Chapter 6 – Quiz

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Because emotional regulation requires practice, maturation, and work, it is referred to as _____.

A) effortful processing
B) labor intensive
C) effortful control
D) demanding control


Erikson called the psychosocial developmental stage that occurs between 3 and 6 years of age _____.

A) initiative versus guilt
B) industry versus inferiority
C) the preoperational stage
D) autonomy versus inferiority


*"If you draw a pretty picture for me, I will give you a certificate as a reward," the researcher told Amy. After receiving her reward, Amy was given the opportunity to draw some more pictures just for fun. If Amy was like most children, what was she likely to do?

A) draw several more pictures
B) draw one more picture, then stop making pictures once she realized there were no more rewards forthcoming
C) draw a picture for each researcher involved in the study as a thank you for her certificate
D) stop drawing pictures


*Which is NOT one of the types of play identified by Mildred Parten?

A) personal play
B) associative play
C) onlooker play
D) parallel play


*What is one of the functions peers provide in active play?

A) competition
B) criticism
C) reluctant cooperation
D) a quiet environment


Just as monkeys do in their rough-and-tumble play, human children _____.

A) look angry
B) use a play face
C) play hide and seek
D) determine a social hierarchy


Rough-and-tumble play between boys and fathers may prevent _____ at a later age.

A) development of the prefrontal cortex
B) the development of imagination
C) antisocial behavior
D) emotional regulation


When Noah’s dad gets home from work, Noah runs to him shouting, "Daddy!" His dad sweeps him up in a bear hug, gives him a gentle knuckle rub on top of his head, then lowers him to the ground in a pretend choke hold. Noah screams with delight, escapes the hold, and climbs on his dad’s back to ride him like a horse. Inadvertently, Noah hurt his dad while climbing, and his dad said sternly, "That really hurt. Be nice!" What kind of lesson is Noah’s dad teaching him with this rough-and-tumble play bout?

A) dominance
B) gender roles
C) private speech
D) emotional regulation


Tiara, Molly, and Maria are playing dress-up. They are all princesses and have built a castle out of cardboard boxes and colored paper. What type of play are the three girls engaging in?

A) bullying play
B) sociodramatic play
C) parallel play
D) rough-and-tumble play


Diana Baumrind is known for her work on _____.

A) gender roles
B) types of play
C) parenting styles
D) cognitive stages


Jose demonstrates warmth and nurturance toward his children. He does not believe in punishment of any sort and does not have any rules for his children. His parenting style is _____.

A) authoritarian
B) authoritative
C) neglecting
D) permissive


*The individual most likely to have grown up with permissive parents is _____.

A) Richard, who is obedient but not very happy
B) George, who is happy and successful
C) Paul, who is unhappy and lacks self-control
D) Peter, who is a gang member and a drug user


Which scenario best demonstrates the behaviorist theory regarding gender development?

A) Modair has some hostility toward his father.
B) Stelvio is a 6-year-old girl who is trying to act like her father.
C) Mack realizes that he is male and that he will always be male.
D) Christine wears a dress, and her parents tell her how pretty she looks.


When Delilah, age 3, sees a little boy fall and hurt himself, a look of concern appears on her face. She is probably experiencing _____.

A) fear
B) sadness
C) empathy
D) frustration


*Which scenario is an example of antisocial behavior?

A) Jamie offers to share his toys with Jill.
B) Mark intentionally knocks over Simon’s blocks.
C) Holly watches while other children jump rope.
D) Courtney helps her mom rake leaves in the yard.


Three girls spread a rumor that 7-year-old Heather is a bed-wetter who still uses a pacifier. This is an example of _____ aggression.

A) instrumental
B) reactive
C) bullying
D) relational


Roderick hits or kicks Edwin on the playground nearly every day. He also encourages other children to laugh at Edwin’s attempts to kick a ball. Roderick is using _____ aggression against Edwin.

A) reactive
B) instrumental
C) bullying
D) relational


Psychological control as a means of discipline relies on a child’s _____.

A) sense of belonging to the family unit
B) sense of pride in himself or herself
C) feelings of shame, guilt, and gratitude
D) sense of fear toward the parents


Children whose parents use psychological control as a means of discipline are more likely to _____.

A) be physical bullies
B) have healthy self-esteem
C) be relationally aggressive
D) get sick often


When would a time-out be the most effective discipline strategy?

A) when the child is less than 2
B) once the child can use words to express emotions
C) if the child enjoys being with other people
D) if the child is over 8 years old


Lead poisoning can result in death if a level of _____ micrograms per deciliter of blood is reached.

A) 10
B) 30
C) 70
D) 90


_____ is harm or endangerment that has been reported, investigated, and verified.

A) Child abuse
B) Substantiated maltreatment
C) Child endangerment
D) Reported maltreatment


*_____ are actions, such as immediate and effective medical treatment, after an adverse event.

A) Primary prevention
B) Secondary prevention
C) Periphery prevention
D) Tertiary prevention


Putting a person in the care of someone other than the parents to prevent further harm is referred to as _____.

A) primary prevention
B) secondary prevention
C) foster care
D) kinship care


_____ is a form of foster care in which a relative of a maltreated child, usually a grandparent, becomes the approved caregiver.

A) Primary prevention
B) Secondary prevention
C) Foster care
D) Kinship care


Research has found that specific cultures emphasize control of different emotions.

A) True B) False


Andrew spends hours practicing tying his shoes. Because he is extrinsically motivated, he often practices alone with the goal of tying them well.

A) True B) False


A play face helps to facilitate sociodramatic play.

A) True B) False


Rough-and-tumble play helps children to develop self-control.

A) True B) False


Permissive parenting tends to produce children with strong emotional regulation skills and healthy peer relationships.

A) True B) False


In a group of 4-year-old children, a child who chooses a toy traditionally associated with the other gender will probably be criticized by peers.

A) True B) False


*A child who deliberately causes harm to another person is exhibiting antisocial behavior.

A) True B) False


Children who are spanked are more likely to use aggression to retaliate against a peer.

A) True B) False


Psychological control is a punishment in which children’s shame, guilt, and gratitude are used to control their behavior.

A) True B) False


Induction is generally considered to be an effective strategy for helping children internalize standards.

A) True B) False


*The type of play characterized by children playing with similar toys in similar ways but not together is called _____ play.


The four dimensions of parenting identified by _____ are strategies for discipline, warmth, communication, and expectations for maturity.


*Freud called the period from the ages of 3 to 6 years the _____ stage.

phallic stage

*_____ believe that virtually all roles, values, and morals are learned.


*The concept that male-female sexual passion is one of humankind’s basic drives because all creatures have a powerful impulse to reproduce is basic to _____.

evolutionary theory

Harm or endangerment about which someone has notified the authorities is called _____.

reported maltreatment

*A study comparing children who had been maltreated with similar children who had not been maltreated found that years later they were _____ percent less likely to be employed.


*Actions that change overall background conditions to prevent some unwanted event or circumstance, such as injury, disease, or abuse, are categorized as _____.

primary prevention

Putting a person in the care of someone other than the parents to prevent further harm is referred to as _____.

foster care

A form of foster care in which a relative of a maltreated child, usually a grandparent, becomes the approved caregiver is called _____.


Define intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. How might parents and teachers help children become intrinsically motivated?

Intrinsic motivation comes from within a person who does something for the joy of doing it without the need for payment, praise, or other external reward. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside a person and entices the person to behave in a certain way in order to earn praise, money, rewards, or to avoid punishment. Parents and teachers can help children become intrinsically motivated by acknowledging their effort when engaged in activities instead of the product or outcome of their effort.

Describe the three parenting styles identified by Baumrind.

– Authoritarian, which is characterized by lack of warmth; strict, rigid rules; no input from the child; and strict, often physical, discipline. These parents have high expectations for maturity. – Authoritative, which is warm and nurturing, uses reinforcement over punishment, understands that children are not cognitively as mature as adults, and encourages communication between the parent and child. These parents have realistic expectations for maturity. – Permissive, which may be warm and loving but does not establish rules and often does not have consequences even for overt misbehaviors. These parents have low expectations for maturity. Note: The neglectful/uninvolved parenting style was not identified by Baumrind and therefore cannot be one of the styles discussed in the essay.

Describe neglectful/uninvolved parenting, and compare it to the permissive parenting style.

Neglectful/uninvolved parenting is when the parent is absent in the child’s life. The kids do whatever because the parent does not show any interest in the kids lives. This is different from permissive parenting because these parents still want to be involved in the kids lives, but seen more as a friend and cool parent than a authoritative figure. With both styles the parents do not use physical punishment for misbehavior.

Discuss the long-term outcomes that are associated with the four parenting styles.

Children who are raised by authoritative parents tend to be popular with teachers and peers. As adults, they tend to be successful, articulate, happy with themselves, and generous with others. Children who have authoritarian parents tend to feel guilty or depressed, internalizing their frustrations and blaming themselves when things don’t go well. Rebellion is common. As adults, they are conscientious, obedient, and quiet but not especially happy. Children who have permissive parents tend to be less mature than their peers. They display poorer self-regulation. They continue to display dependent behaviors into adulthood. As adults, they lack emotional regulation and self-control. This immaturity impedes relationships, which is the main reason for their unhappiness. Children with neglectful/uninvolved parents tend to be immature, sad, lonely, and at risk of injury and abuse not only during childhood but throughout their life span.

Explain the difference between sex and gender as described in the text. Give three examples of gender schema.

Sex is defined by biology and includes the anatomical differences between males and females. Gender is a cultural construct and includes everything from toy preferences to dress to which emotions may be expressed and how they are to be expressed. Examples of gender schema include cultural constructs such as (1) boys shouldn’t cry; (2) girls play with dolls instead of soldiers; (3) boys don’t do ballet; and (4) girls don’t play football. (Allow for other acceptable answers.)

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