Chapter 08 Joints of the Skeletal System

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A. bind bones.
B. allow bones to grow.
C. enable body parts to move.
D. often contain cartilage.
E. all of the above

all of the above

Joints are also called
A. annotations.
B. articulations.
C. periosteum.
D. ligaments.
E. medullary cavities.


Classifying joints as synarthrotic, amphiarthrotic, or diarthrotic represents
A. location in the body.
B. the color of the joint.
C. the number of bones that the joint affects.
D. the degree of movement possible at the joint.
E. the composition of the joint.

the degree of movement possible at the joint.

Types of fibrous joints include
A. synarthrotic, amphiarthrotic, and diarthrotic joints.
B. syndesmosis, suture, and gomphosis joints.
C. synchondrosis, symphysis, and synovial joints.
D. pivot, condylar, and ellipsoidal joints.
E. plane, hinge, and saddle joints.

syndesmosis, suture, and gomphosis joints.

A suture is an example of a(n)
A. fibrous joint.
B. cartilagenous joint.
C. synovial joint.
D. plane joint.
E. none of the above.

fibrous joint.

A tooth root attached to a jawbone by a periodontal ligament is a _____ joint.
A. synchondrosis
B. syndesmosis
C. gomphosis
D. synovial
E. symphsis


The joint that separates two vertebrae is a(n)
A. symphysis that is amphiarthrotic.
B. symphysis that is synarthrotic.
C. symphysis that is diarthrotic
D. synovial that is diarthrotic
E. synovial that is synarthrotic

symphysis that is amphiarthrotic.

Cartilagenous joints are connected by
A. synovial fluid.
B. fibrous connective tissue.
C. hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage.
D. a joint capsule.
E. nervous tissue.

hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage.

A fibrous joint in which an interosseous ligament binds bones is a
A. suture.
B. syndesmosis.
C. gomphosis.
D. symphysis.
E. hypothesis.


A gomphosis is a(n) ______ joint.
A. fibrous
B. cartilagenous
C. synovial
D. ball-and-socket
E. synchondrosis


A synchondrosis
A. allows bone growth.
B. equalizes pressure between vertebrae.
C. includes a joint capsule.
D. allows free movement.
E. is formed by the bodies of two adjacent vertebrae.

allows bone growth.

Which of the following is not a type of fibrous joint?
A. Syndesmosis
B. Coronal suture
C. Gomphosis
D. Symphysis
E. Sagittal suture


A synovial membrane
A. has tiny blood vessels.
B. secretes serous fluid.
C. stores nervous tissue.
D. secretes synovial fluid.
E. all of the above.

secretes synovial fluid.

Bones of a synovial joint are held together by
A. a synovial membrane.
B. a joint capsule.
C. a meniscus.
D. a bursa.
E. articular cartilage.

a joint capsule.

Greg trips over a toy and experiences a sharp pain. His physician diagnosis a torn meniscus. Greg has injured his
A. knee joint.
B. elbow joint.
C. shoulder joint.
D. hip joint.
E. pelvis.

knee joint.

Articular cartilage receives oxygen and nutrients from
A. a direct blood supply.
B. blood vessels in underlying spongy bone.
C. surrounding synovial fluid.
D. chondrocytes.
E. fatty pads in the joint.

surrounding synovial fluid.

When a joint is immobilized for a prolonged time, there is danger that
A. synovial fluid will increase.
B. synovial fluid will decrease.
C. articular cartilage will thicken.
D. articular cartilage will degenerate.
E. articular cartilage will ossify.

articular cartilage will degenerate.

A joint capsule is reinforced by
A. tendons binding articular ends of bones together.
B. articular cartilage cushioning ends of bones.
C. ligaments binding articular ends of bones together.
D. hyaline cartilage providing strength to the capsule walls.
E. none of the above.

ligaments binding articular ends of bones together.

Fluid-filled sacs containing synovial fluid are called
A. peduncles.
B. menisci.
C. ligaments.
D. tendons.
E. bursae.


Fibrocartilage discs that divide the joint into two compartments are called
A. menisci.
B. bursae.
C. capsules.
D. ligaments.
E. tendons.


Which of the following is not a synovial joint?
A. Condylar
B. Ball-and-socket
C. Saddle
D. Symphysis
E. Hinge


In which of the following is rotational movement possible?
A. Ball-and-socket joint
B. Condylar joint
C. Hinge joint
D. Pelvic joint
E. All of the above

Ball-and-socket joint

Most of the joints in the ankle and wrist are
A. hinge joints.
B. pivot joints.
C. plane joints.
D. condylar joints.
E. fibrous joints.

plane joints.

A muscle end attached to a relatively immovable part is called the
A. symphysis.
B. articulation.
C. origin.
D. insertion.
E. beginning.


Which of the following terms and descriptions is correctly paired?
A. extension-bending the leg at the knee or decreasing the angle between the upper and lower leg
B. abduction-lifting the arm horizontally to form a right angle with the side of the body or moving a part away from the midline
C. flexion-straightening parts at a joint so that the angle between them is increased
D. adduction-moving a part in a circle or returning the arm from the horizontal position to the front of the body
E. supination-turning the hand so the palm is downward

abduction-lifting the arm horizontally to form a right angle with the side of the body or moving a part away from the midline

The coracohumeral ligament is associated with the
A. knee joint.
B. hip joint.
C. elbow joint.
D. large toe joint.
E. shoulder joint.

shoulder joint.

Which of the following movements could occur at the hip joint?
A. Abduction
B. Adduction
C. Flexion
D. Extension
E. all of the above

all of the above

The largest and most complex synovial joint is the
A. hip joint.
B. knee joint.
C. elbow joint.
D. shoulder joint.
E. finger joints.

knee joint.

The radial collateral ligament is associated with the
A. hip joint.
B. shoulder joint.
C. knee joint.
D. elbow joint.
E. none of the above.

elbow joint.

The rotator cuff of the shoulder is composed mainly of
A. muscle fibers.
B. articular cartilage.
C. epithelium and loose connective tissue.
D. tendons and fibrous connective tissue.
E. adipose and epithelial tissue.

tendons and fibrous connective tissue.

A dislocation of the shoulder is most likely to occur during forceful
A. circumduction.
B. adduction.
C. flexion.
D. extension.
E. abduction.


Displacement and deformity of a joint is called
A. bursitis.
B. sprain.
C. dislocation.
D. ankylosis.
E. arthritis.


The hip joint has less freedom of movement than the shoulder joint because
A. the joint capsule of the hip is surrounded by muscles and the shoulder is not.
B. the articulating parts of the hip are closer than those of the shoulder.
C. the hip joint capsule is less elastic than the shoulder.
D. the hip has more supportive ligaments than the shoulder.
E. the hip joint is more ossified than the shoulder joint.

the articulating parts of the hip are closer than those of the shoulder.

Movements permitted by the elbow joint between the humerus and the ulna are
A. adduction, flexion, and extension.
B. movement in any plane.
C. flexion and extension.
D. rotation and circumduction.
E. none of the above.

flexion and extension.

Movement that brings the foot farther from the shin is a(n)
A. plantar flexion.
B. hyperextension.
C. rotation.
D. abduction.
E. dorsiflexion

plantar flexion.

A movement that brings the foot closer to the shin is a(n)
A. extension.
B. abduction.
C. adduction.
D. dorsiflexion.
E. plantar flexion.


Activity and exercise
A. make joints more vulnerable to injury.
B. hasten osteoarthritis.
C. keep joints functional longer.
D. exacerbate injuries
E. increase the number of joints.

keep joints functional longer.

Disuse of the joints _____ _______ which hastens stiffening.
A. causes arthritis
B. causes injuries
C. hampers blood flow
D. degenerates cartilage
E. causes cancer

hampers blood flow

Connie recently celebrated her 45th birthday. She feels okay most of the day, but in the morning, for about a half hour after she gets out of bed, all of her joints feel stiff. This is due to
A. sprains.
B. torn ligaments.
C. changes in collagen structure.
D. nerve damage.
E. poor circulation.

changes in collagen structure.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are
A. types of synovial joints.
B. proteins found in joints that are taken as dietary supplements.
C. dietary supplements from shells and cow carilage.
D. dietary supplements from human cadavers.
E. dietary supplements from fish skeletons.

dietary supplements from shells and cow carilage.

Artificial joints are built of
A. glucosamine and chondroitin.
B. silicone polymers for small joints and metals for large joints.
C. silicone polymers for large joints and metals for small joints.
D. proteins for small joints and carbohydrates for large joints.
E. wood and copper.

silicone polymers for small joints and metals for large joints.

Which of the following is an infection?
A. Osteoarthritis
B. A sprain
C. Bursitis.
D. Lyme disease.
E. Polydactyly

Lyme disease.

Which of the following best describes the causes of common forms of arthritis?
A. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are autoimmune diseases.
B. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are caused by effects of aging.
C. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and osteoarthritis is caused by effects of aging.
D. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by effects of aging and osteoarthritis is an autoimmune disease.
E. Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of cancer and osteoarthritis is not.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and osteoarthritis is caused by effects of aging.

In rheumatoid arthritis
A. the synovial membrane becomes inflamed and thickens, forming a mass.
B. articular cartilage is damaged and fibrous tissue invades.
C. fibrous tissues ossify and bones fuse.
D. the hands can look very deformed.
E. all of the above

all of the above

A sprain involves
A. inflammation of bursae.
B. overstretched or torn ligaments and tendons in a joint.
C. inflammation of a synovial membrane.
D. overuse of a joint.
E. all of the above.

overstretched or torn ligaments and tendons in a joint.

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