Chapters 4-5

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A systematic arrangement of fundamental principles to explain events is known as a


A set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that presents a systematic view of events in order to explain or predict is known as a


Which of the following are designed to provide a framework on which health education/promotion can create plans for a program?


The primary elements of a theory are


The best model for planning health promotion programs is

There is no best model.

The planning model that is best known and has been most often used in health promotion is

PRECEDE-PROCEED (Green & Kreuter).

The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is made of ________ phases.


The three evaluation phases are generally associated with which portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model?


Which of the following planning models uses principles from PRECEDE-PROCEED and MATCH models?

Intervention Mapping (Bartholomew et al)

Which planning model was designed to be used when behavioral and environmental risk and protective factors are generally known?

Multilevel Approach to Community Health

The Intervention Mapping model consists of ________ steps.


Which of the following planning models begins with the phase of goal selection?

Multilevel Approach to Community Health

Which of the following planning models provides resources for content specific editions of health education?

CDCynergy (CDC)

Which of the following planning models supports intervention activities aimed at a variety of objectives and individuals?

Multilevel Approach to Community Health

Which of the following planning models is based upon the importance of theory and evidence-based programming?

Intervention Mapping

The ________ model is designed to be applied when risk and protective factors for disease and injury are generally known and priorities for action have determined.

Multilevel Approach to Community Health

The components of the PRECEDE model place emphasis on


The components of the PROCEED model place emphasis on


The application of commercial marketing technologies to analyze, plan, execute, and evaluate programs that influence behavior change is known as

social marketing.

Which of the following models focuses on programs delivered by public health professionals with responsibility for health communication?

CDCynergy (CDC)

Which of the following planning models identifies the market analysis as one of its phases?

Social Marketing Assessment Response Tool (Neiger)

________ utilizes planning matrices in the writing of behavior change objectives.

Intervention Mapping

Which of the following planning components was identified in all the planning models?

Needs assessment

Which of the following is considered a stage theory?

Precaution Adoption Process Model

Which of the following are considered to be a stage theory/model?

Precaution Adoption Process Model and the Transtheoretical Model

What five components seem to be common to all planning models?

Needs assessment, goal and objective setting, creating an intervention, implementation, evaluation

Which of the following is not considered one of the steps used in the Generalized Model for Program Planning?

Developing a marketing plan

A major reason why health educators should plan and use programs based on theory is

to improve the chances for a successful program.

________ is considered an intrapersonal theory/model.

Transtheoretical Model

In the Health Belief Model, the reduction of the threat of a disease is made up of

perceived benefits and barriers.

In the Health Belief Model, the threat of disease is made up of

perceived susceptibility and severity.

The concept that identifies the feeling of competency to overcome perceived barriers to take action is referred to as ________.


According to the Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change), an individual is not ready for behavior change if he/she is in the ________ stage.


A person who registers for a smoking cessation program because he/she is really interested in quitting is considered to be in which stage of the Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change)?


A person who attends a smoking cessation program to get a nagging spouse off his/her back, but is really not interested in quitting is probably in which stage of the Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change)?


"Do others think I should behave this way?" and "How much do I care what others think?" are questions that come from what part of the Theory of Planned Behavior?

Subjective norm

Which of the following is the best descriptor of the socio-ecological approach?

Behaviors are influenced by interdependent domains.

The goal of the Precaution Adoption Process Model is to

explain how a person comes to a decision to take action and how a decision is put into action.

Which of the following theories consists of the two phases; motivation to change and self-regulatory phases?

Health Action Process Approach

A given behavior is a function of attitude toward performing the behavior and normative beliefs about what others think, weighted by motivation to comply with others—this best describes the

Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model.

The ________ was designed to explain how communication aimed at changing attitudes are received and processed by people.

Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion

The Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion proposes three points. Which of the below is not one of the three points?

The specific communication must be tailored to the stage of change of the client.

According to the ________ the constructs of information, motivation, and behavioral skills are fundamental determinants of preventive behaviors.

Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model

Which of the following are considered community theories?

Diffusion Theory and Community Readiness Model

The main construct of the ________ helps to explain the stages that individuals experience as they attempt to change their health behavior.

Transtheoretical Model

In the Diffusion Theory, which classification of people is least likely to adapt to change?

In the Diffusion Theory, which classification of people is least likely to adapt to change?

Which of the following models is a stage theory for communities?

Community Readiness Model

The ________ attempts to explain how a person comes to the decision to take action and how the decision is translated into action.

Health Precaution Adoption Process Model

Which of the following models categorizes individuals based upon when they adopt a new behavior?

Diffusion Theory

The main reason why health education specialists should plan and use programs based upon theory is

it improves the chances for a successful program.

Which of the following statements best describes the importance of the use of theory in planning health education/promotion programs?

To provide guidelines on how best to deliver an intervention

Chapter 5
1. To help determine whether it is right or wrong to end a person’s life, one would apply which one of the following areas of philosophy?


2. The study of knowledge is known as


3. The study of the nature of reality is known as


4. According to the textbook, what are the three major areas of philosophy?

Epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics

5. The expected norms of a person who practices health education/promotion are found in

a professional code of ethics.

6. Which of the following reasons for behaving ethically was not stated by the authors of the textbook?

Ethical behavior always assures a higher income.

7. Which one of the explanations below was not used to explain why health education specialists should act ethically?

Other professionals expect ethical behavior.

8. If you believe individuals should always have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies (e.g., abortion or euthanasia should be legal choices), your decision making is based upon which category of ethical theory?


9. If you believe abortion should be legal only in cases of rape or incest, your decision making is most likely based upon which category of ethical theory?


10. Teleological theories can best be summarized as

the end does justify the means.

11. Deontological theories can best be summarized as

the end does not justify the means.

12. ________ focus(es) on the actions that are right and wrong in the workplace and are of pubic matter.

Professional ethics

13. The purpose of a professional code of ethics is to

provide a framework of shared values in which health education/promotion is practiced.

14. Which one of the following health education/promotion professional organizations was the first to develop a written code of ethics?

Society for Public Health Education, Inc.

15. Which of the following is the correct order of the ten steps in ethical decision making?

Define the problem, Identify who will be affected, Contemplate ultimate goals and ideals, Identify alternatives, Consider the nature of the alternatives, Consider the consequences of the alternatives, Reflect on yourself, Reflect on your society and your environment, Apply the categorical imperative, Choose, act on your choice, and monitor the results

16. The first step of the ethical decision making model presented in the text is

define the nature of the problem.

17. The final step of the ethical decision making model presented in the text is

choose your alternative.

18. According to Svara (2007), which of the following statements is not one of the four different statements included in a code of ethics?

Prohibits activities

19. When a health educator decides to encourage a specific behavior because its benefits far outweigh the potential harm, which ethical principle has been applied?


20. What are the two techniques used to protect the privacy of program participants?

Confidentiality and anonymity

21. The obligation for health educators to provide service to all citizens is based upon which one of the following principles?


22. Which of the following was not one of the procedures identified by the authors that a profession can put into place to help ensure ethical behavior by all?

Signing a loyalty pledge

23. When a health education specialist encourages a specific behavior because its benefits far outweigh the potential for harm, which ethical principle has been applied?


24. The obligation for health educators to provide service to all citizens is based primarily upon which ethical principle?


25. Withholding health information that would help an individual make an informed decision about participating in a healthy behavior violates which one of the following ethical principles?


26. ________ deals with if fair procedures exist and whether those procedures were followed

Procedural justice

27. ________ deals with the allocation of resources.

Procedural justice

28. ________ is being aware that an ethical problem exists.

Moral sensitivity

29. The basic concept associated with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is


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