Corporate Social Responsibility

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Introduction Marketing environment refers to the external forces and factors that affect the company’s ability to develop and maintain successful transactions and relationships with target customers. Marketing environment classified into two categories i.e. MICRO ENVIRONMENT MACRO ENVIRONMENT MICRO ENVIRONMENT The environment which is close to the company that affects, positively or negatively and it creates…

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Introduction The law requires all the publicly traded corporations provide reliable information that can be used to inform investment decision making process. It is because they raise capital from the public through the sale of shares and bonds among other means. As a result, they provide a better insight in the evaluation of activities that…

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Introduction Coca-Cola Company is the largest manufacturer and supplier of carbonated soft drinks. The company was invented by John Pemberton in 19th century. In 1889, Asa Candler bought the formulation and brand and later incorporated the company in 1892 (Pendergrast, 2013). The company began manufacturing of it bottle in 1916 that has since remained the…

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Introduction Since the 1950s, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been an important requirement for any industry. However, its use and importance was widely applied much later. In the modern times, the definition given to CSR was developed by Archie Carroll in the Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility. According to Carroll, there are four types of…

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Introduction Corporate social responsibility is important because an organization takes responsibility for its effects on not only the social well-being of the community but also the environment. This is especially important in today’s world where corporate social responsibility has a bearing on the financial success of an organization. In this context, the company of interest…

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