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According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Greece, in 2009, New York City architect Bernard Tschumi completed

The Acropolis Museum

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Greece, the wall construction called the Lion’s Gate at Mycenae is considered Cyclopean due to

the immense scale of the stone blocks

The exhibition "Architecture without Architects" organized by Bernard Rudofsky in 1964 was intended to illustrate that

the study of architecture should not cater exclusively to constructions of the wealthy by academically trained designers

The ____________shown above is an example of how New Kingdom pharaohs arranged for their bodies to be buried in concealed tombs in the Valley of the Kings (behind these cliffs) where priests guarded against robbers.

Hatshepsut’s Mortuary Temple

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Ancient India and Asia, studies like the one at Angkor Wat have greatly expanded our understanding of these cities as more than an isolated collection of great monuments. They raise important issues about

all of the above

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Ancient India and Asia, Mohenjo-Daro or Mound of the Dead, was considered a

planned city

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Egypt, the Temple complex at Abu Simbel created by Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BC was

all of the above

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Egypt, a BENBEN stone is named after the

a and c

Greek architecture reflected societal culture through the overarching concept of

proportional relationships

The overall layout of the Acropolis was designed to enhance the sense of


The most distinctive architectural paradigm for the Hindu temple is

a square sanctuary housed underneath a curving roof

This diagram illustrates the ____________ where the traditional practice of placing stones and earth over the graves of distinguished people evolved into the construction of a hemispherical form that incorporated the cosmological associations of a circle (in plan), the world-mountain and dome of the heavens, and the vertical world axis.

origin of the stupa

One of the earliest Chinese treatises on city planning was composed in the fifth century and was based on

the teachings of Confucius

These elevations and plans illustrate the simple elegance of proportions and materials that have come to represent the quintessence of ____________.

Japanese architecture

While the original purpose of the Chinese pagoda was to house relics and sacred writings, this structure was also used as

a vertical marker in the landscape

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on China and Japan, the Katsura plan is organized around a grid pattern determined by the modular dimensions of the


According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on China and Japan, the Forbidden City in Beijing is the clearest example of an application of a diagram which creates what some scholars call a __________, organizing material space with cosmic space.

"holy field"

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on China and Japan, a Tulou is

an earthen house built around a central courtyard for defense purposes

When Vitruvius wrote about the education of the architect, he described theory as

the ability to demonstrate and explain the principles of proportion as they relate to a designed object

One of the typical features of an ancient dwelling found in Pompeii is the


The Romans surpassed the scale limitations of post-and-lintel construction by harnessing the structural elements of

the arch, the vault and the dome

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Rome, the layered squares seen in Panini’s painting of the interior of the Pantheon are called ________ which, beyond creating depth and visual interest to the curvature of the dome, significantly reduce the overall weight of the building.


According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Rome, roman builders used a volcanic ash know as ________ which proved to be far superior to that of lime mortar.


According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Rome, the Ten Books on Architecture was written by


According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Islamic architecture, while mosques were the center of religion, they also served other functions of society to include

all of the above

According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Islamic architecture, the Prophet Mohammed’s house with its large courtyard provided the first precedent for

expansive prayer halls in later mosques

Islamic religious structures are generally square or rectangular so that the worshipers can be as close as possible to

the prayer wall

The House of the Prophet in Medina became the prototype for the ____________.


The Abbey Gatehouse incorporates a steeply pitched roof that is meant to

shed rain and snow in a northern climate

The plan of St. James at Compostela shows aisles that link to an ambulatory which was important for

providing a continuous path for pilgrims to access relics in the chapels off the transepts and choir, without disturbing the services

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Medieval and Romanesque architecture, increasing numbers of religious pilgrims to sacred sites posed a dilemma for monasteries and church leaders. The huge influx of visitors jump started the economy but proved disruptive to the quiet contemplative life of the monastery. The architectural solution was

b and c

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Medieval and Romanesque architecture, after the great Sack of Rome in August of 410, migration from large urban centers into the country side began – creating a scattered collection of smaller, relatively self sufficient settlements often fortified and organized around a ________.


Until Emperor Constantine proclaimed toleration for all religions of the Roman Empire, services were held

In private homes

The term "Cathedral" designates a religious building that

contains the seat of the Bishop

According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Early Christian and Byzantine architecture, the interior and exterior of the early Roman basilica

were dramatically different in style with the inside elaborately adorned with decoration and the outside simple and austere

According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Early Christian and Byzantine architecture, the most significant example of Christian architecture that combined the domed roof with the basilica plan was

Hagia Sofia

The Maya were unique in the Americas because they developed a system of

irrigation that allowed the inhabitants to cultivate a variety of crops

The alcove dwellings at Mesa Verde were located beneath a great mesa for

protection from wind, weather and potential attackers

The organization of the urban Zulu village was influenced by

the need to accommodate cattle

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Americas, places where the surface limestone has collapsed, exposing the subterranean water table are called


According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Americas, the ________ is considered by most scholars to be an astronomical observatory aligned to key point in the Maya calendar.


According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Americas, this sculpture, called the Sun Stone depicts the

Aztec calendar

The structural system that helped to define Gothic architecture can be referred to as


In medieval city planning, the church was typically located

away from the town square

This section illustrates how dead loads from the vaults are transferred to the columns of the arcade and, through the lower flyer, to the buttress piers outside the building in a typical ____________.

Gothic cathedral

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Gothic architecture, one of the greatest Gothic advances in the St. Denis Cathedral was the

amount of stained glass used in the walls

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Gothic architecture, building knowledge was passed along by master builders through

the apprentice system

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Gothic architecture, Villard de Honnecourt’s fame rests entirely on his

surviving portfolio of 33 sheets of parchment containing about 250 drawings

J. H. Mansart: Saint-Louis-des-Invalides is notable for its ____________.

triple-shell dome

This drawing shows the plan of ____________.

St. Peter’s in Rome

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Baroque architecture, in the French Baroque, the ________ became a work of art equal to and sometimes surpassing the architecture.


According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Baroque architecture, under the orders of Sixtus V

all of the above

This project is ____________.

an empty tomb for an English physicist and mathematician

The main idea behind Boullee’s Cenotaph for Newton was

to surround Newton with his own great discovery, and therefore himself

According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Eighteenth Century architecture, the eighteenth century marked an important shift in thinking – from thought based on religion to thought based on

reason or science

According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Eighteenth Century architecture, it was a time in Paris to come together and discuss new ideas in places called


The rebuilding of St. Peter’s basilica in Rome

took over 150 years to complete and involved almost every major architect from the 16th and 17th centuries

The Sfroza Chapel in S. Maria Maggiore in Rome was a revolutionary Renaissance building because of the ____________.

spatial relationship between the columns and vaults

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Renaissance, ________ is regarded as the first British architect to bring Italianate Renaissance architecture to England.

Inigo Jones

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Renaissance, Palladio’s contribution to the Basilica plan in Vicenza took into account the many irregularities of the existing medieval building core. His solution was

"wrapping" the medieval building with a Renaissance "screening" system

According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Modernity, Auguste Perret’s Notre Dame building in Le Raincy is an example of how the use of concrete

acted as a structural system that also allowed light to penetrate a large space

According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Modernity, the Barcelona Pavilion was designed by

Mies van der Rohe

Sant’Elia was considered a ____________.


The Bauhaus was a school of design with a curriculum committed to

the mastery of craft as a means of making prototypes for industrial production

In opposition to Modernism, Robert Venturi published Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture where he called for

hybrids, distortion and ambiguity over the pure, clean and straightforward

Louis Kahn’s plan of the Richards Medical Building at the University of Pennsylvania illustrates Kahn’s concept of ____________.

servant and served spaces

According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Mid-Late Twentieth Century architecture, the Manhattan Transcripts by Bernard Tschumi

analyzes the inherent spatiality of human movement and actions

According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Mid-Late Twentieth Century architecture, the most recent successful public works are created by architects who are willing to experiment with

all of the above

Before MIT started an architecture program in 1868, American architects had to either work in an architectural office or _____________ to learn the profession.

travel abroad

McKim, Mean, and White’s plan of Pennsylvania Station in New York City took inspiration from

the Roman baths

According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Nineteenth Century architecture, this image is discussed with respect to the work of German architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel and how his work defined the link between

historic architecture and new architecture

According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Nineteenth Century architecture, Georges-Eugene Haussmann was hired by Napoleon to

carve new avenues within the city of Paris

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