Medieval Europe

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Introduction Peasants were lower class people that agreed to work the vassals land in exchange for a small part of the crops and other harvested resources. They were given their own crops to tend as well as tending to the lords crops. Serfs were one step below peasants. Serfs were essentially slaves to the land….

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Introduction The Biblical character of David has been the inspiration for many works of art throughout history. The young David, as Goliath’s adversary, has been sculpted by such artists as Verrocchio, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Bernini. Although all of these sculptures are comparable in some aspects, the ones by Donatello and Bernini present significant differences. Donatello…

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Introduction Undoubtedly Napoleon was one of the most powerful characters ever to influence not only the history of France, but also that of Europe. Beginning from 1799 until 1815, the controversial figure of Frenchman changed completely the way the whole continent was. In order to give a precise answer to the essay question a number…

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Introduction Napoleon, the “solider, son of the Revolution”, or so he called himself, staged a coup d’état like nothing ever seen before. France was in a chaotic and conflict-filled time and was in need for an individual who could guide the French people and the state to stability and order. General Napoleon Bonaparte brought France…

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Introduction Gothic architecture and Renaissance architecture are both the comprehensive expression of culture in their own times. Gothic architecture started in 12th-century France and lasted for 4 centuries, into the 16th. After that, renaissance architecture took the place of Gothic architecture from 15 century until 17 century from Florence, Italy. Different time-backgrounds, social cultures, religious…

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Introduction   The Medieval Times was an extremely rough era for many people. The people in Medieval Europe had to work outrageously hard. Those that were considered to be common people of this time lived in very poor housing with little to no luxuries, and those of nobility lived in castles. While castle life is…

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Introduction   The Renaissance was a period in European history marked by a cultural flowering. The Renaissance is defined as the revival or rebirth of the arts. The home of the Renaissance was Italy, with its position of prominence on the Mediterranean Sea.  Italy was the commerce capital between Europe and Eurasia, during this time…

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