3.08 Module Exam

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"When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies."—Article I, US Constitution

What would happen if a senator or representative from Florida resigned or left office for some reason, according to this quote?

The governor of the State would call for an election to replace the senator or representative.

The president would call for a national election to replace the senator or representative.

Members of the president’s bureaucracy would organize an election to take place in that state.

Members of the state legislature would elect someone from their group as a replacement.

The governor of the State would call for an election to replace the senator or representative.

The lawmaking process can be very time-consuming because the

Constitution places a time minimum for Congress to consider all new bills before voting

bills go through committees of Congress members who carefully study each new idea

president can interrupt the work of Congress at any time to focus on another issue

Supreme Court must review all proposed bills before Congress can vote on them

bills go through committees of Congress members who carefully study each new idea

According to Article I of the U.S. Constitution, who has the power to "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization"?

the President

the Executive Branch

the Legislative Branch

the Supreme Court

the Legislative Branch

A law that limits the content of popup advertisements on the Internet would be enforced by the

Federal Communications Commission

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Federal Reserve System

U.S. Postal Service

Federal Communications Commission

Which of the following states lost the most seats in the House of Representatives because of the 2010 election?


New York



New York

A logical conclusion from this map is that the

total overall population of the state of Florida increased

total overall population of the state of Florida decreased

people moving to new counties explains most of the changes

people moving from other states explains most of the changes

total overall population of the state of Florida increased

November (Voting) Supplement, 2000-2006.Based on the data in this table, young voters were least likely to have cast a ballot in the

2000 presidential election

2004 presidential election

2002 midterm election

2006 midterm election

2002 midterm election

Based on this graph of the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, 18- to 29-year-olds were

more likely to be registered to vote in 2004 than in 2000

less likely to be registered to vote in 2004 than in 2000

more likely to be voting for the first time in 2004 than in 2000

less likely to be voting for the first time in 2004 than in 2000

less likely to be voting for the first time in 2004 than in 2000

The regulatory agency that creates media and Internet regulations is the

Federal Communications Commission

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Federal Reserve System

U.S. Postal Service

Federal Communications Commission

Descriptions of the requirements and powers of the president may be found in

Article I of the U.S. Constitution

Article II of the U.S. Constitution

Article III of the U.S. Constitution

Article IV of the U.S. Constitution

Article II of the U.S. Constitution

"We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well while a growing number of Americans barely get by, or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, and everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules. What’s at stake aren’t Democratic values or Republican values, but American values. And we have to reclaim them."—President Barack Obama, State of the Union, 2012

In this quote, President Obama

uses omission to hide that most Americans are financially stable and that change is unnecessary

references the successes of past leadership that are different from his goals for the coming year

appeals to Americans’ sense of fairness to increase support among different parties for his agenda

includes biased language in favor of his political party that separates people with different platforms

appeals to Americans’ sense of fairness to increase support among different parties for his agenda

After the 2010 election, Democratic President Barack Obama would have found that his policy ideas would be somewhat

easier to pass through the House

easier to pass through the Senate

more difficult to pass through the both the House and the Senate

more difficult to pass through the House, but not the Senate

more difficult to pass through the both the House and the Senate

Which of the following makes a true statement?

In the 2000 presidential election, Florida had 25 electoral votes. Now it has 27 electoral votes because the system unfairly rewards states that make mistakes in elections.

In the 2000 presidential election, Florida had 25 electoral votes. Now it has 27 electoral votes because the census determined that the state’s population had increased.

In the 2000 presidential election, Florida had 27 electoral votes. Now it will have 25 electoral votes because the law mandates that the electors for each state will decrease.

In the 2000 presidential election, Florida had 27 electoral votes. Now it has 25 electoral votes because though it should have more, the state has had election problems.

In the 2000 presidential election, Florida had 25 electoral votes. Now it has 27 electoral votes because the census determined that the state’s population had increased.

Federal political campaigns in recent years have expanded their use of

social networking sites to connect with voters

radio programming during typical driving hours

television programming to discuss detailed issues

newspaper advertisements in local and state news

social networking sites to connect with voters

Which of the following statements is true?

From the 1920s to 1940s, the radio was growing quickly as a source of political news.

From the 1920s to 1940s, the television was growing quickly as a source of political news.

From the 1880s to 1890s, the Internet was decreasing quickly as a source of political news.

From the 1880s to 1890s, the newspaper was decreasing quickly as a source of political news.

From the 1920s to 1940s, the radio was growing quickly as a source of political news.

The highest ranking member of the U.S. Senate when the Vice President is absent is the

Speaker of the House

Speaker Pro Tempore

President of the House

President Pro Tempore

President Pro Tempore

Since the 2000 election, youth voter turnout in presidential elections has generally

remained consistently low

increased each election year

varied considerably, based on the current election issues

varied considerably, based on the presidential candidates

increased each election year

Who shall have the power to "be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States," according to the U.S. Constitution?

The House of Representatives

The Supreme Court

The U.S. President

The Senate

The U.S. President

Section 2 of Article II of the Constitution gives the president the ability to pardon offenses made against the United States except in cases of






The purpose of the State of the Union address is to provide the opportunity for the

House to address the President about concerns regarding policies proposed by the Senate

Senate to address the President about concerns regarding policies proposed by the House

President to address Congress and the nation about the legislative goals to be accomplished

Congress to address the President and the nation about the legislative goals to be accomplished

President to address Congress and the nation about the legislative goals to be accomplished

Jones runs a television ad that shows her opponent, Smith, in black and white and looking tired. Toward the end of the ad, Jones appears smiling and in full color. In the advertisement, Jones uses

emotional appeal to increase support for Smith

omission to reduce support for Jones

factual accuracy to reduce support for Smith

biased imagery to increase support for Jones

biased imagery to increase support for Jones

"Candidate Florent is obviously the better man for the job. No one can match his education and experience."

This quote shows that the reporter

uses emotional appeal to support Florent

uses emotional appeal against Florent

has a bias in favor of Florent

has a bias against Florent

has a bias in favor of Florent

Which of the following is the most direct way an individual can influence public policy?

signing up for an interest group

belonging to a political party

voting on proposed laws

organizing a fundraiser

voting on proposed laws

Early leaders of the United States who preferred a strong role for the central government became the first members of the

Democratic-Republican Party

American Independent Party

Republican Party

Federalist Party

Federalist Party

Political parties are

people who share beliefs and support their members in elections

people with shared goals who work together to influence public policy

various means of mass communication, such as television and radio

government agencies that regulate and monitor citizens and businesses

people who share beliefs and support their members in elections

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