Chapter 24 & 25

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What about the golden age of capitalism between 1964 & 1960 was most beneficial for Ams?

a. The Am GNP more than doubled
b. The U.S. maintained a trade surplus
c. Prices remained stable
d. Most monetary gains reached ordinary citizens through rising wages
e. The economy operated on the gold standard, which made it safe from recessions

Most monetary gains reached ordinary citizens through rising wages

The shopping mall was the inevitable result of what institution?

a. The suburb
b. Free-trade agreements
c. Fast-food restaurants
d. The college
e. The internet

The suburb

What made the Army-McCarthy Hearings unusual for Am tv programming of the 1950s?

a.It appeared in color
b. It was the 1st live broadcast
c. It was the first broadcast via satellite
d. It was deeply political and controversial
e. It included explicit sexual revelations

It was deeply political and controversial

Why were Am suburbs of the 1950s so heavily segregated?

a. Af-Ams preferred to live in the inner cities
b. Neighborhoods formed around churches, and as long churches were segregated, suburbs would remain so as well
c. All states had laws in place mandating the segregation of residential districts
d. Residents, brokers, and realtors dealt in contracts and mortgages that barred sale to non-white residents
e. The federal gov’t required segregated residential neighborhoods

Residents, brokers, and realtors dealt in contracts and mortgages that barred sale to non-white residents

How did Am companies contribute to the influx of Puerto Rican migrants by the hundreds of thousands beginning in the 1950s?

a. They were looking for cheaper labor to replace expensive union contracts
b. They recruited Puerto Ricans primarily for construction jobs in Florida & in the fishing industry
c. The end of the bracero program in 1954 prompted Am agro-business to look for new cheap labor in Puerto Rico
d. The increasing control of land by U.S. sugar companies on the island pushed small tobacco & coffee farmers off the land & into a search for jobs on the mainland.
e. The dramatic environmental destruction corporations brought to Puerto Rico left residents no choice but to migrate to the mainland

The increasing control of land by U.S. sugar companies on the island pushed small tobacco & coffee farmers off the land & into a search for jobs on the mainland.

What gave conservatives of the 1950s their political unity?

a. The massive corporate sponsorships they secured through private fundraising
b. The unifying political ideology of Friedich von Hayek
c. The common enemies of the Soviet Union and the federal gov’t
d. Their shared religious fundamentals of Protestant Christianity
e. Their shared commitment to white supremacy

The common enemies of the Soviet Union and the federal gov’t

How did Eisenhower surpass the New Deal in gov’t involvement in the economy?

a. He established the VA health-care system
b. He presided over the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate highways
c. He established the most generous agricultural subsidy programs in the nations history
d. He signed Medicaid and Medicate into law
e. He established the Head Start pre-school program

He presided over the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate highways

Why did the Eisenhower administration embrace the doctrine of "massive retaliation"?

a. The doctrine provided Eisenhower with the necessary flexibility to fight communism in Central Am and Southeast Asia
b. The doctrine prevented not only large, but small, military conflicts as well
c. The constant threat of mutually assured destruction under the doctrine made for more cautious diplomacy
d. The doctrine reduced national anxiety over the threat of nuclear annihilation
e. As a man w/ mostly military experience, he did not know how else to address the Cold War crisis

The constant threat of mutually assured destruction under the doctrine made for more cautious diplomacy

Why did the Soviet Union strongly support the national independence movements in the new Third World?

a. Soviets were desperately trying to expand their share in foreign export markets
b. They hoped to convince new nations to ally themselves w/ the eastern bloc against European and Am imperialists
c. Soviets feared the obvious appeal in alliance w/ former colonial rulers had for these new nations
d. The Soviet Union had made the right to self- determination a principle for all nations around the world
e. The Soviet Union was looking to secure reliable export markets for their consumer goods surpluses

They hoped to convince new nations to ally themselves w/ the eastern bloc against European and Am imperialists

Why did the editors of Life magazine fear that Am freedom might be in danger from not being used enough?

a. Am voter participation had fallen dramatically since WWII
b. Ams remained reluctant to travel and see the world
c. Ams failed to enjoy the blessings of their private lives
d. Ams seemed to have largely w/drawn from open dissent in the public sphere
e. Ams no longer knew how to have fun & enjoy their vacations

Ams seemed to have largely w/drawn from open dissent in the public sphere

What made Elvis such a popular celebrity?

a.He sang songs no one had ever heard before
b. He was one of the most gifted vocal performers of his generation
c. He brought the rythms and sexually provocative movements of the black musicians to white audiences
d. He sang openly about civil rights and equality
e. His mixed-race parentage made him more popular among black and white

He brought the rythms and sexually provocative movements of the black musicians to white audiences

Which of the following assessments of the civil rights movement is most accurate?

a. The movement invigorated white Ams just like black Ams
b. The movement grew popular at a time when whites had largely given up on the practice of segregation
c. Although well-intentioned, the civil rights movement slowed down progress towards equality
d. The movement came as a great surprise and was predicted only by a few
e. The movement was centered in student organizations and college protests

The movement came as a great surprise and was predicted only by a few

Most likely why did the U.S. Supreme Court not order the immediate implementation of its ruling in Brown v. the Board of Edu. in 1954?

a. The Court did not have authority to declare segregation instantly unconstitutional
b. The plaintiffs in the case themselves had asked for a gradual desegregation of schools
c. Some justices on the Court feared the outbreak of widespread violence with such bold ruling
d. The Court wanted to give the defendants in the case the chance to appeal
e. Some of the justices had agreed to consent w/ the ruling only on the provision that it would not be implemented during the lifetime

Some justices on the Court feared the outbreak of widespread violence with such bold ruling

What inspiration did MLKJ gain from Ghandi?

a. The concept of black nationalism
b. The principles of Zen pacifism
c. The notion if subversive obedience
d. The idea of peaceful civil disobedience
e. The spiritual essence of Buddhism

The idea of peaceful civil disobedience

Which event did JFK blame on the failures of the Eisenhower admin?

a. The French defeat in Vietnam
b. The failed coup in Guatemala
c. The construction of the Berlin wall
d. The launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik
e. The Suez canal

The launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik

The kitchen debates were between:

a. Eisenhower & Nixon
b. Nixon & Kennedy
c. Eisenhower & Krushchev
d. Krushchev & Nixon
e. Kennedy & Johnson

Krushchev & Nixon

How did the 1959 Am National Exhibition showcase freedom in the U.S.?

a. As a choice of expression
b. As a moral condition
c. Through a display of consumer goods
d. By emphasizing the expansion of suffrage
e. By highlighting Am’s classless society

Through a display of consumer goods

The ability to influence the world w/ Am goods & popular culture is called:

a. hard power
b. coercive power
c. persuasive power
d. cultural power
e. soft power

soft power

Between 1946 & 1960, the Am gross national product:

a. more than doubled, and wages increased
b. declined as wages stagnated
c. stayed about the same
d. returned to prewar levels
e. increased so dramatically that poverty was completely eliminated

more than doubled, and wages increased

All of the following were new innovations of the 1950s that helped to transform Ams daily lives EXCEPT:

a. jet air travel
b. radio
c. tv
d. A/C
e. automatic dishwasher


Which statement about industry is FALSE?

a. The West did not benefit from the industries that sprang up from the Cold War
b. By the mid-1950s, white-collar workers outnumbered blue-collar factory and manual laborers
c. The union’s success in raising wages inspired employers to mechanize more and more elements of manufacturing in order to reduce labor costs
d. Since the 1950s the Am economy has shifted away from manufacturing
e. New England benefited from the growth in the construction of aircraft engines and submarines

The West did not benefit from the industries that sprang up from the Cold War

During the 1950s, agricultural production:

a. declined significantly
b. became more labor intensive
c. rose by 50%
d. suffered from a lack of technology
e. remained centered in the South

rose by 50%

The center of gravity of Am farming after WWII shifted to :

a. Oregon and Washington
b. Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi
c. North Carolina & South Carolina
d. Texas, Arizona, & California
e. NY,NJ,& Connecticut

Texas, Arizona, & California

After WWII, suburban growth:

a. declined
b. increased dramatically, especially in Cali
c. occurred primarily in the South
d. was dominated by expensive housing
e. was discouraged by state and federal gov’t policies

increased dramatically, especially in Cali

William Levitt, with the help of the GI Bill, gave many Ams the opportunity to

a. get an edu
b. buy a home
c. buy a gray flannel suit
d. buy a car
e. advanced w/in the military

buy a home

Which state became the most prominent symbol of the postwar suburban boom?

a. Arizona
b. Washington
c. Michigan
d. Nevada
e. California


During the 1950s, tv:

a. effectively spread images of working-class life to a growing number of Ams
b. tried to replace newspapers as the most common source of info but failed
c. became the nation’s least favorite form of leisure activity
d. became an effective advertising medium
e. presented shows were controversial

became an effective advertising medium

Along w/ a home and tv, what became part of the "standard consumer package" of the 1950s?

a. An edu
b. A record player
c. A car
d. A credit card
e. A computer

A car

After the WWII, automobile:

a. declined in use, and the Midwest suffered economically
b. became a status symbol only for the wealthy
c. remained a luxury, not a necessity of life
d. altered the American landscape
e. was replaced by the train as the preferred method of transportation

altered the American landscape

After WWII, most working women:

a. remained in the industrial jobs they held during the war
b. did not work outside the home
c. were concentrated in low-paying, nonunion jobs
d. earned the same wages as men
e. joined unions

were concentrated in low-paying, nonunion jobs

During the 1950s, Ams:

a. tended to marry later in life than did previous generations
b. experienced a declining birth rate
c. stressed the importance of a college edu, especially for women
d. on average married younger and had more children than previous generations
e. encouraged women to choose careers over marriage

on average married younger and had more children than previous generations

During the post war suburban boom, Af-Ams:

a. experienced little, if any, discrimination, especially in the North
b. were encouraged to move into communities like Levittown, NY
c. were discriminated against in the South
d. received special treatment if they were veterans
e. were often unable to receive financing for housing

were often unable to receive financing for housing

The Housing Act of 1949:

a. set a high income ceiling for eligibility
b.reinforced the concentration of poverty in nonwhite urban neighborhoods
c. ended the concentration of poverty in nonwhite urban neighborhoods
d. allowed growing numbers of blacks to move to the suburbs
e. p[aired with urban renewal programs, made Am cities more diverse and prosperous

reinforced the concentration of poverty in nonwhite urban neighborhoods

Between 1950& 1970, suburbanization:

a. eased racial tensions in Am cities
b. encouraged a revitalization of Am cities
c. hardened racial divisions in Am life
d. encouraged Puerto Rican immigration
e. was the theme of the Broadway musical West Side Story

hardened racial divisions in Am life

During the old War, religious differences:

a. created much division among Ams
b. were heightened by the growth of the suburbs
c. were not a factor, as church and synagogue membership declined
d. were intensified through the institution of school prayer
e. were absorbed w/in the notion of a common Judeo-Christian heritage

were absorbed w/in the notion of a common Judeo-Christian heritage

All of the following spurred the growth of the suburban middle class EXCEPT:

a. federal tax subsidies
b. mortgage guarantees for home purchases
c. trains and streetcars
d. federal highway construction
e. the GI Bill

trains and streetcars

To libertarian conservatives, freedom meant:

a. first and foremost a moral condition
b. individual autonomy, limited government, and unregulated capitalism
c. using gov’t as a vehicle for social reform, ensuring an equal distribution of wealth
d. what did in the late 18th century — the right to own property and to vote
e. racial equality and the end of a segregated society

individual autonomy, limited government, and unregulated capitalism

Many conservative business men found intellectual reinforcement in the writings of the economist:

a. John Kenneth Galbraith
b. Milton Friedman
c. Warren Burger
d. Alan Greenspan
e. John Maynard Keynes

Milton Friedman

New conservatives trusted gov’t to:

a. regulate the economy
b. regulate personal behavior
c. protect civil liberties and the toleration of differences
d. provide a comprehensive welfare system
e. provide a national system of health care

regulate personal behavior

The new conservatives:

a. spoke the language of personal autonomy
b. emphasized tradition, community, and moral commitment
c. supported a more centralized federal government
d. were also known as libertarians
e. wanted more federal regulation of business

emphasized tradition, community, and moral commitment

Eisenhower was elected president in 1952 in part because he:

a. pledged to use nuclear weapons in the Korean war
b. promised to dismantle the New Deal
c. supported Civil Rights
d. manifested a public image of fatherly warmth
e. promised to cut highway construction spending

manifested a public image of fatherly warmth

In the 1952 presidential campaign, Nixon’s Checkers speech:

a. reflected the growing importance of board games in life
b. reflected the growing importance of television in Am life
c. reflected the growing importance of pets in Am life
d. was not well received, and the Republicans lost the election
e. introduced plans for peace in Korea

reflected the growing importance of television in Am life

Eisenhower appointed which kind of individuals to his cabinet?

a. The "best and the brightest," young intellectuals in their fields
b. Former gov’t men who had lots of combined political experience
c. Wealthy businessmen to run the gov’t like an effiecient business
d. A balanced mixture of Republicans & Democrats, since his party did not control Congress
e. Weak men with little experience so that he could have complete control over domestic and foreign affairs

Wealthy businessmen to run the gov’t like an effiecient business

Modern Republicanism included:

a. The expansion of core New Deal programs
b. the dismantling of core New Deal programs
c. the elimination of Social Security
d. decreased support for highway construction
e. decreased funding for education

The expansion of core New Deal programs

Labor and employers agreed to a new "social contract" that included all of the following provisions EXCEPT:

a. employers required the National Association of Manufacturers to accept the right of workers to organize unions
b. unions left decisions regarding capital investment in management’s hands
c. unions left decisions regarding plant location in management’s hands
d. employers granted wage increases
e. employers extended pensions & health insurance to workers

employers required the National Association of Manufacturers to accept the right of workers to organize unions

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles’s policy of massive retaliation:

a. was part of the effort to rely more on conventional forces
b. eased tensions between the U.S> and USSR
c. calmed the Am public’s fear of nuclear war
d. applied only to communist China
e. declared that any Soviet attack would be countered by a nuclear attack

declared that any Soviet attack would be countered by a nuclear attack

During the Ike admin, U.S.-USSR relations:

a. were made worse with the introduction of the policy of massive retaliation
b. improved somewhat after the end of the Korean War and the death of massive retaliation
b. improved somewhat after the Korean War & the death of Stalin
c. stayed about the same as those experienced during the Truman years
d. worsened considerably after the death of Stalin
e. improved immensely after the end of the Korean War

improved somewhat after the end of the Korean War and the death of massive retaliation

The term used to describe developing countries that refused to align with either of the two Cold War powers was:

a. "underdevoloped countries"
b. "quasi countries"
c. "Third World countries"
d. " nation-building countries"
e. "processing countries"

"Third World countries"

Ike used the CIA to overthrow which Middle Eastern gov’t in the early 1950s, in large part b/c this gov’t attempted to nationalize British-owned oil fields?

a. Iraq
b. Egypt
c. Israel
d. Iran
e. Saudi Arabia


The Eisenhower Doctrine pledged to support:

a. for the guatemalan leader Jacobo Arbenz Guzman
b. to the Iranian gov’t under Mohammad Mossadegh
c. For the UN Charter
d. to any Asian country resisting communism or nationalism
e. to any Middle Eastern country resisting communism or nationalism

to any Middle Eastern country resisting communism or nationalism

After Vietnam was divided at a peace conference in Geneva:

a. the U.S. supported the anticommunist leader Ngo Dinh Diem
b. the U.S. supported the quest for Vietnamese independence
c. the U.S. remained neutral
d. the French regained control of their former colony
e. Ngo Dinh Diem’s rule was widely accepted

the U.S. supported the anticommunist leader Ngo Dinh Diem

Why did Eisenhower intervene in Vietnam?

a. To prevent the Japanese from colonizing Vietnam
b. To support Ho Chi Minh’s nationalist movement
c. To prevent the French from restoring colonial rule
d. To support the Vietnamese people in their opposition to colonial rule
e. To prevent Vietnam from becoming a communist nation

To prevent Vietnam from becoming a communist nation

Which statement best describes the thesis of David Riesman’s book The Lonely Crowd?

a. White America had alienated black Ams from mainstream society
b. Ams were conformists and lacked the inner resources to lead truly independent lives
c. Women were unhappy w/ the role of wife and mother and longed for acceptance in higher edu and other intellectual pursuits
d. After WWII, Europe was left behind economically and politically with the emergence of the U.S. and the USSR as superpowers
e. Unionism in America was doomed to fail if the union leaders did not embrace the fact that their demands and strikes labeled them as communists

Ams were conformists and lacked the inner resources to lead truly independent lives

What were William Whyte’s The Organization Man, Vance Packard’s The Hidden Persuaders, and John Kenneth Galbraith’s The Affluent Society all critical of?

a. America’s social values
b. Soviet communism
c. Civil Rights policies
d. Monopolies in Am business
e. Ike’s foreign policy

America’s social values

During the 1950s, Am teenagers:

a. declined in # w/in the general population
b. increased in # & were often perceived to be alienated
c. were not viewed as a distinct population group
d. voted in significant numbers
e. were prohibited from reading any comic books

increased in # & were often perceived to be alienated

All of the following are examples of 1950s cultural dissent EXCEPT:

a. rock and roll
b. Playboy
c. Port Huron Statement
d. the Beats
e. Catcher in the Rye

Port Huron Statement

Challenges to the mass conformity of the 1950s came from:

a. hippies
b. flappers
c. the Beats
d. the Beatles
e. the communists

the Beats

All of the following contributed to the emergence of the civil rights movement of the 1950’s EXCEPT:

a. the mass migration out of the south to the north beginning in WWI
b. the destabilization of the racial system during WWII
c. the Cold War, which demanded the rhetoric of democracy be practiced in Am
d. the rise of independent states in the Third World
e. Truman’s refusal to desegregate the military

Truman’s refusal to desegregate the military

Which Supreme Court decision did Brown overturn?

a. Plessy v. Ferguson
b. Muller v. Oregon
c. Yick wo v. Hopkins
d. Roe v. Wade
e. Lochner v. NY

Plessy v. Ferguson

Who argued the case Brown v. The Board of Edu before the Supreme Court?

a. Fred Vinson
b. Thurgood Marshall
c. Earl Warren
d. Clarence Darrow

Thurgood Marshall

In Brown v. the Board of Edu, what was Thurgood Marshall’s main argument before the Supreme Court?

a. That segregation did lifelong damage to black children, undermining their self-esteem
b. That Plessy v. Ferguson was an outdated ruling that needed to be updated
c. That the time had come to implement the promises of Reconstruction
d. That the white, southern politicians did not adequately provide for black schools, thereby violating the "but equal" part of the Plessy ruling
e. That children ought to attend the school that is closest to them, and Linda Brown lived with in a mile of the " white" school and should be able to attend that school

That segregation did lifelong damage to black children, undermining their self-esteem

The Montgomery Bus Boycott:

a. was sparked when Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give her seat up to a white man
b. did not succeed in desegregating the public house
c. propelled Thurgood Marshall into the national spotlight as a leader of the civil rights movement
d. marked the end of the civil rights movement
e. lasted less than two weeks

was sparked when Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give her seat up to a white man

As a result of the Montgomery boycott in 1955-1956:

a. blacks won the right to attend the school of their choice
b. the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public transportation was legal
c. the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public transportation was illegal
d. Af-Am women became less involved in the civil rights movement
e. lasted less than two weeks

the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public transportation was illegal

MLKJ was:

a. a labor leader in the South
b. an attorney for the NAACP
c. inspired the philosophy of Mao Zedong
d. inspired by the approach of Booker T. Washington
e. inspired by the teachings of Ghandi

inspired by the teachings of Ghandi

What was the organization called that MLKJ established after the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

a. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
b. Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
c. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
d. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
e. Urban League

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference:

a. was a coalition of white southerners who resisted desegregation
b. was a coalition of black ministers and civil rights activists who fought for desegregation
c. worked primarily on the local level
d. did not seek federal assistance
e. had the support of all southern congressmen

was a coalition of black ministers and civil rights activists who fought for desegregation

The Southern Manifesto:

a. rejected massive resistance
b. argued the southern states should not fly the confederate flag over state capitol buildings
c. repudiated the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. the Board of Edu
d. argued that Brown v. the Board of Edu decision reinforced southern customs and traditions
e. argued that the Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson was unconstitutional

repudiated the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. the Board of Edu

Which statement best describes how the white South reacted to the Brown v. Board of Edu decision?

a. in opposition to integration, white southerners often burned down schools
b. While the general public was outraged, southern congressional politicians supported the Supreme Court’s decisions
c. Southerners worked closely with the NAACP, cooperating when they could to integrate schools
d. Some states closed the public schools rather than integrate, and offered white children the choice to opt out of integrated schools
e. Southerners took it stride, recognizing that the time had come for change

Some states closed the public schools rather than integrate, and offered white children the choice to opt out of integrated schools

In response to the Brown decision and to the general growth of the civil rights movement during the 1950s, southern:

a. passed laws that allowed for a slow desegregation of public schools
b. banned the KKK from operating
c. flew the confederate flag over state capitol buildings
d. subsidized private academies for black students only
e. subsidized integrated private schools

flew the confederate flag over state capitol buildings

In response to the court-ordered desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas:

a. violence broke out, but Ike refused to send federal troops
b. violence broke out and Ike sent in federal groups
c. high schools across the South became desegregated immediately
d. Governor Orval Faubus used the National Guard to protect the black students from angry whites
e. Governor Orval Faubus requested that federal troops be sent into Little Rock to end the violence

violence broke out and Ike sent in federal groups

In the 1960 presidential race, JFK became the Democratic candidate. despite:

a. the popularity of Nixon
b. his accomplished war record
c. his Catholicism
d. his advanced age
e. his wife’s dowdy public image

his Catholicism

In the 1960 presidential debate between JFK and Nixon =:

a. was broadcast only on the radio
b. allowed Nixon to demonstrate his best qualities, thus winning the debate
c. showed Kennedy to be an ineffective speaker, and thus he lost
d. highlighted the impact of tv on political campaigns
e. was little noticed at the time

highlighted the impact of tv on political campaigns

In his 1961 farewell address, Ike warned Ams about:

a. the military-industrial complex
b. the rise of organized crime
c. the increase in juvenile delinquency
d. environmental hazards
e. the slow pace of the civil rights movement

the military-industrial complex

The Freedom Rides of 1961 traveled through which of the following states?

a. Texas & Missouri
b. Maryland & Massachusetts
c. Florida & South Carolina
d. Alabama & MIssissippi
e. Washington & Oregon

Alabama & Mississippi

Why did the Af- Am civil rights protesters that marched in June 1963 in more than 186 cities not try more deliberately to avoid arrest?

a. They had tried to avoid any encounter w/ the police as best they could
b. Too many police officers had infiltrated the civil rights
c. Most of the protesters came from privileged backgrounds and knew that they would get off easy
d. The very point of the protests was to illustrate the punitive nature of southern Jim Crow justice
e. Until that time, the police had had a reputation of being highly sympathetic to the civil rights movement

The very point of the protests was to illustrate the punitive nature of southern Jim Crow justice

How could Birmingham police chief Eugene Connor have undermined MLKJ’s strategy in Birmingham in May 1963?

a. He could have arrested more protesters
b. He could have requested the National Guard from the governor of Alabama
c. He could have requested federal assistance from JFK
d. He could have allowed the protesters to much unimpeded
e. He could have organized a counter protest by the KKK

He could have allowed the protesters to much unimpeded

What did JFK have in common w/ his predecessor Ike?

a. Both came from the conservative wing of the Dem Party
b. Both had been high-ranking officers during the U.S. invasion of France in WWII
c. Both preferred the challenges of domestic policy rather than foreign affairs
d. Both tended to view the entire world through the lens of the Cold War
e. Both came from Massachusetts

Both tended to view the entire world through the lens of the Cold War

Why did JFK consider civil rights a moral crisis for the nation?

a. He saw how racial tensions divided his own family
b. He had personally witnessed the hardships of Jim Crow growing up
c. He did not think racial equality in the U.S. possible w/out reparations for slavery
d. He found racial discrimination incompatible w/ the U.S.’s claim for leadership of the free world
e. He considered civil rights an issue for women and gays as well as for Af-Ams

He found racial discrimination incompatible w/ the U.S.’s claim for leadership of the free world

What set President Johnson apart from his predecessor JFK?

a. He was willing to focus on Cold War issues the way JFK did not
b. He was free from the legacy of political compromise in Congress that had weakened JFK’s reputation ‘
c. He had the charm and affability that the often-aloof JFK could not muster
d. He knew the meaning of poverty & racial injustice from his own life experiences
e. He lacked the political experience in Congress that made JFK such an effective president

He knew the meaning of poverty & racial injustice from his own life experiences

Why did the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party emerge at the Democratic Party convention in Atlantic City in 1964?

a. The MFDP had won local elections in Mississippi
b. The MFDP was the white supremacist delegation sent to New Jersey by white Mississippians
c. The MFDP had received a personal invitation from the family of the dead JFK
d. The MFDP challenged the state’s Democratic Party’s claim that it represented Mississippi fairly
e. The MFDP organized white supremacists in Mississippi unhappy w/ Johnson’s civil rights plank

The MFDP challenged the state’s Democratic Party’s claim that it represented Mississippi fairly

Which of the following organizations does not belong in this group?

b. YAF
d. SDS


What did the defeat of REpublican presidential candidate Goldwater show?

a. The success of the civil rights movement had made conventional Republicans unelectable
b. The success of the New Deal state had made libertarianism unnatractive to Ams
c. The changing demographic of the U.S. had made older pres candidates unappealing
d. The civil rights movement had redrawn the political map and opened the South to the Republican Party
e. Ams were not yet ready for a Jewish presidential candidate

The civil rights movement had redrawn the political map and opened the South to the Republican Party

On what grounds could foreign nationals apply for immigrant status in the U.S. after 1965?

a.The color of their skin
b. Their proficiency in English
c. Their anticommunist credentials
d. Their family ties to U.S. citizens or other immigrants
e. Their experience in counterinsurgency operations

Their family ties to U.S. citizens or other immigrants

Why are the riots in Am cities during the 1960s best understood as battles?

a. The Dept. of Defense employed regular army units to suppress these uprising
b. Af-Am rioters often had received military training in Cuba and Venezuela
c. Urban blacks saw the predominantly white police force as an occupying army
d. Rioters frequently employed weapons otherwise only used in military combat operations
e. Riot squads were organized by the Dept. of Defense

Urban blacks saw the predominantly white police force as an occupying army

What opened Malcolm X up to the possibility of interracial cooperation in the U.S.?

a. The interracial harmony he witnessed among Muslims in Saudi Arabia
b. The tragedy of MLKJ’s assassination
c. The goodwill displayed by white college students of the new left movement
d. The progressive legislation pushed by LBJ
e. The anti-war protests of college students

The interracial harmony he witnessed among Muslims in Saudi Arabia

What students of the new left movement think was missing in Am liberalism in the 1960s?

a. The willingness to address poverty
b. The reluctance of companies to recognize unions
c. The commitment to legislate on behalf of Social Security
d. The practice of true participatory democracy
e. A concern about the threat of monopoly in industrial capitalism

The practice of true participatory democracy

In what ways did the counterculture represent the fulfillment of the consumer market?

a. The counterculture extended the concept of individual choice into every realm of life
b. The counterculture made mass consumption more affordable for college students
c. The counterculture revived the concept of free competition and innovation
d. The counterculture extended the privilege of consumption and leisure to the young
e. Members of the counterculture were the primary consumers of new technology

The counterculture extended the concept of individual choice into every realm of life

How did the women’s liberation movement inspire a major expansion of the idea of freedom?

a. The women’s movement included members of the middle class as well as the working class
b. The women’s movement included men and women
c. The women’s movement included Af-Ams, Mex-Ams, and Anglo-Ams
d. The women’s movement took the protest for social justice to the streets
e. The women’s movement brought considerations of power & justice inside the family

The women’s movement brought considerations of power & justice inside the family

The sit-in at Greensboro, N.C., in 1960:

a. reflection mounting frustration at the slow pace of racial change
b. was the last of a series of violent agitations for civil rights in 1960
c. had no real effect on the momentum of the civil rights movement
d. was largely organized by members of MLKJ’s SCLC
e. illustrated how civil rights activists embraced the violent messages of Malcolm X

reflection mounting frustration at the slow pace of racial change

By the end of 1960, some 70000 demostrators had taken part in sit-ins across the South to protest:

a. desegregation
b. segregation
c. the use of nuclear weapons
d. the Vietnam war
e. sexism


The Freedom Rides:

a. were launched by CORE to desegregate bus travel
b. were ignored by law enforcement and the public in the South
c. had little effect on segregation on the South
d. were successful in the North
e. were in journeys made by blacks as part of their mass migration to the North

were launched by CORE to desegregate bus travel

James Meredith is best known as the:

a. organizer of freedom rides
b. black person who refused to give up his seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama
c. first black student admitted into the University of Mississippi
d. first black congressman elected since Reconstruction
e. organizer of the Poor People’s Campaign

first black student admitted into the University of Mississippi

Who was the recipient of MLKJ’s "Letter from Birmingham Jail?"

a. Kennedy
b. Local Clergymen
c. Local white businessmen
d. Other civil rights leaders
e. Newspaper men

Local Clergymen

MLKJ’s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" declared that:

a. the civil rights movement had become too violent and had to stop
b. the white moderate had to put aside his fear of disorder and commit to racial justice
c. the federal government was solely responsible for the violence in the South
d. the white clergy in the South had done a tremendous job at fighting Jim Crow
e. he was abandoning his policy of civil disobedience and peaceful demonstration

the white moderate had to put aside his fear of disorder and commit to racial justice

In his 1963 "Letter from Birmingham Jail," MLKJ:

a. agreed w/ white clergy that the civil rights movement was moving too fast
b. agreed w/ white clergy that the civil rights movement should focus on the North rather than the South
c. discussed the litany of abuses faced by blacks in the South and the need for change
d. appealed directly to Birmingham police chief Eugene "Bull" Connor
e. appealed directly to U.S. attorney general Robert Kennedy

discussed the litany of abuses faced by blacks in the South and the need for change

When Birmingham police chief Bull Connor used nightsticks, high-pressure hoses, attack dogs on young civil rights protesters:

a. there was little public response
b. there was a public outcry only in the North
c. there was a wave of revulsion globally
d. Pres Kennedy abandoned his support for the civil rights movement
e. U.S. attorney general Robert Kennedy asked MLKJ to stop the protests

there was a wave of revulsion globally

In 1963 during the Birmingham civil rights demonstrations, firemen:

a. assaulted young demonstrators w/ high-pressure hoses
b. kept the peace w/ their tanker trucks as blockades
c. served as extra drivers for the police taking demonstrators to jail
d. extinguished fires set by the KKK members
e. served as moderators between MLKJ’s SCLC & Birmingham’s businessmen

assaulted young demonstrators w/ high-pressure hoses

The 1963 March on WADC:

a. included various female speaker
b. included speeches w. militant language
c. focused solely on economic justice
d. focused solely on a languishing civil rights bill
e. was a high point in black and white cooperation

was a high point in black and white cooperation

To combat communism, on of John Kennedy’s first acts was to: for a summit meeting between the two superpowers
b. increase military spending on ballistic missiles
c. suggest a ban on nuclear weapons
d. deploy combat troops to Vietnam
e. est. the Peace Corps

est. the Peace Corps

The Alliance for Progress:

a. included a treaty signed with Cuba after its communist revolution
b. brought economic assistance to Latin Am nations
c.was administered by the U.S. throughout Latin Am
d. was JFK’s Marshall Plan for Latin Am
e. was JFK’s Marshall Plan for Southeast Asia

was JFK’s Marshall Plan for Latin Am

During the Bay of Pigs invasion:

a. the CIA failed its mission
b. Eisenhower suspended trade w/ Cuba
c. the CIA restored Fulgencio Batista to power
d. a popular uprising of anti-Castro Cubans toppled Castro’s regime
e. Fidel Castro took over Am landholdings

the CIA failed its mission

The Cuban Missile Crisis:

a. brought the U.S. & the Soviets to the brink of nuclear war
b. brought the U.S. into Vietnam
c. revolved around the placement of missiles in the Soviet Union
d. revolved around the placement of missiles in the U.S.
e. occurred when Cuba threatened to attack the U.S.

brought the U.S. & the Soviets to the brink of nuclear war

Regarding civil rights during his presidency, JFK:

a. immediately addressed the demands of black activists
b. remained completely uninvolved
c. was reluctant to address the movement’s demands until 1963
d. instructed his bro Robert to immediately enforce desegregation in the South
e. proposed a civil rights bull his first week in office

was reluctant to address the movement’s demands until 1963

What event forced JFK to take meaningful action in support of the civil rights movement?

a. Selma-to-Birmingham March
b. March on Washington rally
c. King’s demonstration in Birmingham
d. Greensboro sit-ins
e. Freedom Summer campaign

King’s demonstration in Birmingham

In 1964, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, which:

a. prohibited both racial and sexual discrimination in employment and public institutions
b. prohibited racial discrimination in private organizations
c. prohibited only sexual discrimination in the armed forces
d. was passed over Johnson’s veto
e. had the full support of Congress

prohibited both racial and sexual discrimination in employment and public institutions

The 1964 Civil Rights Act did not:

a. prohibit racial discrimination in employment
b. ban discrimination on the grounds of sex
c. ban discriminatory laws that prevented suffrage
d. prohibit racial discrimination in privately owned public accomodations
e. prohibit racial discrimination in institutions like hospitals and schools

ban discriminatory laws that prevented suffrage

LBJ remarked, "I think we delivered the South to the Republican Party" after:

a. sending troops to Vietnam
b. agreeing to meet w/ MLKJ
c. passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
d. implementation of the Great Society program
e. passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act

passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

During Freedom Summer:

a. very few white college students participated
b. only black activists participated int he voter registration campaign
c. signers of the Southern Manifesto launched against integration
d. a coalition of civil rights groups launched a campaign against integration
e. there was little violence

a coalition of civil rights groups launched a campaign against integration

The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party:

a. was founded by whites to fight desegregation
b. was open only to blacks
c. had President Johnsons full support
d. challenged the white delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention
e. challenged the Republican delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention

challenged the white delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention

Republican Goldwater viewed _______ as a threat to freedom:

a. the New Deal welfare state
b. the nuclear weapons buildup
c. the military-industrial complex
d. the proliferation of private charities
e. large corporations

the New Deal welfare state

Barry Gold water’s 1964 campaign emphasized:

a. increased taxes to balance the budget
b. an immediate pullout from Vietnam
c. a reduction in governmental regulations
d. racial equality in the U.S.
e. a less aggressive approach to the Cold War

a reduction in governmental regulations

Which politician remarked "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice?"

a. LBJ
b. JFK
c. George Wallace
d. Barry Goldwater
e. Nixon

Barry Goldwater

The Young Ams for Freedom:

a. believed that the free market assured personal freedom
b. worked in tandem w/ the Students for a Democratic Society
c. supported LBJ for president in 1964
d. believed that a strong federal gov’t assured personal freedom
e. wrote the port Huron Statement

believed that the free market assured personal freedom

The Port Huron Statement was to the Students for a Democratic Society what the _____ was to the Young Ams for Freedom

a. Pentagon Papers
b. Sharon Statement
c. Conscience of a Conservative
d. Buckley Statement
e. Church Statement

Sharon Statement

The 1964 Voting Rights Act:

a. banned discrimination at national party conventions
b. empowered local officials to supervise voter registration
c. empowered federal officials to oversee voter registration
d. was vetoed by LBJ
e. was proposed but never passed by Congress

empowered federal officials to oversee voter registration

The Hart-Cellar Act of 1965:

a. removed all barriers of Mex immigration
b. est. new, racially neutral criteria for immigration
c. est. new, racially specific criteria for immigration
d. severely limited Asian immigration
e. removed political asylum as a criterion for immigration

est. new, racially neutral criteria for immigration

The Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 did all of the following EXCEPT:

a. It no longer restricted southern or eastern Europeans
b. It limited the amount of immigrants from the western hemisphere to 120,000
c. It was forced through Congress in response to increasing numbers of Vietnamese refugees
d. It provided special provisions for communist country refugees
e. It set the total number of immigrants in a year at 290,000

It was forced through Congress in response to increasing numbers of Vietnamese refugees

The Great Society:

a. included LBJ’s crusade to end poverty in Am
b. was JFK’s initiative to end poverty in Am
c. promised a guaranteed income for all Ams
d. was seen as impossible to achieve
e. included a national health insurance plan for all Ams

included LBJ’s crusade to end poverty in Am

Johnson’s War on Poverty included all of the following programs EXCEPT:

a. Head Start
b. A jobs program for unemployed Ams
c. VISTA, a domestic Peace Corps.
d. The Office of Economic Opportunity
e. Food stamps

A jobs program for unemployed Ams

The Kerner Report:

a. blamed the urban riots on the antiwar movement
b. blamed the urban riots on segregation and poverty
c. found much evidence of racial harmony despite the upheaval
d. offered specific program suggestions to end the violence
e. recommended that the civil rights movement curtail its efforts for change

blamed the urban riots on segregation and poverty

All of the following were part of MLKJ’s Chicago Freedom Movement platform EXCEPT:

a. the integration of public housing
b. equal access to mortgages
c. an end to discrimination by employers and unions
d. voter registration by black citizens
e. construction of low-income housing

voter registration by black citizens

Malcolm X:

a. supported integration efforts
b. worked with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
c. insisted that blacks have economic and political autonomy
d. felt that Black Power movement went too far
e. was inspired by the efforts of Booker T. Washington

insisted that blacks have economic and political autonomy

Black Power emerged as a response to all of the following factors EXCEPT:

a.frustrations over the federal gov’ts failure to stop violence against civil rights workers
b. white workers’ attempts to determine the civil rights movement’s strategy
c. the civil rights movement’s failure to have any impact on the economic problems of black ghettos
d. the growing ideas of racial self-assertion and black self-determination
e. the passage of the Civil Rights Act

the passage of the Civil Rights Act

All of the following statements about the Black Panthers are true EXCEPT:

a. the Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, Cali
b. the Black Panther Party advocated armed self-defense in response to police brutality
c. the Black Panther Party demanded the release of black prisoners
d. the Black Panther Party ran health clinics, schools, and children’s breakfast programs
e. the Black Panther Party rejected the idea of black self-determination

the Black Panther Party rejected the idea of black self-determination

The New Left:

a. was made up of mostly black college students
b. focused their activism on economic justice
c. called for a democracy of citizen participation
d. was made up of children of the Old Left
e. had made their peace w/ consumer culture

called for a democracy of citizen participation

The Port Huron Statement:

a. was written by Michael Harrington
b. summed up the philosophy of the Young Ams for Freedom
c. praised Am political and economic institutions
d. offered a vision for social change based on participatory democracy
e. criticized Am Cold War policies but offered no new suggestions

offered a vision for social change based on participatory democracy

The free speech movement;

a. failed in its efforts to est. free speech on college campuses
b. began in Berkeley to protest a campus ban on political groups convening and distributing literature at a central meeting place
c. began in LA to protest a campus ban on political literature
d. began in Port Huron to protest a campus ban on political literature
e. had little support among college-age students at the time

began in Berkeley to protest a campus ban on political groups convening and distributing literature at a central meeting place

How did Mario Savio define freedom?

a. As freedom to choose
b. As a moral condition
c. As consumption
d. As suffrage
e. As freedom of expression

As freedom of expression

The Gulf of Tonkin resolution:

a. authorized the president to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam
b. authorized the president to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Cuba
c. was a formal declaration of war
d. called for an immediate end to the hostilities in SE Asia
e. had little Senate support at the

authorized the president to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam

By 1968, the number of U.S. troops in Vietnam:

a. was less than in 1965
b. was decreasing as the peace process accelerated
c. exceeded 1/2 a mill as the war became more brutal
d. was reduced, as LBJ considered running for another term
e. was of little concern to most Ams

exceeded 1/2 a mill as the war became more brutal

What was the attitude of the New Left toward university professors, as seen in the Port Huron Statement?

a. They had tremendous respect for them
b. They thought them puppets of the military-industrial complex
c. They saw them as leaders in the antiwar movement
d. They were skeptical of them since most professors were older than 30
e. They saw them as the bearers of liberal knowledge and reform

They thought them puppets of the military-industrial complex

The antiwar movement:

a. attracted only draft-age males
b. was of little interest to civil rights activists
c. never built a mass constituency
d. had little impact on public opinion
e. challenged the foundations of Cold War thinking

challenged the foundations of Cold War thinking

The counterculture of the 1960s can best be described as:

a. a rejection of mainstream values
b. a quest for group identity
c. a movement in search of purity
d. a movement that emphasized the ideal of homogeneity
e. a movement that rejected consumer culture

a rejection of mainstream values

Why was liberation theology so popular in Latin Am int he 1960s?

a. The Second Vatican Council had sanctioned birth control
b. The Cuban Revolution had inspired neighboring nations
c. Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress was bearing fruit
d. the Cuban Missile Crisis had shattered the region’s complacency
e. Reform in the Catholic Church had inspired social justice activists

Reform in the Catholic Church had inspired social justice activists

In the Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan:

a. focused on the plight of working-class women
b. emphasized the role of the child rearing for women
c. focused on the disconnects of middle-class women
d. focused on the particular plight of black women
e. emphasized the role women played in the antiwar movement

focused on the disconnects of middle-class women

The National Organization for Women (NOW) campaigned for all of the following EXCEPT:

a. an end to the mass medias false image of women
b. equal job opportunities for women
c. equal educational opportunities
d. equal opportunities in politics
e. an end to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

an end to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

At the 1968 Miss Am beauty pageant, feminist protesters threw all of the following items into "freedom trash can" EXCEPT:

a. girdles
b. high-heeled shoes
c. bras
d. copies of Playboy
e. birth control pills

birth control pills

Radical feminists:

a. argued that "the personal is political"
b. argued that mothers should be freed of economic responsibilities
c. were led by Betty Friedan
d. focused on legal gender discrimination
e. wanted to protect the sanctity of marriage

argued that "the personal is political"

The gay liberation movement:

a. was banned in several states
b. attracted many straight women
c. initially excluded women
d. was inspired by the civil rights movement
e. ended w/ the successful Stonewall riot

was inspired by the civil rights movement

After the Stonewall riot:

a. gay men and lesbians divided into two separate political movements
b. the gay liberation movement came to an end
c. prejudice against lesbians ended
d. a militant gay liberation movement was born
e. prejudice against gay men increased

a militant gay liberation movement was born

Chicano farm workers found a powerful advocate in:

a. the bracero program
b. Cesar Chavez
c. Mario Savio
d. Carlos Bulosan
e. the Border patrol

Cesar Chavez

In the 1960s, Latino rights in particular were the focus of the:

a. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
b. Untied Farm Workers
c. Mattachine Society
d. Redstockings

Untied Farm Workers

The Young Lords Organization in NYC represented:

a. blacks
b. Italians
c. Puerto Ricans
d. gays
e. conservatives

Puerto Ricans

The Am Indian Movement:

a. was in opposition to the Red Power Movement
b. demanded the end of the tribal system
c. demanded greater tribal d=self-government
d. urged all Indians to leave their reservations
e. demanded greater federal control of the reservation system

demanded greater tribal d=self-government

Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring inspired the:

a. environmental movement
b. feminist movement
c. gay liberation movement
d. conservative movement
e. Indian movement

environmental movement

In 1967, the Supreme Court ruled in Loving v. Virginia that:

a. suspects could refuse to cooperate w/ the police
b. local elections could be monitored by federal officials
c. state laws prohibiting interracial marriage were unconstitutional
d. those in police custody had certain rights
e. school prayer was unconstitutional

state laws prohibiting interracial marriage were unconstitutional

In 1966, the Supreme Court ruled in Miranda v. Arizona that:

a. suspects could not refuse to cooperate w/ police
b. local elections could be monitored by federal officials
c. sates must permit interracial marriage were unconstitutional
d. those in police custody had certain rights
e. school prayer was unconstitutional

those in police custody had certain rights

The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision:

a. created a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion
b. was the least controversial peice of the rights revolution
c. provoked little opposition
d. declared school prayer unconstitutional
e. legalized birth control

created a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion

The Warren Court:

a. was a conservative court w/ the one exception of Brown v. the Board of Edu.
b. seemed to accept the feminist view of the family as a collection of sovereign individuals rather than a unit w/ a single male head
c. began a trend to halt the liberal view that had begun in the late 1950s that gov’t had an obligation to provide for the welfare of the citizens
d. condemned LBJ for abuses of power taken during the Vietnam War
e. set up the legal precedents that would later lead to a conservative view on abortion rights

seemed to accept the feminist view of the family as a collection of sovereign individuals rather than a unit w/ a single male head

Which event marked the turning point in the Vietnam conflict, forcing LBJ to change course and pull out of the upcoming presidential race?

a. The Tet Offensive
b. Operation Rolling Thunder
c. The invasion of Cambodia
d. The Gulf of Tonkin
e. Revelations about the My Lai massacre

The Tet Offensive

On April 4, 1968, MLKJ wa assassinated:

a. while in Memphis, supporting a garbage workers’ strike
b. as he launched the Poor People’s Campaign in Dallas
c. and while the nation mourned his death, there was no violence
d. and congressional support for the Open Housing Act declined
e. and no one was ever charged for the crime

while in Memphis, supporting a garbage workers’ strike

In his 1968 election campaign, Nixon appealed to the:

a. moral majority
b. New Left
c. Progressive Republicans
d. new feminists
e. silent majority

silent majority

The legacies of the 1960s include:

a. fewer personal freedoms
b. a transformation in the status of women
c. the return of school prayer
d. an end to the welfare state
e. mass conformity

a transformation in the status of women

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