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Which of the following are lobbyists not required by federal law to disclose? how many members they represent

Money swapping occurs when a(n) interest group makes a contribution to a not-for-profit group which, in turn, provides laundered campaign funds to politicians.

Why is it important for interest groups to offer selective benefits? It is necessary to limit the extent of the free-rider problem

When a coalition of credit card companies forms an interest group called the Partnership to Protect Consumer Credit, this indicates that private interests are hiding behind the ideals of public interest

The Christian Coalition is best described as a(n) ________ group. Ideological

The first organized interest groups arose in response to the economic interventions of the federal government during the 1890s.

An iron triangle is made up of an alliance between a legislative committee, an interest group, and an executive agency

Which of the following statements about lobbyists and members of Congress is incorrect? Members of Congress are forbidden from ever working for an interest group once they leave office.

One way that the AARP has been effective at overcoming the free-rider problem is by providing ________ benefits to its members. Selective

_____ was an important Washington lobbyist who was indicated in 2005 on charges of violating federal lobbying laws Jack Abramoff

A PAC can contribute ________ to any candidate for federal office, provided it contributes to at least five different federal candidates each year 5,000

Which of the following groups is most likely to belong to the New Politics movement? upper-middle-class professionals, for whom the civil rights and antiwar movements of the 1960s were key experiences

The free- rider phenomenon is not related to groups in any way because it is an individual-level problem.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between lobbyists and Congress in recent years? The relationship between lobbyists and Congress has become so close that many have argued that lobbyists have become like staff members to the Republican leadership

What is the primary variable for predicting the likelihood of joining an interest group? having a higher income and education

What is the primary function of a political action committee (PAC)? to produce and carry out an institutional advertising campaign

to build better networks between interest groups and political parties

to raise and distribute money to election campaigns

Parties with a direct interest in a regulatory rule or decision are ofter termed stakeholders

Which of the following has Congress not done in recent years in order to limit the influence of interest groups? outlawed all contact between lobbyists and members of Congress during legislative sessions

When interest groups take out advertisements and hold marches, these are examples of mobilizing public opinion.

Which group is best adapted to organizing the lower classes? a political party

Which of the following statements about lobbyists and members of Congress is incorrect? Members of Congress are forbidden from ever working for an interest group once they leave office.

Which of the following statements about political parties and interest groups is most accurate? Political parties have declined in influence in recent years, while interest groups have become more numerous, active, and influential.

Both political parties and interest groups have become much less active and influential in recent years.

The increased number and importance of interest groups is due to the decline in the United States’ multiparty system.

is a response to an increase in the size and activity of government.

causes a subsequent expansion in government.

The best description of the ideal pluralism is that interests should be free to compete with each other for governmental influence

The practice of lobbying is protected by the first amendment

If one enjoys the benefits of a group’s collective efforts but did not contribute to those efforts, is called a Free rider

The christian Coalition is best described as a(n) _______ group. Ideological

Which of the following is a main theoretical assumption a pluralism? Competition among interests will produce balance, with all interests regulating each other.

What are political parties more capable of doing than interest groups? organizing people on a mass scale

Which of the following groups would be considered part of the New Politics movement? the Sierra Club

Populist supported the initiative because they saw it as a way to limit the influence of interest groups in the legislative process

A full-page, fully spread in the New York Times publicizing a major oil company is best described as institutional advertising.??

When a group is called a membership association, it means that members play an important role in the daily activities of the group.

Successful interest groups quickly become beuracratized

Interest groups are concerned with the _______ of government, while political parties are concerned with the ________ of government. policies; personnel

Interest groups are permitted to spend as much money as they want on issue advocacy during a campaign season, as long as they do not coordinate their efforts with a candidate’s own campaign organization.

Which of the following statements about PACs is most accurate? The number of both labor PACs and ideological/public interest PACs has decreased significantly since 1980.

The number of ideological/public interest PACs has increased dramatically since 1980, while the number of labor PACs has remained essentially the same.???

By 2012, there were approximately ________ PACs in the United States. 5,500

Public interest groups differ from other types of interest groups in that they claim to serve the common good, not just their own particular interests.

Organized interest groups enhance american democracy by representing the interests of large numbers of people and encouraging political participation

Which of the following has been eliminated as a result of 2002 campaign-finance reforms? Soft Money

Lobbying is an attempt by an individual or group to influence the passage of legislation by exerting direct pressure on members of Congress or a state legislature.???

The major organizational factors shared by most interest groups are very close links with the national news media, direct ties to a member of Congress, a headquarters in Washington, D.C., and members.

very close links with the national news media, connections with Hollywood, direct ties to the president of the United States, and members.

leadership, money, an agency or office, and members.

. .

Since the 1930s, the number and scale of interest groups at the national level has dramatically increased

What is the most important attempt to limit the influence of lobbyists in recent years? the 1995 lobbying disclosure act

Most initiative campaigns today are sponsored by Interest groups seeking to circumvent legislative opposition to their goals

Why is the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 important to lobbyist? It requires agencies to create opportunities for public comments before implementing new rules and regulations.

A PAC can contribute _______ to any candidate for federal office, provided it contributes to at least five different federal candidates each year. 5,000

The Teamsters and the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) are examples of what kind of interest group? a labor group

The fact that interest groups favor the wealthy and well educated can be understood as a reflection of what eternal dilemma in American politics? Liberty is often inconsistent with equality

Which of the following statements best describes the status of lobbyists for foreign interests in the the United States? Both foreign nations and foreign business interests lobby strongly for economic benefits, military aid, and other issues

Alexis de Tocqueville argued that the proliferation of groups gromoted governmental responsiveness

What distinguishes lobbying from other strategies of influence? Lobbyists try to exert pressure directly on governmental officials themselves

In recent years, the religious right has had a great effect on American politics through grassroot mobilization

When membership in an organization allows for a reduction in the price of museum tickets, it is called a meterial benefit

How can interest groups use litigation as a strategy of influence? filing amici curiae briefs, financing lawsuits, and bringing a suit on behalf of the group

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between New Politics forces and the courts during the 1970s and 1980s? New Politics forces made significant use of the courts during the 1970s and 1980s and judicial decisions were instrumental in advancing their goals

The solidary benefits of interest groups include Friendship and consciousness-raising

Which of the following groups was not established through the New Politics movement? National Association of Manufacturers

Parties with a direct interest in a regulatory rule or decision are often termed stakeholders

Members of interest groups in the United States are typically people with higher levels of income and education

Interest groups most effectively serve the upper class

The Negotiated Rulemaking Act of 1990 was designed to encourage administrative agencies to negotiate with important interest groups

Money-swapping occurs when a(n) interest group makes a contribution to a not-for-profit group which, in turn, provides laundered campaign funds to politicians.

The New Politics movement gave rise to what type of interest group? Public interest

The free-rider problem occurs because the benefits of a group’s actions are broadly available and cannot be denied to nonmembers

In the world of lobbyists, to be "Microsofted" has come to mean a company has become vulnerable to adverse legislation and investigation as a result of failing to lobby the federal government.

Populists supported the initiative because they saw it as a way to limit the influence of interest groups in the legislative process.

The Negotiated Rulemaking Act of 1990 was designed to encourage administrative agencies to negotiate with important interest groups

Many interest groups are initially organized because a political entrepreneur with a strong commitment to a particular set of goals believes a group will promote his or her goals and enhance his or her political influence.

Another name for lobbying is Petitioning

When interest groups generate phony letters and phone calls in order to resemble a grassroots movement, this technique is called Astroturf lobbying

Grandparents, tall people, and undergraduates are all examples of potential interest groups

Which of the following issues is not part of the agenda of the New Politics movement? industrial deregulation

What is the most important and beneficial resource that lobbyists provide government officials? information

A grassroots lobbying campaign occurs When an interest group mobilizes its members and their families throughout the country to write their representatives in support of the group’s position

It is difficult for political scientists to categorize unrepresented interests because there are no organizations that can present their identities and demands.

Supply-side economics is the idea that the best method of producing high levels of economic growth is to engage in high levels of government spending.

the government should impose heavy tariffs on imported goods in order to protect domestic suppliers.

the government’s role in the economy should be strictly limited to regulating the supply of money.

reducing the marginal rate of taxation will create a productive economy by promoting levels of work and investment that would otherwise be discouraged by higher taxes.

The United States has ______ percent of the world’s population and is responsible for ______ percent of its greenhouse gas emissions. 1; 5

10; 25

20; 60

25; 10

The National League of Cities is a good example of a public-sector interest group.

approximately how many members does AARP have? 38,000,000

If people were motivated to join an environmental organization because they strongly believed in protection the environment and supported the goals of the group, then we would say they were motivated by purposive benefits

Which of the following is not a job regularly performed by lobbyists ? nominating a candidate to run for political office

A ______ is the best example of an informational benefit provided by many interest groups. newsletter

A benefit that is sought by an interest group and that once achieved cannot be denied to nonmembers is called a collective good

which of the following is not a key organizational component of interest groups? newsletter and website

A loose, informal relationship of public officials, interest groups, and activists who are all concerned with the same policies is called a(n) issue network

What contemporary political scientists call an interest group, James Madison called a(n) faction

which of the following groups has had the greatest success with a strategy of litigation? the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

A criticism of interest-group pluralism is its class bias in favor of those with greater financial resources.

when paid staff conduct most of the daily business of a group, that group is best described as staff organization

Which of the following is NOT a function of interest groups? to get their members elected to political office.

Which of the following Supreme Court cases illustrates the use of litigation by an interest group? Websteru
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