chapter 3 history

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although the history of Greece before the rise of the polis is largely undocumented and therefore difficult to study thoroughly, it seems clear that the:

early Greeks were living in a period of cultural isolation and economic stasis

the relationship of the archaic greeks to their gods was

one of suspicion and appeasement

the greeks referred to some people with whom they came into contact as barbarians because they:

did not speak greek

those greeks who were able to accumulate wealth during the chaotic, isolated period

eventually emerged as the greek aristocracy

the iliad and the odyssey:

provided evidence about early and archaic greece

the best men or aristoi of early Greece modeled their behavior on:

the heroes of the iliad and the odyssey

hubris is _____________ which was punished by the gods

excessive pride

the growing class of aristocrats at the end of the early age of greece made their wealth by

engaging in trade and commercial enterprises

members of the greek aristocracy created networks of economic, political and social influence through the practice of

guest friendship

the greeks became the literate again during the night century BCE by adopting

the phoenician alphabet

the greek polis was

a collective group organized around an agora

the ancient greek synoikismos or synoecism meant:

the gradual coming together of a people into a unified political and geographic entity

by the sixth century BCE the greeks founded numerous colonies around the mediterranean basin. the most historically significant colonies were located in

anatolia and italy

the archaic age of greece begins with the emgence of the polis and the return of writing, but most of what we know of the period comes from the particular perspective of the :


panhellenic festivals in ancient greece included

national memorial days to honor those killed in wars

after hoplites were introduced in greece

aristocrats lost their monopoly on military prowess

since every polis needed hoplites;

poles were forced to grant more political power to them

in the symposiums of archaic age greece, aristocrats,

enjoyed wine and listened to poetry

homosocial relationships between men of the aristocratic class in ancient greece were part of

a mentoring process for young men

a greek aristocrat who seized power and ruled outside the traditional constitutional framework was called


lyric poetry from archaic greece

deals with themes such as beauty, love and ambition

a tyrant was often able to seize power because,

the hoplites supported him militarily

democracy originated in greece from the idea of the demos, which literally means


lyrical poetry like that written by sappho demonstrates:

that individual feelings could differ greatly from the dominant greek culture

the origins of greek democracy can be identified, in part, in the rule of the athenian aristocrat:


cleisthenes is important in the history of athenian government because he:

championed the cause of the demos and took steps to limit the power of aristocrats


depended on the enslaved labor of helots

which sentence best describes the structure of the spartan government circa 600 BCE

sparta was ruled by a citizen assembly, a council of elders, and two kings

the "lonian revolution in thought" epitomized by xenophanes and other philosophers from miletus, can best be described as:


the greek historian herodotus believed :

both the greeks and persians were great peoples

darius believed that a preemptive strike again athens and eretria was necessary because:

greek poles in asia minor could always revolt against persia when they could look for support in tho endeavor from athens, eretria, and other greek poleis

the catalyst of the persian wars was:

a revolt instigated by ionian greeks against the persians

in preparation for war with persia, athens financed the:

creation of a naval fleet

the decisive greek military victory over the persians at salamis was won by the

athenian fleet

during the persian invasion of greece in 480 BCE themistocles persuaded his fellow athenians to:

abandon the city of athens and let the persians burn it

the delian league became a policy took of which greek polis ??


the athenian strategies pericles expanded democracy in athens by

giving every athenian citizen the right to propose legislation

the dionysia celebrated:

athenian democracy and the greatness of the polis

the role of the chorus in greek drama was to

present common athenian opinion about the themes or action of the play

greek sculpture evolved from the rather stiff likenesses resembling egyptian statuary to a style labeled as:


the growth of the athenian democracy, with its emphasis on equality between citizens led to

greater inequality between men and women

according to the historian thucydides, the peloponnesian war began:

because of the growing power of athens and the fear and envy this power inspired in sparta

why was the peloponnesian war deadlocked for an extended period of time?

athens could not defeat sparta on land, and sparta could not defeat athens at sea

what form of government did sparta impose on the defeated athenians and their allies?


the sophist claim that "man is the measure of all things" means that

goodness, truth, and justice are not absolutes, but vary according to the needs and interests of human beings

due to the persian wars, the center of greek philosophical speculation shifted from ionia to:

the greek "far west"

according to the philosophical tradition founded by pythagoras, the ultimate essence of the universe was:


socrates’ aim was to show that

truth is real and absolute standards of goodness and virtue do exist

socrates’ most important pupil was


socrates agreed to meet his death calmly because he:

believed in the importance of following laws

the phoenicians introduced the greeks to seafaring as a means of trade


the vast majority of athenian citizens were of the merchant/artisan class


"hellenism" led to political cooperation between the poleis


the olympic games did little to stop the rivalry between the poleis


greek symposiums excluded all women


tyrannies were long lasting forms of government in which familial dynasties took root


archaic athens was the leading commercial city of greece


aristocrats of archaic athens believed commerce to be a disreputable career


solon was an aristocrat who had made his name and fortune as a hoplite solider and thus had the respect of every faction in athenian society


spartan soldiers were forbidden to engage in trade


the corinthian league was the first political and religious confederation of independent poles pledged to support each other in times of need


the spartans failed to come to the aid of the athenians during the battle of marathon because they were occupied in putting down the helot rebellion


all greek poles except athens and sparta immediately surrendered to xerxes’ invasion forces


one purpose of tragedy was to help the audience purge their emotions


the peloponnesian war was a response to athenain oppression, superiority, and aggression


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