American-AZ Government Final Exam

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The highest court in the judicial branch of the United States is the

U.S. Supreme Court

The court of last resort in each U.S. state is

often called a supreme court

Which of the following is true about state court systems?

Each state organizes its court systems under its state constitutions.

A person living in Hawaii who is convicted of assault and battery in a trial court may appeal the decision to

a state-level appellate court

Sarah and Joe are arrested allegedly stealing computer equipment. Which of the following is correct?

The trial would begin in a state-level court of original jurisdiction and go to a state appellate court if either side appeals the case.

The authority of a court to review and possibly invalidate laws or executive actions that it determines are in violation of the Constitution and the case that established that authority in the United States are

judicial review and Marbury v. Madison

According to Madison, the process of judicial review

prevents temporary views of special interest from controlling constitutional interpretations

"The Constitution intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs."-Chief Justice John Marshall
The quote above

supports the Supreme Court’s authority in judicial review

Some Americans prefer appointment of judges rather than elections because they believe appointment

frees judges from the pressures of public support and re-election

Around the world, the most common method for selecting judges is


Thomas Jefferson would have supported

election of judges as a way to check judicial power

Interpreting the phrase, "We the People" in the Preamble to the Constitution to mean

only legal citizens explains the need for the 14th Amendment

Over time in U.S. history, court decisions and legislation have

extended civil liberties to more and more people

"The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age."
Which of the following reflects the source and impact of this quote?

The 26th amendment protects the right to vote for all legal adults. Before this amendment, young adults could be in college or even serving the military in combat but not eligible to choose their leaders for a few years.

The outcome of the Supreme Court case

Brown v. Board of Education was the separate but equal facilities were violations of the Constitution

The Sixth Amendment was interpreted in

Gideon v. Wainwright to mean states must pay for counsel if the defendant cannot afford it

The Supreme Court extended the right of privacy implied by the 14th and Fourth Amendments to include protection from use in trial of evidence that was seized

illegally, in the case of Mapp v. Ohio

Which of the following government types descriptions means the same as "indirect democracy"?


The United States can be described as both indirectly democratic and


The foreign policy position most associated with aggression and war is


People who see the United States as the "World’s Police" focus on U.S. policies that reflect


Which of the following is an accurate statement about the War in Afghanistan?

The United States invaded and ended the rule of Taliban, but U.S troops have remained for years due to continued attacks from Taliban supporters

Per capita


The origin of the term "genocide" and international laws to prevent it followed

World War II

"We did not act quickly enough after the killing began. We should have not allowed the refugee camps to become safe havens for the killers. We did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name-genocide." -President Bill Clinton
Which of the following geographic areas of people was President Clinton giving a speech to when he made these remarks?


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the Internet and mobile technology the

"town square of the 21st century," and it played a key role in the 2011 protests of Egypt

Most criminal cases where state laws have been violated are heard in the

State supreme court

When voters elect to "retain" a judge, this means:

The judge most be removed from office and replaced

Fill in the blank:__________________ elect one representative to serve in the U.S. Congress to represent them in federal government.

Congressional districts

Which of the following is not a purpose of the constitution?

To outline specific behavioral laws that citizens must follow their daily lives.

Reservation land in Arizona falls under the authority if the federal government, but had sovereignty. This means that

State law enforcement officers do not necessarily have authority to enforce state laws on reservations.

True or False: General elections will allow voters to narrow down candidates within their political party to one person to run in the primary election.


True or False: Anyone if any profession who has been a resident of Arizona for at least 10 years can be appointed to the Arizona Supreme Court.


Explain the differences between a primary election and a general election.

Election is the preliminary step in the process of electing a president for the United States. It serves as a party nomination for the political office. The winner of this election goes on to represent that party in the presidential election. The general election is held after the primary election. This is the main election between winners of many primary elections. This election is held every four years and the winner of the selection becomes the president of the United States

The system of the government in which powers are shared by a national government and more local (state) government is known as:


A regular session of the Arizona legislature typically lasts about

100 days

When a city reaches a population of over 3000 people, it may apply for a city charter. In order to become fully independent from county government, that city must also


Explain the organization of structure if the judicial branch in Arizona (what are the different court levels?)

The first level of Arizona courts is the supreme court, it consist of four justices and one Chief Justice appointed by the government for a six-year term. The second level is the court of appeals, which are separated into two divisions: D1 in Arizona and D2 in Tucson, they are appointed by the governor for a six-year term. The third level is the superior court with varying judges per county appointed by the governor serving four-year terms. The fourth level is municipal courts that serve two year terms. The fifth and last level is justice of the peace courts that served four year terms.

In the event of death, removal from office, resignation of the governor of Arizona, who will become the new governor?

Secretary of State

Fill in the blank:_________________ elect one State senator into representatives to serve in the Arizona State senate and Arizona State house.

Legislative districts

True or False: only 41 of the 50 states have state constitutions separate from the United States Constitution


The US Congress is made up of

The senate and the House of Representatives

Local, or municipal, laws made by city councils are known as


Explain merit selection in some of the pros and cons associated with it.

Merit selection is a way of choosing judges that uses a non-partisan commission of lawyers and non lawyers to locate, recruit and investigate, and evaluate applicants for judgeships. A con is that politically inspired laws can be passed by legislators who are beholden to the interest group that got them elected. One pro is that we would have a constitutional scholar, judge was vast experience.

When exercising direct democracy rights, citizens can demonstrate that the voters of Arizona have interest in voting on a topic or action by submitting a(n)


Which of the following is not an office of a plural executive branch of Arizona?


Every election in US society reaffirms the principle of

Consent of the governed

Protection for individual rights in U.S society reflects the idea that all people have

Natural rights

A "limited government" is a government that

Has restrictions on the powers of its officials

In 2011, a movement known as occupy Wall Street begin in New York City. The protestors asserted that large corporations had too much influence on government. The blamed this influence for greater financial problems for the majority of Americans, such as the lack of jobs. Which principle to the protest is not likely believe government violated?

Representative government

The constitution divides the US government into three branches of each stop, or check, actions of the other branches. This division of powers a result of the principle of

Limited government

An example of a location that directly shows government in action is a


A government facing protest and demonstrations that is supported by citizens and spread across its territory has lost

Consent of the governed

What do Americans value as a basic individual or natural rights?

Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

Governments create laws and rules to

Prevent chaos

"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen to representatives. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government. This will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."-Article 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
The above quote gives the weakest support to which of the following principles?

Rule of law

Throughout the city, police officers patrol the streets and neighborhoods of St. Louis. This image best of illustrates how government

Enforces laws and provides protection for citizens

Doctors have the right to assist patients because

They’re are licensed by the government to practice medicine.

Which of the following is a true statement about the Articles of Confederation?

It created a strong legislative branch, a weak executive branch, and no judicial branch.

The Articles of Confederation reflected the principle of "limited government " because it

Made the federal government dependent on the will of the states

Which of the following amendments to the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of federalism?

The tenth amendment reserves rights to the states not assigned to the national government.

The U.S Constitution gives Congress the power to override a president’s veto with a two-thirds vote. This power best reflects the principle of

Checks and balances

Which of the following characteristics of the U.S Constitution best reflects the principle of individual rights?

The framers added a bill of rights through the amendment process.

Implied powers are those that are

Interpreted from the language of the Constitution as belonging to the national government.

Delegated powers are the same powers that are


The legislative branch has the power to

Make laws

The constitution gives the legislative branch the power to

Establish postal service

The power to declare war

Granted to the national government, not the states.

An example of a reserved power is

Issuing licenses

Which of the following makes a true statement?

Reserved powers are those that are exclusive to the states, such as ratifying amendments.

The Declaration of Independence uses the phrase "inalienable" to describe

Natural rights that cannot be taken away from a person by any government.

The Declaration of Independence was written because the American colonists

Believed King George III violated the social contract

The Declaration of Independence reflected the idea of individual rights because it

Listed specific grievances and complaints against colonial rule

Which of the following quotes best reflects the principle of social contract in the Declaration of Independence

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Which of the following quotes best reflects the principle of natural rights in the Declaration of Independence?

"For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury."

The first U.S. Supreme case to address the issue of whether

Individuals had the right to posses firearms for lawful purposes was District of Colombia v. Heller

The District of Colombia v. Heller case clarified the meaning of the

Second Amendment

Imagine the police arrested a man for owning and keeping a handgun in his home, which police confiscated. The city he lives in has a law banning citizens from having firearms in their homes. Which of the following could happen?

He could provide gun registration and purchase paperwork to challenge the arrest under the District of Colombia v. Heller decision.

The Articles of Confederation placed most government power and responsibility with the

State governments

One weakness of the Articles of Confederation

Required unanimous state consent to amend it

Article two of the constitution describes the powers of the

Executive branch, such as enforcing laws.

Article three of the constitution describes the powers of the

Judicial branch, such as interpreting laws.

The Articles of Confederation did not fully reflect the principle of "republicanism" because

Voters had no say in who represented them in federal government

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between the principle of "separation of powers " and the Articles of Confederation?

Because the Articles of Confederation created a central government that contained only a legislative branch, it does not reflect the principle of "separation of powers".

Under the Constitution, the principle of "federalism" is the reason that power and responsibility are

Shared by state and national governments

"Every bill which have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the president of the United States: if he approve he shake sign it, nut if not he he’s,l return it, with his objections to that house in which it shall have originated." -U.S. Constitution This quote directly reflects the principle of

Checks and balances

The amendment process to the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of

Federalism because it requires support from state and national governments

Article one of the Constitution illustrates how the national government’s power is

Derived from the states and the people

How was the Articles of Confederation a better reflection of the principle of checks and balances because

The U.S. Constitution was a better reflection of the principe of checks and balances of powers. The Constitution created a federal government divided between three branches which each had a power to check and balance the behavior if the other through constitutionally granted powers. The powers in the constitution were separated between the three branches and given specific powers that can be checked by other branches through the process of governing.

The term federalism describes

A legal division of authority between the national, state, and local governments.

Powers not directly stated in the Constitution that have been interpreted as belonging to the national government are described as

Implied powers

The "elastic clause" gives the U.S. Constitution

Grants Congress the power to make laws needed to operate the national government

The state of Florida passes a law requiring high school students to take an online course as a graduation requirement. This is an example of a

Reserved power granted to the state government

People who take a layer cake view of federalism believe that

National and state governments are exclusively sovereign in their areas

Which of the following is an example of a delegated power?

National government creates a treaty with a sovereign nation

The supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution has supported the

National government’s sovereignty over matters of foreign policy and interstate commerce

When voters elect to "retain" a judge, this means:

Fill in the blank:__________________ elect one representative to serve in the U.S. Congress to represent them in federal government.

What is the purpose of the constitution?

Reservation land in Arizona falls under the authority if the federal government, but had sovereignty. This means that

True or False: General elections will allow voters to narrow down candidates within their political party to one person to run in the primary election.

True or False: Anyone if any profession who has been a resident of Arizona for at least 10 years can be appointed to the Arizona Supreme Court.

Explain the differences between a primary election and a general election.

Election is the preliminary step in the process of electing a president for the United States. It serves as a party nomination for the political office. The winner of this election goes on to represent that party in the presidential election. The general election is held after the primary election. This is the main election between winners of many primary elections. This election is held every four years and the winner of the selection becomes the president of the United States

The state of the government in which powers are shared by a national government and more local (state) government is known as:

A regular session of the Arizona legislature typically lasts about

When a city reaches a population of over 3000 people, it may apply for a city charter. In order to become fully independent from county government, that city must also

Explain the organization of structure if the judicial branch in Arizona (what are the different court levels?)

The first level of Arizona courts is the supreme court, it consist of four justices and one Chief Justice appointed by the government for a six-year term. The second level is the court of appeals, which are separated into two divisions: D1 in Arizona and D2 in Tucson, they are appointed by the governor for a six-year term. The third level is the superior court with varying judges per county appointed by the governor serving four-year terms. The fourth level is municipal courts that serve two year terms. The fifth and last level is justice of the peace courts that served four year terms.

In the event of death, removal from office, resignation of the governor of Arizona, who will become the new governor?

Fill in the blank:_________________ elect one State senator into representatives to serve in the Arizona State senate and Arizona State house.

True or False: only 41 of the 50 states have state constitutions separate from the United States Constitution

The US Congress is made up of:

Local, or municipal, laws made by city councils are known as

Explain merit selection in some of the pros and cons associated with it.

Merit selection is a way of choosing judges that uses a non-partisan commission of lawyers and non lawyers to locate, recruit and investigate, and evaluate applicants for judgeships. A con is that politically inspired laws can be passed by legislators who are beholden to the interest group that got them elected. One pro is that we would have a constitutional scholar, judge was vast experience.

When exercising direct democracy rights, citizens can demonstrate that the voters of Arizona have interest in voting on a topic or action by submitting a(n)

Which of the following is not an office of a plural executive branch of Arizona?

Every election in US society reaffirms the principle of

Consent of the governed

Protection for individual rights in U.S society reflects the idea that all people have

Natural rights

A "limited government" is a government that

Has restrictions on the powers of its officials

In 2011, a movement known as occupy Wall Street begin in New York City. The protestors asserted that large corporations had too much influence on government. The blamed this influence for greater financial problems for the majority of Americans, such as the lack of jobs. Which principle to the protest is not likely believe government violated?

Representative government

The constitution divides the US government into three branches of each stop, or check, actions of the other branches. This division of powers a result of the principle of

Limited government

An example of a location that directly shows government in action is a


A government facing protest and demonstrations that is supported by citizens and spread across its territory has lost

Consent of the governed

What do Americans value as a basic individual or natural rights?

Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

Governments create laws and rules to

Prevent chaos

"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen to representatives. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government. This will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."-Article 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
The above quote gives the weakest support to which of the following principles?

Rule of law

Throughout the city, police officers patrol the streets and neighborhoods of St. Louis. This image best of illustrates how government

Enforces laws and provides protection for citizens

Doctors have the right to assist patients because

They’re are licensed by the government to practice medicine.

Which of the following is a true statement about the Articles of Confederation?

It created a strong legislative branch, a weak executive branch, and no judicial branch.

The Articles of Confederation reflected the principle of "limited government " because it

Made the federal government dependent on the will of the states

Which of the following amendments to the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of federalism?

The tenth amendment reserves rights to the states not assigned to the national government.

The U.S Constitution gives Congress the power to override a president’s veto with a two-thirds vote. This power best reflects the principle of

Checks and balances

Which of the following characteristics of the U.S Constitution best reflects the principle of individual rights?

The framers added a bill of rights through the amendment process.

Implied powers are those that are

Interpreted from the language of the Constitution as belonging to the national government.

Delegated powers are the same powers that are


The legislative branch has the power to

Make laws

The constitution gives the legislative branch the power to

Establish postal service

The power to declare war

Granted to the national government, not the states.

An example of a reserved power is

Issuing licenses

Which of the following makes a true statement?

Reserved powers are those that are exclusive to the states, such as ratifying amendments.

The Declaration of Independence uses the phrase "inalienable" to describe

Natural rights that cannot be taken away from a person by any government.

The Declaration of Independence was written because the American colonists

Believed King George III violated the social contract

The Declaration of Independence reflected the idea of individual rights because it

Listed specific grievances and complaints against colonial rule

Which of the following quotes best reflects the principle of social contract in the Declaration of Independence

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Which of the following quotes best reflects the principle of natural rights in the Declaration of Independence?

"For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury."

The first U.S. Supreme case to address the issue of whether

Individuals had the right to posses firearms for lawful purposes was District of Colombia v. Heller

The District of Colombia v. Heller case clarified the meaning of the

Second Amendment

Imagine the police arrested a man for owning and keeping a handgun in his home, which police confiscated. The city he lives in has a law banning citizens from having firearms in their homes. Which of the following could happen?

He could provide gun registration and purchase paperwork to challenge the arrest under the District of Colombia v. Heller decision.

The Articles of Confederation placed most government power and responsibility with the

State governments

One weakness of the Articles of Confederation

Required unanimous state consent to amend it

Article two of the constitution describes the powers of the

Executive branch, such as enforcing laws.

Article three of the constitution describes the powers of the

Judicial branch, such as interpreting laws.

The Articles of Confederation did not fully reflect the principle of "republicanism" because

Voters had no say in who represented them in federal government

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between the principle of "separation of powers " and the Articles of Confederation?

Because the Articles of Confederation created a central government that contained only a legislative branch, it does not reflect the principle of "separation of powers".

Under the Constitution, the principle of "federalism" is the reason that power and responsibility are

Shared by state and national governments

"Every bill which have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the president of the United States: if he approve he shake sign it, nut if not he he’s,l return it, with his objections to that house in which it shall have originated." -U.S. Constitution This quote directly reflects the principle of

Checks and balances

The amendment process to the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of

Federalism because it requires support from state and national governments

Article one of the Constitution illustrates how the national government’s power is

Derived from the states and the people

How was the Articles of Confederation a better reflection of the principle of checks and balances because

The U.S. Constitution was a better reflection of the principe of checks and balances of powers. The Constitution created a federal government divided between three branches which each had a power to check and balance the behavior if the other through constitutionally granted powers. The powers in the constitution were separated between the three branches and given specific powers that can be checked by other branches through the process of governing.

The term federalism describes

A legal division of authority between the national, state, and local governments.

Powers not directly stated in the Constitution that have been interpreted as belonging to the national government are described as

Implied powers

The "elastic clause" gives the U.S. Constitution

Grants Congress the power to make laws needed to operate the national government

The state of Florida passes a law requiring high school students to take an online course as a graduation requirement. This is an example of a

Reserved power granted to the state government

People who take a layer cake view of federalism believe that

National and state governments are exclusively sovereign in their areas

Which of the following is an example of a delegated power?

National government creates a treaty with a sovereign nation

The supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution has supported the

National government’s sovereignty over matters of foreign policy and interstate commerce

A criticism of the American system if federalism is that

Inefficient in responding to crises involving multiple levels of government

The first three articles of the U.S. Constitution

Explain the powers delegated to the national government

Article Four of the U.S. Constitution

Explains the powers reserved to the state governments

The tenth amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Reserves to the states any powers not delegated to the national government

Explain the significance of McCulloh v. Maryland and describe how the case relates to federalism

McCullouh v. Maryland: The state of Maryland attempted to tax the Baltimore branch of the federally created bank of the United States. This confirmed the legitimacy of the bank of the United States, upholding Congress’s use of elastic cause. This also further emphasize article VI that states had no power to tax a federal institution. This clearly defined that federal law or power trumps state law or power.

Article II "Each State retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled." -Articles of Confederation
This quote best reflects the principle of


Which of the following is a true statement?

The Anti-federalists demanded more written protection than the Federalists did for individual rights.

"The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses it strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundation of society." -Thomas Jefferson
Which of the following statements both relates to the quote above and supports it?

The rule of the majority with protection for the minorities rights is essential for preserving the liberties of all.

Because of the principle rule of law

Even the president can be arrested and place on trial

Which of the following amendments to the US Constitution reflects the principle of federalism?

The 10th amendment reserves the rights to the states not assigned to the national government

The veto power of the president under the US Constitution best reflects the principle of

Checks and balances

Which of the following parts of the US Constitution best reveals the principle of federalism

Amendment process

Americans would be most likely to except some limitations to the rights when

Public safety is considered at risk

The rights of individuals

Have limits in order to protect the rights of others and the common good

Why is freedom of expression an important right in American society?

People must be able to share ideas without fear of punishment to participate in civic life

People who are against capital punishment argue that it violates the

Eighth amendment

One way the Constitution limits individuals rights is that it

Allows the legislative branch to make laws deemed necessary to maintain stability and security

Which of the following makes a true statement?

The Constitution limits the powers of government as one way of securing individual rights.

Which of the following explains the outcome and significance of the McCulloch v. Maryland case?

Supreme court decided in favor of McCulloch, that the United States could operate a national bank and States cannot tax the national government.

Which of the following describes reserved powers?

They belong only to the state governments

The framers of the constitution could not have anticipated creating an Air Force. Therefore, it’s creation is an example of

An implied power

Which of the following is an example of an expressed powers?

Creating the post office

Who has the responsibility for settling disputes over meaning in the constitution?

Judicial branch

Which of the following makes a true statements about the constitution and the government?

It limits the governments power through listing it’s responsibilities and including a bill of rights

Which of the following is a check on the power of the judicial branch?

The House of Representatives impeaches a justice

Federalism is the principle that the

Central and state government share power and responsibility

Which of the following describes the power to create and collect taxes in the United States?


According to the American colonist, a government is only legitimate if it has

Consent of the governed

Which of the following quotes best reflects principle of popular sovereignty in the Declaration of Independence

"He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people."

Did the Declaration of Independence reflect the principle of individual rights?

Yes, it listed the grievances against the king for abuses of the colonists rights

Which of the following quotes on the Declaration of Independence reflects the principle of popular sovereignty?

"We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of the colonist declare, these United colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states."

"Framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself." -Federalist No. 51
This quote supports the idea that the government must

Have separation of powers with checks and balances so that while it governs, it’s own power is also limited

Anti-federalist believe that a Bill of Rights was

Necessary because the constitution did not specify protection for individual rights

"The powers of government are to heavily weighted on the side of the national government and against the state governments."
The author or speaker of this quote would have been

And anti-federalist arguing against ratification of the Constitution in favor of a weaker national government

Which of the following is a function of only the house of representatives, not the Senate?

Proposing tax bills

If the president vetoes a bill, the

Legislative branch can override the veto with a 2/3 vote

The speaker of the house is the leader of the

Majority political party ands sets the agenda for legislative work

The purpose of a conference committee is to

Resolve Differences between house and senate versions of similar bills

Who is the commander-in-chief according to the US Constitution


The Electoral college

Chooses the president and is based on the number of congress members from each state

Which of the following is a true statement about article 2 of the constitution

It grants the president the power to lead the Armed Forces

Article 2 of the constitution

Allows the president to appoint federal officials

A law that limits How much money a bank can lend to its consumers at one time would be enforced by the

Federal reserve system

Censorship of contents on public radio and television stations would be enforced by the

Federal Communications Commission

The Democratic republican party was created from a coalition of

Anti-federalist who opposed a strong central government

How do Interest groups influence public policy

They lobby the members of legislative committees to convince them to vote a certain way on bills

The electoral college is a

Plan that framers of the Nations government made to balance the relative power between the states

Voter Turn out tends to be highest in

Presidential elections

The US House of Representatives contains

435 members and is considered more likely to represent constituent interest

The US Senate contains

100 members and is considered more stable and immune to passing popular whims

Which of the following statements is true about the U.S. Senate

It’s members have six year terms, with 1/3 of the total members up for reelection every two years

Which of the following list the qualifications for the U.S. Senate as described in article 1 of the constitution

At least 30 years old, at least nine years a US citizen, and a resident of the state chosen to represent

A member of the House of Representatives

Is not required to be a resident of the district elected to represent but usually is by tradition

How do the house and senate differ in the powers related to impeachment

The house can impeach federal officials and then the senate would conduct the impeachment trial

"To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers." U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8
The quote above is

Also known as the elastic clause because it gives Congress flexibility in the types of legislation it passes

According to article 1 of the US Constitution

Only the Senate has the power to approve foreign treaties and presidential appointments

If the majority party in the house is the Democratic Party then the

Speaker will be a member of the Democratic Party

A committee that will only exist temporarily to create a certain type of bill would be a

Ad hoc committee

which of the following does describes the membership of a joint committee, such as the joint economic committee

Members from both the House and the Senate

Which of the following reflects congress acting on an implied power in the constitution

Creating a set of National standards for public schools

"A bill to raise the tax rate on those earning over $1 million annually" A bill with a title like this one could

Only originate in the house

The main Function of the executive branch is to

Carry out and enforce laws and policies

An independent regulatory agency

Is part of the executive branch

An example of a cabinet department is the

Office of health and human services

According to the Constitution, the president has the power to

Grant pardons for federal crimes

Which of the following is a duty of the president outlined in the Constitution

Give yearly state of the union speech

The president of the United States

Can appoint officials to the federal bureaucracy with the approval of the senate

The qualifications for US president are

35 years of age, US citizen, and resident for previous 14 years under article two of the constitution

The president exerts the most influence over

Appointments to federal agency positions

The central intelligence agency operates as

An independent agency responsible for gathering intelligence about foreign nations

The existence of independent regulatory agencies depends on the


The department of state is

A cabinet department that is part of the executive branch under the constitution

When people complain about big government they are referring to the

Size and power of the federal bureaucracy

Who would recall an unsafe toy that presents a choking hazard to young children

Consumer product safety commission

One way the media influences public policy is that it

Spreads the political messages of individuals and groups

A person with conservative views believes that government should have a

Weak role in people’s daily lives and is more likely to support the Republican Party

Individuals described as left of center have

Liberal views and are likely to support policies that expand government services

The Democratic-Republican Party was founded based on

Thomas Jefferson’s leadership and the anti-federalists ideology

The two major political parties in the United States compete the most with one another for the votes of


The Coalition of Homeless has served as a valuable resource of information and assistance to those in poverty as well as lawmakers and other interested people in New York City. Coalition for the homeless is a(n)

Interest group promoting programs that help needy people

Which of the following is a true statement?

The constitution makes no mention of political parties or their role in policy making.

A difference between a political party and an interest group is that the main goal of

A political party is to get its members elected into political office

Interest groups

Form based on people’s shared issues, viewpoints, or experiences

Third parties are similar to interest groups because they

Tend to focus on a single issue

Imagine your state is considering a bill that would ban people from destroying the American flag in protests acts. The citizens flag alliance publishes an article on it’s website about the proposed policy. Explain what their position would mostly likely be on the idea and what actions they might take to get it passed or not passed.

If Arizona passed a bill that would ban people from destroying the American flag in protest acts CFA would voice their opinion and talk to lobbyists to have it passed. Once, A man in Texas was arrested for burning the American flag. He argued that he’s allowed to do this under the first amendment. He felt that his freedom of speech was violated. Even though Burning our flag is something really horrible to do, you are technically allowed to do it under the Bill of Rights. The citizens flag alliance would definitely support this bill because their main purpose is to prevent congress from passing bills that would allow the flag to be treated like this.

The U.S. Census is most likely to result in

Changes in policy and representation in congress

The number of a state’s electoral votes would change if the

State population has a major change compared to other states

A primary election is the

Method used to select candidates to run in an election, may be open or closed to other parties.

In the election of 2000, Florida was

A swing state with challenged votes

Imagine you are on a committee studying whether or not you to make changes to the electoral college system. What would you recommend??

I think maybe abolishing the electoral college is a good change, and introducing direct vote as a replacement. Some reasons for abolishing electoral college and introducing direct vote for the candidate is that voting would be more transparent and understandable to voters, voters might be more motivated to go because their vote would have more direct influence, and/or situation when a president did not get a majority of votes would not be possible Iike today.

The highest ranking member of the U.S. Senate when the Vice President is absent is the

President pro tempore

According to article I of the constitution, who had the ability to approve foreign treaties?

The senate only

Which of the following quotes from the constitution describes the senate?

"No person who shall have not attained to the age of 30 years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an habitant of that state for which he shall be chosen."

"When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the executive authority therefore shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies." -Article I , US Constitution what would happen if a senator or representative from Florida resigned or left office for some reason, according to this quote?

The governor of the state will call for an election to replace the senator or representative

The president is responsible for

Making sure the laws are carried out

According to the US Constitution, which of the following people would be elgible to run for US president?

Robert, 36 years old, born and lived all his life in Georgia

Which of the following is true about the electoral college today?

Each state has the number of those based on its representation

Section 2 of article 2 of the Constitution gives the president the ability to pardon offenses made against the United States except in cases of


The regulatory agency that monitors and regulates banking activity is the

Federal reserve system

The powers and actions of independent regulatory agencies are created and overseen by

Congress and intended to help the government run smoother

Political parties are

People who share beliefs and support their members in elections

Early leaders of the United States who preferred a strong rules for the central government became the first members of the

Federalist party

Interest groups can influence public policy because they

Lobby the members of legislative committees to convince them to vote a certain way on bills

The last decade of the 19 century saw an incredible expansion in use of the


Which of the following is an example of the president using new technology or the time To connect with the American people?

Franklin D Roosevelt broadcasted his weekly fireside chats over the radio in the 1930s

Which communication tool would allow a current presidential candidate to most effectively interact. With the greatest number of citizens?

A frequently updated social media site with a question and answer forum

"Candidate Florent is obviously the better man for the job. No one can match his education and experience." This quote shows that the reporter

Has a bias in favor of Florent

"When are vital interests are challenged, or the will and conscience of the international community defied, we will act with peacefully diplomacy whenever possible, with force when necessary." -President Clinton, 1993 inaugural address In this quote, president Clinton

Reveals his value for finding peaceful resolutions to problems over war

With regard to electoral college,

Many states now mandate that their elections go to the candidate who wins the popular vote, fueling the argument that the electoral college should be abolished.

In federal midterm elections, voters choose

Who will represent them in the house and senate

Imagining yourstate is considering a mandatory seatbelt law to address a large number of vehicle crash related deaths in recent years. Analyze whether the benefits of creating this law are worth the cost

The media and individual citizens both have an impact in determining and shaping public policy. Without media, citizens do not have knowledge of what policies are introduced in political agenda because of the great impact media has on our daily life. unless citizens have time to leave their current job to get deeply involved in political issues without media support. Media and individual citizens work together on determining in shaping public policy. The media is, hit or miss, depending on where the media stands on certain public policy issues. The media mentions policy issues or concerns their point of view. If certain policy issues are not in the media’s interests the media will not make an effort to mention certain public policy issues. The government controls vast majority of media outlets, and filters issues that the government doesn’t want individual citizens to learn about.

A case appealed from a Georgia Court of Appeals would go to the

Georgia court of last resort

Jurisdiction means the

Authority to hear and rule on certain type of case

Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution

Names only the supreme court

Most cases in the US Supreme Court are excepted by

Writ of certiorari

Most federal judges serve for

Life or until resignation

Which of the following does article 3 of the US Constitution gives Congress the power to do?

Establish lower courts

Which of the following cases would be heard first in a state trial court?

Damages related to a car accident

Which of the following cases would the US Supreme Court be the first to hear?

A criminal trial involving a US ambassador

Which of the following describes the selection of federal judges?

The president nominate someone to fill a vacancy, and the Senate confirms the choice.

Which of the following is true about the Supreme Court justices?

The Chief Justice and associate justices serve for life or until resignation

Petitions to the us Supreme Court have

Increased over time and are primarily excepted by writ of certiorari

What is the role of a judge in a jury trial?

The judge make sure the evidence is presented fairly and the jurors understand the law and procedures

What makes a parliamentary government different from the United States?

It’s legislature has authority over the executive branch, with the ability to select and remove executive leaders

Which of the following best describes how a unitary government is different from the government of the United States?

It has a central government that exercises complete control over smaller units of government, like states.

How might several countries all described as federations differ in practice

The state governments may vary in amounts of powers shared with the central government

Canada and Mexico are similar to the United States because all three countries are described as

Indirect democracies and federations

A country that deliberately places socialist principles into actions is

Communist, like China

Democratization in a country

Depends on the qualitative and quantitive data

The unblocking of popular social media websites in Myanmar is an indication that

Democratization is taking place

Elections in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s rule were

Fraudulent elections indicating decreased levels of democratization

Which of the following is a true statement about freedom house?

It is a non governmental organization based in the United States that monitors and promotes democratization around the world

Which of the following explains the relationship between Internet use, GDP, and democratization

All tend to increase together because greater access to information and markets gives people more individual power

Describe a government based effort to improve resource use and management

One example is the three gorges dam in China. Is the worlds largest hydroelectric plant that has just had its last generator put in. It was built to provide clean energy but also to control the annual flooding of the Yangtze River which has been a historic problem for China. It’s also project that has a lot of controversy over it, forcing 1.4 million people to move to new homes because of that reservoir it would create, flooding out villages and cities behind a dam. There are also a large number of environmental concerns over it.

Explain how governments of two different countries are similar and different

Germany, the power is with the people, a democracy , which are represented by the members of the parliament: it’s a representative democracy and also federation of 16 states. Iran, is it theocracy: a country ruled by the members of the clergy. It can also be named an oligarchy: the power is with a few members of the society.

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