C. Fields
D. Bytes


150. Files in which records must be accessed immediately are sometimes called instant access files.

A. True
B. False


151. When you copy data from a file on a storage device into RAM, you are ____ from the file.

A. Outputting
B. Writing
C. Uploading
D. Reading


152. Because they enable you to locate a particular record directly (without reading all of the preceding records), random access files are also called ____ files.

A. Pointed access
B. Indirect access
C. Direct access
D. Sequential access

Direct Access

153. In a flowchart, an ____ is most often represented by a three-sided box that is connected to the step it references by a dashed line.

A. Abbreviation Symbol
B. Abstraction Symbol
C. Enumeration Symbol
D. Annotation Symbol

Annotation Symbol

154. When the variable starts with a lowercase letter and any subsequent word begins with an uppercase letter, this is called ____.

A. Hungarian Notation
B. Turing Notation
C. Pascal Notation
D. Camel Casing

Camel Casing

155. ____ is where a variable’s data type or other information is stored as part of the name.

A. Turing Notation
B. Camal Case
C. Pascal Case
D. Hungarian Notation

Hungarian Notation

156. Programmers say that variables and constants declared within a module are ____ only within that module.

A. Out of scope
B. In scope
C. In reference
D. Abstracted

In Scope

157. The mainline logic of almost every procedural computer program consists of these three distinct parts: ____ .
A. Housekeeping tasks, detail loop tasks, and math tasks
B. Housekeeping tasks, detail loop tasks, and end-of-job tasks
C. Housekeeping tasks, main tasks, and end-of-job tasks
D. Clearing tasks, detail loop tasks, and end-of-job tasks

Housekeeping tasks, Detail loop tasks, and End-of-job tasks

158. As programs become larger and more complicated, the need for good planning and design ____ .
A. Is not necessary
B. Is inefficient
C. Increases
D. Decreases


159. A ____ error results when you use a syntactically correct statement but use the wrong one for the current context.

A. Logical
B. Semantic
C. Programming
D. Syntax


160. Programmers can use either procedural programming or object-oriented programming to develop programs.

A. True
B. False


161. The heart of the programming process lies in planning the program’s logic.

A. True
B. False


162. Every programming language has rules governing its word usage and punctuation.

A. True
B. False


163. The ____ is used to represent output in a flowchart.

A. Square
B. Parallelogram
C. Triangle
D. Circle


164. Using ____ involves writing down all the steps you will use in a program.

A. A complier
B. Pseudocode
C. A flowchart
D. An interpreter


165. Business reports that list only totals, with no individual item details, are called ____.

A. Control-breaks reports
B. Transaction reports
C. Summary reports
D. Detail reports

Summary Reports

166. In a ____, the loop body executes at least one time because the loop control variable is not tested until after one iteration.

A. Loop control B. Nested loop
C. Posttest loop
D. Pretest loop

Posttest loop

167. In some cases, a loop control variable does not have to be initialized.

A. True
B. False


168. Use a counter or a(n) ____ to control a loop’s repetitions.

A. Sentinel Value
B. End Value
C. Sentinel Variable
D. End Statement

Sentinel Value

169. When one loop appears inside another is a called an indented loop.

A. True
B. False


170. No matter how complicated it is, any set of steps can always be reduced to combinations of the two basic structures of sequence and loop.

A. True
B. False


171. The following pseudocode is an example of ____.
if conditionA is true then

do stepE
do stepB
do stepC
do stepD

A. Stacking
B. Nesting
C. A pretest
D. A posttest


172. You can use ____ for clarity and to override the default order of operations.

A. Multiplication
B. Parenthesis
D. Truth Table


173. When you use the ____ operator, only one of the listed conditions must be met for the resulting action to take place.

A. Nested


174. Both operands in a comparison expression must be the same ____.

A. Data Type
B. Value
C. Name
D. Length


175. ____ is the more general term for an entity that organizes files.

A. Hierarchy
B. Directory
C. Path
D. Structure


176. You can easily merge files even if each file contains a different record layout.

A. True
B. False


177. The terms "parent" and "child" can refer to file backup generations, but they are also used for a different purpose in object-oriented programming.

A. True
B. False


178. The true benefit of using an array lies in your ability to use a ____ as a subscript to the array.

A. Constant
B. Command
C. Variable
D. Loop


179. A ____ search starts looking in the middle of a sorted list, and then determines whether it should continue higher or lower.

A. Linear
B. Divided
C. Quadratic
D. Binary


180. All array elements have the same group ____.

A. Memory location
B. Subscript
C. Name
D. Value


181. A program contains an array that holds all the names of the days of the week. Which of the following is true?

A. The highest subscript is 12
B. The lowest subscript is 1
C. The highest subscript is 7
D. The highest subscript is 6

The highest subscript is 6

182. In most programming languages, before you can use any variable, you must include a ____ for it.

A. Definition
B. Proclamation
C. Declaration
D. Header


183. When you write programs, you work with data in three different forms: ____.

A. variations, RAM (or unnamed constants), and named values
B. variables, named constants, and named memory
C. variables, literals (or unnamed constants), and named constants
D. values, variables (or named values), and unnamed values

Variables, Literals (or unnamed constants), and named constants

184. A specific numeric value is often called a(n) ____.

A. Defined constant
B. Arithmetic constant
C. Numeric constant
D. Named constant

Numeric Constant

185. A(n) ____ is a named memory location whose value can vary.

A. Input
B. Variable
C. Logic
D. Output


186. Besides making your code easier to modify, using a ____ makes the code easier to understand.

A. Standard constant
B. Literal constant
C. Named constant
D. Named variable

Named Constant

187. A(n) ____ is another name for a subscript.

A. Pointer
B. Sequence
C. Place holder
D. Index


188. Suppose that you have declared a numeric array named numbers, and two of its elements are numbers[1] and numbers[5]. You know that ____.

A. There are exactly four elements between those two elements
B. There are exactly three elements between those two elements
C. Numbers[1] is smaller then numbers[5]
D. Numbers[5] is the last element in the array

There are exactly three elements between those two elements

189. When you ____ a file, it is no longer available to your application.

A. Index
B. Close
C. Examine
D. Rewrite


190. Directories and ____ are organization units on storage devices.

A. Folders
B. Partitions
C. Files
D. Stream


191. ____ storage is not lost when a computer loses power.

A. Temporary
B. Intermediate
C. Permanent
D. Variable


192. You may hear programmers refer to looping as ____.

A. Execution
B. Iteration
C. Selection
D. Case


193. ____ a data item means you override incorrect data by setting the variable to a specific value.

A. Flexing
B. Blanking
C. Tracing
D. Forcing


194. A ____ expression is one that represents only one of two states, usually expressed as true or false.

A. Boolean
B. Dual
C. Unicode
D. Single-alternative


195. In a truth table, the expression ____ is true.

A. False and True
B. False and False
C. True and True
D. True and False

True and True

196. Most programming languages limit the number of AND and OR operators in an expression.

A. True
B. False


197. When you need to satisfy two or more criteria to initiate an event in a program, you must make sure that the second decision is made entirely independently of the first decision.

A. True
B. False


198. A mistake programmers often make with loops is that they ____.

A. Increment the loop control variable inside the loop body
B. Include statements inside the loop that belong outside the loop
C. Enclose the inner loop entirely within the outer loop in a nested loop
D. Initialize the loop control variable prior to entering the loop body

Include the statements inside the loop that belong outside the loop

199. When one loop appears inside another is is called an indented loop.

A. True
B. False


200. One way to straighten out an unstructured flowchart segment is to use the ____ method.

A. Spaghetti Bowl
B. Restructuring
C. Spaghetti Code
D. Priming

Spaghetti Bowl

201. The case structure is a variation of the sequence structure and the do loop is a variation of the while loop.

A. True
B. False


202. A structured program must contain a sequence, selection, and loop structure.

A. True
B. False


203. Because one memory location can be used repeatedly with different values, you can write program instructions once and then use them for thousands of separate calculations

A. True
B. False


204. The ____ file holds temporary data that is used to update the master file.

A. Database B. Transaction
C. Merge
D. Directory


205. ____ are groups of fields that go together for some logical reason.

A. Tables
B. Records
C. Columns
D. Databases


206. A flowchart is an English-like representation of the logical steps necessary to solve a problem.

A. True
B. False


207. Computer programmers often refer to memory addresses using ____ notation.

A. Mathematical
B. Binary
C. Hexadecimal
D. Indirect


208. After programs are put into production, making necessary changes is called ____.

A. Maintenance
B. Conversion
C. Testing
D. Debugging


209. Array elements all have the same ____ in common.

A. Memory location
B. Pointer
C. Value
D. Data type

Data Type

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