APUSH Chapter 3 & 4

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Colonists in both the North and South established differences in all of the following except:
A. Patterns of Settlement
B. Economies
C. Political Systems
D. Values
E. Allegiance to England


Identify the statement that is false:
A. The promise of riches, especially tobacco, drew the first settlers to the southern colonies.
B.Religious devotion primarily shaped the earliest settlements in the New England colonies.
C. Colonists in both the north and south shared a common language and English heritage.
D. Colonists in both the north and south had strong common characteristics that would persist for generations.
E. The colonies in both the north and south had different patterns of settlement, different economies, different political systems, and even different sets of values.


All of the following are true of Martin Luther EXCEPT:
A. He was German.
B.He protested against catholic doctrines at Wittenberg in 1517.
C. There was little notice of his reforms in Europe.
D. He denounced the authority of priests and popes.
E. He declared that the bible was the only source of God’s word.


John Calvin profoundly affected the thought of all the following EXCEPT:
A. Spanish America
B. New England Puritans
C. Scottish Presbyterians
D. French Huguenots
E. The Dutch Reformed Church


Define each term:
A. Predestination
B. Conversion
C. Antinomianism

A. Belief that from the moment of creation some souls were "saved" and others were "damned". B. The sign of receipt of God’s free gift of saving grace, C. Belief that those whom God had marked for salvation need not obey secular laws. (Man nor God)

In Calvinism thought, the "conversion" was..?

A personal experience when God revealed an individual’s heavenly destiny.

In Puritan doctrine, the "elect" were also referred to as…?

"Visible saints"

King James I opposed the Separatists who wanted to break away entirely from the church of England because…?

He realized if his subjects could deny him as their spiritual leader, they could defy him as their political leader.

The Separatists migrated from Holland to the New World in order to…?

Avoid the Dutchification of their children.

Match each colony with its associated term:
A. Plymouth
B. Connecticut
C. Massachusetts Bay

1.) General Court
2.) Mayflower Compact
3.) Fundamental Orders
4.) Patroonships

A-2, B-3, C-1

All of the following were true of the Pilgrims, EXCEPT they:
A. Were also known as Separatists
B. Arrived in New York on the ship the Mayflower
C. Arrived at their original destination with no causalities.
D. Chose Plymouth Bay as their landing site in 1620.
E. Were without legal right to the land and specific authority to establish a government.


The Mayflower Compact can be best described as a:

Promising step towards genuine self-government.

The leader that helped the Pilgrims survive was…?

William Bradford.

The historical significance of the Pilgrims in Plymouth Bay lies in their…?

Moral and spiritual qualities.

Unlike Separatists, the Puritans…?

Remained members of the church of England.

Initially, the Massachusetts Bay Colony enjoyed all of the following advantages EXCEPT that of…?
A. Being a well-equipped expedition.
B. Starting off on a larger scale than any other English colony.
C. Receiving many fairly prosperous and educated immigrants.
D. Receiving a majority of the Puritans coming to the New World.
E. A shared purpose among the first settlers.


Puritan doctrine included the acceptance of…?

The idea of a covenant with God.

In the Massachusetts "Bible Commonwealth", clergymen…?

Were barred from holding formal political office.

Puritan religious beliefs allowed all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Drinking alcohol
B. Eating plentifully
C. Challenging religious authority.
D. Making love discreetly.
E. Singing songs.


Among the Puritans, it was understood that…?

The purpose of government was to enforce God’s laws.

According to Anne Hutchinson, a dissenter in Massachusetts Bay,..?

The truly saved need not bother to obey the laws of God or man.

Which of these is NOT a true statement about the fate of Anne Hutchinson?
A. She was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for her beliefs.
B. She was pregnant when she headed with her family to Rhode Island.
C. She and most of her family members were killed by Indians in New York.
D. John Winthrop saw "God’s hand" in her fate.
E. She preached to fellow residents of Salem.


All of the following were true of Rodger Williams EXCEPT:
A. He was a personable and popular Salem minister.
B. He was not a Separatist and advocated reconciliation with the Church of England.
C. Aided by Indians, he fled the Puritan community and established Rhode Island in 1636.
D. He challenged the legality of the Bay Colony’s charter.
E. He denied the authority of the civil government to regulate religious behavior.


As the founder of Rhode Island, Rodger Williams…?

Established complete religious freedom for all.

As a colony, Rhode Island became known for…?

Individualistic and independent attitudes.

The Puritans who founded the city of New Haven had a goal of…?

Setting up and even closer church-state alliance than in Massachusetts.

After the Pequot War, Puritan efforts to convert Indians to Christianity can best be described as…?

Feeble, not equaling that of the Spanish or the French.

The New England Indians’ only hope for resisting English encroachment lay in…?

Inter-tribal unity against the English.

During the early years of colonization in the New World, England…?

Paid little attention to its colonies.

The Dominion of New England:
A. Included all of the New England colonies.
B. Was created by the English government to streamlining the administration of its colonies.
C. Was designed to bolster colonial defense.
D. Eventually included New York and east and west New Jersey.
E. All of these.


As a result of Sir Edmund Adros’s rule:
A. The power of town meetings was curbed.
B. Officials tried to enforce the Navigation Laws.
C. Taxes were levied without the consent of elected representatives.
D. Smuggling was suppressed.
E. All of these.


The Dutch colony of New Netherland (later New York)…?

Was established for its quick profit of fur trading.

New York and Pennsylvania were similar in that they both…?

Had ethnically mixed populations.

All of the following were characteristics of New Netherland EXCEPT:
A. New England immigrants made up half of its population of 10,000 in 1664.
B. Its development was not a priority of the Dutch.
C.It took on an aristocratic tint, including feudal estates known as patroonships.
D. Its main seaport city was the cosmopolitan New Amsterdam.
E. It was established by the Dutch East India Company.


When the English gained control over New Netherland…?

The autocratic spirit survived.

One of the traits that made Quakers unpopular in England was…?

Their refusal to do military service.

The physical growth of the English New York was slowed because of…?

The monopolistic land policies of the aristocrats.

Pennsylvania was the…?

Best advertised.

Indian policy in early Pennsylvania can best be described as…?


All of the following are true statements about the Quakers EXCEPT:
A. They were shrewd businessmen,
B. They built simple meetinghouses and believed they were all children in the sight of God.
C. They advocated passive resistance and turning the other cheek against their enemies.
D. They swore solemn oaths of faith and devotion.
E. They trusted Indians in Pennsylvania as babysitters.


Economically, the colony of Pennsylvania…?

Became profitable very quickly.

ALL of the middle colonies were…?

Notable for their fertile soil.

Recently, historians have increasingly viewed the colonial period as one of…?

Contact and adaptation between European and native populations.

The section of the American colonies where there was the greatest internal conflict…?

Middle Colonies

The picture of colonial American that is emerging from new scholarship is a society formed by:
A. Encounters with native people.
B. European heritage.
C. Many intertwining roots.
D. American heritage.
E. All of these.


Chronological order:
A. Restoration of Charles II to the English throne.
B. English Civil War.
C. Glorious Revolution.
D. Protestant Reformation

D, B, A, C

Chronological order:
A. Great Puritan Migration.
B. Founding of Plymouth Colony.
C. Protestant Reformation.
D. Founding of Rhode Island.

C, B, A, D

As the seventeenth century wore on, regional differences continued to crystallize, most notably…?

The importance of slave labor in the South.

The population of the Chesapeake colonies, throughout the first half of the seventeenth century, was notable for its…?

Scarcity of women.

In 1650, males in the Chesapeake area competed for the affections of extremely scare women, whom they outnumbered nearly…?


During the seventeenth century, indentured servitude solved the labor problem in many English colonies for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that:
A. The Indian population proved to be an unreliable work force because they died quickly after contact with whites.
B. African slaves cost too much money.
C. In some areas families formed too slowly.
D. Spain had stopped sending slaves to its New World colonies.
E. Families procreated too slowly.


The head-wright system, which made some people very wealthy, consisted of…?

Giving the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to America.

Seventeenth-century colonial tobacco growers usually responded to depressed prices for their crop by…?

Growing more tobacco to increase their volume of production.

____ reaped the greatest benefit from the land policies of the head-wright system?

Merchant planters.

English yeomen who agreed to exchange their labor temporarily in return for payment of their passage t an American colony were called…?

Indentured servants.

For their labor in the colonies, indentured servants received all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Passage to America.
B. A suit of clothes.
C. A few barrels of corn.
D. A head-wright.
E. At times, a small parcel of land.


Indentured servants in the seventeenth century Chesapeake represented…?

Three-quarters of the population.

Over the course of the seventeenth century, most indentured servants….?

Faced increasingly harsh circumstances.

By the end of the seventeenth century, indentured servants who gained their freedom…?

Had little choice but hire themselves out for low wages to heir former masters.

Bacon’s Rebellion was supported mainly by…?

Young men frustrated by their inability to acquire land and find women to marry.

As a result of Bacon’s Rebellion…?

Planters began to look for less troublesome laborers.

The majority of African slaves coming into the New World,,,?

Were delivered to South America and the West Indies,

All of the following are reasons for increased reliance on slave labor, after 1680, in colonial America, EXCEPT:
A. Higher wages in England reduced the number of emigrating servants.
B. Planters feared the growing number of landless freemen in the colonies.
C. The British Royal African Company lost its monopoly on the slave trade in colonial America.
D. Americans rushed to cash in on the slave trade.
E. The development of wheat as a staple crop in the British colonies.


Many of the slaves who reached North America…?

Were originally captured by African coastal tribes.

For those Africans who were sold into slavery, the "middle passage" can be best described as…?

The gruesome ocean voyage to America.

The 1662 slave codes in Virginia are significant because they…?

Established a legal difference between servants and slaves based on race.

Identify the statement that is false:
A. Most of the early African immigrants gained their freedom.
B. The legal difference between a slave and a servant was unclear early on in colonial history.
C. Slavery in America began for economic reasons.
D. Slavery was harshest in the Deep South.
E. Some slaves became slave owners themselves once they were freed.


The physical and social conditions of slavery were harshest in…?

South Carolina.

All of the following are true conditions of the Chesapeake, as compared to the Deep South, EXCEPT:
A. Tobacco was less physically damaging than rice.
B. Tobacco plantations were larger and closer to one another, allowing for more contact with friends and relatives.
C. The proportion of female slaves in the Chesapeake had begun to rise by 1720.
D. It was one of the dew slave societies in history to perpetuate itself by its own natural resources.
E. Even though the slave population began to rise, family life was still impossible.


African American contributions to American culture include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Jazz music.
B. The Banjo.
C. The Piano.
D. A variety of words.
E. The bongo drums.


White slavery might have begun in America for economic reasons,…?

Racial discrimination also powerfully molded the American slave system.

The slave culture that developed in America…?

Was a uniquely New World creation.

Which of these is NOT a true statement about the experience of slavery for women?
A. Female slaves worked a much longer day than male slaves.
B. After toiling in the fields, female slaves spent their evenings spinning or making clothes for their families.
C. Slave women lived in fear of sexual violence from white masters.
D. Female slaves made up the majority of early imports to the colonies.
E. Women constantly sought ways to preserve their dignity under the slave system.


All of the following can be said about slave culture in the colonies EXCEPT:
A. Native-born African Americans had much to do with its development and growth.
B. It included a unique language that blended African and English words.
C. It transformed African religious rituals into what would become new musical forms.
D. It merged a blend of traditional African folkways with those found in the colonies.
E. It emerged from efforts by slave traders to suppress African speech, religion and traditions.


Slave Christianity emphasized all of the following in their faith EXCEPT:
A. Jesus was the Messiah who would deliver them from bondage.
B. That they should be humble and obedient.
C.Heaven was a place where they would be reunited with their ancestors.
D. That God freed the Hebrews from slavery.
E. How to use religious songs as encoded messages about escape.


Compared with indentured servants, African American slaves were…?

A more easily controlled labor force.

As slavery spread in the South…?

Gaps in the social structure winded.

Most of the inhabitants of the colonial American South were…?

Landowning small farmers.

Urban development in the colonial South…?

Was slow to emerge.

At the bottom of the social class in the south were the…?


It was typical of colonial New England adults to…?

Marry early and have several children.

South colonies generally allowed married women to retain separate title to their property because..?

Southern men frequently died young.

Puritans refused to recognize a women’s separate property rights because…?

They worried that such rights would undercut the unity of married persons.

In the seventeenth-century colonial America, all of the following are true regarding women EXCEPT:
A. Women could not own property under any circumstances.
B. Women could not vote.
C. Women were regarded as morally weaker than men.
D. Women dominated the profession of midwifery.
E. Abusive husbands could be punished.


The expansion of New England society…?

Proceed in an orderly fashion.

When new towns were established in New England, all of the following were true EXCEPT:
A. A land grant was given by the legislature.
B. A meetinghouse was built.
C. A village green was laid out.
D. Schools were required in towns of more than fifty families.
E. Families did not automatically receive land.


The Puritan system of congregational church government logically led to…?

Democracy in political government.

Thomas Jefferson once observed that :the best school of political liberty the world ever saw was"…?

New England town meeting.

All of the following were consequences of the Half-Way Covenant EXCEPT:
A. It weakened the distinction between the elect and the others.
B. It maintained the original agreement of the covenant.
C. In conferred partial membership rights in the once-exclusive congregations.
D. It increased the number of church members.
E. Women became the majority in the Puritan congregations.


The Half-Way Covenant…?

Allowed the children of unconverted existing members to be baptized but not full members of the church.

During the Salem Witchcraft trials, most of those accused witches were…?

Property-owning women.

The Salem witch hunt in 1692…?

Was opposed by the more responsible members of the clergy.

A as result of poor soil, all of the following conditions prevailed in New England EXCEPT that:
A. Reliance on a single, staple crop became a necessity.
B. The area was less ethnically mixed than its southern neighbors.
C. Frugality became essential to economic survival.
D. Hard work was required to make a living.
E. Diversification in agriculture and industry were encouraged.


The New England economy depended heavily on…?

Fishing, shipbuilding, and commerce.

In contrast ti the Chesapeake colonies, those in New England…?

Had a more diversified economy.

The English justified taking land from the native inhabitants on the grounds that the Indians…?

Wasted the earth.

The combination of Calvinism, soil, and climate in New England resulted in the people there possessing which of the following qualities?
A. Energy
B. Stubbornness
C. Self-reliance
D. Resourcefulness
E. All of these


The impact of New England on the rest of the nation can best be describes as…?

Extremely important.

Compared with most seventeenth-century Europeans, Americans lived in…?

Affluent abundance.

The late seventeenth-century rebellion in New York was headed by ____, where as that in Maryland was led by ___.

Jacob Leisler, Protestants.

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