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Which is not correct regarding articulations?

All articulations contain some type of cartilage.

The term diarthrosis refers to a joint that is:

freely mobile.

In fibrous joints, the articulating surfaces are held together by:

dense regular connective tissue.

The sagittal suture is a(n):

fibrous joint.

Sutures are joints that are found:

between certain bones of the skull.

An articular capsule is present in:

synovial joints.


are found only in tooth sockets.

Functionally, a gomphosis is categorized as a:


The interosseous membrane between the radius and the ulna is an example of a:


Structurally, a syndesmosis is a _________ joint; functionally, it is a __________.

fibrous, amphiarthrosis

The pubic symphysis is classified as a:

cartilaginous joint and an amphiarthrosis.

A synarthrosis is:


A synarthrotic joint would have:

low mobility and high stability.

Which is not a cartilaginous joint?

Second sternocostal joint

In a young person, the joint between the sphenoid bone and the occipital bone is a:


What type of cartilage is located between the bones in a symphysis?


Which is not true about synovial joints?

Blood circulates within the joint cavity to nourish the articular cartilage.

Which is not a function of synovial fluid?

Nourishes osteocytes

Which is not true regarding ligaments?

Intrinsic ligaments are thickenings of the articular cartilage.

Which are not considered to be features of a synovial joint?


Fluid-filled sacs that cushion synovial joints are called:


Synovial fluid is:

an oily fluid produced by the synovial membrane.

Based on its range of motion, the elbow is classified as a(n) __________ joint.


Which joint is multiaxial?

Ball and socket

Which of these synovial joints does not have at least one rounded or convex surface?


The joint formed by the axis and atlas that permits the "no" shaking of the head is a _____ joint.


The metatarsophalangeal joints allow movement in two planes and are classified as _________ joints.


Which is not a correct pairing of a joint with its classification?

Intertarsal – condylar

The ________ joint is the simplest synovial joint and also the least mobile synovial joint.


The fixed point around which a lever rotates is the _________.


In the body, a joint serves as a ________ for a long bone.


When considering leverage, the part of the bone from the muscle attachment to the joint would be the:

effort arm.

If a heavy load is at one end of a lever, the distance between the fulcrum and that load is called the:

resistance arm.

In a first class lever:

the fulcrum is in the middle, between the effort and the resistance.

When considering joints in the human body, the most common lever type is the:

third-class lever.

The way that our calf muscles contract to cause plantarflexion resembles the lever system of a wheelbarrow; it is a _______ class lever.


In general, the movements demonstrated at plane joints between the carpals are:

gliding movements.

A movement that increases or decreases the angle between two bones is a(n) __________ motion.


When the angle between articulating bones increases beyond the anatomical position, the movement is referred to as:


Rotation of the forearm so as to direct the palm anteriorly (as in anatomic position) is called:


Movement of a body part toward the main axis of the body is called:


The movement that occurs when the trunk of the body moves in a coronal plane laterally away from the body is:

lateral flexion.

When the arm is raised anteriorly, the movement at the shoulder is:


If you move your head in such a way to look up at the ceiling, you are _________ your neck.


Clenching the fingers to make a fist, then relaxing and straightening them is an example of __________ followed by __________.

flexion, extension

The joint movement called eversion involves:

turning the sole of the foot laterally.

If you were to reach out your hand to receive a set of keys from someone, what movements of your forearm and hand would be involved?

Supination and extension

Which does not correctly pair a movement with its opposing movement?

Elevation – retraction

In the temporomandibular joint, a pad of fibrocartilage called the _________ divides the synovial cavity into two separate chambers.

articular disc

Which is not a correct pairing of a joint with its common name?

Glenohumeral joint – elbow

The articular capsule of the temporomandibular joint is exceptionally:


When protracting the jaw or making small side to side movements during chewing, the temporomandibular joint makes ________ movements.


When elevating the mandible to chew food, the temporomandibular joint functions as a _________ joint.


Which ligament is not associated with the glenohumeral joint?

Humeral collateral ligament

The acromioclavicular joint is part of the:


The sternoclavicular joint is a saddle joint with a _______ range of movement.


The coracoclavicular ligament is a ______ ligament that connects the clavicle to part of the _______.

strong, scapula

The glenohumeral joint exhibits:

a low level of stability but a wide range of motion.

One of the weakest parts of the shoulder, is the part that lacks tendons of the rotator cuff. This weak area is the ______ aspect of the shoulder.


The glenohumeral ligaments are:

weak and indistinct.

Which joints are responsible for flexion and extension at the elbow?

Humeroulnar and humeroradial

The elbow is a _______ joint.


Which ligament is responsible for holding the head of the radius in place?

Anular ligament

The main ligament supporting the lateral aspect of the elbow is the:

radial collateral ligament.

The elbow contains _____ articular capsule(s).


The fibrocartilage rim that deepens the hip socket is the:

acetabular labrum.

Strong reinforcement for the anterior aspect of the hip joint is provided by the Y-shaped:

iliofemoral ligament.

The ligamentum teres of the hip extends from the:

acetabulum to the head of the femur.

When compared to the shoulder, the hip joint has:

a deeper bony socket and stronger supporting ligaments.

In addition to its hinge function, when the knee is _______ it allows for some slight ________.

flexed, rotation

Which knee ligament is most crucial for preventing hyperadduction?

Fibular collateral ligament

In addition to the joint between the tibia and the femur, the knee contains a joint between the:

patella and the femur.

The patellar ligament attaches the patella to the:


Which of the following describes a meniscus?

Fibrous cartilage pads

What is the function of the cruciate ligaments in the knee joint?

Limit the movement of the femur on the tibia

The deltoid ligament, lateral ligament, and tibiofibular ligaments belong to the ________ joint.


In the human body, joints start to form by the _________ week of embryonic development.


During development of synovial joints, the articular capsule forms from mesenchymal tissue that is:

laterally located.

Common, wear-and-tear arthritis in which repeated use of a joint gradually wears down the articular cartilage, is known as:


This figure shows the temporomandibular joint. Which number indicates the stylomandibular ligament?


This figure shows the temporomandibular joint. Which number indicates the articular capsule?


These figures show the coxal joint. Which number indicates the pubofemoral ligament?


These figures show the coxal joint. What structure does number 6 indicate?

Ligament of head of femur

This figure shows the knee joint. Which number indicates the tibial collateral ligament?


This figure shows the knee joint. What structure does number 4 indicate?

Anterior cruciate ligament

This figure shows a sagittal section of the knee joint. Which number indicates the menisci?


This figure shows a sagittal section of the knee joint. Which number indicates the patellar ligament?


This figure shows a sagittal section of the knee joint. Which number indicates the prepatellar bursa?


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