SWOT and VRIO Analysis

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            The SWOT analysis is a comprehensive review of the internal and external environment in which the University of the Incarnate Word operates. According to McCaffery (2004), the analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats provides a useful planning tool to the management of the institution. The key SWOT aspects are as listed below;


            The positive climate and the feeling of well-being at UIW boost the morale of students, faculty, staff, employees, and the overall leadership. The huge economic impact on the local community is a major strength of UIW. According to the UIW strategic plan (2017), other than providing direct employment to the locals, UIW pays taxes to the Texas government and participates in various community programs. The quality programs offered at UIW and incredible student services largely contributes to the growth of the university. Moreover, the powerful international programs supported by the university’s powerful partnerships attracts foreign students.


            As a private university based in Texas, UIW faces some weaknesses including limited resources for staff growth as well as faculty development. It also faces fierce competition from state-owned universities and other private universities for students and staff. As a private institution, UIW lacks political representation to enhance promotion. Furthermore, continuous environmental assessment is required to keep UIW at the core of the ever-changing higher education dynamics.


            UIW has numerous opportunities for growth including opportunities for global focus, new programs, and fresh partnerships. Other opportunities include expanded enrollment through enforcement of the recruitment and retention plan that provides for the empowerment of the enrollment management department. The strategic location gives UIW access to students from multiple states increasing its opportunities for growth.


            Some of the threats that UIW encounters according to the UIW strategic plan (2017) includes state and federal policy changes pertaining higher education. UIW also faces fierce competition for students from local colleges and other institutions of higher learning based in Texas. The uncertain economic conditions threats the affordability of higher education and maintenance of quality education. The perception that higher education is losing its importance relative to the availability of well-paying jobs is a major threat.

The VIRO Analysis

            If I were the dean of students at UIW with a lean budget, I would dedicate the precious financial resources towards administrative efficiency. Administrative efficiency is core to the accomplishment of any institution’s mission, goals, and objectives. With a sound administrative efficiency, UIW will make optimal use of time, energy, the materials, and personnel available to produce the required outcome. According to Bush & Coleman (2000), when administrative efficiency is enhanced, the cost of training decreases dramatically while the student-faculty ratio increases. Moreover, administrative efficiency ensures that the various faculty staff work towards accomplishing a set of goals and objectives. Students receive incredible services, and as a result, their morale is enhanced. Satisfied students are more likely to perform well academically as well as in other co-curricular activities. As a result of administrative efficiency in the key areas, the overall institution will perform well.

Dimension My School Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor


Perceived Reputation UIW The University of Texas at Austin Texas A&M


Rice University
Faculty Strength UIW University of Houston Baylor University Southern Methodist University
Student Quality UIW The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Dallas Lamar University
Administrative Efficiency UIW Texas State University Rice University University of Houston
Information Systems UIW Texas Tech University The University of Texas at Austin Baylor University
Building Maintenance UIW Texas A&M University Texas state University

Texas Tech University

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