a&p muscles

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buccinator muscle is innervated by the

facial nerve

at its insertion, the buccinator muscle

attaches to fibers of another facial muscle

the buccinator muscles function is to

compress the cheek

the masseter muscle originates on the

medial surfaces of the maxilla and the zygomatic arch as well as the inferior border of the zygomatic arch

the masseter is innervated by what branch of the trigeminal nerve?


the temporalis muscle originates on the

temporal fossa

the temporalis muscle inserts on the

coronoid process of the mandible

the temporalis muscle is innervated by the mandibular branch of the

trigeminal nerve

the external intercostals elevate the ribcage during


the origin of the external obliques includes ribs

five through twelve

The actions of the internal obliques include

compression of the abdomen to assist in forced expiration

the origins of the rectus abdominus muscle are on the

pubic bone

the transversus abdominus muscle is innervated by the

intercostals nerves

the fibers of the illiocostalis muscle are divided into which three regions?

lumbar, thoracic, cervical

the entire length of longissimus muscle extends from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the


the insertions of the semispinatus capitus are on the

occipital bone

the least variable of the different parts of the spinalis muscle is the

spinalis thoracis

acting bilaterally, the splenius capitis

extends the head

action of the rectus abdominis

depression of ribs, flexion of vertebral column, and compression of abdomen

group of muscles that act as antagonists when the hyoid bone is elevated

infrahyoid muscles

origin of splenius capitis

spinous processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae

insertion of splenius capitis

occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone

what muscle elevates the corners of your mouth when you smile?

zygomaticus major

movement of blinking/squinting your eye is initiated by what circular muscle around the eye?

orbicularis oculi

when you frown, what muscle depresses the corners of your mouth?

depressor anguli oris

when you grit your teeth and the skin on the anterior surface of your neck tenses up, what muscles causes this contraction?


what muscle compresses your cheeks by whistling or blowing? (relatively large muscle of facial expression that can be palpated in your cheek wall)


if a person’s right hypoglossal nerve is not functioning, what would happen when they stick their tongue out?

tongue would lag/curl to the right, as the motor signals are not received on that side to keep it taught

what muscles would act as antagonists for lateral flexion of vertebral column on the left side?

external and internal oblique on the right side

bulbospongiosus, ischiospongiosus (muscles of the pelvic floor) function

compresses and stiffens penis or clitoris

function of levator ani

supports the pelvic floor

external anal sphincter function

closes anal opening

external urethral sphincter function

opens and closes urethral opening

all fibers of the pectoralis major muscle converge on the lateral edge of the

intertubercular sulcus

anterior muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the

pectoralis major muscle

the posterior axial muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the

latissimus dorsi

the origins of the levator scapula are from

the transverse processes of the four cervical vertebrae

action that moves scapula towards the head


movement that results after the contraction of the serratus anterior muscle

scapular protraction and rotation

movement that is not associated with the scapula


pectoral girdle consists of

clavicle and scapula

primary function of pectoral girdle

act as an attachment site for muscles that move the arm

rhomboideus minor muscle originates from

spinous process on the vertebrae

four muscles that compromise the posterior group of the pectoral girdle

levator scapular, rhomboideus minor, rhomboideus major, and trapezius

most flexible joint in the body

shoulder joint

muscles of shoulder can be divided into groups based on

distribution and functional relationships

which muscle groups are not muscles of shoulder

anterior flexor muscles

pectoralis minor is innervated by the

pectoral nerves

actions of rhomboid major on the scapula do not include

lateral rotation

rhomboid minor sits

superior to the rhomboid major

trapezius muscle is separated into

middle, inferior, superior

all fibers of the trapezius muscle are innervated by the

spinal accessory nerve

the origin of the serratus anterior includes how many ribs?


the deltoid muscle fibers are separated into

anterior, middle, posterior

the middle fibers of the deltoid muscle

abduct the arm

the infraspinatus inserts on the

greater tubercle of the humerus

the infraspinatus muscle is included in what muscles?

rotator cuff muscles

the latissimus dorsi inserts

on the intertubercular groove of the humerus

one of the actions of the latissimus dorsi muscle is to

adduct the arm

what is the prime mover of the glenohumeral joint during flexion?


which of the following muscles assists during extension of the glenohumeral joint, but is not as a prime mover?

teres major

without lateral rotation of the humerus by the teres minor and infraspinatus muscles, the maximum angle of abduction by the deltoid would be

90 degrees

abduction requires the action of 2 muscles, and adduction requires the action of

4 muscles

a reduction in the lateral angle of the glenohumeral joint in relation to the anatomical position would be called


movement of the shoulder laterally away from the body is called


to keep the humeral head centered within the glenoidal cavity the rotator cuff muscles must be

located in the same place

the location of the rotator cuff muscles in relation to the glenohumoral joint minimizes the upward pressure against the

acromion of the scapula

of the 9 muscles that cross the shoulder joint and insert on the humerus, which muscle is considered the prime mover?


what groups of fibers is the pectoralis minor muscle divided into?

superior (clavicular) and inferior (sternocostal)

what are the key actions of the pectoralis major muscle?

medial rotation and adduction

downward dislocation of the humerus from the glenohumeral joint when carrying weight is prevented by the

supraspinatus muscle

the angle of which muscle prevents the humeral head from sliding upward out of the joint as the arm is raised?


the rotator cuff is a term used to describe the group of muscles and tendons that stabilize and reinforce the

glenohumeral joint

all the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles combine at which location?

humeral head

the 2 heads of the biceps brachii muscle converge distally to insert on the

radial tuberosity

the coracobrachialis muscle originates on the

coracoid process of the scapula

the posterior scapular muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the

teres major

the subscapularis muscle inserts on the

lesser tubercle of the humerus

the insertion of the supraspinatus muscle is on the

greater tubercle of the humerus

the insertion of the teres minor is on the

greater tubercle of the humerus

the two heads of the biceps brachii combine to insert on the

radial tuberosity

the brachialis muscle is located _________ to the biceps brachii muscle


what muscle generates the most power during elbow flexion


what is the prime mover of elbow extension?

triceps brachii

what is the smallest of the posterior extensors of the elbow joint?


the origin of the long head of the triceps brachii is on the

infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

the muscles that extend the forearm are located


forearm supination is assisted by the

biceps brachii

an origin of the supinator is the

lateral epicondyle of the humerus

all fibers of the triceps brachii are innervated by the

radial nerve

movement of the forearm includes

pronation and supination

the interosseous membrane is located between the

radius and ulna

the palmaris longus inserts on the

palmart aponeurosis

to allow movement of the tendons within the carpal tunnel zone, each tendon is encased in a


carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by

inflammation of the flexor retinaculum and/or tendon sheaths

the origin of the flexor carpi radialis is on the


what does the flexor carpi ulnaris do?

adducts the wrist

what are the three heads of the flexor digitorum superficials?

humeral, radial, and ulnar

the brachioradialis is a strong forearm


the actions of the extensor carpi radialis brevis are localized to the


the insertion of the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle is on

metacarpal two

the insertion of the extensor digitorum branches into

four tendons

the prime mover of wrist extension is the

extensor digitorum

wrist abduction occurs through the actions of how many muscles?


the forearm muscles are divided into anterior flexors and posterior extensors, as well as

deep and superficial layers

the deep posterior extensor of the wrist and fingers

controls the thumb and index finger

the majority of the fibers of the gluteus maximus insert onto the

ileotibial tract

the gluteus maximus is the most powerful muscle during


the gluteus medius muscle is innervated by the

superior gluteal nerve

the tensor fasciae latae stabilizes what joints?

the hip joint and the knee joint

both the psoas major muscle and iliacus muscle insert on the

lesser trochanter of the femur

muscles that act on the knee joint form most of the mass of the


the origin of the rectus femoris is the

anterior inferior iliac spine

the rectus femoris muscle extends the leg at the


the origin of the sartorius muscle is from the

anterior superior iliac spine

the vastus lateralis is innervated by the

femoral nerve

the medial muscles of the hip joint that insert on the linea aspera are the

adductor magnus, adductor brevis, adductor longus

the insertion of the pectineus muscle is _______ and on the _________

posterior, femur

the pectineus muscle _______ the thigh and is innervated by the ________ nerve

adducts and flexes, femoral

both heads of the biceps femoris muscle

flex the leg at the knee

the long head of the biceps femoris muscle originates on the

ischial tuberosity

the biceps femoris is located in the

posterior thigh

the hamstring muscle originates on the

ischial tuberosity

the lateral rotators act on the


the piriformis originates on the _______ and inserts on the _________

sacrum, greater trochanter of the femur

the main action of the fibularis longus is to

evert the foot

the extensor hallucis longus muscle inserts on digit


the flexor hallucis longus muscle originates on the

interosseous membrane

the soleus and the gastrocnemius share an insertion on the


the prime mover of dorsiflexion is the

tibialis anterior

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