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Which of the following is not a phase of hemostasis? A fibrinolysis B vascular spasm C platelet plug formation D coagulation


Which of the following is characteristic of all leukocytes? A They are phagocytic. B They have cytoplasmic granules. C They are nucleated. D They are the most numerous of the formed elements in blood.


Which of the following is not a structural characteristic that contributes to erythrocyte gas transport functions? A mitotically active B produces energy anaerobically C few organelles provide room for more hemoglobin D biconcave shape


Which of the following is not a functional characteristic of WBCs? A diapedesis B positive chemotaxis C ameboid motion D granulosis


What organ in the body regulates erythrocyte production? A kidney B pancreas C brain D liver


If you centrifuge (spin) whole blood you will find the band of white blood cells and platelets (the Buffy coat) is much thinner than the packed red blood cells below it. This difference reflects the fact that ________. A platelets are larger than red blood cells B white blood cells are fewer in number than red blood cells C white blood cells are smaller than red blood cells D platelets are larger than white blood cells


With a patient that is administered an injection of erythropoietin (EPO) you would expect to see ________. A decreased white blood cell count B increased hematocrit C increased white blood cell count D decreased hematocrit


Which two factors below make rapid and substantial blood loss life threatening? A loss of blood pressure and loss of oxygen carrying capacity B loss of immunity and loss of carbon dioxide carrying capacity C loss of immunity and loss of blood pressure D loss of clotting ability and loss of osmotic pressure


When neither anti-A serum nor anti-B serum clot on a blood plate with donor blood, the blood is type ________. A O B A C B D AB


Which of the choices below is the parent cell for all formed elements of blood? A megakaryocyte B polymorphonuclear cell C hemocytoblast D normoblast


Which of the following might trigger erythropoiesis? A an increased number of RBCs B hypoxia of EPO-producing cells C decreased tissue demand for oxygen D moving to a lower altitude


A person exhibiting suppression of immunity, clotting disorder as well as low oxygen carrying capacity is likely suffering which of the following? A hemorrhagic anemia B iron deficiency anemia C pernicious anemia D aplastic anemia


A mismatch of blood types during a transfusion is dangerous because ________. A clotting factors in the donor’s blood will cause unwanted clots known as thrombus B preformed antibodies in the recipient’s blood will bind and clump (agglutinate) the donated cells C white blood cells from the donor’s blood cause inflammation D antibodies in the donor’s plasma will attack and kill the recipient’s healthy blood cells


A lack of intrinsic factor, leading to a deficiency of vitamin B12 and causing an appearance of large pale cells called macrocytes, is characteristic of ________. A polycythemia B sickle-cell anemia C pernicious anemia D aplastic anemia


Which blood type is generally called the universal donor? A B B AB C O D A


No visible cytoplasmic granules are present in ________. A basophils B monocytes C neutrophils D eosinophils


If you centrifuge (spin) whole blood, you will find the red blood cells (erythrocytes) at the bottom of the tube and white blood cells atop them. This implies that ________. A red blood cells are larger than white blood cells B white blood cells are fewer in number than red blood cells C white blood cells are smaller than red blood cells D red blood cells have a greater density than white blood cells


A person with an extremely high count of neutrophils is likely suffering ________. A a viral infection B polycythemia C anemia D a bacterial infection


Loss of fibrinogen within the plasma would most likely cause which of the following? A pallor (pale skin) B edema (swelling) C fever with pain D loss of blood clotting


What is the average normal pH range of blood? A 8.35-8.45 B 7.75-7.85 C 4.65-4.75 D 7.35-7.45


Fred’s blood was determined to be AB positive. What does this mean? A His blood lacks Rh factor. B There are no antibodies to A, to B, or to Rh antigens in the plasma. C Antibodies to A and B are present in the red cells. D He can only receive blood from a donor who is AB positive.


If a person is severely dehydrated you would expect to see all of the following except ________. A higher hematocrit B lower plasma levels C higher blood viscosity D lower immunity


Hemolytic disease of the newborn will not be possible in which of the following situations listed below? A if the father is Rh+ B if the child is type O positive C if the father is Rh- D if the child is Rh+


An individual who is blood type AB negative can ________. A donate to all blood types in moderate amounts B receive any blood type in moderate amounts except that with the Rh antigen C donate to types A, B, and AB, but not to type O D receive types A, B, and AB, but not type O


Which of the following would provide no benefit to a person suffering any one of the various types of anemia? A supplemental oxygen delivered by mask B blood transfusion C treatment with synthetic erythropoietin D supplemental bilirubin injection

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